Battle Scars (Daughter of Aiz...


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Following in her parent's footsteps and one day becoming a hero herself has always been a dream of Tsuki's. L... More

Author's Note
Character Info/Bio
Chapter 1: Basic Training
Chapter 2: Loosen Up
Aizawa Residence
Chapter 3: I Have Snacks
Chapter 4: Have You Seen My Tie?
Chapter 5: Classmates
Chapter 6: A Rational Deception
Chapter 7: Enter Jienni Shikaumo
Chapter 9: Breakfast For Dinner
The Curious Case of Katsuki's Feelings Part 1
The Curious Case of Katsuki's Feelings Part 2
Chapter 10: Mom?
Chapter 11: USJ Part 1
Chapter 12: USJ Part 2
Chapter 13: USJ Part 3
Chapter 14: Be More Careful Dumbass
Chapter 15: Truth
Halloween Chapter
Chapter 16: New Abilities
Chapter 17: Nightshade
Chapter 18: UA Sports Festival
Chapter 19: King Explosion Murder
Chapter 20: Cinnamon Spice

Chapter 8: Heroes vs Villains

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Tsuki POV

"I AAAAM HEEEEERE!!! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!!!!" All Might proclaims, leaning forward through the doorway in a goofy manner.

'Looks pretty funny if you ask me.'

"Whoah, I can't believe it's All Might!" Kaminari exclaims.

"So he is a teacher. This year is gonna be totally awesome," Kirishima says happily.

"Hey look! Is he wearing his silver age costume!" Tsu questions.

All Might slowly but proudly marches his way to the podium in the front of the classroom.

"I'm getting goosebumps. It's so retro!" Ojiro cheers.

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High. Think of it as Hero-ing 101. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good!" All Might declares with his hand on his hips.

He quickly kneels a knee to the ground with his back turned flexing his arm muscles before continuing on.

"Let's get into it. Today's lesson will pull no punches!" All Might shouts, showing off a card with the word battle on it in bold writing.

"Fight training." Says blondie with an evil looking grin plastered across his face.

"Real combat?" Izuku asks as if he's surprised.

'I swear this kid is a bag of nerves'

"Yeah, we can't fight robots forever dude." I say with an expressionless look.

"But one of the keys of being a hero is...looking good!" All Might cheers, pressing a button on a remote while pointing to the wall.

When he does, numbered brief cases start to slide out of the wall row by row.

"These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started." All Might explains.

This earns a happy collective gasp from pretty much the whole class.

'I can't wait to see how well Jienni did on my suit. He worked on it for a good amount of time so I know it won't disappoint.'

"Get yourselves suited up, and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!" Instructs All Might.



When everyone is completely dressed, we all make our way to Training Ground Beta through a dark tunnel.

The farther in we go, we slowly begin to see the light at the end grow bigger until we can see All Might waiting for us at the entrance.

"They say that clothes make the pros young ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are the proof! Take this to heart. From now on you are all....heroes in training. This is getting me all revved up. You look so cool!" All Might says with excitement.

"Whoah Tsuki, I'm loving your costume. You're like some badass ninja!" Mina exclaims.

"Yeah it's like super manly!" Kirishima adds, giving me a thumbs up.

"Thanks you two," I say with a light chuckle while rubbing the back of my neck. "I have my little cousin and aunt to thank for this."

(So this is fairly different from what I had originally put in the character analysis chapter, but that's only because I felt like this better suited Tsuki. The only changes I made to this is that she has goggles like Aizawa instead of the headpiece, the boots are black instead of red, there are no swords on her back, and she carries eyedrops in a utility belt like Aizawa too.)

"Now. Shall we get started, you buncha newbies?" All Might says grabbing our attention, dawning his signature grin.

He goes over the rules and objectives of the battle exercise with the class before instructing everyone to draw a letter to be grouped into a team.

The first round of heroes vs. villains kicks off with a battle between Izuku and Ochaco who are the heroes, versus Bakugo and Iida who are the villains.

In the end the hero team won, but the fight itself was pretty brutal.

Blondie basically tried to blow the little broccoli boi to bits with a big ass blast from one of his gauntlets.

'That guy doesn't know how to hold back for shit. I'm just glad Izuku was at least able to make it out alive. The kid is tough I'll give him that, but in order to win he still had to break his arm. That doesn't seem very normal if you ask me.'

The second round goes by pretty quickly after Todoroki freezes the whole building, immobilizing Ojiro and Hagakure where they stood and leading him and Shoji to victory.

'Seems like Todoroki doesn't know when to hold back either.'

For the third round, I'm set to be on the villain team alongside Sero and Kirishima going against Tokoyami and Tsu who will play the role of the heroes.

Before we know it, it's our turn to enter the battle grounds to prepare for our match.

Third Person POV

Before their match starts, Kirishima, Sero and Tsuki make their way to the sixth floor of the building to set up while Asui and Tokoyami patiently wait outside. When they get there, Tsuki explains her plan to the boys who immediately agree to it. With everyone on the same page, the villain team begins to move forward putting their plan into play.

When the buzzer sounds, Tsuki leaves the boys alone on the sixth floor and sets out to find the hero team who is currently making their way into the building.

She quietly begins to make her way down the corridors while putting her ears and nose to good use in navigating her way to the other team. Using tape she was given by Sero, she begins to climb the walls and ceiling to avoid being seen.

With no knowledge of the villain team's plan, the hero team ascends from floor to floor searching each room with no luck. By the time they finish searching and clearing the fourth floor, Asui suggests that they split up to cover more ground with what little time they have left. She decides to go ahead and continue on to the sixth floor, while Tokoyami searches the fifth.

Preying from above, Tsuki waits for the right moment to attack. When she is sure the two are completely apart from one another, she strips away Sero's tape from her hands and feet. Lunging herself from the ceiling and kicking off a nearby wall, she activates her quirk with her eyes glowing red.

With Tokoyami's quirk erased, she takes him down in the blink of an eye and uses the capture tape that was handed out in the beginning to restrain him.

Now rendered completely helpless, Tokoyami has no choice but to give in.

She then removes his earpiece from his ear and turns it off so he's no longer able to keep in contact with Asui.

"Hey guys, come in. Tokoyami is out of the way. Tsu should be approaching the room any minute now, so be on guard." Tsuki informs while holding a hand to her own earpiece.

"Roger." Kirishima responds, going on high alert.

"Did you set the tape traps Sero?" Tsuki asks.

"Yeah, they're up. She won't be getting very far if she manages to make it in." Sero confirms.

"Perfect. I'm leaving the rest to you two. Good luck." Tsuki finishes, keeping her glowing red orbs fixated on her bird-like classmate.

"Wow! She made it looks so effortless by how fast she was able to take him out without him ever having a chance to realize what was going on." Uraraka says in awe.

"Yeah, she really is like some kind of ninja!" Ashido exclaims, punching out a fist.

"You have to remember students," All Might starts grabbing the attention of everyone in the viewing room. "Mr. Aizawa specializes in stealth, hand-to-hand combat, and one on one tactics such as this."

"With that in mind, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that she's skilled in these areas as well." All Might points out.

"She realized that Tokoyami would most likely rely on dark shadow so she took advantage of this by making sure to take him out first by erasing his quirk." Yaoyarozu begins, explaining her observations.

"Then she left Sero and Kirishima to guard the bomb since Sero can assist in more ranged attacks and Kirishima can make up for close quarters combat. She probably figured it'd be better to have both since they don't know what kind of fighter Asui is." She concludes, continuing to watch the screen above.

"Ok ribbit, they're not in there either. That means that they'll have to be in one of the two rooms that are left." Says Asui thinking to herself out loud.

She approaches one of the rooms, hearing muffled male voices on the other side.

"Tokoyami? Come in Tokoyami. Can you hear me ribbit?" She whispers into her earpiece.

After a few moments of waiting with no response, she realizes that she only heard male voices on the other side of the door.

From this, she concludes that the only logical reasoning behind it is that Tsuki must've gotten to him somehow and cut off their source of communication. That would mean that she's on her own from here on out.

Asui quietly enters the room, attempting to sneak around as much as she can without being noticed while avoiding the tape traps set by Sero.

She eventually slips up and manages to get her foot caught in some of the tape while moving from column to column.

Kirishima quickly spots her and tries to charge in her direction in attempt to restrain her, but this just gets himself caught in the girl's frog-like tongue.

Sero uses this opening to shoot out his tape to restrain Asui himself, sealing victory for the villain team.

At the same moment, the buzzer sounds off signaling that the time for their match has ran out.

"THE VILLAIN TEAM WINS!!" All Might declares.

As the last group of heroes and villains exit the viewing room, the previous group enters to be given their results.

When the evaluations are out of the way, All Might commends the villain team on earning a victory without having to actually battle their opponents.

After All Might's class is over, the rest of the school day seems to go fly by fairly fast. Tsuki decides to stop by the design studio to update Jienni on the performance of the suit during her battle training and to give him her thanks of course before heading out.

When she exits the main doors, she sees just the person she was wanting to speak to.

She waves goodbye to All Might and Midoriya as she passes before going after a certain blond haired boom boom boy.

Tsuki POV

"Hey Bakugo, wait up!" I shout, running to catch up with him.

"Huh? What the hell do you want?" He barks at me.

"Calm your tits, I just want to talk." I say stopping in front of him.

"I could care less what you want kitty. Outta my way." He snarls, attempting to shove past me but is effectively stopped to his own dismay.

"And I could care less what you want blondie, so no." I snarl in return, pushing his shoulder back.

He eventually decides to walk around me and tries to walk away from me, but I walk up to him once more maintaining his pace.

"You know I'm not gonna leave you alone unless you let me talk to you."

"Jeez, do you ever learn to fuck off?" He angrily spits.

"Nnnnope." I shrug, unbothered by his words.

"Tch...fine. Talk."

"Do you always have to be so damn mean? Jeez, like it'd kill you to be nice for once." I say putting my arms behind my head, looking up.

"Is that all you wanted to say? Because if I wanted to sit and listen to someone bitch about the way I act, I'd sit and listen to my old hag." He scoffs.

"Ouch. But no, it's not actually. I wanted to ask why do you hate Izuku so much? I know I don't know either of you too well, but from what I can see of how you guys act around each other in class and how you did when we first crossed paths you must not really like him too much. He seems like a sweet kid, I just want to know what you have against him."

"Because he's a quirkless loser who thinks he's better than me."

"Oh yeaaaaah, he was quirkless the first time we met. But he has a quirk now doesn't he? He must've been a really late bloomer then huh?"

"Tch, late bloomer my ass. He probably had his stupid quirk all along and acted like he didn't to make me make a fool of myself. Damn nerd. That piece of shit thinks he's better than me? I'll show him." He angrily says, shoving his hands into his pockets and kicking away a stray rock.

"Something about that doesn't sit right with me though. Like the fact that his quirk doesn't seem to be compatible with his body. It's almost as if he isn't used to it." I say thinking out loud.

"And if anything it seems as if the kid actually looks up to you rather than look down on you. It's almost as if he admires you." I look over to his direction.

"Whatever. I'm done talking about that stupid nerd. In the end, I'll be the one who comes out on top. I'm going to be the one to surpass All Might and be the greatest hero of all time. You got that?" He looks back at me with an eyebrow raised.

The longer we talk, the more I'm able to get a better read on him. His actions and words may not be the best, or the safest, but now I can at least somewhat understand where he's coming from.

Come to think of it, his goal isn't too far off from mine.

He just wants to grow stronger and be the best just as much as I do, but for different reasons.

My main inspiration to grow stronger is to be able to save people without them having to worry. I want to be able to be enough so that when I arrive, all signs of worry and doubt go out of the window. They'll immediately feel safe and secure no matter the situation.

Despite me not knowing what his main driving force is, at the end of the day he still wants to be a great hero. Whatever the reasoning, I can respect that.

Do I agree with the way he chooses to go about things? Of course not.

All in all though, this dude might not be as bad as he lets off, just a bit misguided. Overconfident maybe. But I can see past his pride.

The thought of this makes me smile.

"The hell are you smiling about idiot?" He snarls.

"You know what? Fuck last names, imma call you Katsuki."

Katsuki POV

'Wait one fucking minute.'

"Huh?!?!" I practically shout, coming to a complete stop.

"Yeah I'm not really one for formalities and you strike me as one to not really care too much either so I'm gonna call you Katsuki from here on out." She says shrugging as if it isn't a big deal, not bothering to stop.

"Unless you rather I call you blondie instead." She finally halts, turning with a stupid smirk.

I go to speak, but no words leave my mouth. Usually in most cases I would've shut the shit down then and there without hesitation, but for whatever reason all I can do is stand there dumbfounded.

It's not common for people to call me by my first name, the only people who really call me by it the most is my old hag and old man. And yet.... rolls off her tongue so nicely.

'Wait. What am I saying to myself. She's just some dumb idiot girl.' I think, feeling heat rush to my face for some stupid reason.

As quickly as it came, her dumb smirk falls as she takes notice of the rise in temperature of my face. She starts to gently place the back of her hand on my forehead and cheeks, feeling each one with what looks like a look of concern.

"Hey hey, your face just got like super red. Are you starting to feel sick or something?" She asks.

"Get off of me damnit, I'm fine." I growl, swatting her hand out of my face and attempting to walk away from her.

My attempt obviously fails as she follows after me, still looking around my face in efforts of trying to find any signs of sickness

I turn my head away from her scowling, in hopes of hiding the embarrassment that is now visibly glowing in my brightly flushed cheeks.

She just looks at me with a look of confusion momentarily before smiling warmly.

She walks with me a little longer until we make it to the front door of my house.

"You should come and train with me some time. We have a training room at my house and I know a great place for sparring not too far from where I stay."

"You're on dumbass."

"Cool. We can start this weekend if you want. I'll come by and get you Saturday morning and we can start then. Just know, I won't go easy on ya." She says with a wink, showing off her stupid smirk once more.

'What did I just get myself into?' I mentally groan to myself.

"I should probably be get going though. I'm glad we were able to chat, you're not as bad as you let off you know?" Says walking away toward the street activating her staff and twirling it through her fingers.

"Yeah whatever."

"I think I'll take the scenic route home today. See ya later Katsuki!" She says waving off.

I watch her as she turns her back to me and uses her staff to project herself onto the top of a nearby building.

I continue to watch her a little longer, seeing her jump and flip away from building to building with ease.

When she's completely out of sight, I unlock the front door and walk inside thinking to myself,

'The fuck is with this girl?'

Word count: 3053


It seems like our little boom boom boy is about to have his hands full😂.

Wheeeeeew. First and foremost I wanna start off by saying thank you so so much for over 500 reads. 500 FREAKING READS MY DUDES!!! HOLY SHIT! I'm honestly surprised more than five people actually enjoyed reading this. I know I'm not exactly the most talented writer in the world, but I do try my best.

Imma be honest though, this chapter has been a complete pain in the ass to finish. There probably is a good amount of errors in this chapter, but I'll fix them later. I started pulling ideas and sort of writing bits and pieces here and there for the past month or so and by some miracle I've just now been able to get through it. I'm really not even sure I how much I like it myself, but I at least hope you did. Feel free to comment whatever you like may it be corrections, feedback, memes, vine quotes or whatever the hell else you'd like. Also don't forget to vote for your favorite chapters in the story. They're greatly appreciated. Aaaand on that note I'll see myself out. I love you all and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!

Carter xoxo

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