|The Devil Himself 🔪| Michae...

By SuzuBrooke

5K 190 1.3K

There is a new lady in town who has the guts to live right next door to Michael's childhood home... Her name... More

{ Chapter 1 }
{ Chapter 2 }
{ Chapter 3 }
{ Chapter 4 }
{ Chapter 5 }
{ Chapter 6 }
{ Chapter 7 }
{ Chapter 8 }
{ Chapter 9 }
{ Chapter 10 }
{ Chapter 11 }
{ Chapter 12 }
{ Chapter 12.5 }
{ Chapter 13 }
{ Chapter 14 }
{ Chapter 15 }
{ Chapter 16 }
{ Chapter 18 }
I'm Sorry
{ Chapter 19 }
{ Chapter 20 }

{ Chapter 17 }

98 4 76
By SuzuBrooke

[Just realized that I skipped chapter 15... Must've been really high on sleep deprivation. Also Imma let you all imagine what happened with Michael once you headed back to your room because you guys seem to have better imaginations than me. XD]

Y/n's Pov-

Yet again the constant rhythm of waking up due to morning sickness at about 6 o'clock had me seeing stars. Fortunately I learned and went to sleep earlier than what I did usually. Also learning how to be stealthy as to not wake up Michael. Things didn't workout today. I tripped over my own two feet and bonked my head on the dresser.

"Ow... Mhh ugh."

Michael sat up immediately and looked over to me. I probably looked like a doofus crouched down like that holding my head.

"Sorry Michael."

I muttered. He stood up and helped me over to the bathroom. To where I got on my knees and puked in the commode. Michael holding my hair out of the way so I could do just that.

"Thank you."

I simply stated and went to brush my teeth to get that foul taste out of my mouth. Still half asleep. I walked out of the bathroom and began to read from adult magazine out of pure boredom. Finding nothing interesting my hands automatically dug in my pant's pockets for my phone. Seeing Michael went back to bed.

He'd be up in about two hours anyways. Then I noticed all the messages on my phone that I'd missed... One of my friends had just committed suicide. Welp this day is starting off pretty shitty... I thought to myself. If only I had checked my phone more. I kept blaming myself until I finally had a reasonable thought.

What's done is done... Even though he deserved a better life. I turned off my phone after investigating what had happened. Turns out his parents put way too much pressure on him his whole life and he couldn't take it anymore... They had always been a bit obsessive hadn't they.

I didn't notice the footsteps heading my way until Jason was peering down at me right over my face.

"Oh, hey Jason. Your awake early today. Did anything happen?"

He shook his head. Still a bit groggy. And sat down next to me to watch Spongebob Square Pants. I just sat beside of Jason and stared at the TV where Patrick was strutting around as a girl. Just the type of thing I needed to watch right now, light hearted and funny. Jason was bouncing on the couch to the song Spongebob sung as he went to work.

A smile spread to my face seeing his absolute joy.

"Jason. Honey. That's adorable!"

I hugged Jason and let go. Then stood up.

"What do you want for breakfast?"


Pancakes it is. After eating everything was the same old same old during the weekend. I even visited my Mom once. But couldn't get out because she barricaded every door in the house for the fear that one of her Ex's were still alive.

"What in the world Mom?! Didn't you see the Hell we put those guys through of yours!... There's no way they'd come back, they'd be too afraid of Jason, Michael and me."

"I still don't think that will stop some of them..."

I sighed. Facepalming a little too hard in the upstairs guest bedroom. She never did listen to what I had to say anyways. So I talked her into helping me get out of the house and finally made my way on back home. I wonder how Michael and Jason are doing. I need to buy them a phone just in case anything happens to them.

Swinging on the swing to calm my never ending thoughts I sighed. It was a beautiful day even though it was a little cold... It was the beginning of winter after all. Looking over to the leaves I used to pile up in the yard and then jump in with my sister. Such nonchalant memories to calm a person's nerves. I also remember burying my sister there and leaving her there alone.

Of course her face wasn't covered up. But she was angry afterwards. The only reason I did that was because of her annoying bugging and pestering, though. Not like I'd leave her out there all alone the whole day.

[Over to Michael and Jason at work.]

Michael's Pov-

The chipper at the factory messed up and completely stopped working so we took an early lunch break. Jason had just came in with another worker with a bundle of logs strapped into the back of the carrier. Perfect timing. Me and Jason walked to the parking lot outside where nobody went just to get some nice peaceful fresh air. Sitting on the back of the truck where the wood was hauled.

There was two baggies that Y/n had made and given to us. She usually does if she's not busy with something. In the bags me and Jason got some tater tots and chicken nuggets with an apple and some celery. To be honest she feeds us pretty healthily. I ate everything while Jason consumed all there was except the celery.

"Eat your vegetables."

I mumbled in a low voice like a father figure would do to his child. Jason unwillingly accepted and forced it down the hatch. Inside there was a note, there always was whenever we had lunches made by Y/n. And it always held a cute cheesy message.

'An apple a day keeps the doctor away boys. ^^'

Is what it said today. Honestly you couldn't get any more merry than that. Jason stared at me while I stared at the piece of paper with a fond smile. This one... Like all the others was going in the drawer beside of the bed for me to keep forever. Jason looked over at the paper and read what it said. A gleeful smile on his face giving him an extra boost of energy.

"Alright you two. Head back to work."

Mr. Spicer called out. He was our boss. We went back in the building to find everything had gone back to completely normal. The other workers showed obvious signs of fear towards me and Jason the first day we joined. After they witnessed Jason carrying a half a stack of lumber. The same gone for me as well.

Eh. Not that I cared. This just means they'll leave us alone. I don't care much for socialization anyways. Work ended at 5 so we still had quite a bit of time left. This was basically a workout regimen for the both of us. That and our job. Afterwards we'd be a bit sore like the rest of the guys although they had to use a whole team to pick up a single board of wood.

On our way home Jason wanted to drive as well but he didn't know the first thing about handling a car... So I guess this is where I teach him. Showing him the basics of what to use and how to use it I promised him that I'd allow him to drive in the driveway. And he did pretty good. Actually he was a natural just like me.

Only needed to be told once. We finally made it home and slipped off our shoes. Finding Y/n in the bedroom writing a letter of some sort. She looked over to us.

"Hey guys! Welcome back. I'll make Dinner while one of you takes a shower. The other can after Supper and washing the dishes."

I decided to go in first because Jason liked to help Y/n wash the dishes. Or maybe it was the bubbles in the dishwash detergent. I'm pretty sure it wasn't because of the water... From there I walked to the bathroom, locked the doors, took off my clothes, and took my shower.

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