I Was Once A Normal Girl

By nogoodinthis

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Cheyenne Price was living her normal teenage girl life. That is until she goes to a One Direction concert and... More

I Was Once A Normal Girl
Modeling with the boys, with a kiss?
Trouble in paradise.
A Day full of flashbacks
The start to a long journey
First full day.
Bailey and shocking news.
Bad news and a slip up?
Coming home!
A walk in the park <3
Girls day<3
Louis and Eleanor's date<3
Liam and Danielle's date (:
Beth and Harry's date.
Zayn meets Perrie.
The morning after is always interesting
A holiday, A surprise, Jealousy and don't forget a new couple!
A Heart broken Zayn and a cold Cheyenne
A romantic night, and a teasing Niall.
Nice bruises and how to tease a wanting Niall.
Clubbing !
The morning after
Niall and Cheyenne's date night in Hawaii
Zayn and Perries date night in Hawaii.
Danielle and Liam in Hawaii
Beth and Harry is Hawaii
Eleanor says yes!
Last Chapter

A breakup, Crying Zayn, kissing harry and Butt slapping Louis?

445 13 4
By nogoodinthis

Liam’s POV

                I look in Danielle’s hurt filled eyes and I just wonder what is coming. Okay so maybe I do know what is going on. I know exactly what she is going to say, and I know that I am going to beg and beg but I know that it is not going to work.

                For the past couple weeks that Cheyenne has been gone all we do it fight, that all that is all we do. The couple times a week we get along it's because we are not together. I feel bad because I know this is hurting her. She isn't like most people think, she is a very sweet girl. But all the hate and the pressure is getting to her.

                "Liam look-" I stop her before she can say anything else. I have to kiss her one last time. So just like that I take her neck into my hands and smash my lips to hers. I feel the hot tears from her face trickle onto mine and my heart breaks even more.

                "I know what you are going to say, and you know that I am going to beg for you to stay, but I also know the likely hood of that is slim." I wipe some tears from the love of my life’s eyes and she smiles slightly. But I still know it has to end.

                "Look Liam, you know i love you, I love you so much. But I cannot do this anymore, I am sorry." She says, and like that she is gone. She grabs her purse and wipes her eyes before opening the door, stepping out, and walking away. That was it. She is gone.

                I throw my head back and start to silently cry. Now the anger in me is built up and I hold my hand in a fist punching the seat in front of me. I have no feeling in any of me. I already miss her, I feel like I should run after her but I won’t. I know she wants to go, so I am letting her.

                Once I have calmed a little I lay back on my side on the seat staring out the window by my feet. I start to remember the good times with Danielle, and I remember Harry pumping me up before asking her to be mine. Out the window I see Beth and Harry walking around, and I cry more. They are so happy, and I know that they will be better than me and Dani. I let my eyes close after a while of crying and I fall into a sleep, one where all I see is Danielle.

                Zayn’s POV

                This just is not fair. I do not get it, how am I doing this to myself. I watch every day as Niall waits for Cheyenne to be ready to come home and now that she is back I am forced to remember my feelings for the beautiful girl. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I would have just told her that night. Would I be better at all of this?

                I know that Niall loves her, I know that. I just wish it was not true. I know that he is going to try his hardest to never hurt her, but I just wish that it was me. I want to be the one she clings to in her sleep. I want to be the one she gets better for. I want to be her everything.

                I look up at the sky as it turns grey and I feel a small drop hit the top of my nose. I want to turn around so my hair doesn’t get messed up but I decide against it. I do not want to go home until I know that Niall and Cheyenne are gone off to their date. I know he is going to tell her about her mom’s identity, I wish I was the one to tell her that too. Something about that beautiful girl wrapped in Niall’s arms makes my heart skip a beat. Why did not tell her how I felt the night we met her. Sometimes I image what it would be like if she wouldn’t have come to the concert. Then what, we wouldn’t know her that what. She probably would have not got better, and probably would have died. Her modeling career wouldn’t exist. And I would never have seen the beautiful smile that lights the room easily. 

                The rain is falling harder now so I can let the few tears fall from my face and I do. What I don’t think about is how bad I needed a good cry. So my tears fall faster then I wanted them too. For some reason I do not mind. I turn the corner and the park is released. This is where Niall is going to take her tonight. Then I see her. Her grey skinnies clung to her legs perfectly and a varsity jack slung around her purple shirt. It had an ‘N’ on it meaning it was not hers’, or mine like I wanted it to be. It was Niall’s from the photo shoot for the new album. Niall’s arm slipped around her waist and kissed her cheek. I shook at the scene and turned to walk away. I had been gone for far too long and I should be getting back.

                As I walked up from the driveway passing the van we all once sat in. I looked in the window to see my red eyed reflection; the sight I saw broke my heart.

                “Liam.” I slid the van door open violently to see a crying Liam.

                “Hello Earth to Liam?” I nudged him but he wouldn’t move. I check him for a pulse still beating. Good!

                “I will let you be then.” I sigh kissing his forehead like a good best friend and closed the door. Liam flinched at the sound and my heart sunk more. Poor guy.

                Once I am in the house I can hear Beth and Harry laughing up in their room and my heart aches. Why can’t I have that? I can’t I be happy, why am I in love with my best mates girl? 

                I turn on the TV in my room so that I don’t hear Beth and Harry giggling. Soon the room goes dark and I dream about Cheyenne.

                Harry’s POV

                “So we are really dating still?” I ask for the hundredth time in the past couple hours this time lying on my bed.

                “I believe so.” Beth smiles and my world shakes. She is the most beautiful creature that was placed on the earth.

                “God,” I groan as she settles next to our shoulders touching. She plays with my fingers.

                “What?” She props herself onto her right elbow so that she can see me. Her left hand is still draped over her body dancing on my fingers. With every touch chills go around my body.

                “You’re just so damn beautiful.” I kiss her slowly and when I lean back down to lay she comes with me pulling herself on top of me. As much as I want to, I won’t. Because I like her way to much for all that rubbish. Not that it has not happened before.

                I pull away first and a saddened looks goes down her beautiful face. I feel terrible, but I won’t mess up like that. I remember the conversation we had a week after we met, about music so I start to hum the song she said she always loved to listen to. ‘Tonight,’ by FM static vibrated my lips and her face flushed to a pink.

                “I am here.” She smirks and I laugh with her. Then I sing full out to her.

“I remember the days we spent together,

We’re not enough, it used to feel like dreaming

Except we always woke up,

Never thought not having you here now

Would hurt so much

Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up

I need your loving hands to come and pick me up

And every night I miss you

I can just look up

And know the stars are

Holding you, holding you, holding you


I remember the time you told me

About when you were eight

And all those things you said that night

That just couldn't wait

I remember the car you were last seen in

And the games we would play

All the times we spilled our coffees

And stayed out way too late

I remember the time you sat and told me

About your Jesus, and how not to look back

Even if no one believes us

When it hurts so bad, sometimes

Not having you here

I sing

Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up

I need your loving hands to come and pick me up

And every night I miss you

I can just look up

And know the stars are

Holding you, holding you, holding you


I sing

Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up

I need your loving hands to come and pick me up

And every night I miss you

I can just look up

And know the stars are

Holding you, holding you, holding you


                A small tear falls down her face and I wipe it smoothly away. She laughs and fixes her sweater over her hand fixing more tears.

                “Baby don’t cry.” I bring her tight to my body and rub small circles on her back.

                “Harry,” She pauses for a second looking up at me. Her brown hair is in a perfect ponytail and makeup is not on only making me find her more beautiful.

                “Yes love?” I kiss her forehead slightly smiling into her hairline and she knows.

                “Can we watch a movie?” She points to the TV that is set at the foot of my bed so I nod.

                “What movie?” I ask getting up pulling my pants back up to waist length since they slipped more than needed from chasing Beth tickling her and lying in bed.

                “How about Dear John?” She asks and since I cannot deny a beautiful girl I kneel down to the cabinet and my knees crack making Beth laugh at me. I also forget how to breathe, her laugh, it just I couldn’t.

                “Turn the lights off before you come back.” I can hear the smirk in her voice before I even stand from the DVD player. Once I do she is stretched over the whole bed so I cannot lie down. So I make my way to the light switch and throw it down so the room goes black except the light from the opening credits.

                “Much better.” She moans as I slide under her. She settles with her head on my now bare chest and her hand draws the infite sign on my stomach only making me tense at the goose bumps she leaves behind on me.

                Louis POV          

                Eleanor captivated me as she danced around my bedroom laughing at herself. I watched her every move as she through clothes around and spun rapidly. She would look at me every so often and I would just laugh at her. I was speechless as the beautiful girl captured my heart over and over again.

                “Come here.” She teased moving her hand in a circular motion.

                “Why?” I moaned not wanting to move.

                “Well because you love me of course!” She laughed again and I stiffened. Her laugh, that laugh.

                “Okay very true.” I gave her a wink before getting up and joining her on her fake dance floor. She wrapped her arms around my neck and helped me sway. Soon my hands were on her waist and we danced without any music.

                “I love you Louis William Tomlinson.” She sighed into my chest and my heart quickened. I have heard her say it so many times in the past, but this time, for some reason stopped my heart.

                “I love you too love.” I kissed her forehead with force and I felt her face lift with a smile.

                Holding her in my arms seemed too good to be humanly possible and I never wanted it to end, but like every good thing in life it did. She pulled away and looked up at me with her glowing eyes that got me every time. Just looking at her made me want to cry tears of joy. But this time I wanted to cry tears of sadness, her face, it was twisted. Who ever made her this upset was going to die.

                “El bear what’s wrong baby?” I hugged her tight to my chest once again and she let out a long huff before finally talking to me.

                “I don’t want to be like Danielle and Liam Louis. I want you to never give up on me; I want to not give in to the hate.” Her whimper broke my heart but at the same time filled my body with joy. She really did love me and I knew that from the start, I knew that I loved her, but it was so real right now.

                “Come here.” I walked her to the bed as I sat down on the edge I pulled her onto my lap. She had her legs folded and she faced me with her hands on my waist and her head wanting to find its place in my neck but she wouldn’t let it.

                “I am NEVER going to leave you, and I sure hope you won’t leave me.” I thumbed her face as tears escapes her lost eyes and it broke my heart more.

                “Sleep over?” I sighed hoping it would cheer her up and it did. Her head poked up from my shoulder and her puffy eyes finally smiled at me.

                “Yes.” She simply gave me the most perfect kiss in the world. Every time we kissed I fell again.

                “Good, go pick out some PJ’s,” As she got up I wacked her butt she gripped it turning around and giving me a mysterious grin, UT-oh. I was dead for.

I think I messed up a tad so in the next couple chapters it seems to not make sense, just go with it (: Only two more chapters until I show the dates between everyone!(: Read, Vote, Fan ?(: Love you all<3

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