Dusk till dawn (vampire diari...

Od madeinmiddleearth

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When peach moves from NYC to Mystic Falls she meets this strange mysterious guy & from there her life takes a... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapted 44

14 0 0
Od madeinmiddleearth

"Valerie, had a child with Stefan. A child stefan has no idea about" Bonnie looked at me.

"Yep" I nodded.

"And she, herself told you that she found out about you from Stefan's diaries" she murmured.

"Yup" I responded.

"And she wants you to be with Stefan" she said slowly.

"Right again" I replied.

"I don't understand what she's upto & why does she want you to be with Stefan, if she's still in love with him?" Bonnie was confused.

"Because she told me I'm the only one who can bring his humanity back" I said.

"Kai made sure you won't be able to so" she said "but...if Stefan see's you again & realise how special you were to him, he would switch it back on his own".

"We are not talking about this because I'm not going to be a bait on Stefan's humanity switch" I told her "peach, don't you want Stefan to get his humanity back even a little bit?" She gazed at me.

"As much as I want the old Stefan back, I cannot because if he gets his humanity back all the miserable things that he has done will rush back & it will hurt him" I said "and I don't want him to get hurt or get his feelings for me back on because if he comes back to me, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to say no to him & in the end the cycle will continue of us breaking each other's heart & someone trying to turn his humanity off again. In short, our love story had become an entertainment for lunatics".

"I know what you fear but you can't live in fear & deny yourself happiness" she said slowly "even Stefan deserve to be happy with you".

"Bonnie, lets not have this conversation shall we? Cos the answer will always be no" I huffed.

"Bless my eyes it's peaches" Kai smirked as he walked into the cafe "how have you been beautiful?" He pulled a chair & sat next to us "miss me?"

"What are you doing here Kai?" Bonnie muttered.

"I though I'd grab a drink, didn't know you guys would be here" he grinned.

"Ugh! Go away" Bonnie hissed.

"Peaches, are your lips still sealed by magic yet again?" He gazed at me "or this is so unlike you".

"Let's get out of here" Bonnie stood up.

"Leaving so soon" Kai waved his hand as Bonnie sat back down "let's not forget Bonnie, you have no magic in you". Then he pulled out his cellphone "say cheese" as he clicked a photo of us "how shall I post it? Bff reunions?"

"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Finally, I missed the sound of your delicious voice" he smiled at me "for what it's worth, I'm sorry peach I shouldn't have done what I did. You didn't deserve it, you were gentle & kind even to an outcast like me. You took me in when no one else did & I did you bad, thinking about what I've done to you & your friends I actually feel bad. You see I sympathise with you, I got some of Luke's qualities when we merged & he's to blame.....I wanna make it upto you".

"No, thank you" I folded my arms.

"Peaches, don't be like this" he pouted.

"She don't want anything from you Kai, just let her be" Bonnie muttered.

"I can bring Caroline's humanity back" he said.

"You can?" I looked at him.

"Peach" Bonnie mumbled.

"If you say you have forgiven me, I would bring her humanity back. I promise" he looked at me.

"How are you planning to do that?" I asked.

"Because before the sheriff died she wrote a letter for Caroline & mailed it to her, I saw it when I sucked the magic out of her blood & I can show caroline exactly what her mom wrote or I can give her the letter by myself. It's safe & sound with me" he smirked "so, what do you say?"

"If we bring her back guilt would consume her" Bonnie said "and I don't think we should bring her back after all the crazy things she have done, she has not only hurt us all but killed a bunch of people FYI & she's going to feel every bit of it".

"But we cant leave her like that, we owe it to her. She went nuts only because her mom died & I know what she did to us & to everyone around us & it's kind of unforgivable but we all have done our share of mistakes" I told her.

"I know peach but I just don't know if I can forgive her or not" she looked at me.

"I know bon but at least we have to bring her back because if we don't, no one else can" I said.

"Yeah, you're right but don't ever tell me to forgive her because she doesn't deserve mine nor your's...always remember that" she was irritated.

"So Kai, do this one job & I'll forgive you" I looked at him as he smirked "friends?" As I shook his hand "friends".

"So, which one of you would help me in this task?" He looked at me & Bonnie.

"Bonnie will, I'm leaving campus. I just came here to fill up some paperwork's for my online sessions" I said as I stood up.

"What? Why me?" Bonnie stood up.

"Because bon, I can't face her & she won't be able to face me. If I'm the first face she see after her humanity gets back on, she might even try to kill her self you get what I'm saying? Guilt will over power her" I reminded her.

"I hate this peach, I really do" she looked at me.

"I know I'm asking a lot from you, but please" I pleaded "for me?"

"Okay, but as soon as it's done I'm going right back out I'm not going to help her or forgive her" she told me "thanks bon" I smiled at her as I pulled her into a hug "thank you for everything".

"You know I'd do anything for you" she hugged me back tightly.

"No, hugs for me?" Kai looked at us.

"We got work to do, don't we?" Bonnie called as she walked out of the cafe.

"Let's hang out soon" Kai winked at me as he left with Bonnie.


"I cannot belief this" I muttered as I walked into the Lockwood mansion.

"Neither can I" Damon trailed behind me, Damon called me informing me that Matt has been kidnapped by the heretics their leader being Lily, Stefan & Damon mother whom I had no idea about because I thought she passed away a century ago but Damon explained to me that she didn't in fact she was trapped in the prison world made by the Gemini witches & now since she's back to Mystic Falls & with her long lost lover Julian revived from the dead she wants to throw a party & she invited me since she was very interested to know the epic love of Stefan, but knowing I won't show up she kidnapped Matt so that I won't be able to decline the invitation.

"I just can't belief your mother would do such a thing" I turned around & faced him.

"It's not my mother it's Stefan's mom, Stefan is mommy's boy" he smirked a bit. I looked down on my watch the party starts in 20 minutes, I had to get ready so I picked up my bag & walked upstairs to get changed for the evening.

"I forgot how pretty you looked in a dress" Damon smiled as I walked down the stairs.

"And I forgot how annoyed I use to be with you" I chuckled as he asked for my hand "shall we?"

"This is weird" I said as we stood outside the Salvatore mansion "ya think?" Damon exhaled was he rang the door bell.

An elegant woman open the door with a kind smile on her face, she was beautiful why won't she be? She's the mother of Stefan & Damon. "I'm so glad to see you both. I'm Lily Salvatore, Stefan's & Damon's mother & you must be the beautiful Peach" she beamed as she embraced me "come in".

"Lily, this is a gift from the Lockwood cellar" Damon handed a bottle of bourbon to his mom "thank you Damon".

"Peach" Valerie smiled as she walked upto me "it's so nice to see you here". There were some other guests as well, I was surprised to see them. I thought mystic falls had ran out of human population or maybe these lunatics compelled people from neighbouring towns to join them for the party.

"I'll go & have a word with Julian, you guys enjoy" Damon winked as he walked away searching for whoever that man is.

"Want anything to drink?" Valerie asked as my eyes searched for Matt "if you're looking for Matt, he's safe. He just went down to the cellar to grab a drink, wait here, he will come up soon". Then I spotted Stefan at the corner talking to a blonde girl "I gotta go", I quickly made my way to the kitchen & grabbed myself a bottle of water.

"Peach, what are you doing here?" Lily asked as she saw me alone in the kitchen.

"I just want to be alone" I murmured.

"I wish we have met under different circumstances but this is how our family is, and this is how it is" she walked upto me "I invited you here because I wanted to see you in person, the one girl that my son is in love with".

"Stefan & I___" before I could continue she said "I know he switched his humanity off & he broke your heart but belief me as a mother I know the heart of my child, you're still there & you will always be there I can see it in his eyes. The very first time I saw him, I saw that he is in love".

"That was a thing in the past" I told her.

"True love never dies peach, there's no past, present or future there's only always & forever" she said. I didn't know what to even tell her until Stefan walked in "mother, Julian___" then he saw me & stopped in his tracks speechless "I'll leave you two for a while" Lily smiled as she walked away.

There was a long uncomfortable silence between us until Stefan walked upto me "peach, I didn't know you were here".

"Your mom invited me after kidnapping Matt" I told him "so, I had to come".

"I never thought I'd see you again" he said.

"Ummm hmmm" I murmured.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Great" I replied, this cannot be anymore awkward what the hell was even happening?

"You look beautiful" he smiled a bit "I forgot how beautiful you looked in a dress".

"Thank you. You look dashing yourself in that suit" I said, why does he have to be so attractive I wish I could slap myself for even thinking about him "anyway, I gotta look for Matt" I walked past him but he was quick enough to block my way, this was getting very uncomfortable & I didn't know how to even act.

"When's the last time?" He gazed at me.

"What?" I was confused.

"That we met" he mentioned.

"It's been a more than a year" I said slowly.

"Wow!" He gasped.

"Short time for an immortal" I forced a smile "I gotta look for Matt". But he was still not moving "anything more?" I asked, I just wanted to get out of there.

"Yeah" he nodded "so, Mary Lou is proposing to Nora tonight & I wanted to ask you if you have any idea of how to propose to someone?"

"What?" I was shocked, what the hell. He must be joking right? But humanity off Stefan is another level of crazy so I couldn't tell.

"You are elegant, smart & you are good with words & right now we are short of people like you in Mystic Falls" he looked at me, so Stefan is serious kill me.

"Stefan, I would love to help but you know who has better ideas than me it's Matt. He even helped Alaric propose to Jo, so let's go ahead & find him shall we?" I lied.

"Very well then" Stefan smiled "lead the way". We found Matt & I explained to him about the proposal & he was shocked, he had no idea how to propose to someone but since I told Stefan he knew about proposals Matt had to play along he told Mary Lou to be herself & to tell Nora how much she means to her & how honoured she will be to spend the rest of eternity with her. Mary Lou was thrilled & she loved Matt advice, thank god. Mary Lou then showed us the ring that she's going to give Nora & it was massive, I've never seen a diamond like that.

"How's it?" She asked.

"Beautiful" I smiled "she would love it".

"Thank you, for the help. Wish me luck" she crossed her fingers.

"All the best" Matt, Stefan & I wished her as she walked away.

"That went well didn't it?" Stefan looked at us.

"It did" I nodded.

"Wonder where she got that ring from" Matt rubbed his jaws.

"Julian gave her" Stefan said.

"An engagement ring should mean something, it should hold a value. The size doesn't matter & the tag doesn't matter" I looked at Matt as he nodded "agreed".

"So, who's next?" Stefan chuckled a bit.

"Definitely not me" I said "and I need to speak to Damon" I excused myself as I walked towards Damon.

"There you are" Damon smirked at me.

"Can we get out of here?" I looked at him "I found Matt".

"Yeah, let's call it a night" he smiled at me.

"Leaving so soon" a man walked upto us "I'm Julian" he introduced himself as he kissed the back of my hand "you must be the lovely peach".

"She is, as lovely as her name" Lily beamed as she hold Julian.

"Indeed" Julian smiled.

"Thank you for your hospitality, but we have to leave" I looked at Lily as she nodded "very well then, I hope we will see you again peach".

"I'm looking forward to it" I forced a smile, like I'd ever wanna meet them again.

"I'll see you in the morning brother" Damon patted Stefan's back. Stefan kept gazing at me as I quickly walked towards Matt & grabbed his arm "let's get out of here". He nodded & we walked out of the mansion as Damon followed "what's the rush".

"I need to get off this estate & out of this dress" I muttered as we got into the car "and Matt next time please, don't get kidnapped again".

"I won't, I promise" Matt chuckled as he kissed my cheek "I love you".

"I love you more" I smiled at him.

"I'm going to barf" Damon rolled his eyes as he started the car.


Finally the long awaited Alaric & Jo wedding day came, they have been engaged for the longest time & never got the chance to marry because of all the messes around but they decided enough is enough & they will get married without anymore delays, the wedding was in Whitmore & each & everyone of us was invited & none could say no.

"When I thought reunion, this wasn't what I had on my mind" Tyler said as he adjusted his tie.

"Nor did I" I agreed.

"This is not a reunion guys, it's Alaric's wedding day" Melissa said as she applied her lipstick.

"Shall we?" Tyler looked at Melissa as she nodded "yup" & they both got down from the car. I took a deep breath & got out, I adjusted my dress as Matt walked upto me "hello gorgeous" as he kissed me head "you look beautiful as always".

"And you Sheriff, you're looking rather handsome yourself" I kissed his cheek.

"Let's go & meet the bride shall we?" I looked at him as he nodded & put his arms around me. We walked into the room where Jo was she looked amazing & I've never seen her that happy in her life Elena was going to be her maid of honour & Damon was going to the best man. I gifted her a bracelet that she happily accepted & wore. We talked for a while until Elena walked in & gave me a big hug "I missed you peach, I'm so happy to see you" I hugged her back "I missed you too Elena, big time".

"Peach" Bonnie beamed as she walked in "Bonnie" I smiled as we hugged.

"Damon will be thrilled, let's go & meet him" Bonnie called as she grabbed my hand & we walked towards the open bar "I thought I'd see you here" I chuckled as Damon beamed "peanut" & gave me a bear hug "you look exquisite" he kissed my head.

"You look rather dashing yourself Damon" I smiled at him "is that a compliment coming from your mouth?" He chuckled.

"I guess" I giggled as he embraced me "we missed you".

"I missed you guys as well" I said slowly.

"Look who's here" Damon said as I turned around & saw Stefan & Valerie headed our way.

"Hello brother" Stefan smiled as he & Damon embraced.

"Hi" Valerie smiled as we hugged, we were not even friends but I knew her secret & that makes us close in a strange way.

"Peach" Stefan smiled at me "where have you been?"

"Around" I mumbled as Valeria & Damon walked away, god dammit.

"You look amazing" he gazed at me "your eyes sure pop in the starlight".

"Thanks Stefan" I smiled "you look good, you were born to wear suits", I have seen a million guys in suits but no one was as handsome as Stefan was in a suit. He was like a magnet & I had to avoid him by all means, it was hard because whenever I'm moving on he shows up yet again.

"I'm honoured" he beamed as he poured us a drink.

"Peach" Matt called "it's starting" as I gave a sigh of relief, I didn't want to be around Stefan for so long.

"Shall we?" Stefan asked for my hand, I nodded & took his hand as I felt a current but I tried my best to suppress my feelings for him & walked inside. It was an intimate & beautiful gathering, we couldn't be more happier for Alaric & Jo but then a terrible thing happened, something exploded & everything went blur. I could hear something ringing on my head "peach, stay with me" was the last thing I heard until everything went dark.

This book is coming to an end 🥲
But my other TVD fanfic "ALL THIS TIME" is still going on so guys :) pls go ahead & read it from my profile :) thank you :)

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