Fluffy Ears a Reed900 Fanfic

By Myrawashere14

1.7K 80 0

Elijah Kamski, creator of androids, has been kidnapping people left and right with his new and improved Chloe... More

Shattering facade
May the Testing begin.
What ifs
Two birds one stone.
Final encounter.
Lost and Found.
Sweet release....of Coffee.
Broken Promises.
Wake up.
Who the phck-

On the Wrong Side.

34 2 0
By Myrawashere14

They drove off leaving Hank, Conner and a couple other officers to collect evidence. They arrived at the DPD, no longer trusting them to be at Gavin's house alone, and carried Gavin to the breakroom using the back exit. Unsurprisingly enough, no one was in there. Conan placed Gavin on the couch and got up to go tell Fowler, then place most of the evidence in the Evidence room.

"Captain? We have returned from the raid. Gavin is safe and asleep. Although I do have some questions, as to why you put us on the case. Then took us off when Gavin went missing the second time."

Fowler didn't respond, he just turned and looked at him. "Captain, is something wrong?"

Fowler sighed. " CyberLife said you could handle it. Said you had strict orders to protect the CEO's brother. Yet, you failed and Gavin went missing. I knew Gavin wouldn't be able to handle Tina going missing but he had you to help him. Then he went missing, Elijah said that he was taking his brother for a bit, so I assumed you got the email too. I got suspicious after Gavin went missing for months without contact. Elijah said he was in an accident and was in a coma but not to tell anyone."

Conan became furious. "I'm his partner. The least you could do was tell me that or ask if I had gotten those emails." Fowler sighed and went back to work.

"You're the most advanced android Cyberlife as ever made. I shouldn't have to. Now please place the evidence in the Evidence room please." Nines gave him a death stare then walked away, slamming the door in the process.

Fowler hesitated before grabbing his phone and sending an email to Elijah. He's on to us. Be careful. If he finds out I'll lose my job and he'll kill all of us. One by One.

How dare he. Gavin could have been saved, they wouldn't have been forced through all of this pain that wasn't fair for them. Conan opened the door to the evidence room, a young woman catching him off guard. "Miss how did you get in? This area is off limits."

"I know... I came to talk to you, rK900." 

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