Trust Issues || H2O Delirious...

By DaughterDeHell

77.3K 2.6K 1.5K

Los Santos. City of thieves. City of Gangs. There is a constant battle to be, Number One. Every gang want... More

A/N || Thank you
A/N || Imagines Book Out!


582 24 43
By DaughterDeHell

Y/n's POV

I woke up in a familiar place. I turned over, looking at the alarm clock on the bed side table which read 4:34 pm. I sighed, realizing I had been asleep for 7 hours.

I threw the blue bedsheets off of my legs and made my way to the door. The house was eerily quiet.

I made my way to Brian's room as the events of today filled my mind. I knocked twice, but no one answered. I slowly turned the doorknob to see if it was unlocked, which it was. I peeked in, but the room was vacant.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I made my way to the living room, still not hearing a peep. "Hello?" I called.

Something clicked in my mind. The twins and Teddy. My slow pace soon turned rapid as I checked every room. I had a thought and immediately checked the mission room.

Papers were thrown askew, markers laid about on the table and plans were messily drawn on the board. All in all, it was a disaster. I glanced over the last minute plans on the board, hoping it would tell me where everyone was.

"Rebellion Hostages." I muttered, reading the title of the board.

An address was written on the side. There were also many arrows and boxes with labels. I glanced at everything, trying to attain the information quickly.

They found the twins and Teddy.

With Harold.

A growl erupted from me as I slammed my fist on the table, cracking the glass in the middle. The crack zig-zagged across the table, drawing my attention to a piece of paper laying neatly in the center. I picked it up, scanning the bottom. Craig.

My eyes dart back up to the top.

'Y/n, I know you're gonna see this when you tear apart the house looking for someone. I'm sure you've already realized where we went. Listen, I don't have time to explain everything. We're leaving now. If we aren't back by 7, something went wrong. But knowing you, you're probably already on your way. Be careful, Harolds going to have you exactly where he wants you when you come alone. Don't give him another chance. Oh, and one last thing, my girlfriend that was killed all those years ago, do you remember her name? If not, it was Sami. Her name was Sami.'

I put the letter down and realized my feet had carried me to Brian's room. I dug through my bag for an outfit I hadn't worn in a very long time as I thought about Craig's letter.

'What does Sami have to do with anything?'

I didn't know anything about her, just that she was a double agent for Mini.

I look into the mirror, staring at myself.

My old self.

This version of me was different. Her face had aged, not making her look old, but more mature. She wasn't as fit and had gained a bit weight after having a child.

Her child.

My face turned to a stone cold look as I slipped the mask over my face and started towards the door.

If they think I'm not coming for my children, they're dead wrong.

I used the address written on the board to find the warehouse where Harold was holed up then hacked into the security systems. Well, hacked isn't exactly the right term. I just used the same password I remember using all those years ago to gain access.

'Dumbass doesn't know to update security every now and again.'

As I flipped through, I searched for any sign of friends and foes alike. "Gotcha." I muttered, finding a camera with a view of a large open area, crates and boxes littered around the corners of the room.

I saw my guys and girls all lined up on the wall, hands behind their backs and wrists tied to their ankles.

'Seriously? They got caught again?'

I shake my thoughts, focusing on what was important. Teddy and the Twins weren't in the room, but he was. Standing right in the middle. Harold.

The rebels that crowded the room and Harold all seemed to be waiting for something. Or rather, someone. Me.

So far, it was the only place with anyone, and it seemed to be the place with everyone. But I knew better. I flipped through more cameras, watching for the little things, reflections, smudges on the wall, the slightest of movements.


After a few minutes, I had determined that there were maybe 15-20 rebels who weren't in the main room, and they were on guard. I had to take care of them first.

I looked for the most inconspicuous side of the building and climbed the pipes. I saw three rebels in conversation, backs toward me so I took them out with a silenced pistol before continuing on, taking out 2 more guards on the way to the roof.

Once I've reached the rooftop, I peered down the sides, looking for any more stray guards. There were 4 on one side, 2 on another, and 4 on the last side, from what I could see. I had eliminated them, which leaves 5 guards left, at the very least.

There were a few skylights in the roof, all in the main room of the warehouse. This wasn't the main rebellion base, but at the moment, it had their leader, and if the leader is here, the strongest members are here.

Cut out the heart and the organism stops working.

I planted remote explosives, for when the time was right. I was not gonna allow any rebels to escape.

After planting, I knew I had to make a move now, before anything detrimental happens. I grabbed the gun that was strapped to my back and checked the time on my watch before using the butt of the weapon to shatter one of the glass skylights, causing the glass to fall onto a group of rebels.

They all ducked, covering their heads and some even let out a couple screams. I pulled a tiny sphere from my pocket. An explosive. Many rebels now looked towards the shattered window on the ceiling but I ignored the pointed guns and threats as I dropped the ball right into the center of the large group of rebels below me.

"Is that-"

"Alpha." Harold finishes the persons question, but I just wave and turn away as the bomb blows up, taking out anyone within a 7 foot radius.

I smirked as I heard the sound, bodies dropping and blood splattering. Adrenaline pumped through my veins.

'Man, I forgot how good that felt.'

I quickly grabbed. The gun and took aim, shooting any Rebel in my sight. Some finally caught themselves as they realized their numbers were dropping and tried firing back.

I ducked behind the cement barriers, waiting for a moment of ceasefire. "Come on Y/n! I have a couple of people here who would like to see you!"

I peeked over the edge, shooting more rebels down. I don't need to take out all of them right now, just enough. "ALPHA YOU'RE NOT HELPING YOUR SITUATION!" Harold yelled, holding a hand out for his troops to stand down.

I peeked over again, seeing that a little over half of them were down now. 'That should be good enough.'

"I want you and all of your people to drop your weapons." I demanded.

"And why would we do that?"

"It's the only way I'll come peacefully. Otherwise I could throw down a few more poppers if you'd like. You seemed to love the first one."

"I don't think you're in any position to be threatening me right now."

"Try me."

I heard him chuckle and I peeked over the edge again, watching him place his guns and knives on the floor and motioning for his people to do the same. "Alright, I'll bite."

I scanned each person, making sure no one would have any jumps on me as I entered. I hooked a rope to the edge of the opening and let it drop, securing my gloves to assure I wouldn't get rope burn on the way, before sliding down.

I stood straight, looking at the Rebels, noticing that a few of them still had their guns up, so I drew my weapon and immediately shot them before they had a chance to react. Harold turned around, glancing at the people who now lay motionless on the floor. "And that was for?"

"I asked you all to put your weapons down nicely. They didn't listen." I said simply, putting a hand on my hip.

He nodded, not phased by my accomplishments at all. It was like he was entertained. "The girls and the boy. Where are they?" I say, now aiming my gun at Harold.

"Ah, yes, little Macey, Kacey, and Theodore. Your kids, am I correct?"

"Where the fuck are they?"

"Well obviously the girls are a bit old to be your kids, but the boy, ah the boy, looks awfully familiar, doesn't he?"

"I'm not dealing with your shit Harold! Where the fuck are they?!"

"Y/n, dear, I don't think you understand what's happening here. Let's be civilized, yes? Come on, put the gun down. Let's talk."

I rolled my eyes and stood at ease, still keeping my weapon at the ready incase he tried to pull a fast one on me. He slowly walked around me, towards the guys.

They all looked at me, gags in their mouths, worry written across their features. I watch Harold closely, making sure to keep a certain distance between us. He made his way towards the end of the line, where Moo was tied up.

"Y/n, do you even know these people anymore? Huh? I mean, you were gone for 5 whole years. A lot can happen in 5 years." He grabs Brocks arm, causing me to raise my gun back up and aim at him.

"Don't you fucking touch him." Harold puts his other hand up in my direction, still keeping a firm grip on Moo's arm. "Relax. I'm not going to hurt him. Not yet. I want you to see what you don't know first."

My curiosity got the better of me and I let him continue. He slowly reached into Moo's pocket and pulled out his wallet. Brock began to squirm, trying to stop whatever Harold was doing. Harold shoved him back in line and opened the wallet, flicking through different cards and ID's before he stops, a smirk taking over his features.

He looks up for a second. "Take off the mask, would you? We all know what you look like anyway." I rolled my eyes, pulling the mask off of my face and strapping it to my arm as he continued to stare at whatever he found in Brocks wallet.

A low chuckle erupted from him and he lifted a little piece of paper, turning it to me. "Tell me Y/n, do you know who this is? I bet not." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I had no idea what he was talking about.

Harold starts to walk towards me but I jerk my gun in his direction.


He rolls his eyes and puts the picture back into the wallet before throwing it at me. "See for yourself."

I glance at him and the wallet skeptically before I lower my weapon, slowly reaching down and picking it up. I opened it, being met with a picture of Brock, but what shocked me more, was the beautiful baby girl he was holding.

"That, Y/n, is Brock here's lovely daughter, Briana, who is now around, 2? Correct?" Harold asks, turning to Brock.

Moo sat stone faced, trying not to react to anything Harold said, but I could see the fear in his eyes. I put the picture back into the wallet carefully, sliding it into my pocket. "That doesn't mean anything."

"Oh! But that's not all!" Harold exclaims.

"I don't care! Everyone has their own secrets. There's nothing wrong with that!" I fire back.

Harold ignores me and walks over to Marcel, who remained stoic. He pats Marcel on the back, hitting his shoulder before reaching into the collar of his shirt and pulling out a chain. Harold smirked and tapped Marcel's cheek tauntingly as he ripped the necklace from Marcel's neck.

The latter only flinched slightly but didn't move otherwise or protest, staring straight ahead.

"Do you know what this, my dear, sweet, Y/n?" He held up the thin chain, a ring hanging on it loosely. I narrowed my eyes but didn't speak. "No? Well I'm sure you know what a ring is, so let's find out which finger it goes on!" He says cheerily, slipping through ring off of the chain.

Harold snaps his fingers and 2 of his goons walk over, pushing Marcel to the floor, holding his face against the floor and sitting on his back to hold him down. Harold unfolds Marcels left fist, pulling each finger back.

He slid the ring onto Marcels thumb. "Mm, too big."

Then his index. "Too small."

Then his middle. "Too big."

Then his pinky. "Too small."

And finally, his ring finger. "Aha, perfect."

It's a wedding band.

Marcel is married.

I lowered my weapon again and he motions for his goons to get off and he pulls Marcel to sit back up, grabbing the wedding ring and tossing it at me. I catch it, instantly pocketing it.

"Let's see, who's next?" I wanted to protest but Harold was already standing next to Brian. "Mmm, Mr. Terroriser. I think you'll get a kick out of this one, Y/n." He grabs Brian by the hair, putting the other hand on his shoulder and pulling his head to the side, exposing Brian's neck.

My grip on the gun tightened, but I didn't raise it, restraining myself. "These," Harold begins, flicking one of the bruises on Brian's neck which were still dark and tender. "are pretty damn fresh."

A growl escapes my lips as I raise the gun, pointing it at him. "I don't give a fuck! I asked you about the girls and the kid!"

Harold let's go of Brian, sticking his finger in the air as if he had a revelation. "Oh! One last one! Please, please, you'll love this!"

He walks towards Jon, a smirk growing on his face. Jon stares at me helplessly, as if he knows what's coming.

"I hear you already know about Jonny boy's actions. And the mistress." Harold says smugly, turning to look at me.

"I know all about Liz and whatever else. That's not what I'm here for."

"Do you Alphs? Do you know all about?" He begins to chuckle, breaking out into obnoxious laughter after a few seconds. He pulls something from his pocket and throws it at my feet.

I glance at Brian, debating on whether I should care or not, but I eventually look down, wondering what it was.

However, when I picked up the small stick, I felt everything in me go numb. My gun dropped to the floor and the wind was knocked right out of me as I inspected the positive pregnancy test.

"You don't know the half of it."

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