It's Too Late

By CherryBlossom2214

1.5M 44K 3K

He rejected me, all my life I have dreamed of my mate and our lives together. But he rejected me, I knew my f... More

Chapther 0.1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: The End
Dorothy's Story: Comming Soon
New Year's Bonus Chapter

Chapter 11

35K 887 108
By CherryBlossom2214

It's been a two weeks after the loss of my baby and I'm feeling alot better. Leo made sure I got everything I need. "Get dressed we are going out." Leo storms in my room making me drop the book I was reading. "Leo you startled me, where are we going?" He was certainly in a rush because he himself was dressing so fast. "Surprise, now get dressing woman or I swear I will take you just like you are." That got me jumping, I really don't want people to see me in my pajamas. "Anything I should know that would help me choose an outfit?" I yell from inside my closet. You heard me, I have a walk in closet. I didn't want one, but Leo wouldn't listen. He says he wants only the best for me and nothing less and no matter how hard I argue, he doesn't change his mind. "Well no skirts or dresses." Alright doesn't make my job easier, but beats my usual wear. I settled on a pink jacket that Leo gave me and the rest I dressed in white. I quickly showered and dressed and when I walked out of the bathroom Leo was sitting in a chair looking handsome as hell. "Well don't you look beautiful my beloved." He takes me in his harms and gives me a gentle kiss. "I would say the same, you look quite handsome." He smirked and kissed my nose. "Let's get going I have got a big day ahead." He drags me down to the garage. And let me choose a car that we will be riding in.

{Their outfits}

With much conxideration I choose what Leo calls the SSC Tuatara. One of the fastest cars on the world. "You better drive fast I want to see how fast it goes!" I squealed as he helped me into the car. "Woman I swear you are more happy to be in this car than with me." He says and we speed off. "Maby." He frowns, "I should burn all the cars so only I can make you happy." He mumbles under his breath and I couldn't help but laugh. "Don't worry Leo, I like you alot." He glanced at me. "I like you alot too Ana."

We stop at a robot and Leo turned to me. "Oky I'm going to blindfold you until we are at our destination, oky." I bite my lip as he puts a blindfold around my eyes. "You know it is pure torture if you do this to me." I pout and he laughs, it made me go all jelly in my heart. "Then I like torturing you." That got him a slap on the chest.

After a while and 'are we there yet?' question we finally stopped. I wanted to rip my fold off, unfortunately Leo stopped me. "No not yet beloved. Patient." He gets out and helps me out of the car. "Alright if that is the way you want to go, just don't let me fall." Just then he scoops me up. "There now you won't fall." I hold onto his neck for better grip. "Well now I am at risk of falling if you accidentally drop me." He chuckles, sending the vibration through my body and I shiver. "I'd never let you fall beloved." He whisper in my ear and I feel myself blush, earning Leo another chuckle. He took me to wherever we are going, I could it get more colder, but not that cold. He carefully sits me down and takes my blindfold off. I instantly jumped back into his arms. "Thank you Leo!" I kiss him and run off to where they would get skating shoes. I couldn't get it on fast enough and Leo just laughed at my eagerness. "I assume you love skating." He gets his skates on as well. They stand at the opening to the rink. I didn't feel so confident now. "Well I am about to find out." I smile, still very excited. "You mean you've never skated before?" I shake my head and slowly got on only to fall, but Leo quickly caught me. "I guess I'm your teacher for today." He smirks at me and helps me up.

"You know you bragging on the ice with your skills will not make me better!" I yell at Leo who was laughing at me that is clinging to the rail like they are my life support. "Ahw, don't be like that!" He yells from the other end and skates to me at full speed and stops right in front of me. Almost giving me a heart attack. Our faces were inches away from each other. "Come on, let me help you now beloved." I refused his help in the beginning, but now I think I might need it. "Don't let me fall." I reach out to his gand and immediately cling onto it. "The trick is not to look down." He whisper in my ear and I blush, luckily he doesn't see it. Slowly I look up. "There we go, now keep your knees bent amd don't lean backwards, keep your weight forward." I so as he says as he guides me around the rink very slowly. "Now follow my movements, put weight on the skating leg each time." I do what he says and soon enough I am successfully skating with Leo holding onto my hand. "Oky I'm going to let go, will you be fine?"
"I'm good." I was not, because as soon as he let go I fell. There was a moment of silence and then we laughed. "Well you arw gonna fall a few times." He smiles and I feel my heart warm up once more. "Yeah yeah, help me up." I hold out my hands and he helps me up and I begin again. A few falls later and I am falling less now and I'm skating quite good. We spent I don't know how many hours on the ice until we were exhausted. "What about we get something to eat?" That got me happy, I could really do with some steak right about now. "I can literally see you drooling about steak." I pout. How did he know? "Come on lets go."
My feet is literally killing me sonI hold my hands out for Leo when we got our normal shoes back on. He eyes me, "You want me to carry you?" I smile and he looks baffled. "Well alright, what my lady wants, my lady gets." He turns around and I hop on his back. "Well then let's go get food into that stomach of yours." He takes me to a comfy looking restaurant and I did not hesitate to order the biggest steak they could offer. Leo on the other hand got a salad. A salad of all things on the menu and I made sure to taunt him about it.

"You know if you keep taunting me about the salad I will never treat you to steak again." He says as we walk to the car. I jab his side, "You don't want to see me without my steak." It is like my favorite food. He holds up his hands in surrender. "Alright beloved."  We laugh and  he kiss the top of my head.
"Well well, look who we have here." Someone who doesn't look as friendly comes out of the shadows. His teeth is crooked and chipped. His eyes has the look of a crazy man. Leo pushed me behind him. "What do you want?" Leo's voice was full of authority. He man chuckles and more men appear. "Oh nothing much, king." He smirks and then all the man attacked at once. Leo made sure to kill them fast. "Leo!" I yell as I see one jumping on him. I growl and rip him off of Leo and rip of his head. There was one guy left who attempted to run, but Leo wouldn't have it. He threw him against the wall. "You ruined my date and you think I would let you get away." They guy was a shivering mess and didn't look so cocky now. With one final hiss, Leo ripped the man's head off. The dead bodies lay there, all turned to ash. Leo quickly runs over to me and checks me over for any injuries as I do him. "I swear ofbthey laid a hand on you." He mumbles, still very mad. "Easy there tiger. Don't go make a hit list." I smile and hoped that I cheered him up. He pulls me closer to him, as if he was about to loose me. Maby, just maby, my heart got a little warmer.

I think I've been here almost two months. I was going a little crazy because I was kept in Leonard's room the whole time, especially at night. He took me out during the day to view the gardens or to go on a walk, but it was real quick. Never to long and quite frankly I'm fed up with it. Don't get me wrong, Leo and I have a great relationship but being cooped up here is not a dream of mine at all, but I can't blame him. Eversince that stupid useless attack he has been on edge.
Leo comes barging in with a smile. "What has got you so happy my king?" He walks over to me like an innocent child. "Well I got something for you."
"Your smile is creeping me out, what did you get me?" He pulls behind him a square box. Inside was a beautiful black choker with n red pendant.

"Oh Leo this is beautiful! Will you put it on me?" He takes a dramatic bow. "Who am I to refuse my lady?" I giggle but lift my hair up so he can put it on. "It looks beautiful on you." In his eyes there was nothing but love. "Look Ana, I know you're fed up with being cooped up here which is why I made that pendant for you in the first place, it's infused with my blood and will scare anyone away who wants to do anything to you."
It took me a vew minutes to process what he said. "You, you mean I can come into the out now?" He laughs while shaking his head. "Yes you can come into the out now, as you put it." I jump on him, locking my legs on his hips. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I kiss his face all over. "If I had known you would react like this I would've pressured them to work 24 hours on that necklace." He smriks. "Oh hush hush." I admire the necklace further in the mirror. "I want to introduce you to my most trusted friends, I want the court to know who my wife and queen will be." I couldn't help but blush, but I was worried. "I don't think they will accept a werewolf queen Leo." That was my major concern. "I don't really care what they think, I've chosen you and they will have to deal with it. I would like to see the guy that will be able to take me out." His anger was seeping through so I walk over to him and bring his face down so I could kiss him. "Calm down Leo." His shoulders relax and he takes a deep breath. "So do you want to meet my friends?"
"Of coarse I do, I want to see what kind of friends the king has."
"Don't set your expectations to high now." I made sure to wear a simple long black dress that fits well with my necklace.
We walk hand in hand to his garage. He let me choose a ride and I was not disappointed. It went fast! Leo kept mumbling about me being a speed freak.

"Alright we are here." The place was huge, Leo's place was bigger obviously, but dahm vampires live large. "You said we were going to their house, this is like a mansion!" He chuckles and kiss my hand. "My beloved, vampires love their space, so we live large." He didn't need to tell me that. "Don't get out I will open the door for you." And so I sit.
A woman with blond hair and a man with brown hair walks out to greet us, they both had red eyes. "Well you finally arrive Vlad! What took you so long?" The man yells. Leo ignores him and walks around to my side and opens up the door. My nerves are going crazy. The couple's smiles went flat to confusion. I had to be confident no matter what if I am ever to convince everyone that I can be beside Leonard.
I hold his hand while he leads me to them. "Paolo, Lenore, please meet my beloved, Anastasia West." Leonard introduced me to them. I give them a slight bow. "It's very nice to meet you, Leonard couldn't stop talking about how excited he was to see you again." I smile. They study me but didn't say anything, "It's good to meet you Anastasia." Lenore suddenly smiled and embrace me into a hug. I hug her back, "You as well, Lenore." Her smile was honest. Paolo just shook my hand with a nod, still very sceptical of me. "Oh do come in Vlad, we want you to meet our adoptive daughter. You'll absolutely love her." Lenore leads us in. The house was very modern decorated, counter to Leo's castle. "She'll be down any moment." We sit in the living room and servants braught us tea. "From where did you get her?"
"At an orphanage up north, we had to struggle long and hard to get the paperwork finalized." Paolo replied, he had a small smile on his face. One could see how truly happy they were. I ponder over the matter that if I should tell them or not, but these are hos trusted friends, I guess it should be fine.
"I'm was an orphan too."


How do you guys eat your steak? Personally I like it medium to rare.

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