[2] FAR FROM HIM // t.stark

By thestarklegacy

4.6K 161 18

Second book of "Acceptance Siries" FAR FROM HIM - tells a story of Terri Stark's struggle between her protect... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Finale

Chapter Twelve

92 2 0
By thestarklegacy

Peter stood at the door awkwardly as he greeted us with a simple "Hey". He tried to hide his awkwardness with a smile, but his eyes that are looking everywhere except us couldn't be anymore honest that he's nervous. I smiled at him while Happy and Rhodey shared a look.

'Hey, buddy. Thought you already left for the airport.'

I turned to Rhodey. 'Airport?'

Rhodey knew about us. Happy, too. It was hard to hide from two of the most important men in my life. They also know what's happening between us since Dad died, that we aren't communicating as much as we used to. Like I said, everything changed since Tony Stark died including our relationship. Rhodey raised his eyebrows at me and I shook my head at him.

The air is getting thick. Sensing that there's something unpleasant going on between us, Happy said, 'I think Peter has something to tell you, Terri.'

'Really?' I looked at Peter with an eyebrow raised. Peter was about to answer me when I saw a shadow moving at the corner of my eye. That's when I noticed Happy and Rhodey were leaving. 'Wait, where are you guys going?'

Rhodey gave me a bitter smile. 'Well, aside from Tony, think I'm the only person here who's far more better with technologies.'

I raised an eyebrow.

He chuckled. 'No hard feelings, Terri. I'm just gonna go find an intel and see how to work your Dad's machine elsewhere.'

'What? Wait, I actually have an idea about that–'

'No worries. We'll discuss later.' Rhodey quickly left before I can stop him.

'I'm going to check up on your mother and Morgan,' said Happy before he left soon after that, leaving me and Peter in the quiet room.

I know I will not sound like a straight woman if I say this, but I miss Peter. I miss him a lot, I do, but I don't think I'm ready to face him especially after what happened today. Everything happened so fast. Some truths were spoken when I least expect them. My mind is still processing about what's happening today although I remember my father told me not to because it's only going to make your head explode except just sleep on it. I might be seen as emotionless and heartless lately, but....

I sighed. 'Well, looks like it's only us.'

Peter gulped, scratching the back of his head. 'Uh, yeah. Apparently.'

I know Peter won't tell me right away what he should tell me. He's the person who won't stop talking when he's happy and the most quiet person when he has something to tell. That's how I know, plus, the tension that's growing between us, I know there something Peter has been hiding. But I don't want to scare Peter so I decided to ask him about Harley. It's been hours since we landed in our safe house and with Harley's current state, I know it'll take extra time to heal both his mental and physical. This is not Harley's game. I believe this is Harley's first time getting involved with whatever this is.

But Peter's face was bitter then ever when he heard me asking about Harley. 'Yeah, he's fine. He's– he's safe and sound.'

I sighed in relief. 'Oh, thank God! I've been worrying about him since we escaped the hospital.' I took a seat because I felt like I can finally breathe in peace after hearing about Harley.

'You care about him, don't you?'

'Of course, I do!' I said. 'His body is not fully functioning yet. He can't move on his own without anyone's help. Of course, I'm worried about him.'

Peter stared at me for a few seconds long, as if expecting me to say that I was not serious about Harley. By the looks of Peter, I know he's trying to figure something out, but before I could ask what, he laughed and nodded his head to himself.

'What? Are you not worried about him?'

Peter snorted sarcastically. 'Me? Why would I?'

That's odd. Peter is the kind of person who cares about everyone. 'As a friend, aren't you worried about him?'

'Friend?' Peter makes a disgusted face. 'He's not my friend. He's your friend.'

I rolled my my eyes at him. 'Come and sit, Peter. I have a feeling that we need to talk.'

He shook his head. 'I have a flight to catch up.'

'Where are you off to?'

'Europe. The European trip. It's-'

'Right. Your European trip.' I sighed. 'Sorry, I got carried away with–'


I pulled a look. 'I was going to say about my schedule,' I defended myself. 'Peter, Harley and I are nothing. He's basically my little brother. I'm five years older than him. You're five years older than him. Why are you bothered?'

Peter shrugged. 'I don't know. Maybe it's not about him, but your–'


Maybe I was wrong to mention Dad in front of Peter. Although he tried to mask it, but I saw how he quickly looked away and blinking his tears away. But, how long until any of us could accept and hear Dad's name without cringing?

'Peter, I'm sorry we lost a hero. I know you're the reason behind his sacrifices.' I took a deep breath. It burned my heart to say the truth. 'He told me a lot about you. One thing I remember mostly is that he said he sees himself in you and he's trying to help you not to do the same mistake as he did. Peter, you changed him. You don't have to know in what way, but you did. And you should be proud of yourself.'

I heard Peter sniffled. 'Yeah.' He croaked. 'I– I just want to tell you that this might be the last time I see you.'

'When's your flight?'


'That soon?' My eyebrows knitted.

Peter gave a bitter smile at me. Something in that smile tells me that he is hiding something. 'I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.'

'That's okay,' I answered quickly. I cleared my throat. 'I understand.'

No, I actually don't.

Peter and I stared at each other for a few moments. Then, he slowly raised his hands and waved a goodbye to me.



I sat alone by the wall as I stared into nothing. One side of my head is pounding. I feel like cutting open my skull to put the pain away. But honestly, even that cannot take the pain in my heart away.

'How long are we going to stay here?' Morgan asked as he took a seat in front of me.

I watched Morgan for a few seconds, glaring at her then, hoping that she would take my hint that I don't approve her being here. I shifted uncomfortably. 'Until we're safe.'

'When?' she innocently asked, looking at me with such hope in her dark eyes.

Dad's eyes.

'I don't know, Morgan. Go to Mom.'

'Why don't you know?'

'Why do you care?' I hold myself from shouting at Morgan, but my blood is boiling inside. If she's not this young, I'd lash her out. I don't care if Mom would hate me for it.

'Because I'm worried.'

'Worried?' I scoffed. 'What do you know, Morgan? You don't even understand what's happening.'

Morgan was quiet for a few seconds as if she's thinking about my questions. But it only ended up, she ignored my questions by shrugging. 'When's Dad coming back? Isn't he supposed to protect us? Did he run away because people are looking for us? Because we're bad?'

'Stop it, Morgan!' I raised my voiced at her. 'Would you stop asking questions and go back to Mom? Just leave me! I want to be alone!' I ended up saying, but the thing I wanted to say was, Dad is dead, Morgan! Let that sink in!


'I said, go back to Mom!' I seriously yelled at her this time.

Her eyes watered and her lower lips quivered as she watched me for a moment. What, does she think I'm going to take back what I said and did? Has she not learn that I never want her around me?

The room became quiet once again. I'm glad because I get to find inner peace again. However, not for long. I should know better that I won't get enough space when I have full of my family in the house.

'You're okay, kid?'

I just shrug at Rhodey's quaestion, not in the mood to answer him.

'You seem like you're holding a grudge on Morgan.'

'I don't want to talk about it,' I quickly said.

'Why? Is it because I let them steal your father's time machine that you do not trust me anymore?'

'Rhodey, please. Can we talk about something else?'

'Well, everybody changed since End Game,' he continued, 'especially you.'

Rhodey and I fell silence for awhile as we stared into the plain wall for nothing. It's like, we're a living corpse. Not sleeping, but not awake. Not dead, but we're still breathing. There's blood that flows in our veins, our mind is still active, yet we're braindead.

If Dad were still here, what would he do?

'By the way, I want to talk about something with you,' I finally broke the silence that, seem to fell, like an eternity.

Rhodey turned to look at me. He knows when I'm serious and he's all ears for it.

'You said Dad put a passcode for you. He put a passcode specifically for Morgan. I don't know about Mom, but do you, by any chance, know if Dad put a specific access to different people for his Garage? Is my theory right?'

Rhodey thinks for a second. 'Yes. Wait, you weren't–'

I nodded my head. 'So?'

'Right,' Rhodey said as he recalled that I was not home for five years. He sat up straight and became more serious. 'Tony put different access to different people. His people. Happy. Pepper. Himself. Even Morgan has it.'

'Yeap, I discovered that. It was time when I decided I'm ready to supervise Morgan at the Garage and I tried to enter, but it wouldn't budge until Morgan came.'

'Didn't you know your access?'

'Rhodey, I wasn't there.' I gave a him a look.

'Seriously? I thought you knew.'

'Knew what? Rhodey, please. I have no time for games.' My voice was obviously tired.

Rhodey took a deep breath. 'I have a question.'

I raised my eyebrow.

'Did you or did you not play the clip in the folder?'

'Um, what clip and which folder?'

'You know . . . . that stuff Tony wrote "T-2"?'

'Am I supposed to hack his computer or something? Because, hey, we both know that I'm pretty stupid at that part.'

Rhodey's face lit up and laughed me. 'Tell me what you want to talk about first. I'll show you the clip later.'

'Okay. Uh, um, since everyone has their own access, I have a proposal to make and you will have to agree to help me. I mean, I know this idea is so brilliant and could safe us. I just need someone with good mind to make it real.' I look up at Rhodey with hope and suddenly felt shy that I talked a lot.

Rhodey raised his eyebrow as a signal to continue.

'How about we build a layout specifically for you since you know how to control Dad's machine?'

'That's very brief, Terri.'

'I have this . . . . vision – and I know that it's going to be . . . . Anyway, how about we build different equipment room from those different access.'

'What you want to build, magic?' Rhodey laughed a little at my idea, but slowly that laugh faded when he sees how serious I was. 'You're serious.'

'Deadly serious, Rhodey, because I figured that that's the only way that will save us all.'

'But who's going to do it? I don't know where Dr. Banner is. And I . . . . Well, as far as I know, that we all we only have.'

'Harley. He knows just as much.'

'What? That kid?' Rhodey took a deep breath. 'I don't know, Terri.'

'Yes. Him. That kid. Haryley. We lost Dad, but we have Harley . . . . now . . . .' I felt like a heavy stone was dropped on top of me. I feel like I'm betraying Dad saying that. 'Anyway, that's my idea. Your access will lead to Dad's time-machine's control room, and others access will lead to a normal Garage, like Morgan's will be a playroom; Mom's will be like an office or anything she wants; Happy's will be . . . . cars? Could also be a hologram. In that way, thieves won't know.'

'We are not talking about regular thieves here, Terri. Although that was a brilliant idea, but Shield will find out sooner.'

'Shield? Seriously?'

'We have a theory,' Rhodey said. 'No thieves knows where your Dad lived. He wiped out all of his traces, and we both know how careful your father was since the Mandarin in 2013. My control room was in the middle of nowhere. The only people who knew was Shield and the Avengers, in which almost all of them are nowhere to be found. Cap's gone back to his old, old, old, old, old life. Barton? Wanda? Wilson and his guy Barnes?'

     'Okay, okay, I get it.' I took a deep breath and sighed heavily. 'It's a shame that we still trust Shield after all that happened, isn't it?' I laughed humourlessly.

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