Crossroads ✔️

By iam_crowner

511 68 1

This story is about a young girl with little to no parental guidance.. And on her Christmas trip to China,she... More

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16 2 0
By iam_crowner

I almost cursed myself when I woke up

Why didn't I just die???

"Dominic" I breathed and he turned. He had been sitting with his back to me.

In a minute, he was all over me,feeling my temperature and asking how I felt.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I fingered the cut on his brow.

"I'm sorry" I sniffed and he smiled reassuringly.

I sat up and kept my gaze fixed to the ground.

"Why don't you hate me Dom?.. You shouldn't be doing all these for me. I deserve what I'm getting and if it weren't for me, you and Rick wouldn't have had that quarrel" I was on the verge of breaking down again.

"He almost killed you!" He snapped and then pulled me into his arms, kissing my forehead.

"I promised I'd never let anyone hurt you, I'm not going back on that promise now that you need me. Okay?"

I nodded, feeling a bit relieved..

At least, somebody cares

"Dad...." I trailed off and looked at Dom.

"Don't worry about him... Everything's gonna be fine.. I promise"

I clung snugly to him and felt at peace for the first time in a while.

"Christa!" I heard mom call and I snorted with anger.

There's no way I was going downstairs 

"Come down for lunch... Now!" she said and I made to lay down when Dom picked me up effortlessly and I protested.

"No... Put me down... Dom please I don't wanna go.. Rick's there."

I flicked away the tears and Dom sighed.

"I'll bring it up then" he offered and I smiled.

"Thanks" I kissed him flush on the cheeks and went back to bed.

There, I dialed Jamil's phone and he ended the call on the second dial.

Answer your phone you fucking prick!

I dialed over and over again still no answer.
I fought back tears as I stared at his picture on my phone.

I thought he loved me! I was so stupid, I didn't see he was using me.

Just as I was about to drop her phone, it vibrated with a message from him.

Quit calling me so much, I told you I'll call when I'm less busy.

I felt self pity engulf me as I meekly texted back.

I need to talk to you.. My family didn't take it lightly with me. I just wanna talk to you. I need you.
Please text back.

I dropped the phone as Dom came in with a plate of prawn rice and beef.
I didn't have appetite for such dishes so I shook my head and looked at him.

"I want Custard" I whined and he chuckled.

"Be right back" He said and scooped up the food and exiting.

Now is time to stop wondering why everyone loves Dom

The smile on my face vanished when I saw Jamil's new text.

I don't understand why you won't listen. Do whatever works for you. It's over.. I'm done.

My breath caught as I bit hard on my lower lip

What do you mean "you're done?"
You love me,don't you?

I waited calmly for his reply and when it came, it completely shattered all the feelings I had for him.

I know I said I did but maybe I was wrong. Maybe it was a fleeting feeling. I wish you all the best.
But my best advice, get rid of the baby and move on with your life!.

I felt pure anger and hatred flush my system. Shakily, I hurled my phone at the door and screamed into the pillow.

The door opened and I kept hitting the pillow. Screaming on top of my lungs

I hate you!!!!I fucking hate you!!!

Dom grabbed me and cradled me against his chest where I let it all out. I sobbed till there were no more tears to shed.

Then Dom spoon fed the Custard to me and afterwards, I went to sleep.

                  * * * * * * * * * * *

The next couple of days were not so nice. Mom constantly talked me down, Rick called me a slut at every slightest chance he got.
But Jannie got nicer to me. She would do my laundry, bring me breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Dom had gone back to school. Ever since he left, I've been alone.
I couldn't call Keith or Sean. What would I tell them?

Dom, however, calls everyday to make sure I'm fine. He encouraged me to tell Keith about it even if she reacted crazily.
I knew I had to tell her. She was gonna be a godmom.

"Hi Keith,wanna come over?"I asked hastily as soon as she picked the call.

"Are you back?"She asked incredulously and I chuckled.

"Yea, I really wanna see you. I need you Keith"

I heard her breath catch on the other side and I blinked back tears.

"Wow" She mocked. "Guess you do"

I frowned.

Why did she sound that way??

"I'm serious, Keith"I insisted and she burst out laughing.

" I hear you, I hear you" she said still laughing and I swallowed a lump as tears found their way down my cheeks.

"You don't have to come if you don't wanna.. I guess you have plans" my voice broke and I sniffed.

"Are you crying?" She asked, sounding panicked.

"I'm okay.. Take care" I finale and ended the call.

I threw my phone down and sank to my knees, hugging it to my chest.

"Christabel" I heard someone say repeatedly and I opened my eyes.

"What a weird sleeping position" Keith smiled and I got up, hugging her tightly.

"I... Can't... Breathe.." She gagged mockingly and I laughed, sniffing.

"You missed me that much?" She asked, amused.

"Not a chance!" I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed.

"How's Sean?" She asked and I frowned.

"I just got back from another continent. Bitch, he lives a few blocks away from you!" I snapped and she flopped on the bed laughing convulsively.

"Okay okay.. I think he's fine... But come to think of it, he's your boyfriend" She winked and I snorted,suddenly remembering Jamil.

"No he's not" I countered quietly and she shrugged.

She walked over to the mirror and flipped her red curls to a side, restyling it.

"I need to talk to you about something" I ventured and she turned, giving me a duh look.

"Christabella Taylor, don't bore me with another story of your whack holiday... I had enough from the last time."

I couldn't help laughing as she sat opposite me and gazed meaningfully at me.

"Is something bothering you?" She asked, noticing my mood for the first time.

"Yea.." I unlocked my phone and showed her my messages with Jamil.

I watched as her face registered shock, pain and anger.

"The fucking retard!" She growled.
"He left you?? Just like that?..."

I nodded and ran a hand through my hair.

"Wait!" she suddenly said and I looked at her.

"You're gonna be a mom" She squeaked and I rolled my eyes. She never dwell for long on serious moments.
Her craziness was back.

"For crying out loud Keith" I groaned.

"I'm gonna be a god mother!" She yelled and quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

I laughed out loud and felt good for the first time in days.

She came over to me and hugged me quietly and reassuringly.

"You have me" She said and I nodded not only cause I didn't have a choice but because Keith was a real one and I knew I could always count on her.

"I'll tell Sean" She volunteered and I dimpled at her.

"Do you feel different?" She asked, scooting close to me on the bed and. I shook my head.

"Can you feel the baby?" I shook my head again,feeling drowsy.

"Have you seen a doctor yet?" I shook my head and burrowed my face into the pillow to shut out her questions

"is it gonna be a boy or a girl cause you know boys are boring and girls are fun! Well except a fancy part" she stopped and I felt her lean in.

"I hope she doesn't have your hair type" she taunted and I jolted out of bed and seized her head, bashing it with a pillow.

"No no.. Help me! Save me from the lady with the 4C hair!"

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