The Wolf Prince's Mate

Autorstwa TheOriginTheme

173K 5.1K 1.5K

Being Kidnapped by a super sexy guy sounds like a dream right? Wrong. He's overbearing, completely annoying... Więcej

Chapter 1❄
Chapter 2❄
Chapter 3
Chapter 4❄
Chapter 5❄
Chapter 6 (❄)
Chapter 7❄
Chapter 8❄
Chapter 9
Chapter 10❄
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 13

5.1K 164 69
Autorstwa TheOriginTheme

I was fuming. I was a fuming werewolf, who at the moment felt like a worthless piece of shit. We had gotten from, well, nowhere.

 Angelina's scent from the bus stop was faint, barely there. She had been missing for hours. It had been hours since I had last saw her. Hours since I had last touched her. And it was driving me insane. I didn't know where she was. I didn't know if she was alive and all we did know was that Angelina had stumble into the land of rogues. The exact group of rouges that my father had sent me to investigate and terminate if necessary. They had been wreaking havoc on the packs and humans in this particular region. Several kidnappings and deaths had been reported in the last three months. And Angelina had walked right into their den. Now I'd have to terminate them all. Wanted nothing more than to rip them to shreds.

My mate was just so fucking lucky. Note the sarcasm. She was unlucky. The most unlucky girl on this planet.

 I didn't understand it honestly. She seemed to be a magnet for danger. It seemed that every time I turned my back she was either trying to run away or get herself into trouble. Nothing I did was working. And I hated being a asshole, but what the hell else was I suppose to do? Because being nice didn't seem to work. And I'd hate to end up being the possessive jerk that has to lock and chain his mate up with a key. But nothing else seemed to work.

All I wanted was for her to love me? Love, and accept me. Because I cared so damn much for her. She was everything to me. Everything since the very beginning. And if something happened to her I'd be ruined. Thrust into a world of darkness. Lycan only got one chance at happiness. One mate to protect. One mate who was able to produce young. Angelina was my present and future.  Why couldn't she see that?

"Young Prince!"

I snapped out of my mental break down. Taking a deep breath I masked the pain and turned my attention on the Were approaching me. I didn't know the kids name. And honestly I didn't care.

"What?" I said sharply, turning my hard stare on the trackers who'd just addressed me..

"We've found the girls scent. Along with this--" He produced a phone wrapped in a blue sparkly case. It read "Keep Calm and Love Turquoise." I smirked. Angelina loved blue. Her bedroom had the color adorn in almost every corner of the room. "The device is hers; it has your number in her recent calls list."

I snatched the device from him, holding the phone in my hand. Closing my eyes I tried my best not to let a stupid tear slip from my eyes. I couldn't cry. I wouldn't cry and I especially wouldn't cry in front of my men. I was an Alpha, one thing we didn't show was weakness. Emotion was to be concealed.

My eyes flew open. "Take me to the place where you found the phone. It's time we've ended this."

The tracker nodded before jumping in mid air and shifting into a dark brown wolf with common brown eyes and bristled fur. He shook his large body out before dashing into the darkness. I shifted into my giant golden wolf, dashing after the tracker.

We ended up in a beat up neighborhood, which seemed to be mostly abandoned. There was a potent scent in the air, raw and nasty. I remembered Angelina explaining a scent to me before she had gotten stolen.

"This is the place," I whispered.

The fifteen wolves around me had their eyes trained on a certain spot.

 Prince might want to check this out. Cory's voice called through the pack link.

I met the eyes of Cory. My most trusted warrior, my guard. Moving towards Cory I got a whiff of a familiar scent. A scent that brought relief to my burning nose. Glancing down, I saw a red stain in the brown dirt. A large brown stain that almost brought me to my knees.

This search had just became a million times more important. She had lost blood...she had lost a lot of blood. I recalled her being hit in the head, I remembered. I had heard the impact of the object connecting with her skull. I had heard her body hitting the ground with a light thud. I had heard the men talking...

We are losing time.

The blood had dried, but not entirely meaning that it was slightly fresh, maybe 20 to 30 minutes old. Not only that but there a trail of blood that headed north. The rouges had to be idiots. They didn't even bother covering up their tracks. And although I was thrilled that they had left a blood trail I was pissed that it was her blood that stained the ground. The reason why we had been called out here to handle them in the first place was because they didn't clean up there messes. They left their evidence to be found by humans. They were kidnapping and killing, leaving clues that could lead to the exposure of the supernatural world. Every Werewolf knew the law. Cover your tracks. Theses pathetic bastards didn't seem to get the memo...that or they were just really cocky.

Follow the blood trail. It's time we ended this. I ordered.

The group of wolves bowed their heads respectfully before releasing blood curdling howls into the night. They'd know we were coming.

Angelina's blood trail lead us to an abandoned prison. Ironic how a band of criminals decided to conduct their illicit business in a prison. We wasted no time entering the building. Cole was on my flank while the other wolves held a V shaped position from behind. It was clear that they were shielding me from any potential danger.

The building was dark, the top floor had a dusty receptionist desk, a old meal detector with little plastic bins scattered aloud the floor. There were desk pushed against the back wall of the room. This was clearly the check-in room.

There's nothing on this floor, Alpha.

It's too quite...think they know we're here?

Who cares? Look, we should go to the basement... that's probably where the cells are.

I growled, warning. They were getting distracted, the last thing we wanted to be while in the enemies territory.

Shut up. My wolf growled. We'll search for a stairwell and then we'll take it to the basement. Until then I suggest you all shut up and keep your ears open. If you can't do that then you'll all perish along with theses mongrels. The wolves whimpered, bowing their heads in submission. It was the first time they'd ever heard my wolf speak. And his voice scared them. He scared me too sometimes.

Gee. You that was really motivational.

I know. Motivation for life, the best type of motivation.

I rolled my eyes, before diving into the next hall. Again, I heard nothing. Nothing abnormal. There were small squeaks from the animals that had gotten in from the outside.

We ended up finding a stairwell, listening intently to any source of noise. Anything to alert us that others were in the building. The closer we got to the basement the more discouragement I was getting. She wasn't here. Maybe we were too late. Perhaps they had gotten away.

She is here Zyker. I can feel her calling out to us. ...Something isn't right. We need to hurry.

Filled with a form of hope, I tried, but when we got to the basement the only source of life was the small rodents that skippered along the shadows. There were cells and I made my group of warriors search every cell before I decided to call the search off. I was begging to question my wolf and his sanity. Angelina wasn't here.

She is here you fool!

Enough! I've had enough. She isn't here. They aren't here.

Do you hear that?

I turned my head towards Cory's wolf. His head was placed against a wall, head tilted to the side as he listed to something coming from the walls. I hear screaming. He pushed away from the wall, turning to look at me. They're in the underground tunnels. This place must be well insulated. I barely made out the screams.

How are we going to get in there?

That's was a important question.

Price Zyker? I was now staring at the only female warrior who had come along with us. The girl who had escorted my mate to the bathroom where she had escaped.

What? I said, letting my annoyance for her seep through the pack link.

She whimpered, shying away from me. I think I found away in Sir.

And she had. There was a hole in the thick brick wall. A hole that was barely noticeable, with a black sheet draped over it. She'd found the hole in one of the empty cells. I gave her props for finding the entrance but I still didn't like her...not entirely.

With my wolf pushing me, I rushed my pack into the tunnels. The voices were loud and clear now. Shouting, chuckling and Women screaming. We stalked the sounds, entering a tight tunnel with water; we ended up going through another hole in the wall. There was light though. Light that radiated around a giant room with tires and trash thrown carelessly on the ground. Five men sat in chairs, watching the television. They hadn't noticed us. Throwing one wolfy grin back at my pack, I longed, ripping off the head of the closet man. He went limp in my jaw and I dropped his dead body to the ground. I glanced around noticing the other five dead men that had either been ripped to pieces or decapitated.

That was easy.

And it was. They hadn't noticed us, which made their demise that much easier for us.

They don't know were here, we have the element of surprise. I want you all spitting up into five groups of three. One group will be coming with me. The rest of you are to finish any rogues off. I want them all dead. After you finish them off I want you to call the human police, let them deal with the women being held with. I don't want any deaths on our side. You are to fight as a unit, leave no man behind! I used my Alpha voice, the command was final. They couldn't break it.

I closed my eyes. I wouldn't find Angelina quick enough on my own. I needed help... I needed his help. Closing my eyes, for the first time in my life I allowed my wolf out. I allowed him complete access and control of my body. My biggest fear was that I might not be allowed control back. I felt him anxiously push forward, and me, slowly sliding back into his conscious. I heard every terrible thought that was flying around his dark mind.

The wolves around me backed away, whimpering they lowered their bodies to the ground as the atmosphere around us shuddered and darkened with raw power, power that he was restraining, even now. For the first time ever, I'd gotten a taste of exactly what my wolf was capable of. And it petrified me. Because if he wanted to, if he had every really wanted to... he could subdue me. And with little effort. All this time I had thought that I was the one in control, when really, he was just allowing me to play the head.

 My wolf straightened to his full height, shaking out golden fur he lifted his head to the sky, breathing in deeply. And then he jumped into the air, flying before landing on his feet gracefully. He speed forward, the scenery around us blurring. I wasn't aware of anything else outside of my wolf.

He was close now. He could hear Angelina's pleading, her begging voice. And he was pissed. Pissed that some filthy rouge had his mate begging. He was enraged and thirsting for blood. He wanted to feel flesh caving to his razor sharp teeth. He wanted to feel the heat of blood as it rolled onto his tongue, to taste the bitter fluid.  And he was dying to feeling the last thump of a heart beat against his paw.

We were in a room now. A room that smelt of vanilla and some rancid foreign scent. Angelina was on a bed, her breathing shallow. On top of her was a man. A naked man who was shredding off her top off. He was poised above her and before he could thrust his hips forward my wolf had him by the leg, dragging him across the floor. Flipping the man over. I watched as my wolf gazed down at the man in interest. Raising our paw, my wolf swiped it across the man's face, smiling in satisfaction as he screamed.

I felt the approach of others around us and my wolf hissed in warning. He wanted this kill.

The man died painfully. He had shifted once, into a grey pathetic Wolf who squirmed under my wolfs paw. He barred his teeth at us and I watched in terror as my wolf's other paw came down on the man jaw. He pushed all his weight down on the rouges jaw and it cracked, dangling from the man's mouth. The wolf attempted to howl but his windpipe was soon crushed along with his jaw. The Rouge chocked, his rusty brown eyes darkening as his life seeped away. But my wolf wasn't done yet.

This is for touching a Prince's mate. He growled into the man's mind.

He hadn't tasted his blood.

Our teeth clamped around the wolves neck, we felt his pulse as it stuttered, struggled to keep going. My wolf waited until he had one mouthful of blood before he released the man. I thought we were done. The man was seconds away from dying anyway. But we weren't. He wanted one last thing. His heart. I watched as my wolf tore through muscles and bone like it was nothing but paper. He reached the heart and he wasted no time pulling it from the man's chest, retrieving his most important organ. It was ripped from his chest and thrown into a corner of the room. The wolf was....unrecognizable. A bloodied, fury heap.

I am done now. You may take control. Angelina need's medical care. She has lost a lot of blood and I think she's broken something...although I am not sure what she has broken.

He did give me control back, and I shifted, rushing to the large bed. I carefully picked Angelina's body up. Her hair was clotted with blood and her face had a large hand print across her cheek. She didn't have cloths on so I grabbed the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around her. I hated that she had his sheet on but I didn't want her to get sick and didn't want her body on display.

I shuddered.  He was so close. So close to entering her. She could have been rapped.

Don't. I don't want to hear about that right now Zyker. There are several more rogues I'm dying to rip apart but instead I am.... What do you humans say? Ahhh. Counting to ten and reeling it in for the sake of the little one in our arms.

I nodded at my wolf's words. He wanted me to get it together so that we could get Angelina out of here. I felt bad for her. She'd carry this memory for the rest of her life. I adjusted her in my arms, pressing a kiss against her forehead. I took in her scent, relaxing. She was going to be ok, she was safe now.

Glancing at the wolves who were staring at the piece of bloodied trash on the ground, I snapped my fingers, gaining their attention. "You can go finish off the rest of the rogues with the others. I don't want a single survival. Kill them all. I glanced at Cory's reddish wolf. Cory, you come with me. I'm ready to go home."

We didn't go through the tunnels; there was another way we took out. Once outside I place Angelina into the back of the car Cory had retrieved from the bus stop before jumping into the front with Cory. As he drove I got on the phone with my mother, telling her that we were leaving tonight. She asked several questions about Angelina's condition before hanging up, promising me that she'd get the ship ready before we arrived.

Once I hung up with my mother I made a call to my architect who was currently building me and Angelina's house. I had to rush the construction. Everything had to be done within the next four days. He negotiated that he could get half of the house done within the next four days. That included getting the rooms furnished and the lighting and water up in running. But the rest couldn't be rushed.  I agreed but only because he promised that construction on the other half of the house wouldn't disturb us too much. I hung up on him before he could even utter goodbye.

Sighing I leaned back in my seat, exhaustion taking over.

I didn't know my wolf was dark. He put little effort into killing that man. I didn't understand my wolf in general. He was a secretive son-of-a-bitch and the fact that he was allowing me to control him confused me. I thought he hated me. Thought that if he had a chance to get rid of me he would.

I don't hate you boy. There's simply a lot you aren't yet ready for. And I am protecting you. I am protecting both of you. And I am not good with people. That is why I choose to stay silent. You are more...patient than I.

Couldn't argue with that. My wolf was more of the kill now talk later type of guy. And what did he mean by protecting us? Protecting us from what?

I tried to question him more on the subject but he retreated deep into my conscious.

"Why aren't you staying in the palace?" It took me awhile to answer Cory's question. I wasn't purposely being rude. I was exhausted and it took me awhile for my brain to work.

"She isn't ready to know the truth about us. There's also the fact that keeping her in the palace would expose her to the public. There are always so many parties and people running in and out of there. Plus..she'd question why I lived in a castle.

"Cory shrugged. "You have to tell her the truth eventually. But... I guess what you're saying makes since."

I sighed. This is going to be hard.


She was sleeping. She had been sleeping for three days. The physician on the ship promised that she'd wake up soon.

I wasn't sure if I wanted her to wake up. It was easier to be with her this way, when she wasn't awoke to tell me to get the hell out. And it was easier to keep the anger at bay. Because I was furious with her. Furious because I knew that when she woke up; she'd try to escape me again.

Sliding into the bed, I wrapped my arms around her trembling body. I came here every night because she had sleep terrors. If she wasn't screaming she was twitching or trembling in her sleep. Reliving that traumatic event. I noted that if I lied next to her she'd relax instantly in my arms. I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me, adjusting her so that her head lay comfortably on my chest. I pressed my lips against her beating pulse, smiling as I nuzzled my face into her neck. When she awoke I was going to be given hell.

The day I moved her into the 3rd level bedroom I made sure there was no way she could get out of the bedroom without me wanting her out.. She was chained to the bed, but the chain extended to the bathroom. I had her in a small room, the TV was taken out and the only electronic device in the room was a digital clock. The only way I could think of punishing her was to take away her privileges. And teenagers loved television and twitter....right? Well she no longer had access to them. Her mother helped me come up with this punishment.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I called. Angelina's moved closer to me, her hand balling my shirt up in her tiny fist.

The door cracked open and in walked the physician. She wasn't human, her name was Kammy, and she was nymph who worked on the ship. Her hair was green, eyes a strange yellowish color. Kammy was pretty...if you had a thing for green hair and yellow eyes.

I watched as Kammy looked down at Angelina whose face was twisted in a painful knot. She screamed, burying her face into my shirt. I pushed back the tangled hair that wasn't wrapped in a bandage, tightening my grip on her. "Hush Angel. Hush. You're safe now." I whispered the words into her ear, and she immediately went slack in my arms. Her face relaxed and her heart eat slowed.

"Poor baby." Kammy knelt down on the floor; she was on Angelina's side of the bed. "I'm going to administrate the medicine and then I'll leave you." Opening up her bag she pulled out a syringe along with a clear bottle that held some type of liquid. She filled the syringe with the liquid and she pulled one of Angelina arms towards her, flipping it over she found the vein and injected the pain medication into her vein. Gathering her tools, she disappeared out the room bidding us a goodnight.

I wasn't sleeping in the bedroom with Angelina. I should. I wanted to. But I couldn't, mostly because I couldn't stand to be around her for any long period of time. I'd start thinking of the recent advents, and since I had no one else to blamed, I blamed her. There was no one else to direct my anger at but Angelina.  And in reality, it was her fault.  If she would have never left me in the first place all of this could have been prevented. People were killed because of her carelessness. And worst, she put herself in danger. The little nut had no idea how important she was in the scheme of things.

My nails extended and I found myself fighting for control. My anger was tied to wolf, and he was still fuming, three days later and even after he had killed her kidnapper he was still thirsting for blood. But his anger wasn't directed at her, I couldn't tell who he was angry at since he'd blocked me from his thoughts.

 Groaning, I tried my best to get my nails to extract. I need to leave the room, I wasn't stable right now. I couldn't be around her. Not in this state. I managed to get my nail problem under control and I slid my arm from underneath her waist. Leaning down I pressed gentle kisses on her shoulder, trailing them along her neck and then kissing both sides of her cheek before I got up off the bed and retreated to my floor.

I wouldn't be going to sleep tonight.

I semi edited this Chapter. But it wont be deemed officially edited until it has a snowflake on the chapter. I promised I was going to post this chapter yesterday and since I didn't follow through on that promise chapter 14 will go up too when I wake up. But I hope you guys like this chapter because Zyke and Ange are going home and this is when we start learning shit! Yay!!!! I also made a adjustment to characters. Zykers parents both have Magenta eyes, you'll figure that out why later. I also waned you guys to know that this story is not just about LOVE. No, there's going to be stuff going down within in these pages and I hope you're all ready for it.

Got some question for You all.

What do you think Zyker Wolf was talking about when he said he was protecting "them"?

How do you think Angelina's going to react to being chained to the bed?

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