Battle Scars (Daughter of Aiz...

Por AniMCU

44.3K 1.3K 893

Following in her parent's footsteps and one day becoming a hero herself has always been a dream of Tsuki's. L... Más

Author's Note
Character Info/Bio
Chapter 1: Basic Training
Chapter 2: Loosen Up
Aizawa Residence
Chapter 3: I Have Snacks
Chapter 4: Have You Seen My Tie?
Chapter 5: Classmates
Chapter 6: A Rational Deception
Chapter 7: Enter Jienni Shikaumo
Chapter 8: Heroes vs Villains
The Curious Case of Katsuki's Feelings Part 1
The Curious Case of Katsuki's Feelings Part 2
Chapter 10: Mom?
Chapter 11: USJ Part 1
Chapter 12: USJ Part 2
Chapter 13: USJ Part 3
Chapter 14: Be More Careful Dumbass
Chapter 15: Truth
Halloween Chapter
Chapter 16: New Abilities
Chapter 17: Nightshade
Chapter 18: UA Sports Festival
Chapter 19: King Explosion Murder
Chapter 20: Cinnamon Spice

Chapter 9: Breakfast For Dinner

1.4K 53 61
Por AniMCU

Tis a light, fun side chapter for you lovelies to break away from the plot of the anime for a bit. It still follows the timeline of everything so reading it is still pretty necessary.

Tsuki POV

I leap away from the sidewalk using my staff to lunge myself onto a nearby building. Once I land, I continue to run in the direction of my house, leaping from building to building and running along a few power lines here and there.

Usually I'd prefer to call a cab or an uber since we live a ways out from the city, but I couldn't pass up a good opportunity to brush up on my acrobatic skills. As unconventional as it seems, jumping and flipping from building to building is great way for me to work on my long ranged mobility and speed. Plus, the view is pretty killer.

After some time, jumping and leaping from building to building turned into jumping and swinging from tree to tree until I was eventually back on the ground running down the main road to my house. A few minutes more of this and I'm finally running through our yard and unlocking the front door.

I walk into the house going straight into the kitchen to grab something to drink along with a quick snack while I do my homework. I set my backpack on top of the island, pulling out my notes and a few worksheets from today's lessons. I fish out my favorite pencil from it's designated pouch and climb into one of the empty stools to get to work.

After about ten minutes or so I hear the front door open along with small distant chatter.

"TSUKI." I hear a familiar monotoned voice yell.

"In the kitchen." I yell back in response.

I look up to see my tired dad walking into the kitchen being accompanied by none other than Mr. Loudmouth himself.

He walks over to me, combing my hair back and planting a kiss on my head before climbing into the empty seat next to me. Mic stays in place smiling at the small action made by my dad before walking over to join us at the island.

"Oh hey Uncle Mic." I say smiling.

"Sup dollface?" He says, going to stand opposite from the two of us.

"Nothing, just getting some homework out of the way." I look down, pointing with my pencil to the papers sprawled out across the counter.

"Ah. What class?" He asks leaning in.

"Math for Mr. Ectoplasm. It isn't too bad though, I'll probably be finished within the next fifteen minutes. Twenty max." I reply, picking back up on my previous equation.

"How long have you been home?" My dad asks, kidnapping the box of Cheez Its that I previously had to snack on.

"I actually just made it in a little while ago, so not too long I guess." I say, continuing on with my work.

"Do you two have the night off? I'm honestly surprised to see you both here. Especially dad considering how many night patrols he's been taking on here lately." I ask without looking up.

"That actually brings me to what I was getting to..." Mic starts off, piquing my interest.

"Alright, I'm all ears. What's up?" I say giving him my undivided attention.

"Finish up what you're doing here because I'm taking you and your grumpy old man out tonight to help ease some of his stress." He cheers happily, satisfied by my curiosity.

"Old? We're the same age dumbass!" Dad spits back at Uncle Mic, throwing a cheez it at his head.

"Oh so that's why you're wearing your casual clothes already Uncle Mic?" I ask him while laughing at my dad.

"You got it doll." He replies giving me a thumbs up.

"I think that's a great idea! It seems like dad has been working himself like crazy for the past few months and it's honestly been making me worry about him for a while now." I say looking to my father with a slightly saddened expression. He just looks down looking guilty.

"Well where we're going is guaranteed to make all of that pent up stress melt away." Mic cheers trying to lighten the mood, pointing at dad.

"I have my own ways of coping with stress." He lazily replies, already over any place Mic has in mind.

"By sleeping the day away wrapped in every blanket in the house?" I question. My face showing little to no emotion.

"Well I mean-" he tries to counter before I abruptly cut him off.

"-Or spending hours upon hours in the training room until you pass out on one of the mats?" I continue.

"Working out is not-

"-OR, falling asleep in the pool face down on a floatie with a snorkel on?" I ask, arms folded, staring into his soul.

"Ok now that just sounds depressing." Mic sweatdrops.

"I don't always do that." Dad says looking away, pouting.

"Really now?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"I don't! In fact, I actually planned on spending the rest of the afternoon in my pajamas, sipping coffee while grading papers and watching cat videos."

The room is filled with silence as my dad looks to both me and Uncle Mic, waiting for a response. I just stare at him with a blank uninterested face, choosing to let Uncle Mic take the reigns on this one.

"Well, I guess that's at least a little bit better." Mic looking to me for a response, shrugging.

I sigh, shaking my head before deciding to ignore my father.

"So where to?" I say turning my attention to Uncle Mic.

"Breakfast for dinner at Chie's, my treat." Mic says shooting finger guns at me.

"Say less." I say dropping everything and running toward my now startled father.

"Come on dad, hurry! You need to change out of your hero gear." I practically shout, attempting to pry him away from his seat.

"Not you too Tsu. Zashi, your poor influence has tainted my child." My father facepalms, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Hey the kid knows good food when she hears it. Now listen to the girl and go change." Mic says standing him up while pointing in the direction of his room.

This earns a heavy groan from my dad as he caves in, allowing me to pretty much drag him to his room at this point and close the door on him.

"Now don't come out until you've finished changing completely." I yell at him through the other side of the door.

"I swear, it's scary how much you sound just like your mother right now." I hear him say chucking to himself from inside his room.

I giggle, turning away from the door and heading toward the stairs.

"Be right back." I say, running past Mic to go upstairs to my room to change from my uniform.

I run into my room, going straight for my closet to find something simple yet casual to throw together. After rummaging through my clothes, I decide on a black Rolling Stones t-shirt tucked into blue jeans shorts with black Vans.

When I'm finished changing, I check over my outfit in the mirror and head back downstairs to Uncle Mic.

Around the same time I make it back, dad is walking out of his room wearing a grey v neck t-shirt with black pants, white Vans and his hair pulled back wearing a pair of black framed glasses.

(A/N: My own head cannon is that I'd like to think that Aizawa wears glasses outside of work while at home and doing normal day to day things to reduce the strain on his eyes and prevent any extra possible unnecessary stress. Kind of like how I think Mic wears hearing aides if I'm not mistaken.)

We all grab our keys and head out the door, hopping into Uncle Mic's car. One peaceful twenty minute drive later and we finally arrive at our favorite restaurant, Chie's Diner.

The three of us enter to be greeted by Nozomi, one of the staff members, and settle into our favorite booth.

Not too long after Chie, the restaurant owner, comes over to personally greet us herself along with her 6 year old little daughter Kimi.

"Ahhh, well if it isn't the Aizawas and of course Hizashi. It's always a treat to have you guys. I'll have your drinks right out, your food will be a few minutes." She smiles at us before going back to the kitchen.

Let me provide you with a little background of our family's relationship with Chie. Chie's Diner has been a place my family has gone to since I can remember. My dad says that it opened during his and my mom's second year of high school at UA. It was actually a little bit after my mom found out about her pregnancy. Of course my dad was the first to know, she couldn't hide something like that from him so she made sure to tell him immediately when they had some time alone. Despite the both of them being very young, my father still accepted my mother's pregnancy and was ready to help her through everything. Never wanting to leave her side for one second. A bit after that they decided to get both of their parents together and tell them the news, but they didn't take it very well.

Chie's Diner was the first place my dad took my mom in hopes of cheering her up that day and to get her away from all of the arguing and commotion. The diner itself was still fairly new and business wasn't really all too great just yet so it was still pretty quiet and low key. Chie was thrilled to have them and made it her mission to make them feel as welcome as possible, providing them with both great food and comfort to which she succeeded.

After that day, it became more of a regular thing where they would come in every week or so before or after school. Sometimes bringing Uncle Mic and Auntie Nem along with them. Of course every time, Chie was more than happy to have them.

My dad's parents were the first ones who came around to accept the pregnancy eventually after some time, but it took a little while longer for my mother's to finally come to terms with reality and accept everything as well.

I guess everything after that can pretty much speak for itself.

"Tsu-Tsu!!!" Kimi exclaims, running to give me a hug.

"Hey there Kimi." I smile, embracing the small child in my arms.

When I put her back down, I notice that she's holding something behind her back.

"Whatcha got there?" I ask, furrowing my brows and cocking my head to the side in curiosity.

"Mama got me a new book! Wanna see?" She says excitedly, holding out a book about night and day.

"Oh that's really cool! Why don't you read me a little bit from it." I say patting the empty spot next to me.

"Sure thing!" She exclaims, setting the book on the table and happily climbing into the booth before stopping momentarily. He expression suddenly saddens and she looks up to me in worry.

"What's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"What if I mess up or don't know some of the words?" She mutters in a hushed tone.

"Don't worry, I'll help you." I smile warmly, ruffling her hair.

"Okay!" She smiles at me in return.

She flips through the book until she finds a few pages to her liking.

"During the day you can play, run, jump, skip, and have fun. All under the..." She starts but trails off, looking to me in question.

"Warmth." I answer.

"All under the warmth of the big bright sun. At night all is calm, all is quiet..."


"...All is quiet, peaceful as can be. The sky is dark but lit by stars a few, along with the big white moon." She finishes, smiling at me.

"See? That wasn't too bad." I say tickling her.

"It wasn't. Thanks for helping me Tsu-Tsu." She giggles.

"No problem. You wanna know a little something?" I ask.

"Yeah?" She responds, her eyes growing wider with curiosity.

"My name, Tsuki, actually means moon."



"Then what's one that means sun?" She asks, now having her full attention.

"Hmmm..." I hum, trailing off in thought. "There's a few actually: Haru, Nichi, Hina, Hinata. But my personal favorite is Taiyo."

"Taiyo huh?" Mic mumbles, looking at dad.

"Ohh, that's pretty." She says in awe.

"Alright Kimi, I think it's time to let our guests enjoy their meal. Don't you think?" Chie says walking over to us with our food, accompanied by Nozomi.

"Awww." Kimi frowns in disappointment.

"It's alright Kimi, we'll pick up right where we left off next time ok?" I assure her.

"Okay!" She says giving me a hug before running off after her mother who is now heading toward the kitchen.

"Well that was sweet of you." My dad says to me smiling.

"Eh, I try." I say shrugging.

"Well how was your second day at UA little listener?" Asks Uncle Mic.

"It's been pretty good actually," I start. "My team won during our mock battle in All Might's class today. I used some of the stealth tactics dad taught me to lead my team and take down the other team without having to actually engage in combat."

"That's my girl. See, I told you they'd come in handy some day." My dad says happily, proud of my victory.

"And um.." I hesitate before continuing.

"I maaay have invited Katsuki Bakugo to come over this weekend to train with me." I say, looking to my father nervously.

"Katsuki Bakugo?" My dad growls.

'I know that tone. He's gone into defensive dad mode. Great. I knew he'd be like this.'

"Dad it's not even like that." I groan.

"Come onnnnn Shota, lighten up and give the girl a break. I think it's cute."

Dad just rolls his eyes in annoyance at Uncle Mic who, on the other hand, is obviously loving this.

"So tell me. Are you crushing on him or something? Hmmm?? I want all the deets!" He says nudging my shoulder.

"Whaa?!?! Wait, no I said it's nothing like that!! I wanted talk to him after school to get to know him a little better and we both discovered that we both share the same passion for getting stronger that's all!!" I assure, waving my hands around frantically. By now I can feel heat burning in my cheeks from embarrassment.

"Plus I barely know the guy. Other than being in the same class, the only time I met him was when I went to walk in the park after mom's funeral and that ended with me knocking him out for a few minutes." I say looking down, fidgeting with a strand of my hair.

"I thought you said this night out was supposed to be stress free Zashi, now I have to worry about some boy with my daughter." My dad says, angrily stabbing his pancakes.

"Ugh, dad!"

Word count: 2443


Sorry for the late update loves. I meant to post this earlier but my family and I just finished moving into a new house this weekend so I've been pretty occupied packing and unpacking a ton of shit for the past week or so. Not to mention I've been hella tired because of it. BUT, we made it through...somehow. Anyways don't forget to leave a comment or drop a vote if you're feeling up to it and let me know if you enjoyed this chapter. Overall it was pretty fun to write, so I just might make a few more of these for the future. On that note though, imma head out. I love you all and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!

Carter xoxo

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