Not another Abhigya story

Por LeehGood

13K 1.1K 284

Just like Cinderella found her Prince Charming, Abhi is looking for his own Queen. WARNING ⚠️ Strong languag... Más

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 2

401 37 0
Por LeehGood


London morning is always beautiful especially on a Sunday. You see people jogging, some of them going to church, some feeding ducks and a family having an enjoyable breakfast.
To Pragya though, Sunday Was just a boring sleep in doing nothing day, which is good for curing your hangover. Her aunt however had a different routine, to her it was another busy day. She was always busy and today was no different at all. She had to take care of household, of cause she had helpers to do the job but she wanted to keep an eye on them all to avoid any mistakes. It was rather a big house so they needed help, they even had a butler, how cool is that!


Going back to Pragya, she was in a deep sleep not aware of the happenings outside her bedroom or inside her bedroom as well. She was so tired and hungover. It made sense because she came back home around 3am and she was lucky that only her butler saw her and not her aunt, she was not in the mood for her aunts lecture. She was so drunk last night she could only remember half of it.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful angel
Love your imperfections every angle
Tomorrow comes and goes before you know
So I just had to let you know"

'What the hell?'  She thought and heard the buzzing sound as well. 'Where the hell is that music coming from?'

"The way that Gucci look on you, amazing
But nothing can compare to when you're naked....."

She realized it was her phone playing as someone was calling, so she lazily reached for it, pressed answer without looking and put it on her ear. "Hello," she said sleepily.

"Who the hell is this and where is Raghav?" A woman with a British accent shouted on the phone. 'The fu...' Pragya thought.
"Helloooo!" She continued, "Raghav I know you're there! Put Raghav on the phone bitch! Raghaaaaav!"
Pragya was in shock now, 'did she just call me bitch!?'. "Umm, who is this?" She asked.
"Oh so it talks!"  Pragya finally snapped. "Ok look miss 'I have nothing better to do but call strangers early mornings and get all crazy on them' bitch! I'm so hungover right now and I am not in the mood for this crap! Now, can you just tell me who you are and why you have called. In a calm manner please, my head can't take this," said Pragya, her palm on her forehead.

The woman on the other side started crying. "Raghav is cheating on me friends told me they saw him at XoXo last night with some gorgeous Indian bitch! Who apparently had a 'fuck me' body and they left together in a same ca...a...r!" She was sobbing now.

Pragyas mind had started calculating and, 'oh no....' she thought. She quickly got up and looked around her room and sure enough there were unknown male clothes on the floor along with her red dress she wore last night,
'but wait how did she get my number?' she asked herself.
That's when Pragya realized it was not her phone and probably belonged to that Raghav guy.
"Umm, sorry but this is a wrong number okay bye!" She hung up.
Again she realized she was half naked and quickly put on her pajamas.
"What the hell happened last night?" She asked herself again.
"Where do you want me to start?" An amused deep voice behind her asked and Pragya slowly turned to the voice and 'fuck me...'



He gave her that sexy smile and continued when Pragya was not saying anything and all she could do was stare.
"I hope you don't mind but I took a shower and used your honey fragrant soap," he said. Pragya just stood there and he saw his phone with her, "umm, is that my phone?" He asked a bit nervous now because she still hadn't said anything.
She finally snapped out of it when she realized she hadn't said anything to this gorgeous man who apparently is Raghav.

"Umm, yeah it is sorry. It was ringing and I answered thinking it was mine and might want to call your girlfriend back and take her to therapy maybe? Cause boy you have a lot explaining to do," she said finally found her voice and nervously laughed a little. She gave him his phone.
He took it and it beeped twice but he ignored it and looked at Pragya, "don't worry about it I'll sort her out."
'Wow, what an asshole' she thought. "You sure pick the good ones Pragya," she sarcastically said to herself.

"What was that?" he asked.

Pragya rolled her eyes but Raghav didn't catch it. "dont worry about it..."

"Pragya?" her aunts voice was heard and  Pragya started to panick.
"Quick! Take your stuff and get out the window!" She told Raghav.

"Princess?" Her auntie was getting closer.

Raghav was confused but did as he was told. Before he jumped out the window naked he asked, "when will I see you again?" Pragya stared at him, 'is he stupid or what?'
"How about never," she said and pushed him out and quickly closed the windows and curtains just in time her aunt came in the room.

"Pragya darling it's time to wa...oh! You're up already. Good! Quickly shower now your cousin is on her way here with her husband for breakfast," she told her with an excited look.

Pragyas face lightened, "really DD!? Rhoshni and Siddharth are coming?"


DD laughed at Pragyas happy face. "Yes sweetheart now quickly go shower!" With that she left and Pragya could finally breath.

'That was a close one'.



Purab was on the phone happily talking to his girlfriend, Bulbul. His girlfriend. He still can't believe Bulbul was finally his. It took a while for him to man up and ask her to be his girlfriend and surprisingly she said yes and it's been a three wonderful months together.
Of cause the distance was killing them but as long they knew they loved each other, they could make it work.

Anyway Purab was speaking to her as he walked through the apartment to the kitchen laughing at whatever his Booboo was saying. Yup you read it right, 'Booboo'.

He suddenly paused at the entrance of the kitchen and seemed shocked because inside the kitchen was a girl only wearing a shirt that was too big for her, but his focus was on the girls long bare legs dancing around while making breakfast.
The radio was on and she was humming along with the music.

Distracted by the stranger he forgot he was on the phone and he could he hear someone shouting. Realizing it was Bulbul, he quickly replied, "haan I'm still here booboo."
"Are you ok baby boo?" Bulbul asked worried.

The stranger turned when she heard Purabs voice behind her and gave a flirty smile to him and continued what she was doing when she saw he was on the phone.

"Yeah totally booboo don't worry, I just got distracted a bit actually because....there's a half naked girl in the kitchen and I don't know who she is," he told her.

There was silence on the other line and Purab was starting to get nervous.
"I see. My lovely cousin hasn't changed at all huh?" She finally said. Purab laughed a little, relieved she didn't jump into conclusion.
He moved to the coffee machine and turned it on totally ignoring the half naked girl.

"It's Abhi my love, the 'Rockstar'," he joked and Bulbul laughed. 'God I love this girl yaar' he thought. They continued chatting.

Abhi came into the kitchen freshly showered and went behind the girl, wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the back of her neck. She giggled, "Abhi stop you're going to make me burn your breakfast."
"Mmmm...that's ok with me," he said and turned her to face him and smashed his lips onto her.

Just then, Vin joined the crowd and shook his head, chuckled when he saw his friend with a different girl. He moved to the fridge to get himself an orange juice. "Alright cut it off guys there are some people here as well and I don't wanna watch you two tongue wrestling thank you ," he said and drank his juice watching them.

They finally stopped and the girls cheeks were bright red, she muttered excuse me, turned off the stove, pecked Abhi on his lips and left.
Abhis eyes though were on her bare legs unashamedly following her until she disappeared, smirked at Vin when he caught him doing the same.

"Ok booboo bye, love you," Purab hung up and looked at his friends with a huge smile on his face. Abhi and Vin stared at him and stayed that way for few seconds. Vin decided to break the silence, "Well? Will you tell us why you're smiling like an idiot?" Abhi snorted a little. "Can't you tell? That's a 'I am whipped' face, Vin," he joked and Vin laughed with him.

"Oh hahaha so funny guys," Purab mocked and rolled his eyes. "That was your cousin actually Abhi."

"It better be. Otherwise you'd end up in coma my friend."

"She's coming back to Delhi for your parents anniversary," he interrupted and even squealed a little.

Something clicked in Abhis head when Purab mentioned his parents. "Oh shit! What time is it? I'm suppose to be at my parents for breakfast! Fuck, mom will kill me!," he said as he moved around the apartment they shared, looking for his car keys.

"Found them!" He shouted as he ran to the front door.
"Oh Abhi don't forget you have a..." Bam! "visitor..." Vin finished and sighed.

The girl who Abhi forgot, who by the way her name was still unknown, appeared in the kitchen fully dressed this time in last nights outfit, doing the shame of walk.

"Where's Abhi?" She asked in her peachy voice.

Purab and Vin looked at each other, then Vin walked towards her and held her hand,  "Abhi has some business to take care of and won't be back for a very long time," he told her and the girls smile came down.

"But don't worry, Vin is here for you," he grinned and smoothly kissed her hand. She smiled a little.

Purab rolled his eyes, 'I seriously need new friends' he thought while he watched, drinking his coffee.

"Ragini can you stop? I told you he'll be here anytime soon my love," Neil said as he watched his wife pace up and down.

Ragini just kept on pacing looking at the front door waiting for her son to arrive. 'I'm going to kill him. My son!' she thought, ignoring her husband.

Neil sighed, 'this is ridiculous. Abhi better have a good excuse this time'.
He stood from his chair and walked towards her. He put his hands on her shoulders. "Honey he's a college boy now, a grown man," he said. Ragini faced him with glare and he quickly continued. "I mean he probably has some important errands to run first and that's why he's late. And honey we're hungry yaar. You know Ma has to take her medication."

Raginis face changed to worry and looked to her mother-in-law who was amused by the scene and also eagerly waiting for her grandson.

Ragini ran to her mother-in-law, "ma! Are you okay? Are you feeling alright?" She asked holding her hands.

Daljeet smiled at her, "I'm alright dear, I'm eagerly waiting for my handsome grandson as well. Don't punish him dear, please for my sake."


Raginis face softened and smiled. "Okay I won't, just because you said so," she said.


Neil joined them. "Okay yay! Can we eat now?" He joked rubbing his tummy.


Daljeet glared at her son and said, "tum chup raho! Can't you see I'm having a moment with my daughter-in-law?"
Ragini laughed at Neil's shocked face.

"Arre! Kya hua? What did you do this time dad?" Asked Abhi announcing his arrival.

"Abhi!" Ragini screamed excited and ran to her son and smashed into him and squeezed him with excitement. She started tearing up with happiness, she hadn't seen her son a whole month.

Abhi squeezed her back with smile and kissed the top of her head. "What's this now ma, why are you crying?"

"Chup! Let me enjoy this please. I missed you so much," she answered and Abhi laughed a bit and continued hugging his mom, swaying back and forth.

"Abhi!" Daljeet called, Abhi looked up and his smile got even bigger when he saw Daljeet.

"Daadi!" He shouted, broke free from his mother and ran towards his daadi. He first touched her feet and then hugged her tight.
Daljeet was so happy and started crying as well.
"Mera beta," she said softly and felt complete.

"What's this Daadi, why are you crying mmh?" He asked wiping her teardrops. "You're my Daadi the rockstar hai na?"

Daljeet and Abhi had always had that bond that no one can explain. They both understood each other too well and they knew each other's secrets. Abhi could talk about girls with his daadi that his father would never understand and daadi would sometimes point here and there when needed.
So it broke her heart when Abhi moved out and stayed with his friends closer to the college.

"What daadi rockstar? You don't love me anymore," she pouted. "You never come and see me anymore."
Abhi held both his ears and pouted. "Sorry," he apologized.

Ragini smiled at this.

"And what about me yaar, am I still part of this family?" Neil asked, ruining the reunion.
Not that he cared though, he was always a little jealous but happy at the bond.

Abhi smirked at him, "jealous that your mom loves me more dad?"
Neil rolled his eyes and pulled Abhi for a hug. He'd never admit it but he also missed having Abhi there. They always used to do manly stuff together, but now he's grown and doing great at school. He also knew about girls too.

"Good to see you son," he said hugging him. "Good to see you too dad."

They released each other smiling, then Abhi said "great! Let's eat!"

'Finally!' Neil thought.

"Wait. Where's Disha?" Abhi asked.
"Right here!" She said, walking down the stairs.


Abhi smiled at his sister. She was so beautiful and Abhi was so protective of her that it annoyed her sometimes. She was 19 and she was still not allowed to have a boyfriend.

"Bhai!" She hugged him. "How's my sweetu?" He kissed her forehead and Disha looked up and smiled, happy to see her brother.
"I'm good bhai thank you." "Good."

With that they all sat and had a wonderful family breakfast.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed it! See ya next time!

Music: Beautiful- Bazzi

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