Crossroads ✔️

By iam_crowner

511 68 1

This story is about a young girl with little to no parental guidance.. And on her Christmas trip to China,she... More

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14 3 0
By iam_crowner

I sighed and sat down, turning up my phone backlight so I could see what time it was.


I wished time would go faster so I could catch Grey's Anatomy. I swiped my phone open and clicked on the business app that was developed by a fellow student and scrolled through.
I was majoring in the freshmen courses.

My stomach grumbled and I decided it was time I ate.

I was walking to over to the parking lot to grab the burger I had gotten on my way to school that morning when my phone buzzed and I looked down to read the message when I bumped into something and felt wet.

I suddenly smelled like strawberry.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" I heard a male voice say and before I could say a word, his hand shot out and dabbed at my jacket with an hanky.

"I'm sorry" He repeated and I nodded not replying.... I didn't even look at him.
I made to walk past him when he got in my way, blocking me off and I was forced to look at him.

What the fuck is the deal??

"Wait up, are you mad at me?" He asked and I shook my head,trying not to stare. God, was he handsome.

Snap out of it Chris

"No... I'm just on my way to the parking lot" I smiled.

"I'm Dwayne McCammon" He stuck out a hand and I took it courteously.

"Christa Taylor" I replied and he chuckled.

"You're related to the famous Taylor?? I mean, you must know the Taylors right?" he said and I quirked a brow.

People do know the Taylors

"He's my father" I piped up and he stopped short.

"The famous Taylor is your dad?" He asked, surprise laced his voice.

I nodded simply and made it to the car. I didn't want to be rude by telling him to go away cause I wanted to devour my burgers so I played it cool and offered him one of the two.
He shook his head and I almost smiled.

Good thing you didn't take it

He was still fascinated by me being a Taylor and he asked if it was true that my dad was part African. I nodded and he wowed.

I bit into the burger and savored the taste, getting less hungry.

Maybe because my hunger was being quenched, I noticed how handsome Dwayne looked when he smiled. He had strawberry blonde hair and dreamy pea colored eyes. He had a deep dimple on his right cheek that showed whenever he smiled and it was an extremely appealing sight.

We were in the middle of a conversation about our opinions on different issues when my phone rang and it was Granny.

"Excuse me" I raised a finger and picked the call.

"Hey Granny."

"I thought you said you classes end by three pm, where are you?" she said and I almost smirked.

"Yes Granny but it's not three yet" I replied and I heard her gasp on the other end.

"My bad Chris, be safe dear" She said and I smiled before ending the call.

"Mom?" Dwayne asked and I shook my head.
"She's more of an aunt" I said and he nodded.

"Alright, nice talking to you Christa.. I'd like to see you again" He said and thrust out his phone towards me. I took it, smiling and typed in my phone number.

"I'll call you" he beamed and I nodded, hoping he would.

I watched him go and I walked to class. All through the short lecture, all I could think of was Dwayne's witty conversation, his smile, his smell, the way he had dabbed the strawberry smoothie off my jacket and yea, his dimple.

But once bitten,twice shy. I shouldn't be feeling this way about someone I just met but I knew it was just normal feelings that would go away once I found out something uncool about him.

After rounding up my classes for the day, I literally sprint to the parking lot. I was starving!
I almost tripped when I saw Dwayne standing by my car.
"Hi"He waved a little and I smiled back.

" I finished my lectures about ten minutes ago and I felt it wouldn't be right if I didn't say goodbye "he explained and my heart literally melted.

" Awwn, thank you "I grinned, impressed.

But again, what girl wouldn't be??

I waved at him and got into my car. I drove a little above the legal speed limit to reach home fast.

Granny opened the front door and I went into her warm snuggle." How was school?"She asked and I smiled.
" Peachy"

I scooped Domm into my arms and smothered her face with kisses. She giggled and I turned to Granny.

"Did you hear that? She giggled!" Granny nodded, smiling from ear to ear.

"My baby!" I cooed kissing her neck and heading for the room to shower and wear something more comfortable.

I put Domm in the stroller and went to shower and dressed up afterwards. I walked into the room to hear my phone ringing and I dashed across the room to pick it.

It was an unknown number. I frowned before picking and I relaxed after I heard Dwayne's voice.

"Hi" I greeted back.

"I guess you're home already?"He asked and I replied affirmatively.

He was asking about dinner plans when Domm threw up and started screaming in the stroller. It was a messy sight.

Without thinking, I threw down the phone and unbuckled her from the chair.

I took her to the bathroom and bathed her then I changed her clothes.

I picked up my phone to call Dwayne back when I realized he hadn't needed the call but was listening.

"I'm so sorry I went off like that. My daughter made a little mess" I chuckled and I heard his breath catch.

"You have a daughter?" the surprise was evident in his voice and I couldn't help chortling.

"Yes, I do".

"Can we do a video chat instead?" He pleaded and I smiled, ending the call.

My phone rang seconds later and I swiped sideways to pick the call.

His cute face appeared on my phone and I waved a little, placing Domm in front of me. He stared at Domm for a long time, smiling adorably at her.

"She's adorable! I'm not saying this to flatter you but your daughter deserves an award for being so beautiful" He mused and I laughed aloud.

"There's a limit to baby cuteness but I don't think your daughter has one" He stressed and I patted Domm's head, feeling happy.

"You two look so great together" He complimented and I shrugged, dimpling at him.

"Sorry if this is a little personal but are you engaged or in a serious relationship?" He asked and I almost winced.

"No" I heard myself say and he seemed relieved or maybe I was imagining things.

He quirked a brow and I got the message. He wanted to know about me and Domm's dad.

"I'd rather not go into details now."i said, shaking my head.

He grinned at me.

" It's alright. Uhh, do you mind us grabbing lunch after school tomorrow? "He asked and I nodded. It seemed only natural to agree.

" Thank you... I gotta go now"He bade and waved at Domm and I.
I waved back and ended the call.

Sighing, I hopped off the bed and took Domm with me to have lunch.

Later I sat in the living room and watched another movie since I had missed the one I wanted.

" He'll break your heart Ursula, don't trust him!" I yelled at the TV like the heavily made up actress could hear me and Granny rolled her eyes.

I chuckled, crunching popcorn with all my attention on the TV.

In that moment, it felt like I was little Christa again, the girl with little to no worries.

But I was... Everything sane in me told not to get attached to Dwayne one bit and I agreed.

I most certainly do not need a man anymore.

I had Domm and she was enough to last a lifetime.

* * * * * * * * * * *
I had told Granny that I would be home late and she didn't dispute it.
After our lectures, we took Dwayne's car and drove to a nearby plush restaurant with an amazing menu.

We chatted while eating and I found out so much about him

His dad was unknown to him as he had left his mom when Dwayne was three years old and he couldn't remember what he looked like. His mom didn't keep his pictures around the house.
He had a little brother, jasper and an older sister, Sapphire. His mom was an FBI officer.

My mind went to Jamil and I suddenly lost my appetite. I hadn't felt the urge to cry in a long time but the feeling was overwhelming.

"Are you okay?" He asked, placing a hand on mine and I nodded.

"I understand. My mom breaks down from time to time and I think it sneaks up on you" he said and I smiled.

"Wanna go into details now?" He prodded and I shook my head.

I didn't feel up to it.

"You know, talking about an hurtful subject heals you in a kind of way. I know this isn't something that just goes away but.. It's worth a try" He encouraged and I stared at him briefly. He was a very nice guy.

I told him about how I met Jamil, our relationship, leaving out the intimate part. I told him how he left and that was it.

He squeezed my hand reassuringly and I gave him a genuine smile.

He dropped me back at school and pecked me goodbye before zooming off homeward and till I fell asleep that night, I thought about him and the things he had said to me.

He seemed like a great guy, a worthy one. I felt drawn to him but I knew only few guys would want to be with a single mom like myself

My chances were slim but all of a sudden, I felt desperate!

Desperate to feel loved again.

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