From The Dining Table [H.S]

By beautifulharry_xo

259K 3.8K 4.7K

It's assumed euphoria follows me around the world as I tell unknown stories through songs, yet I'd never know... More

Last Night In Jamaica
Emerald Eyes
Who Are You?
Loving you's the Antidote
Dancing in the Moonlight
From The Dining Table
I Miss Her
Dear Primrose...
All the Best, -H x
Better Than Words
The One Where Primrose Cries
The Night We Met
She's Special
2 Bananas for a Pound
Unexpected Visitors
Comfortable Silence
Too Late
The Unconscoius Mind
Colour Me In
Walking On Sunshine
The Start Of Something New
6 More Days
For Your Eyes Only
Don't You Call Me Baby
The Man I Want Him To Be
Surprise, Surprise, Surpirse!
Busy Days And Getaways
London's Quite Big
Sleepy Girl
Beautiful Vulnerability
Chicken Salad
Peace and Prosperity
Beautiful Boy
After Dinner
Source of Happiness
Doesn't Feel Like Home
Breaking Point
Be Alright
May 12th
We're Live in 3... 2... 1...
May 12th pt.2
White Winged Dove
Lavendar and Crystal
Clear Lipgloss
My World
We'll Be Alright
Unintentional Harm
Love You Goodbye
Eddie and Froggy
My Moment
Granny Pam
The Stories Behind His Letters
London's Calling
Eventim Apollo
After Show
Two Bodies One Soul
Lost Without Him.
I Feel Loved
Lilac and Love
A Twisted Reality
New Years Eve
Hopeless Romantics
Wondering Hands
One Year
I Moved On
Through Eden We Will Walk


5.4K 78 108
By beautifulharry_xo

Primrose' POV:

After collecting my bags from the hotel, I made it to the airport. The staff were surprisingly helpful in finding me the next flight to fly home on. While flying home, all I could think about was Dan. I can't bare to face him after everything that happened. God I hope he packed up all his stuff and left.

I didn't manage to board a flight until 7:00pm, and thankfully, it only had one stop. All together, I only gathered around 4 hours of sleep on my 15 hour journey. But, it's nice to be back home.

"Thank you so much Pete!" I say while shutting my door behind me. Pete's a friend - he's one of the local taxi drivers.

I take a long look at the front of the pub, taking in the sea breeze and warm, golden sun.

Dragging my suitcase up the stairs, I push open the doors and am immediately struck by the smell of beer and chips. Living in a seaside town, it's a given that everybody wants fish and chips. As it's only 11:00AM, it isn't too busy. I approach the bar, catching Angel in the corner of my eye. He's got is back to me, cleaning something in the sink.

"Umm, excuse me sir. I'm looking for a man by the name of Angle, or is it Fairy? He's quite tall, super annoying." I say in an exaggerated tone. Angel whips his head round, his long hair flowing with the movement.

"Bitchhhhhhhhh!" He screams while leaning over the counter and pulling me in close. "I have missed you so much! Why the hell are you back a day late?! Girl tell me everything." He says dramatically, while releasing me from the hug and leaning his elbows on the bar.

"Okay first of all, I missed you too. Second of all, you are going to die at what happened." I reply, crossing my legs and leaning in closer to him.

"Dan and I had an awful week. We fought, and fought a bit more, then fought a lot more after that. It was the last night, and - to apologise - he offered to take me out for dinner. Instead, I took him to a bar." I began.

"You, went to a bar? Ooo child I don't know who this bitch is in front of me, but she is not Primrose Everly!" Angel teased, whipping his hair over his shoulder.

"So we got to the bar, and obviously he was manhandling me again." I continued, watching Angel roll his eyes in disgust. Angel never liked Dan, he always said I should leave him and run away with him to Australia to date big, tan men. "Just before we entered the bar, I sent Dan flying onto the floor!" I laughed, and Angel let out an ungodly snort.

"Girl, you needa give me whatever's in Jamaican water cuz you out here on your X game shit." He said, while giving me many melodramatic hand gestures.

"So we got to the bar, and as Dan was getting us drinks, I locked eyes with the most beautiful man I've ever seen. He was so beautiful, that I fell over. Then Dan ran to the rescue and helped me up. And for the rest of the night I didn't see the man. Dan and I just had fun. I know - surprise of the century! Anyways, I asked Dan to do karaoke with me, and he blew up, pinned me against the wall by the throat, then yanked me by the wrist out the bar. I honestly thought he was going to kill me! But then, this man, this big, tall, very nicely scented man grabbed Dan by the shoulder and forces him to let go of me." I go on, and Angel watches me like my face is playing the finale of RuPauls DragRace.

"And they had this huge argument, about me! Dan was on the floor crying, and Harry was leaning over him shouting and-,"

"Harry? You know this mans name?" Angel butts in, his jaw dropped wide open.

"Let me finish!" I tease, hitting him playfully on the arm. "So, Harry was shouting, and then Dan practically ran away. I collapsed like a sack of potatoes, balling my eyes out. I was so humiliated and heartbroken that this stranger had to stand up for me against my own boyfriend! And he ran over and took me into his arms and just sat with me while I cried my eyes out to him." I pause for a moment, remembering how warm Harry felt that night, how safe I felt while he hugged me.

"Primmy, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Girl if I see Dan, imma drag his weave so far through the mud!" Angel shouts, standing up straight and looking intently around the bar. Yeah, like Dan's gonna be sat in the bar I live at, and work in.

"It's fine, you don't have to. Because after that, Harry took me into the bar, we got some drinks, a lot of drinks, we did karaoke, we danced, he took a photo of me on his camera, I even went to kiss him."

"You what? Girl you never flirt."

"I know! but I didn't actually kiss him. It would've been wrong." I tell Angel, as I watch him get two glasses and fill them both with Vodka Coke. He knows I won't tell him off for drinking at work, because I know that he would never get drunk at work.

"Yeah so I went to kiss him, faked out, downed 3 shots, spilt my drink on him, he took off his shirt and revealed his abs, I went to kiss him again, then... I hit my head and fell unconscious." I say flatly, while pulling the straw to my mouth.

"You WHAT?" Angel shouts, the whole restaurant falling silent momentarily to look at the sudden outburst.

"Shut up - I'm embarrassed as it is!" I angrily whisper back, while Angel stares at me with his jaw wide open. "I woke up in his bed." I mumble out, knowing what Angel's reaction would be.

Angel walked round and out of the bar, grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into the kitchen. I didn't mind that Angel was so physical with me: I knew he would never hurt me. He never put exorbitant amounts of pressure on me, or forced me to go places. That's just what our friendships like.

The door swings open as Angel and I walk into the kitchen. I smile at all my staff as I make my way to the table at the back. Angel pulls up a seat, and gestures for me to sit down.

"You slept with him?" Angel whispers, as he stands over me.

"No!" I whisper shout back, shocked he would think I would do such a thing to Dan. "I woke up in his bed, and had no idea where I was. As I got up to leave, I saw Harry asleep on his sofa. So, I walked over and kissed him on the forehand. Think of it as a 'Thankyou for last night' kiss. While at the door, I saw a notebook on his desk, so I wrote my address down and told him to write to me." I explained quietly, not wanting to vocalise my humiliation.

"You gave him this address?" Angel questions.

"Yes. Well... yes until I tore the note from his pad and threw it in their bin." I laughed awkwardly.

"Their? As in plural? Who else was there?" Angel questions again.

"His friend was there. While I was looking for the exit, I bumped into him. He explained how Harry bought me home when I hit my head. Then I left and took a taxi to the airport." I finished, standing up to leave as I spoke. I began making my way back to the bar, and Angel followed eagerly behind. "I assume this is his t-shirt I'm wearing. It's much too big for me though. Smells like him however." I laughed again, while pulling the top to my nose.

Angel took the back of the shirt and pulled it to his nose, before taking a deep breathe in. "Wow he smells good!" Angel hummed as he breathed out. "Why did you tear away the note you left him?"

I froze for a minute, not sure what to say. Since explaining the situation to Angel, part of me wishes I had left the address there. A deep, burning part of me wishes I'd kissed him that night. And an even deeper part wishes Harry had shared the bed with me, or woken up to see me out.

"I thought it was inappropriate - given what had happened with Dan. Harry's just a 'holiday story'." I reasoned, hoping I sounded believable. Angel looked at me with those eyes that say ' I know you're lying.' But I'm happy he didn't dig any deeper.

I sat alone for a few minutes, watching Angel scurry around the restaurant taking orders and clearing plates. I probably should have been helping, but I was too exhausted to even want to. Instead, I took the time to go through my phone, and read the numerous text messages Dan left me.

Sent 04:20AM

Just landed home. Going straight to the barn to pack my things. I'm heading up the coast to stay with my folks. Safe travels x

Sent 06:34AM

Just finished packing. I left you one of my hoodies incase you wanted to wear it. I'll be waiting for you x


Sent 08:56AM

I'm so sorry for the holiday. Call me when you can so we can sort this out. Love you x


Sent 09:12AM

Hope you got home alright after I left. I assume that punk who was at the beach took you back to our apartment this morning. I know you would never go to someone else's house while in a relationship. If I find out anything other than that, you'd better pray you were still in Jamaica.


Sent 11:03AM

Primrose I can see where you are on find my friends. That's not our hotel. You little SLUT! You thought I wouldn't notice you going and sleeping with the man from the bar. How dare you.


My eyes began to well with tears as I watched his concern for me turn into anger. Dan has so much control over me, to the point where I'm scared of him through a text message. His parents live an hour away, and hopefully Dan won't make the trip down here any time soon. I can't face him.

As I relived the whole night in my head, I felt a comforting arm slip over my shoulder. For a split second, I hoped it was Harry. But when I looked up, my eyes met a concerned looking Angel. He pulled me into a tight hug, while reaching over to my phone and turning it off. I rested my head into his arm as I let tears delicately roll down my cheeks.

"Shhhhhh, it's okay Prim." Angel hummed against my head as I sobbed into him. I know he was just trying to help, but him calming me was reminding me of Harry on the beach. "You're safe now. You're home." He whispered into my hair as I sniffled - trying to get a grip of myself. Fearful of making a scene, I dragged myself off the stool and shuffled towards the stairs. As I walked, Angel stayed close to my side, and I let the warmth of the barn relax me.

It was so welcoming in here: the surfboards along the ceiling reminding you where you are, the classic pub food, the smell of beer, the constant hum of conversation and laughter. When I was younger, I used to come here with my family. I fell in love with this red Coca-Cola surfboard. Every year I would come running in to check if it was still there. When I became employed here, I knew I wanted to leave the decoration exactly the same. If I changed it all, it wouldn't have the same nostalgic feeling that it does now.

Angel bought me up to my room and flopped me on my sofa, before running downstairs to get my bags.

I just stared up my ceiling - imagining Harry's green emeralds gazing at me from across the bar. My apartment was small, but very representative of me. I enjoy having a homely feel to my things, so I scattered the house with memories and trinkets from my childhood. As the only two people that stay here are Angel and Dan, I've never had many guests up here. If family comes to visit, they stay in a holiday park a few minutes out of Woolacombe. My apartment doesn't get used often though; I work all day, come upstairs and go to sleep. I wish I had company up there sometimes - like a dog, or a bird. I just don't have the time to look after a pet.

"Sorry it took so long. That really big family with the little kids just walked in. It's a war zone down there. I'll pop up later if it calms down. Love you!" Angel said quickly, before turning around and bolting back down the stairs.

I continued to lie on the sofa - my head buried in Harry's shirt. Each whiff of his cologne I got shot me back in time to the beach. The bar. The karaoke. To him. It's like I was in a really deep daydream, where I kept reliving that night over and over again. All I could do was think about him. If I tried to bring myself back to reality I would cry. And I've had enough of crying. Eventually, I dozed off into an uneasy sleep. I have no idea what time that was, but when I woke up it was 10:30PM and I was starving.

Reluctantly, I rolled off the sofa and stumbled into my kitchen.

The sound of the tap rattled my head as I made a glass of water. I went to the fridge and took out the first thing I could see. A yoghurt - filling! As I made my way back to the couch, an exhausted Angel wondered through the door, and collapsed onto the sofa.

"Rough day?" I mumble, while flopping next to him.

"Hmm." He grunts back, struggling to keep his eyes open.

I placed my yoghurt pot and glass on the table, pulled a blanket out from behind the sofa and curled up next to Angel. We both lay for ages: Enjoying each other's company and fighting the urge not to fall asleep. All I could do was think about Harry.

"I miss him." I whisper, feeling my eyes fill with tears.

"Who, Dan?" Angel questions, shifting his head to face mine.

"Harry." I mumble back, forcing the lump in my throat down. Angel sits up, and pulls the blanket up over both of us; cradling me in his arms.

"He'll find his way back to you." Angel says reassuringly, while rocking me back and forth.

"How?" I ask, feeling the tears force their way out my eyes. "I found him, he was right in front of me. And I let him go..."

Angel falls silent for a few moments, as he takes the corner of his sweater and dabs at my eyes.

"If he doesn't find you, you'll find him."

I found love where it wasn't supposed to be,
right in front of me
talk some sense to me

A/N: Please listen to this song! I feel like it really captures how Primrose is feeling.

Thank you for continuing to read my story! Feel free to comment or leave feedback anywhere on this chapter. Keep an eye out for updates!

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