Black Clover: A Knight & His...

By RayTheRipper

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This is the only Mimosa Vermillion x Male Reader on Wattpad & that honestly surprises me since Mimosa is best... More

Page 1: Magic Knights Entrance Exam
Page 2: Introductions
Page 3: Meeting The Other Recruit
Page 4: The Recruits First Mission
Page 5: Beasts
Page 6: Guardians
Page 7: Castle Town Adventure
Page 8: The Wizard King Saw
Page 9: Dungeon
Page 10: The Diamond Mage
Page 11: Friends
Page 12: Destroyer
Page 13: Memories of You
Page 14: Destruction & Salvation
Page 15: Assembly at the Royal Capital
Page 16: Capital Riot
Page 17: Wild Magic Dance
Page 18: The King of the Crimson Lions
Page 19: Blackout
Page 20: Adversity
Page 22: Light
Page 23: The One I've Set My Heart On
Page 24: Protector Meets The Protectee
Page 25: The Mirror Mage
Page 26: Pursuit Over the Snow
Page 27: Three-Leaf Sprouts
Page 28: To Help Somebody Someday
Page 29: Light Magic vs. Dark Magic
Page 30: The Light Of Judgement
Page 31: Three Eyes
Page 32: The One With No Magic And The Fool With A Hammer
Page 33: The Next Day
Page 34: A Black Beach Story
Page 35: The Underwater Temple
Page 36: Temple Battle Royale

Page 21: Wounded Beasts

748 19 10
By RayTheRipper

Narrator: Asta, Leopold, and Y/N had finally gained the upper hand on Rades after Leopold had come back to his senses. But reinforcements for Rades and Valtos had arrived turning the tables once again. But to answer this, Asta had cut the curses on his body with his swords.


(We see other parts of the Kingdom & how they've recovered from the invasion. From Charmy still eating to the little girl with Nero.)

Scar: Has the threat of our superior numbers driven him mad?

Glasses: What's it matter, anyway? I can still dissect a crazy person.

(The reinforcements fire their magic at our heroes.)

(Asta is able to dispel all of their magic by spinning with his swords.)

Scar: Such pointless flailing about.

Rades: Hah! The brat doesn't know when to give up.

Asta: [yelling]

Glasses: Oh. I know who you are.

Scar: This must be the Anti-Magic boy the master mentioned.

Asta: [panting]

(Flashback of Fuegoleon's words of wisdom to Asta.)

Asta: You got it, Captain. I can do calm. I'm gonna calmly tear you to pieces.

Scar: Not likely.

Leopold: Flame Magic: Exploding Flames!

(Y/N): Strength Magic: Herculean Toss!

(Focus on the throw.)

(Glasses & Scar are able to dodge Leopold's flames & Y/N's hammer.)

(Imagine Y/N's hammer is between Sally & Geork.)

Glasses: Whoa!

Scar: [grunts]

Leopold: You think I'm gonna let you get away with what you did to my brother?

(Y/N): I cant let you & Asta have all the fun now, can I?

Leopold: One of us is going down today, and it's not gonna be me. (misses a punch) How you doin', Asta? Got room for two more?

Asta: Sure thing! Feel free to jump in whenever you want to.

(Asta, Leopold, & Y/N continue to attack the reinforcements.)

Scar's thoughts: They fight like wounded beasts--cornered, with nothing left to lose.

Asta & Leopold: [yelling]

(Y/N's thoughts): Man, they look so cool!

Scar's thoughts: They're fearless!

Rades: What are you waiting for? Just get rid of these idiots already!

Scar: What do you think we're doing?This wasn't our original objective. But you've made yourselves targets.

(They fire but...)

(Again, imagine Y/N is next to Asta & Leopold.)

Asta: Thanks, Noelle!

(Y/N): You're a lifesaver, Noelle!

Noelle: If those fools thought I'd let them kill my friends that easily, then they were sorely mistaken.

Glasses: Hey, that's some pretty spiffy defensive magic.

Scar: Interesting.

Underling: This girl has the look of the royal House Silva. Well, in that case, we should respond with something appropriate to her exalted station. Tree Creation Magic: Magic-Draining Roots.

Noelle: [gasps] Asta!

Asta: I got it!

Leopold: What are you planning to do?

(Y/N): "Got it" how?

Noelle: (looking at the roots) Oh, no! His counter spell swallowed up the torrent.

(The dome disappears.)

(Imagine Y/N is in the air next to Leopold with his hammer arched behind him.)

Asta, Leopold, & (Y/N): [yelling]
Scar: Admirable battle instincts. But it won't be enough. Wind Creation Magic: death by Tornado Needles.

(The trio gets stabbed.)

(Imagine Y/N is being stabbed behind Asta & Leopold.)

Asta, Leopold, & (Y/N): [grunt]

Noelle: [gasps]

(The trio collapse due to their injuries.)

Leopold: He was too fast.

Noelle: Are you okay? Please say something!

Scar: Now, to finish this for good.

Noelle: I can't help.

(Scar shoots more needles to finish off Asta, Leopold, & Y/N.)

Noelle: Please, no!

(But suddenly Scar's needles are blocked by the returning Magic Knights.)

Noelle: What? You're back!

Scar: The rest of the Magic Knights!

Rades: No!

Alecdora: Did you think a little distance would be enough to save you?

Valtos: Your back. How? From so far.

Alecdora: We worked together to affect our return. Though cooperation doesn't come naturally to us. If I had to give the spell a name, I'd call it, Super Compound Magic.

Hamon: [laughs] Merging our talents rather than vying for dominance--what a novel idea.

Sol: Well, I guess we can't write off men entirely, huh?

Charlotte: Yes. It appears they can be useful on occasion.

Solid: [scoffs] This cooperation business leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Nebra: We Silver Eagles have never been known for playing well with others.

Nozel And yet. It is the duty of all Magic Knights to protect the kingdom. If we must work together to do that, then so be it.

(Mimosa runs over to Fuegoleon & Noelle.)

Mimosa: What happened here?

Noelle: He's badly hurt. Do you think you can help?

Mimosa: How horrible. Who could do this to a man as strong as Captain Fuegoleon? (begins to heal Fuegoleon & looks over to see Asta, Leopold, & Y/N) Somebody check the others. Are they still breathing?

Klaus: (checking on Asta) Come on, Asta, wake up for me!

Asta: [grunts]

Klaus: Good, he's alive. To have brought down fighters as strong as these four...How powerful are they?

(Klaus portals his way to others.)

Valtos: Our losses will be too high if we continue this fight. Retreat.

Nozel: What, leaving so soon? Mercury Magic: Rain of Silver.

Glasses: Gel Magic: Go, Sticky Salamander!

Nozel: It will take a far more powerful spell than that to withstand my silver rain.

Glasses: Think so? Dark Magic Item. Properties Boost: Absorb.

Klaus: That's impossible! It's soaking up the captain's magic like it's nothing.
Nozel's thoughts: But how? What sort of magic item is that?

(The salamander snatches up Asta & Y/N.)

Klaus: [gasps] Asta!

Noelle: (Y/N)!

Glasses: And gotcha!

Scar: What do you plan to do with them?

Glasses: It's a secret!

Scar: We'll leave you for now but remember this day, Magic Knights.

(Imagine Y/N is in a gel bubble in front of Rades.)

Scar: We are the Eye of the Midnight Sun, and we will bring the Clover Kingdom to its knees.

(The Eye of the Midnight Sun disappear.)

Noelle: Asta! (Y/N)! They took them. But they...Let's follow them!

Klaus: Stop, Noelle. It won't work.

Noelle: Why not?

Klaus: We have no means of tracking them and no way to know what awaits us if they are found.

Noelle: I don't care.

Nozel: Let it go. Our priority right now is strengthening the royal capital's defensives. For all we know, there could be more enemies about. We have neither time nor magic to waste on nobodies like them.

Klaus & Noelle: [gasps]

(Nozel walks over to Mimosa healing Fuegoleon.)

Nozel: How is Fuegoleon? Will he survive?

Mimosa: I've done all I can with my magic, but it won't be enough. We need to get him to the medical ward for more advanced healing spells as soon as we can. We don't have much time.

Solid: Ha. A one-armed squad captain. Is there any sight more pitiful?

Nebra: [laughs]

Solid: This is what House Vermillion has become? It almost makes me ashamed to be a royal.

Noelle: How could you say that? The captain fought bravely.

Nozel: Because we are Magic Knights. If we do not win, we may as well not exist.

Noelle: Trying counts for nothing?

Solid: Less than nothing! The Crimson Lion Kings are ruined--

Nozel: Enough, Solid. We weren't here to fight, and that makes us even less than him. Now, see to the town's defenses. This is no time for your adolescent posturing.

Solid: Right.

(The rest of the Magic Knights move out throughout the capital.)

(Cut to The Eye of the Midnight Sun arriving at one of their hideouts.)

(Imagine Y/N in a gel bubble beside Asta.)

Scar: Rades! You put your petty need for revenge ahead of the mission, and this is the result. The master may have taken a liking to you, but don't get cocky. Mucking about with those creatures of yours. Taking on the captain by yourself. You're an arrogant fool.

Rades: Give it a rest already.

Scar: If you had stuck to the plan like you were supposed to, things would have been much less complicated.

Rades: I don't see what you have to complain about when it was my precious puppets that were the victims in all of this.

Glasses: Let's not forget about Catherine. Things didn't turn out too well for her, either.

Rades: As if I care about that old hag.

Valtos: Quit scabbling.

Rades: I don't know why everyone's so upset. You got what you wanted, right?

Valtos: Oh, and, Sally. One thing. These little prizes of yours can't come with us. Kill them.

Sally: What?! You've got to be kidding! I can't just throw away a pair of prime specimens like them. We're not talking about simple magic-weakening spells. This kid has actual Ant-Magic! And his friend, just look at him. His weapon and the way he's built! I've just got to find out what his insides look like and how they work!

(Y/N is starting to stir.)


(A mysterious voice starts speaking to Y/N.)

???: Wake up!

(Y/N): ...

???: You've got to wake up!

(Y/N): ...

???: Wake up son!

(With that Y/N finally wakes up.)

(Y/N's thoughts): Father...? Where am I? What is this stuff?

(Looks over at Asta.)

(Y/N's thoughts): They captured Asta as well?


Scar: Only those people who have been acknowledged by the master may go where we are headed. We don't need more unnecessary trouble. Kill them before the master comes for us.

Asta: Huh?

(Y/N): What are they talking about?

Sally: Aw!

Rades: You know, I'd be happy to kill them for you. The brats would make good additions to my playthings.

Asta's thoughts: Uh-oh. Not good. Looks like I've gotten myself captured. (spots Y/N) Y/N too? This is bad.

(Y/N's thoughts): Why can't I move?!

(Sally notices them awake.)

Sally: Oh! Goodie, goodie! You two are awake!

Asta's thoughts: A girl?

(Y/N's thoughts): The girl who smelled me from earlier?

Sally: C'mon, you two should help me convince them! It'll be great! (looks at Asta) I'll study everything about you and your grimoire. (looks at Y/N) The same goes for you and your hammer. I'll do some experiments, and then I'll dissect you!

Sally: You two want to help with my research, don't you? I'll analyze every last cell. Nothing will go to waste, I swear! Just think of how much we can learn!

Asta's thoughts: This girl is completely nuts!

Sally: Hey, Hammer boy, if you tell me where you're from I'll consider sedating you before I dissect you!

(Y/N's thoughts): I've got to get out of here!

Asta & Y/N's thoughts: We're in seriously deep trouble.

Asta's thoughts: Crap, I can't move. There's no way out of here!

Sally: Are you gonna make me beg, Geork? Because I will. Pretty, pretty, pretty please?

(Geork is Scar btw.)

Geork: [sighs] Whatever you do, just leave me out of it.

Rades: Give them to me!

Sally: No way!

(Julius comes out of the shadows.)

Julius: Hi there. You've kept me waiting.

Asta & (Y/N): [gasps]

Geork: What?

Sally: Ooh!

Rades: No, it can't be.

Geork: The Wizard King, Julius Novachrono.

Geork's thoughts: How did he find us? Why is he here?

Julius: Did you have a pleasant visit at the capital?

Geork: Kill him now!

(Julius takes out two of the underlings.)

All of the Eye of the Midnight Sun: [gasps]

Geork: They're gone. How did you--?

Julius: Yes, sorry about that. It would have been too difficult to restrain all of you. Much easier for me this way.
(An underling tries to attack Julius with his magic but Julius shoots through it with ease) You started this. It was your choice to attack the capital. And now you're nervous? Don't tell me you came to kill without being prepared to die yourselves.

Valtos' thoughts: So strong. But what did I expect? He is the Wizard King. And with my magic power drained...

Julius: Tell you what. You're skilled enough to make this a bit of a challenge, but I'd rather not go to the trouble. So, let's a deal. I'll let the first person to surrender survive. Well, do we have any takers? Don't be shy.

All of the Eye of the Midnight Sun: Not happening.

(They all shoot their magic at Julius but he dodges it at a very fast speed.)

Geork: How is he moving like that? He's so fast, I can't even see him!

(Julius appears behind them.)

Julius: A test, then. We'll see if it will work on this many. Time Bending Magic: Chrono Stasis!

Rades' thoughts:

Geork's thoughts: Body's frozen.

Valtos' thoughts: Can't move.

Julius: Well, would you look at that! I got you all. Guess I overestimated your skills. I hope you enjoyed this moment because you're going to be stuck like that for a while.

(Asta & Y/N drop out the gel.)

Asta: [grunts] Ow, ow, ow.

(Y/N): [coughs]

Julius: Oh, Asta, and (Y/N), there you two are. It's nice to see you both again. We keep running into each other.

Asta: Uh, yeah.

(Y/N): Seems like it. [light chuckle]

Asta's thoughts: That many powerful mages, and he captured them all? It shouldn't be possible, but he pulled it off. Amazing.

(Y/N's thoughts): Just how powerful is he?

Julius: (walks towards Asta) You wanna be the Wizard King someday, isn't that right?

Asta: [gasps]

Julius: Then I suggest you carefully consider everything you've seen here. This was only the smallest example of the sort of power you'll have to outmatch.

(Y/N's thoughts): "Smallest"?!

Asta's thoughts: This is who I'm chasing. The strongest man I've ever met. The most powerful mage in the kingdom, and the one I have to surpass.

(Julius offers his hands to Asta & Y/N.)

Julius: Can you stand?

(Asta gets up on his own, as does Y/N.)

Asta's thoughts: Don't look weak![grunts] [pants]

(Y/N uses his hammer to prop himself up.)

(Y/N's thoughts): This is nothing! You've been through worse!

Julius: Well, it would seem you two don't need help after all. (looks at the captured Eye of the Midnight Sun members) As much as I hate to admit it, you folks have some pretty neat magic. It surprised me. Now, then. There are a quite few questions I'd like for you to answer.

Asta: Huh?

(Y/N): Hmm?

Julius: This tablet you have here with the jewels. What is it for? I've never seen writing like this, nor such a pattern. What exactly were you trying to accomplish with it? Actually, hold that thought. You can't very well answer while caught up in my spell, now can you? (walks towards them) We'll have a nice chat about it later, back in the Clover Kingdom.

(Julius feels something.)

Julius: Get ready. Something's coming.

(A bright light appears.)

Asta: So bright!

(Y/N): My eyes! (shields his eyes from the light)

Asta: Where is this light coming from?

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