Dusk till dawn (vampire diari...

By madeinmiddleearth

1.8K 96 9

When peach moves from NYC to Mystic Falls she meets this strange mysterious guy & from there her life takes a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapted 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 37

9 0 0
By madeinmiddleearth

"I am so sorry, to hear about you & Stefan" caroline voice heavy as I walked into the dorm room. Me & caroline we're sharing a room, Elena & Bonnie were in the next room but since Bonnie is still stuck on the other side Elena is alone.

"It's okay" I mumbled as she pulled me into a hug "I can't belief, you did that".

"I had to because I love him, he had to forget me so that he could move on" I sniffed.

"Peach, please" caroline rubbed my back.

"Let's not talk about this, shall we?" I sat on the bed.

"Yeah, it's your first day in college so let's get drunk & wasted" she chuckled as she opened the mini fridge & took out a bottle of tequila "here's to making bad decisions".

Melissa: who's that in the background?

Peach: that's drunk caroline.

Melissa: I'm missing all the fun, ain't I? (Chuckles)

Peach: yup!

Melissa: But Tyler loves Connecticut & we both love the institution we are in.

Peach: I know Mel, and I'm happy for you both after all the troubles & up's & down's. You both deserve to be together.

Melissa: I'm so sorry about you & Stefan though, you shouldn't have done what you did.

Peach: I already told you, I don't want to talk about it Mel.

Melissa: yeah but peach, he loves you...how could you take that away from him?

Peach: with me comes the sorrows & pain that he had to go through.

Melissa: but he was his best version when he was with you peach, you know that...

Peach: if you have seen him that day, you would have understood why I did what I did. I saw the pain in his eyes Mel, he endured so much pain & sufferings because he wanted to be with me...the hell klaus put him through & how heartbroken he was, when I left him. Even though he had no memories of anything that happened, still it cut him like a knife.

Melissa: that's the reason why you guys have a great love.

Peach: I cannot be selfish Mel, when I know that I can ease his pain so I did what I had to & I'm happy with the decision that I made because finally Stefan can live his life not thinking about me or the pain he felt.

Melissa: that kind of love never dies peach, one day or the other you will find out.

Peach: I pray that day never comes anyway, I gotta go me & carol are going to thrash the sorority party tonight.

Melissa: I'm jealous already, have fun!

Peach: bye, Mel.


Elena: hello?

Peach: hey, what's up?

Elena: just chilling at the Salvatore's, you know I don't have a home (grinds teeth)

Peach: yeah, I know (chuckles) & now you & Damon are officially a couple so, you have moved in permanently.

Elena: yup, that's right (chuckles) I called to tell you about some stuffs, you know...

Peach: fill me in.

Elena: you remember Damon feed Katherine to Silas right? And he sucked her blood came back to life & Katherine being Katherine wasn't dead yet & running around town being all sneaky & goofy?

Peach: yeah, I remember.

Elena: so, now her time is finally coming she's dying being alive for over 500 years & becoming a human & then the cure being sucked away by silas has it's own downfall...

Peach: she's fading away you mean, with each passing second?

Elena: you got that right anyway, she's over here at the mansion cos she has no where else to go & you know Stefan on the other hand has no memory of whatsoever plus you ever erased the little memory he had of you & him...

Peach: yeah?

Elena: then he finds this old photo of Katherine from the 1800's & Katherine being Katherine, lures him to sleep with her.

Peach: what do you mean by luring him?

Elena: she narrated to him about their love story bla...bla & she knew that you have erased his memories of you so, she took the full advantage of playing victim in her final moments. I just wanted to inform you, before you find it from anyone else.

Peach: okay! That's news (huffs) but Elena I did what I did for Stefan & he had a thing with Katherine before...I knew what I did would come with a price but I did it anyway, I want him to be happy & if he's happy now then I'm happy for him.

Elena: peach.....

Peach: it's okay Elena, thanks for being honest.

Elena: will you be okay?

Peach: I will be.

Elena: you take care.

Peach: you too.

"Alaric" I beamed as I saw him in the hallway.

"Peach" he smiled "wow!"

I went forward to hug him but he stepped back "I'm your professor peach, no physical contact".

"Really? Oh my god! Why didn't anyone tell me you were teaching here" I looked at him.

"We wanted to surprise you but you never came" he reminded me.

"It's a very long story" I murmured.

"I know all about it" he responded.

"Caroline" I huffed.

"Yeah" he nodded.

"But I'm so glad to see you Mr. Alaric Saltzman or Ric, whatever your name is now" I chuckled "I genuinely missed you & your teachings & let's not forget your side part vampire hunting jobs".

"Well, that's the old me. The new me is staying far away from all those" he told me.

"But you're still a vampire" I gazed at him.

"As a matter of fact I am, and you have become a S-I-R-E-N" he spelled it by letter.

"Yup!" I nodded "but I'm way behind in the psychic department".

"Yeah, I heard about that thing with your mom" he said "what exactly is it?"

"After I became a siren & I was in transition, mom left town & when she called up she informed me that I'd never have to see Arcadius again cos she had taken care of the problem & since, then all my cravings & those crazy emotional roller coaster came to a halt" I explained "I am a siren but then if I don't wanna be a siren, I just turn it off you see & just live a normal life".

"That's actually amazing" he beamed.

"And why didn't you ever call or send even a hello after you came back to life?" I looked at him "one day Damon informed me that you were back from the dead & when I asked about your whereabouts, he had no idea".

"I wanted to come to town & meet you all, I swear I did but I had to stay far away from Mystic Falls so that no one could recognise me & as I said before I wanted to surprise you in person" he explained.

"Well, I'm glad you're alive & breathing & finally, a professor" I smiled at me.

"So, let's get to class shall we?" He lead the way as I followed "occult studies is going  to be a new favourite subject of mine".


"I promise you, we are going to have so much fun" caroline parked the car.

"I'm here only because of Matt & I hate him" I grumbled as we got out of the car.

"I'm glad at least he can pursue you to attend this party" she looked at me "and you look great, I'm seeing you in a dress after a century".

"Haha. Very funny" I rolled my eyes as we walked towards the Lockwood mansion, after the demise of Mrs Lockwood & Tyler leaving town he handed the Lockwood mansion over to Matt & ever since then Matt was living at the Lockwood's.

"Matt" caroline called as she stood outside the door "this is not awkward".

"I just don't get it still, why you vamps need to be invited in" I chuckled as Matt saw us "Peach, Caroline come in" as caroline walked in, Matt walked towards us & gave me a bear hug "I missed you".

"I missed you more" I hugged him back.

"Hey, Elena" Matt smiled "come in".

"Kathrine" I said.

"It's Elena, peach" she chuckled "Katherine passed away" as she embraced me.

"That's tragic, I never thought she would be gone this soon" I murmured.

"Good riddance" Caroline rolled her eyes "let's stop talking about that bitch & party".

"Yeah, come on" Matt called as we walked towards the open bar, Elena & Caroline disappeared into the crowd "any particular drink, on your mind?" Matt asked "beer will do" I said.

"I found this from the Lockwood cellar" he beamed as he showed me a bottle of bourbon "1992 a good year, the year you were born" he poured the bourbon "cheers".

"Cheers" I smiled "you are amazing".

"I'm all yours" he chuckled.

"Well keep entertaining your other guests, I'll take a stroll around" I excused myself, as I was strolling around I saw Elena & Stefan conversing at a corner & I've never ever seen Stefan in a flannel shirt before or maybe I did but I don't recall him wearing it & he looked absolutely breathtaking. But I had to keep my distance so I walked upstairs to avoid running into him "Damon, Caroline" I gasped as I saw them intensely making out "what the hell?"

"Peach" they both looked at me in shock.

"Aren't you with Elena?" I looked at Damon "Caroline" I muttered.

"Hey, I can explain" Caroline said.

"I don't want to hear it" I said.

"Peach" Caroline came forward.

"Hear her out" Damon said.

"What's happening in here?" Stefan & Elena walked in "nothing" Caroline lied.

"Peach" Elena looked at me.

"I need air" I exhaled as I walked downstairs & headed to the garden, what just happened? Is caroline with Damon now, didn't caroline hated Damon to the core. What the hell? As I was lost in my thoughts Stefan walked towards me "peach, you okay?"

"I am" I nodded.

"You look conflicted" he mentioned.

"The bourbon, Matt gave me was strong" I lied.

"I haven't seen you around, for how long I can't remember" he gazed at me.

"Yeah, I'm in college now stef" I forced a smile "what about you?"

"Home, sorting stuffs out with Damon" he explained "my memories are quite a blur, Damon told me that a witch erased them".

"Yeah, she did" I responded.

"Your necklace" he mentioned as he walked closer, it was the same necklace he gave me when we first started dating "I've seen it somewhere" he tried to recall but couldn't.

"Maybe, you saw it in New York. I got it from there" I lied.

"Yeah?" He looked at me "maybe, but it's quite familiar to my eyes".

"Anyway, I gotta go stef I have to head back to college" I said.

"This late, why don't you stay over?" He suggested.

"Not a good idea, I've to a paper due tomorrow" I lied.

"I called, texted & even mailed. You never responded" he told me.

"I was busy stef" I lied, little did he know I've muted him everywhere.

"And I was thinking you were upset at me" he chuckled "why will I be?" I asked.

"Because all of our friends responds, expect you" he said.


We heard Matt walking towards us.

"Yeah?" I walked forward "anything?"

"Caroline is searching for you" he said.

"I'm crossed with her Matt, can you drop me off?" I looked at him.

"You mean now?" Matt asked.

"It's okay Matt, I can drop her" Stefan came forward.

"It's okay bro" Matt smiled at him as he put his arms around me "let's get you back to your castle princess" as we walked towards the parking lot.


Melissa: so, Damon & Caroline are a thing now & Elena has no idea about them?

Peach: I don't know if they are a thing, thing or they were just hooking up...I have no idea, what the hell? Is going on between them.

Melissa: okay, calm down. I know you're upset about them but he's Damon & what goes on in Damon's mind only Damon knows.

Peach: but Caroline should know better...

Melissa: but at the end of the day they are vampires & vampires & morals, you know how they are.

Peach: yeah I know, and Stefan slept with Katherine.

Melissa: what? (Yelling)

Peach: before Katherine faded away she & Stefan had one last hurrah!

Melissa: are you kidding me?

Peach: do you think I've time for jokes?

Melissa: I am so sorry peach, I don't know what to say.

Peach: you don't have to Mel, I did what I did for Stefan & if this is the person he chooses to be than I'm okay with it.

Melissa: you are not okay with it, stop lying to yourself & to everyone else that you are because I know you peach, he's the first guy you ever truly loved vampire or no vampire & you gave him your 100% & you still care about him so, stop pretending.

Peach: I do care for him Mel, I really do but he's better off without me...he's living his life now, I met him last night he was happy.

Melissa: he's not, he's miserable & he's going with the flow because he had no memory of whatsoever because Tessa wiped away his memories & you on the other hand erased the ones that he still had about you.

Peach: I know you're pissed at me Mel, but we have to move on.

Melissa: I don't understand what's wrong with you peach, how can you even think of moving on? Stefan can never move on, you got me? You stole from him the most memorable & happy memories of his life.

Peach: (huffs) I gotta go now, class is in five.

Melissa: don't hang up on me peach.

Peach: bye.

"Peach, please say something" Caroline walked up to me, I just ignored her as I flipped through the pages. I was busy with my assignments in Alaric's apartment, after I left the Lockwood residence I came straight to campus & crashed into Alaric's apartment. He's like a guardian to us all so, I really didn't care crashing here "I know I screwed up, I shouldn't have".

"So, the silent treatment is still going on" Alaric walked in with a box of pizza.

"Can you please help me" Caroline looked at him.

"Sorry, not my department" he said as he kept the pizza on the table & walked into the washroom.

"For how long will you be crashing in our professor's couch, come back to the dorm" Caroline said.

"Hi" Jo walked in, she was the head doctor of the campus. She & Alaric were a couple & she was a witch from the coven known as the Gemini coven but she left magic years ago & ever since lead a normal life. She took a seat on the sofa "so, I found you an apartment on campus".

"Are you moving out of the dorm?" Caroline looked at me.

"Still in Cold War?" Jo chuckled.

"We are couple of the year now" Caroline snorted as she grabbed a slice of pizza.

"Thanks jo" I smiled at her as she handed me the key "no, house parties" she joked.

"Caroline, you have any news on Damon?" Alaric asked as he walked in the living area.

"No" Caroline mumbled.

"Stefan just called, Damon is missing since the party" Alaric informed.

"He will be somewhere roaming around" I said.

"Stefan thought so, but Damon long lost friend Enzo has other news" Alaric said.

"Who the hell is Enzo?" Caroline asked.

"A vampire who was tortured by the Augustine society of Whitmore" Alaric mentioned.

"What?" Me & Caroline looked at Alaric in confusion.

"According to Enzo, the Augustine society held him & Damon as prisoners 50 years ago & tortured them. Damon was able to escape but Enzo didn't but recently due to some unforeseen circumstances, Enzo was able to free himself from his captors but Damon maybe recaptured" Alaric explained.

"So, where is Damon now?" Caroline asked.

"That's why I was asking you, since you were the last person seen with him" Alaric said "guess, we have to go searching for him".

"Yeah, you & Caroline look around campus while I call Elena up" I said as Alaric & Caroline nodded & walked away.

"So, much vampire drama for a day. I'm heading back to work" jo announced as she stood up.

"Bye" I waved at her as she waved back & walked out of the door.

Peach: hello, Elena?

Stefan: it's me, Stefan.

Peach: what are you doing with Elena's phone?

Stefan: (chuckles) I saw your name so, I picked it up. Wanted to hear how you sound on the phone cos you never answer my calls.

Peach: sorry.

Stefan: it's cool, you wanna leave a message for her?

Peach: I just wanted to know if she had any updates on Damon.

Stefan: yeah, about that. We are on the road, searching for him.

Peach: yeah, where?

Stefan: route 60, our car had a breakdown so we are at the motel & elena's showering.

Peach: that's the reason why you picked up her phone at the first place (chuckles)

Stefan: indeed (chuckles) she's out now...

(At the background)

Elena: who's it?

Stefan: it's peach.

Elena: oh (gasps) can you please hand me the towel?

Stefan: sure.

Elena: opps!

Stefan: here.

Elena: thanks stefan.

Stefan: peach, wants to talk to you.

*Shrieking noise*

Stefan: Elena, you dropped the phone.

Elena: butter fingers (laughing) I think I have a splinter on my back, can you see it?

Stefan: where? (Picks up the phone)

Elena: here.

Peach: hello?

Elena: hey peach, sup?

(At the background)

Stefan: Elena (muttered) what's gotten into you.

Elena: sorry.

Stefan: just get dressed, I'll be waiting in the car (walks out)

Elena: hello?

Peach: what just happened?

Elena: nothing.

Peach: don't, nothing me.

Elena: what do you mean? (Chuckles)

Peach: you're trying to seduce Stefan.

Elena: what? (Laughs)

Peach: I know what you're upto Katherine.

Elena: are you kidding me?

Peach: I had my doubts but you proved me right, you took out the oldest trick in the book stop at a motel to shower. How convenient, when you're boyfriend has been kidnapped by a secret society.

Elena: I don't know what you're talking about (nervously)

Peach: you know exactly what I'm talking about you have passenger yourself into elena's body & you don't fool me, so now get out of her body.

Katherine: peach, you are the smartest of them all we could have been really good friends I like you but this body is too precious for me to give up so I'm taking it far away.

Peach: you better not...

Katherine: toodles.

Stefan: hello?

Peach: where are you?

Stefan: waiting for Elena.

Peach: that's not Elena, that's Katherine in Elena body.

Stefan: what?

Peach: just get there & catch her before she escapes with Elena's body.

Stefan: peach, she's gone.

Peach: where?

Stefan: I have no idea (gasps) How did you know?

Peach: I just knew.

Stefan: you're psychic, Elena told me.

Peach: yeah.

Stefan: when did she turn into Katherine then?

Peach: when Katherine died she passenger herself into Elena's body.

Stefan: what the hell?

Peach: yup.

Stefan: but why?

Peach: because she's Katherine & she loves to play.

Stefan: that's not the Katherine, I know.

Peach: Stefan, you don't know Katherine at all.

Stefan: seriously?

Peach: you lost your memory, remember?

Stefan: yeah (sighs) this sucks, I nearly slept with her for god sakes!

Peach: what? You didn't sleep with her?

Stefan: okay, how do you even know this?

Peach: ummm...Elena told me.

Stefan: and why would Elena tell you anything about me & Katherine.

Peach: she just did okay!

Stefan: weird...but hey, I didn't sleep with her but we kissed then I felt something weird. I felt something was missing, I felt like the person whom I wanted to kiss was not Katherine so, I stepped away from her & told her it's not happening. She got furious & told me how I've waited for all these years to be with her but then it didn't make any sense to me at all".

Peach: yeah....

Stefan: no one was home that night so, maybe Katherine lied about it & they believed her because she even left her bra in my room. I don't know why she's trying this hard & now on Elena's body trying to hit on me, what's wrong with her?

Peach: long story short, she's obsessed with you Stefan & she still is & she will not stop until you are her's.

Stefan: can it get weirder than this.

Peach: for now, that's all you need to know...I'll have to inform the others about Katherine inside Elena's body, you go & get Damon.

Stefan: sure & hey, peach thank you for today...thank you for being you & talking to me, I thought you would ignore me for the rest of my life.

Peach: (chuckles) I wish I could ignore you but I cannot.

Stefan: why? (Curiously)

Peach: because you're one among my best friend Stefan.

Stefan: now, when I call you please don't ignore me best friend.

Peach: I won't.

Stefan: thank you.

Peach: bye.


Reporting from 2021 :) I pray that this would be the year, everyone is hoping & praying for. God bless 💗

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