Red Dress

By angelreadsalot

134K 7.6K 559

In the vibrant world of art and passion, Oliver's creative spirit is on the brink of surrender. Just when the... More

Chapter 1: Sam is a problem
Chapter 2: who is he?
Chapter 3: portfolio
Chapter 4: opportunity
Chapter 5: hard to get
Chapter 6: Harper vists
Chapter 7: the date
Chapter 8: The showcase
Chapter 9: My Food
Chapter 10: maybe
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: Mess
Chapter 32: bye
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 39

1.7K 118 2
By angelreadsalot


I looked at my hand. I felt like a 6 year old. There was a ring on my finger. I always thought I'd be the one to propose to someone. I lay back down. Arden had her arms around me.
"Morning handsome." She moved her hands further down. She traced my scar. I felt her warm hands leave a trail.
"So you want something small or big." I asked her. As much as I loved her I knew our thoughts on what a wedding should be like were different.
"I don't know...what do you want."
"Small and out doors."
"Well my mother likes to control everything so it will be big and probably indoors." I fell silent. I realized she would take my surname. The surname she has is already well known. Would she even want mine. How did this all work?
"What are you thinking about." She asked. She got up and kissed my shoulder.
"Our surnames."
"What about them." She said. Placing another kiss on my cheek.
"I mean do you want mine."
"Sure...Arden Wicca. Has a nice ring to it."
"Oliver Lagnar." She said. I smiled.
"Does that matter. We'll think about that later." I got up and brushed my hair back.
"I have to deal with my parents first." Arden said.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was about to have dinner with her parents and mine. After Arden told her parents found out just like Arden had predicted. Her mother told her whole family. It was big news. "They want to meet the guy I left Bradley for." She had said. She told me about how big her family was because both her parents have alot of siblings. "I have alot of cousins." She continued. I told her my father had a bunch of brothers. Which started a conversation about how many boys we will have because it seems there are alot of men in my family. Arden walked back in to the bedroom. She wore a black dress and her hair was pulled back with a fancy band. I wore a shirt and Jean's. We walked out of the apartment together and we jumped into the car.
"I should have cut my hair." I said.
"Your fine."

Arden talked with Liz as we waited for her parents to arrive. My father was outside smoking. We were at a fancy restaurant. We waited for a while. When her parents walked in Arden stood up. We all said our hello's.
It was awkward at some point but my dad broke the ice. Arden and her father were giving each other looks.
"We are getting married." Arden blurted out.
"What!" Her parents shouted.
"Are you even using your head?"
Her father shouted. Luckily we were in a private area of the restaurant.
"I'm using my head dad." She said.
"I can't believe..BELIEVE." Her father looked at me.
"I'm a great guy..."
"Yes for somebody else's daughter." He screamed.
"Wait what's that supposed to mean!" My father said.
"Wait...i don't think-" i said.
"Shut up!" Her father said.
"Don't tell him to shut up!" Arden stood up.
"I apologize for my parents behavior." She said. She grabbed her fathers arm and they walked out. Her mother followed right after.
"What an asshole." My father looked at me.
"I don't get it Ruth is nothing like this..." Liz whispered.
I watched as Arden argued with her father. Her mother would intervene. Arden looked at me. Then pointed to herself.
"Would you like to order anything?" Our waiter said. She looked at me.
"Ummmm..i don't know if."
"Yes we will have your special for the evening." Arden walked back in alone.
"Tonight is celebration but I do apologize for my parents they don't seem to understand..." Her voice faded. She looked at me.
"In that case red wine." Liz said.

"He'll never understand his always been like this. I lost a brother because of that man...his disowning me."
"I HAVE MY OWN FUCKING MONEY!!" She looked at me and huffing and puffing. I shrugged. I honestly did not know what to say. It was the first time I'd seen her so angry. She threw a pillow at me.
"Don't look at me like that. Now I feel bad."
"Don't." I said. Laying down on the bed.
Arden was removing pillows off the bed.
"I don't fucking need him." I sat up from the bed.
"Arden breath." I placed my hand on her face.
"We will figure it out."
"Fuck him." She sighed.
I kissed her lips.
"Now why don't we watch a movie until we pass out." I suggested.
"I'll get the popcorn." She ran out.
"Ill get the slushie." I said. Jumping out of bed.

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