Miss Scarlett & Her Baby Boy

By SkylarLee1996

44.3K 589 209

Story about a boy an girl being friends could there friendhship become more both going to the caregiver an li... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.

Chapter 26.

419 6 0
By SkylarLee1996

After a good morning in bed together both scarlet an taylor got out of bed with smiles on there faces scarlet headed for the shower an taylor headed downstairs for coffee, taylor arrived in to the kitchen putting the coffee pot on waiting for it to boil taylor decided to make breakfast just simple scrambled eggs on toast finally plating the food for the duo taylor got to work at pouring the freshly brewed coffee in to two mugs, taylor was about to call scarlet down for breakfast when he was greeted by a freshly clean scarlet in the kitchen taylor wrapped his arms around her hey beautiful, scarlet pecked his lips mm morning babe something smells good taylor smiled an pointed towards the food well after a good morning work out we both need to eat he winked causing scarlet to blush the duo sat down together to eat there breakfast in peace an quiet with smiles on there faces until the others wake up from there sleepy slumber states, just enjoying there time together so babe we need to move the rest of the stuff at some point sooner we get moved the sooner we can all have a fresh start, alright babe sounds good to me what day was you thinking well we could do it today but i just want to relax today so maybe tomorrow we can get it all moved but then i have work tomorrow so wont be there to supervise the move an depends on if you will slip or not taylor smiled well i dont plan on slipping so me an the girls could do it tomorrow why you are at work an then once we have finished the move i can pick you up from work an bring you to the new house that way it will be a fresh start for you as soon as you have finished work does that sound good to you? scarlet smiled pushing her empty plate away she got up an straddled his lap you really do thinking of everything dont you babe, taylor pecked her lips i try to beautiful. 

There moment was soon interrupted by the girls walking in to the kitchen one by one all making there way to the coffee pot taylor rolled his eyes an continued to kiss scarlet until lauren cleared her throat *err get a room you two* taylor chuckled *well good morning to you too lauren* all 4 girls sat down at the table sipping there coffee's so what is the plan for today then? nothing today relaxing day scarlet has work tomorrow an we will all be moving the rest of the stuff to the new house tomorrow why scarlet is at work so busy day tomorrow all 4 girls smiled an nodded alright but what about if you slip, scarlet stepped in taylor wont slip tomorrow he dosent feel like being in headspace an if he does im sure you will all find a way to keep him occupied or you can drop him off with leona, lauren smiled sounds like a good plan to us so what you all wanna do today lounge around or go out an do something? tasha spoke up well i can go to the bar an do some bits why you all lounge around if we not doing anything today scarlet smiled alright well that is tasha busy then so up to the rest of you on what you want to do me an taylor will probably stay in get some more stuff packed ready for tomorrow so what ever you guys want to do today, well i need to finish packing my room up an the girls have already packed up there places so its up to them if they want to move there stuff over today or do it tomorrow, ally spoke up first well i am sure i can get the stuff moved over today its only a few boxes so then that will be one less place to clear out tomorrow, gabby nodded in agreement i will do the same as ally taylor nodded alright do you need any help or are you going to be ok to do it, both girls smiled thank you for the offer taylor but im sure we will manage you just enjoy your day with scarlet from what i heard this morning you had a good start to your day ally winked taylor smiled well what can i say she is beautiful scarlet cheeks turned a bright red, didint think you was awake, gabby started laughing well your not exactly quiet scarlet taylor high fived gabby you can say that again, lauren cleared her throat alright you guys enough embarrassing my sister thats my job she said in a joking manner, alright well me an gabby are going to get ready an head out the sooner we get this done the sooner we can all have a much needed fresh start, with that being said both girls set off out the door ready to sort out the final bits of moving boxes. 

Lauren put the mugs in to the sink ready to be cleaned later alright you two i will go an sort out my room do we have anymore empty boxes taylor nodded yeah there is some in the garage i can go get them for you if you would like why you make a start, thank you taylor that would help a lot no worries laur i got you taylor stood up slipping his trainers on giving scarlet a quick peck to her lips he made his way in to the garage, to grab the final boxes for lauren after battling to get them from the full boxes in front he made his way back inside taking his shoes off by the door he made his way up to laurens room here you go laur thanks taylor with a simple nod he made his way downstairs an back to scarlet seeing her looking out the french doors window in the lounge he crept up quietly behind her an wrapped his arms around her making her jump a little *hey babe* scarlet jumped slightly *jeez hey you scared me a little bit* sorry babe didint mean to what you looking at *its alright babe not a lot just taking in the view one last time* taylor smiled letting out a content sigh yeah we made some good memories here but its time to make some even better ones in the new place an we will be a lot safer there, scarlet nodded yeah i know babe you always know the right things to say in the right moments, i try babe i just know how much this place means to us both it is were we both started but its time for us to move on to a new place together to make even more memories together, Scarlet turned in his arms a placed a soft kiss to his lips, i cant wait babe there will be us all together under one roof extra security an more room for us all to do our own thing an not all be under one an others feet all the time, taylor smiled exactly babe an we will all be ok things will get better in time i promise i wont let anything or anyone  hurt you or the girls i got you an i got them its going to be ok scarlet smiled at taylor i know babe anyway what you want to do? taylor smiled how about we watch a movie sounds good to me babe what was you thinking hm what about mr an mrs smith we all like that film, scarlet rolled her eyes you only like it for jolie taylor smirked well what can i say she is hot but not as hot as you mi amore scarlet looked taylor in the eyes smooth save babe taylor smirked an winked so movie or not scarlet laughed alright movie time taylor pulled scarlet in to his chest pressing play on the remote just as the film started lauren came down flopping in her usual spot what we watching then, taylor being the sassy man he is come back with *a movie with words sounds an pictures in colour lauren rolled her eyes at his comment scarlet held back a chuckle well you asked laur, we are watching mr an mrs smith taylors choice let me guess because it has jolie in it, scarlet smirked an taylor rolled his eyes seriously she is a good actress an not my fault she looks super hot in his white shirt with nothing else on, both girls rolled there eyes alright i will give you that one babe i look hot in your shirts especially after lauren cut scarlet off please dont finish that sentence i dont want to know what you are going to say bad enough hearing it this morning she winked at the duo. 

All three of them sat there happily watching the film with one an other enjoying the quiet an last relaxing day in the old house before they move to the new house tomorrow, half way through the film ally an gabby both pulled up an making there way in to the house knowing full well that scarlet taylor an lauren probably not had any lunch yet gabby being the happy go lucky one out of them all decided to announce there arrival *Guys we are home did you miss us* taylor being taylor an in one of his moods shouted back *no not unless you brought food* ally rolled her eyes at his remark *well lucky for you we did i knew full well you all probably would not have had anything to eat yet so we brought Chinese gabby set the food down on the coffee table in the lounge taylor was the first one to run an grab plates for them all feeling his stomach grumble he wanted food he didint notice how hungry he was until the topic of food come up, *dang that is the fastest we have seen you move all day* lauren an scarlet both announced on taylors return well im not too sure on that he winked at scarlet this caused her to roll her eyes at him shush an eat your food, you dont have to tell me twice taylor plated his food an gave both the girls a kiss on the cheek thanks girls he sat back down happily watching the film enjoying the Delicious food brought by them both turning his attention back to the TV why the 4 girls spoke between themselves happily enjoying there company every now an then scarlet would look over to taylor to make sure he was ok an not chocking on food taylor eats his food way too in an out of headspace, looking over to his direction she could see noodles hanging from his mouth why staring at the screen what a surprise jolie stood there in a white shirt butt ass naked chuckling to herself the other 3 girls looked over to what scarlet was laughing at all 3 girls rolled there eyes *boys will be boys* lauren reached over an slapped taylor up the side of the head to grab his attention *dang it what the hell* he looked over at the girls gabby pointed at lauren taylor gave lauren a death glare what was that for *you had noodles hanging out your mouth taylor im pretty sure if you didint you would be drooling, taylor flipped her off wiping his mouth just in case he kissed scarlet an winked at her love you babe i love you too babe i dont mind she is pretty hot *see even my queen has good taste* lauren was about to say something but for once she had no comeback taylor sat there with a smug look on his face. 

The film come to an end the day seemed to have flown by tasha had come back half an hour ago all sitting down with one an other talking about the plan of action for tomorrow so there would be no mistakes hoping the day would go smoothly without any hiccups, so you all know the plan for tomorrow then yes taylor rolled his eyes babe you have drilled it in to us 6 times now i think we have it nothing is going to go wrong you will go to work an we will do all the moving stop worrying the worst that could happen is that me an gabby drop something its fine scarlet turned to taylor an gabby please dont do that last thing i need is to get a phone call saying you two have dropped something an hurt yourselves especially you babe we all know what happens when you hurt yourself you slip an i know if you slip i said to take you to leona until i can get to you but still that is not the point under any circumstance i dont want you guys getting hurt do i make myself clear taylor rolled his eyes alright mama bear calm down nothing will happen come on we have ally an tasha watching us an lauren is more then capable of looking after me when i slip if i even slip you are worrying over nothing now calm mi amore its going to be ok have some faith in us i will take you to work an then pick you up from work we got this all you need to worry about is doing your job tomorrow we got this dont we girls all 4 of them looked at the duo an smiled yep we have this scar dont worry me an ally will keep these 3 monkeys in check its all going to be ok, lauren gabby an taylor rolled there eyes at that comment, anyway i think we should all go to bed an get some sleep busy day tomorrow an pretty sure it will be a long night by the time all the unpacking will be done with that being said all 6 of them headed to bed ready for the next day. 

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