Black Clover: A Knight & His...

By RayTheRipper

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This is the only Mimosa Vermillion x Male Reader on Wattpad & that honestly surprises me since Mimosa is best... More

Page 1: Magic Knights Entrance Exam
Page 2: Introductions
Page 3: Meeting The Other Recruit
Page 4: The Recruits First Mission
Page 5: Beasts
Page 6: Guardians
Page 7: Castle Town Adventure
Page 8: The Wizard King Saw
Page 9: Dungeon
Page 10: The Diamond Mage
Page 11: Friends
Page 12: Destroyer
Page 13: Memories of You
Page 14: Destruction & Salvation
Page 15: Assembly at the Royal Capital
Page 16: Capital Riot
Page 17: Wild Magic Dance
Page 18: The King of the Crimson Lions
Page 19: Blackout
Page 20: Adversity
Page 21: Wounded Beasts
Page 22: Light
Page 24: Protector Meets The Protectee
Page 25: The Mirror Mage
Page 26: Pursuit Over the Snow
Page 27: Three-Leaf Sprouts
Page 28: To Help Somebody Someday
Page 29: Light Magic vs. Dark Magic
Page 30: The Light Of Judgement
Page 31: Three Eyes
Page 32: The One With No Magic And The Fool With A Hammer
Page 33: The Next Day
Page 34: A Black Beach Story
Page 35: The Underwater Temple
Page 36: Temple Battle Royale

Page 23: The One I've Set My Heart On

923 21 13
By RayTheRipper

Narrator: The Wizard King, Julius Novachrono had come to the rescue of Asta and Y/N but he had come face to face with the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun. Julius had returned Asta & Y/N back to the capital much to the delight of Klaus, Mimosa, and Noelle. With that being said, the Black Bulls trio had returned to the Black Bulls hideout with the realization of them having a day off, but what would they do with their day off? Finral Roulacase, member of the Black Bulls Magic Knight squad, had some concerns. Some very serious concerns.


Finral's thoughts: What now? What should I do?

Narrator: Was it a mission that had him so preoccupied?

Finral's thoughts: The mixer tonight!

Narrator: No. He was planning a mixer, a party meant to help men and women forge closer friendships.

Finral's thoughts: Let's see, how do I wanna arrange this? I have three ladies lined up already. Mm. A line of ladies. No! Focus, Finral. You have to decide which squadmates to bring with you. Asta's a firecracker, so he's a must. (Y/N) is a really nice guy but he has his eyes on someone already so it might take some convincing for him to join us so I'll need one more just in case.

(Finral is watching Magna train.)

Finral's thoughts: Maybe, girls do like the whole bad boy thing. (imagines how it'll go)

Magna: (on top of Crazy Cyclone) Hey, ladies. You wanna see a real man's ride? Check out my Crazy Cyclone here. Just hop on and I'll treat you to the full Magna experience.

Woman 28A: Hm...

Woman 28B: Uh...

Woman 28C: [sighs]

Finral's thoughts: But Magna's more of an "acquired taste." Huh?

(Looks over to see Gauche carving something.)

Gauche: [panting] Almost there. Soon I'll have a life-size statue of my Marie in all her glory! Oh, Marie. I can feel you here beside me. My beloved little sister. My precious...

Finral's thoughts: No. I can just see it now. (imagines how it'll go)

Gauche: (slides a picture of Marie) Take a look at my Marie. Have you seen anybody more angelic? No. Because there is no one who can compare to her. (nose bleeds)

Woman 28B: Ew. So gross.

Finral: That's one way to kill the mood.

Gordon: [mumbling] I heard about the mixer and I'd be happy to go with you if you want. It's not like I'm not into girls...

Finral: Nobody knows what Gordon is thinking, ever.

Finral's thoughts: So, no.

(Finral walks through a portal.)

Gordon: A-Ah...

(Cut to Finral watching Grey bench press.)

Finral: [sighs] (walks away) Charmy might liven things up a bit if brought her, like a little mascot. Although...(imagines how it'll go)

Charmy: (eating) Excuse me! Can I get some more?

Waiter: Very sorry. We only opened five minutes ago, but we're already out of food.

Charmy: [whines]

Finral: That would be a disaster. Okay, no Charmy, then. So, what about Vanessa?

Finral: Assuming she's sober. That's a no-go.

(Cut to Finral popping up in the bathhouse part of the hideout and considering asking Yami.)

Finral: I could see if Captain Yami wants to go. Some ladies have a thing for older men, right? Except, he is a little rough around the edges. (imagines how it'll go)

Yami: What's up with those goofy little outfits, anyway? Huh? Not wearing any hats or gloves, either. You oughta cover up more. Jeez. You wanna catch a cold or somethin'? Well?

Woman 28A: Uh...

Woman 28B: What?

Woman 28C: Seriously?

Finral's thoughts: Hard pass.

(Cut back to Finral walking in a hallway.)

Finral: That just leaves me with one option.

(Cut to Finral asking Luck.)

Luck: A mixer? Okay.

Finral: Excellent, I'm glad you're on board.

Finral's thoughts: Yeah. Luck at least looks sane. He should do fine.

Luck: Hey, what's a mixer?

Finral: This'll be great.

(Cut to Finral, Asta, & Luck about to head out.)

Finral: All right! We're all set.

Asta: So, wearing our robes is okay?

Finral: We wanna make it crystal clear that we're Magic Knights. The people look up to us. I see no reason not to use that to our advantage. Are you sure you don't want to tag along, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I appreciate the offer, Finral. But my heart belongs to Mimosa.

Noelle: (rolls her eyes)

Asta: Sure, I got it!

Luck: (punches the air) So what are mixers like, anyway? Think we'll get to fight?

Asta: I don't know. I've never been to one before!

Finral: Yeah, just great. Okay, let's go.


Finral: Well? You coming?

Asta: Yes, sir! (runs in the portal)

Luck: (runs into the portal)

(A little bit after them Noelle runs into the portal & of course, Y/N follows her.)

(Imagine Y/N is running behind Noelle.)

Gordon: [mumbling] Can I come, too? I won't get in the--

(Portal closes.)

Gordon: Aw...

(Cut to Asta, Luck, Finral, Noelle, & Y/N stepping out of the portal.)

Asta: out we go!

Luck: Ooh.

Noelle: [gasps] (hides behind a pillar)

Noelle's thoughts: Good. Made it.

(Y/N): Noelle. Please give me a heads up before you jump into a portal. I almost didn't make it in ti-

(Noelle grabs Y/N behind the pillar.)

Noelle: Quiet, (Y/N)! We're gonna follow them.

(Y/N): Why? Wait, don't answer that. I know why.

(Noelle & Y/N are now moving from box to box following Asta, Luck, & Finral.)

Noelle's thoughts: What was I thinking, sulking after them to some silly mixer? I got all worried because that cretin wants to indulge himself in a little low-brow socializing. [yelps] No, I am not thinking about him! He's a useless muscle-head, and I couldn't care less what he wants to do with his free time. Argh! Who am I making excuses to, anyway? Oh, yeah (Y/N). (looks back at Y/N)

(Y/N): Hm? (notices Noelle looking at him) It's okay, Noelle. I'd be doing the same thing if I heard Mimosa was going to a mixer.

Noelle: [whispering] Thanks, (Y/N).

(Cut to the Black Bulls inside of the The Dreavy Hinker.)

Finral: Well, looks like everybody's got drinks now. I'd say introductions are in order. I'll start, then, shall I? (pulls out flowers)

Finral: I'm, Finral Roulacase. Twenty-one-year-old Spatial Magic user from Touda, and a Black Bulls squad member. Hi, there.

2 of the 3 girls: Ooh!

Finral: (hands each of them a flower) Have a freshly-picked moon blossom as a symbol of our acquaintance.

Blonde girl: Oh, wow! How nice.

Brunette girl: These are to get. They only bloom at night on Mount Anahu. They smell so good!

Redhead girl: Thank you.

Finral's thoughts: All right, I've got them all interested! I'll land a girlfriend this time for sure. I just need Asta and Luck to pull their weight.

Finral: Now, who would like to introduce themselves?

Luck: I guess I'll go.

Luck's thoughts: This shouldn't be too hard, right? Okay!

Luck: I'm Luck Voltia. 18 years old, from Ibon. I'm a member of the Black Bulls, too. My favorite thing is life or death battles against super-strong opponents--the bloodier the better! And my motto is "do or die"! (shocks a piece of meat that is on the table)

Asta's thoughts: It's my turn. A real man would probably talk about his dreams and stuff, huh? All right!

Asta: Hi, I'm Asta. I'm 15, from Hage Village, and I'm a Black Bull. And, um, my dream is to be the Wizard King.

Brunette girl's thoughts: Uh, the Wizard King?

Blonde girl's thoughts: No way. He's just a kid.

Brunette girl's thoughts: I don't know about these two.

Blonde & brunette's thoughts: They look like trouble.

Brunette girl's thoughts: It's great that they're Magic Knights and all, but did they have to be Black Bulls? Ugh, lowest of the low.

Blonde girl's thoughts: Isn't Hage a commoner village? In the middle of nowhere?

Brunette girl's thoughts: If he isn't taller, wealthier, and of a higher social standing than I am, what's the point?

Blonde girl's thoughts: Just forget it.

Finral's thoughts: Uh oh. I'm not getting an "interested" vibe.

Finral: (snaps) Okay! Well, that does it for us. Now let's hear all about you! We're dying to learn more, ladies, you ready? Let's go!

Erika: Well. I don't know what to say, really. We're all friends. I'm Erika, and I work for a dressmaker.

Helene: I'm Helene, and I work at a barbershop.

Rebecca: Rebecca, I work at a restaurant.

Finral's thoughts: Nope, not interested at all.

Finral: Wow! You all work, that's great. I'd love to hear more about what you do. (looks at Erika) Maybe you could make me an outfit. What do you think would look good on me? (looks at Helene) Would you give me a haircut? I think it's time for me to try out a new look. (looks at Rebecca) Can I drop in for a bite?

(Erika, Helene, & Rebecca all look disinterested.)

Finral's thoughts: Well, that didn't work. What's a topic that might reel them in?

Finral: So. Wanna hear about what we do as Magic Knights?

Helene: Yes, that would be wonderful.

Erika: Please, tell us everything.

Finral's thoughts: Bingo!

Finral: I'm happy to oblige. I get to see a lot of different places as a Spatial Magic user. I could tell you about some of my recent travels.

Erika: Please do!

Finral's thoughts: Ah--Well...

(Most of the "traveling" Finral does is portaling Yami to the toilet, bath, and his bed.)

Finral's thoughts: Lately, all I've been doing is dealing with Yami.

Finral: Luck! You've been working hard. Tell us about it.

Luck: Who, me?

Finral: Well, go on now, don't be shy. The ladies said they wanted to hear everything.

Luck: My work, huh? Let me think. Oh! I was fighting these bad guys, you know? Bandits.

(Erika & Helene's interest is peaking.)

Luck: And, oh, boy. Wow. Talk about a bloodbath! I coulda just killed 'em if I wanted, but I decided to be nice and let 'em go with a few bones still left intact.

Finral's thoughts: You're not helping, Luck!

Luck: Then another time, I was fighting this really strong mage, and I thought...

Finral: (covers Luck's mouth) Yeah, thanks, Luck! Now, aren't you getting hungry? (uncovers Luck's mouth) Well, I'd like to hear from Asta. He helped protect the royal capital, didn't you, Asta?

Asta: Oh, yeah. That's right.

Helene: Wait! Are you talking about the attack the other day?

Erika: That sounded so scary.

Finral: Our Asta wasn't scared, though. He even got a promotion.

Erika & Helene: Wow!

Finral's thoughts: All right, got 'em! Now we just need to keep the conversation on track.

Helene: That's amazing!

Asta: (shows his wounds) The people we were fighting were really tough, though. Managed to put three new holes in me, and man did it hurt!

(Erika, Helena, & Rebecca are back to looking disinterested.)

Luck: (pokes one of Asta's wounds) Wow, it's all squishy, too.

Asta: Ow! Jeez, keep your hands to yourself!

Rebecca: [sighs]

Finral's thoughts: Ah! They're useless! What was I thinking bringing these two? (Y/N) is the only one who is mixer material!

(Nero looks over to see Noelle & Y/N behind an edge of a wall.)

(Imagine Y/N is over Noelle in a waiter uniform.)

(Cut to Noelle serving food & Y/N taking orders.)

Noelle's thoughts: Maybe I didn't need to keep an eye on things, after all. The mixer doesn't look like it's going well.

Noelle: Not that I care. Dorksta's social life has nothing to do with me.

(Y/N): Then why are we here?

Customer 28A: Excuse me, miss! Over here!

Noelle: Huh?

Customer 28A: Another round, please.

Noelle: Go get it yourself. I'm busy.

Customer 28A: Uh...(looks at Y/N) could I get another round?

Noelle: He's with me.

Customer 28A: Brr.

(Noelle & Y/N overhear Sekke talking about the attack.)

(Y/N): Ugh, not him again.

Sekke: (all lies) Well, I was there guarding a VIP, so I got in on the action, too. Took out a fair number of attackers myself, as a matter of fact. I didn't expect to get a promotion just for doing my duty, truly. (truth) What's a boy to do, though? I know I didn't deserve the honor, but they insisted, so, well...[laughs] Oh, dear. I may be a tad drunk. On myself.

(The 3 girls he's talking to all look disinterested.)

Noelle's thoughts: Things look even worse at that table. Wait, haven't I met that guy before? I think...Right! It's Ha-Hah!

(Y/N's thoughts): Is wrong that I want to completely obliterate him with my hammer?

Sekke: (looks over at Noelle) Hey, you there! Get me another drink, at once!

(Noelle blasts him with her magic & Y/N throws his hammer at him. After that the 3 girls give them a thumbs up.)

(Cut to Asta alone with Rebecca after Luck steps outside with Helene & Finral takes Erika out onto the veranda.)

Asta's thoughts: Ugh. So awkward. Why's she staring off to the side like that? Is she mad? Is there something on my face? I can't take it anymore! I don't really know how, but I've got to make this better. I'm not done yet!

Asta: So, um!

Rebecca: Hm?

Asta: Do you have a favorite food or anything? Me, I like pop-potatoes.

Rebecca: [sighs] You don't have to try so hard to make conversation. It's okay. Getting all dressed up and coming out was Erika's idea. She thinks I need a man for my siblings' sake. But I don't even want to be here. I've spent the whole time worrying about my brothers and sisters back home.

Asta: Wow, how many siblings do you have?

Rebecca: Three little brothers and two sisters.

Asta: Hey, that sounds like me!

Rebecca: Huh?

Asta: Well, we're not actually related or anything, but I have five sorta-siblings. They're a bunch of rascals. I miss 'em now that I'm gone, though. We had fun even though we didn't always get along. Yeah, we slept squished up like sardines. When I joined the Magic Knights, I got a room all to myself which was nice, but, y'know, it's kinda lonely not havin' a pack of restless little kids in there with me.

Rebecca: Oh, yeah! They can be so annoying, but then you miss them when you're not around.

Asta: I know! Plus, they help keep me in line sometimes because I want them to think the best of me--it's weird!

Rebecca: I totally understand.

(Noelle & Y/N are watching all of this.)

(Imagine Y/N is next to Noelle on the right.)

Noelle: Hey, wait! She's actually laughing now? How could this be happening? (breaks the plate she's holding)

(Y/N): Another love rival!

Bar owner 28A: H-hey! What kind of serving girl and waiter are you? I gave you a chance since you two were begging for a job, and then you send customers flying and start breaking my plates?

Noelle: (turns to the bar owner) That's enough out of you.

(Y/N): Yeah, shut it.

Bar owner 28A: [yelps]

Asta: I'm not surprised you're a big sister. You seem like the type.

Rebecca: I have to admit, you don't really come across as the oldest in your family.

Asta: There was actually another kid there my age. His name's Yuno.

(A drunk appears and tries to force himself on Rebecca but Asta throws him through Sekke's table.)

Bar owner 28A: What did you do to my table?

Rebecca: [gasps] We gotta go! Quick!
(Rebecca & Asta run off.)

Bar owner 28A: Wait, come back!

Noelle: I just remembered there's somewhere we need to be.

(Y/N): Yeah!

(Noelle & Y/N take their uniforms off & throw them to the bar owner.)

Bar owner 28A: Huh? Hey!

(Cut to Noelle & Y/N watching Asta & Rebecca in an alleyway.)

Rebecca: [panting] You were really great back there. Thank you so much.

Asta: No problem. Sorry I kinda ruined the mixer for you.

Rebecca: You didn't, though.

Rebecca's thoughts: He's on the short side, but there's somethin' about this kid.

Rebecca: [gasps] *blush* Hey, Asta? Do...Do you have anyone who's special to you?

Asta: Yes! I've got my heart set on someone!

Noelle: What?!

(Y/N): Oh, really?

Rebecca: Oh, okay. She must be pretty amazing.

Asta: She is! She's from my--

Rebecca: I'll be rooting for you.

Asta: Yeah? Thanks!

Rebecca: Hey, you should come over sometime and meet the kids. I think they'd like you.

Asta: You got it!

Noelle: "From my" what?

(Y/N): Squad?

Noelle: [gasps]

(Imagine Y/N is next to Noelle on the left.)

Noelle's thoughts: From my squad? Wait, does that mean? Is it possible? Could he be talking about m-m-m--? No. No way. And so what if it is? It's not like it matters. Not to me. Not at all. Not one tiny, little bit.

(Y/N): Noelle, why are you acting like that? You should be overjoyed! I know I would if Mimosa felt the way I feel about her.

Noelle: Shut up, (Y/N)!

Asta's thoughts: Keep waiting for me, Sister Lily. One day, after I've become the Wizard King, I'll come back for you, and when I do, please marry me!

Rebecca's thoughts: I may be rooting for him, but that doesn't mean I'm giving up.

Asta: Oh, yeah! I never figured it out. What was the whole point of the mixer thing?

Rebecca: What?!

Noelle: What?!

(Y/N): Why am I not surprised?

(Luck & Finral both got rejected by the way.)

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