Black Clover: A Knight & His...

By RayTheRipper

44K 1K 749

This is the only Mimosa Vermillion x Male Reader on Wattpad & that honestly surprises me since Mimosa is best... More

Page 1: Magic Knights Entrance Exam
Page 2: Introductions
Page 3: Meeting The Other Recruit
Page 4: The Recruits First Mission
Page 5: Beasts
Page 6: Guardians
Page 7: Castle Town Adventure
Page 8: The Wizard King Saw
Page 9: Dungeon
Page 10: The Diamond Mage
Page 11: Friends
Page 12: Destroyer
Page 13: Memories of You
Page 15: Assembly at the Royal Capital
Page 16: Capital Riot
Page 17: Wild Magic Dance
Page 18: The King of the Crimson Lions
Page 19: Blackout
Page 20: Adversity
Page 21: Wounded Beasts
Page 22: Light
Page 23: The One I've Set My Heart On
Page 24: Protector Meets The Protectee
Page 25: The Mirror Mage
Page 26: Pursuit Over the Snow
Page 27: Three-Leaf Sprouts
Page 28: To Help Somebody Someday
Page 29: Light Magic vs. Dark Magic
Page 30: The Light Of Judgement
Page 31: Three Eyes
Page 32: The One With No Magic And The Fool With A Hammer
Page 33: The Next Day
Page 34: A Black Beach Story
Page 35: The Underwater Temple
Page 36: Temple Battle Royale

Page 14: Destruction & Salvation

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By RayTheRipper

Narrator: The Magic Knights were exploring the treasure room when Mars had recovered & trapped Klaus, Luck, Yuno, & Y/N. After that Mars had attacked Noelle leaving her in a sorry state. After Y/N had seen this, with all his strength he had broken free from the diamonds holding him & fought Mars. But even Y/N couldn't defeat Mars. Asta had witnessed his two friends get injured by Mars. It was now his turn to take on Mars. And he had won but a grave cost.


Noelle: He's...hit. Asta! I'm fine. Forget about me for now and go look after him!

Mimosa: What about (Y/-

(Y/N): Asta needs you more than I do right now!

Mimosa: Right!

(Mimosa goes to heal Asta.)

Mimosa: This wound. Can I even heal it with the magic power I have left?

Yuno: Asta!

Klaus: Open your eyes, brat! Where did all that arrogance go?

Luck: You can't die before we fight!

Noelle: Asta!

(Y/N): You've got to get up Asta!

Mimosa: Try to hold on. You can do it. Do you hear me? You're not alone!

(Mars origin)

???: Mars, is our training getting to you? When things get tough, just close your eyes and think about the people you love. That's why we're here. We were born so we could become powerful enough to protect our country.

(Mars opens his eyes)

???: Once we've gotten strong, that's when we'll get to leave this place. Do you think you'll be the first one who goes? I do. I mean, how could you not be? You're the strongest. We all know it.

Young Mars: If I get out...I'll wait. I promise. I'll wait for you.

???: Yeah! We'll go see the outside world together.

Instructor 19A: This is your final test: a fight to the death. Only the last standing will be permitted to leave here as a mage in service to our country.

Instructor 19A: Refuse and you all will be eliminated.

(All of the kids murmur)

(A kid is about to kill Mars but Mars is able to kill him first.)

(All of the kids start to kill each.)

Young Mars: [panting]

???: Mars. I'm sorry.

Mars: Fana?

Young Fana: This is the only way. Now, die.

(Mars blocks her but...)

Mars: [screams]

Instructor 19A: It seems Mars is the survivor.

Instructor 19B: Which means he will be the one that gets the mage stones.

Instructor 19C: As for his Compound Magic, let's use Fana. Both for her abilities and because she was the last he defeated. And thus, from the deaths of his peers, the mightiest mage is born. [laughs]

(Back to the present)

Mars' thoughts: I...I don't need anyone. As powerful as I am, I will never need anyone. Those who don't have power are weak, and the weak die.

Mimosa & Noelle: [gasps]

Klaus: Impossible!

Luck: He can still move?

(Y/N): Of course he can still move.

(Y/N's thoughts): I' to...protect them! C'mon Y/N! You can't let them down more than you already have! (rips himself off the diamond spear)

(Y/N): [screams] (runs & stops in front of Mimosa & Asta.)

(Imagine Y/N is in front of Mimosa with his hammer in his hands.)

Mars: Give up! You're a pathetic helpless little child. You never stood a chance of defeating me!

(Y/N's thoughts): I don't have enough strength or magic left for me to swing or throw my hammer but what I can do is...

Yuno: No, Asta!

Klaus: This is our chance. Asta's last slash dispelled his Flame Recovery Magic. We could finish him off right now. (Y/N) could if he wasn't already too badly injured.

Luck's thoughts: Almost there. A little longer and I'll break through this binding. [gasps]

(Y/N): Noelle.

Noelle: (Y/N), what are you doing?

(Y/N): I'm sorry, not only am I bad at being your protector but I am also bad at being your friend.

Mimosa: Wait (Y/-

(Y/N): Allow me to do this one final your service. (holds his hammer up with one hand on the handle & the other hand behind the head of the hammer, preparing to block Mars' giant diamond sword)

Noelle: No, (Y/N)!

Mars: Now, die!

(Y/N's thoughts): I wish I could've told Mimosa how I felt...

(Yuno breaks free from the diamonds.)

(Imagine Y/N is in front of Mimosa holding his hammer up preparing to block the sword.)

Yuno: Asta!

Yuno's thoughts: No matter which spell I pull from my grimoire, it'll be too late. I can't let him die! Not like this!

(Time slows down for Yuno.)

(Imagine Y/N is struggling to block the sword.)

(Yuno notices a tiny person)

Tiny person: [yawns]

(The small person blows something onto Mars' sword & it breaks. And a gust of wind sends Mars into a wall, knocking him out.)

Mars: [gasps]

Everyone excerpt for Asta & Yuno: [gasp]

(Y/N): Did we...did we just...?

Klaus: What happened? Is it over? Did Yuno finish him? (the diamonds holding Klaus & Luck fade away) The binding spell--it's broken! (runs to Yuno) Yuno! What did you do?

Luck: (runs to Yuno) Yeah, really. What magic was that?

Yuno: I don't know.

Klaus: "Don't know"...What?

Yuno: There was this tiny person.

Klaus: A tiny person?

Yuno: I think.

Klaus: You must be tired. We can discuss this later. There will be time. He's down now. For good.

Yuno: (notices the writing from the scroll is now in his grimoire)

Yuno's thoughts: This writing. Is it from that scroll?

Klaus: [gasp]

Mimosa's thoughts: Asta!

(The new sword disappears into Asta's grimoire.)

(The treasure room starts to fall apart.)

Mimosa & Noelle: [gasp]

Klaus: Well...That's just great.

(Y/N): (puts his hammer behind his back) We just can't catch a break can we?

Klaus: A trap spell?

Yuno: The ceiling's caving. It's going to collapse! Celestial Wind Ark!

Yuno: Everybody, get on! Time to leave.

(Luck picks up Asta & Mimosa helps Y/N up onto the Ark.)

Klaus: Now, let's go!

(Imagine Y/N is next to Noelle.)

Yuno: Mimosa. Look after Asta!

Mimosa: I will!

Asta: [grunts] You...You've got to...

Mimosa: Please, don't speak.

Asta: You've him, too.

Klaus: [gasps] What are you saying, Asta?

(Y/N): No, we don't.

Asta: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Look what he did Mimosa & Noelle! To us!

Klaus: Did you forget that he's been trying to kill us?

Asta: We were sent here. [grunts] Sent to protect the dungeon's treasure. To..To keep the things here safe, not to kill.

(Everyone is looking at each other considering what Asta said.)

Luck: He's got a point. It would be such a shame to let such a tough guy just die like that, you know?

(Mars is seemingly crushed by debris.)

Mimosa & Noelle: [gasp]

Klaus: There's no time. Leave him! Let's go!

(Our heroes are currently trying to escape the dungeon.)

Yuno's thoughts: Where's the exit?Mimosa can't keep healing Asta and guide us out.

Luck: Take a right now. I can guide us out of here.

Yuno: Yeah? Sure.

(Luck guides Yuno out of the dungeon. On the way Klaus, Luck, & Noelle use their magic to destroy debris while Y/N throws his hammer at debris.)

Noelle: We made it out!

Mimosa: That was so close!

(Y/N): Really.

Luck: Well that was fun, huh?

Klaus: Lunatic.

Yuno: Let's head that way.

(Cut to Lotus)

Lotus: Excellent I'm saved. Very considerate of them to forge a path for me like that. Of course, it helped that nobody could see me. Hermit's Thick Smoke is certainly a useful spell. Right there all the time, and not a one of them noticed.

Lotus' thoughts: Well, anyway, good thing you didn't die back there.

Lotus' thoughts: That would have been a real shame.

(Flashback of young Fana & Mars)

Young Mars: Why did you...? Why, Fana?

Young Mars: But your wounds.

Young Fana: I had to do it, Mars. I'm sorry.

Young Mars: [sobbing] Fana...Fana!

(Back to the present.)

Mars' thoughts: Fana.

Lotus: Oh? Finally waking up over there, Mars?

Mars: Lotus?

Lotus: That was some good work you did, kid. Just look at all the treasure I was able to salvage thanks to you. Think of all the delicious food this'll buy our people back home. My daughters will be eating well after a haul like this.

Mars: It's coming back. All of it.

Young Fana: Now, go see the outside world. You've earned it. Live your life, Mars. For both of us.

Mars: Lotus?

Lotus: Hm?

Mars: You saved me. Thank you.

Lotus: Well, all right. So it appears you can say thank you.

(Cut back to our heroes.)

Asta: [grunts]

(Imagine Y/N is between Noelle & Luck.)

Asta: Hey, gang.

Yuno: Asta.

Noelle: Hi.

(Y/N): You're awake.

Klaus: Hmph.

Mimosa: Welcome back.

Luck: Hey! You made it!

Asta: [groans] Oh, ow, that hurts.

Noelle: Uh--Yes, well. I suppose it's a good thing you didn't die.

Mimosa: It was close for a while there, but you recovered very quickly.

Yuno: His studiness is about all he's got going for him.

Asta: Hey, be nice to the injured guy. I may not be a lady-killer like you, but I've got plenty of good quality--[groans]

Mimosa: I'm so sorry! I didn't have enough magic power to heal you completely. It was like first-aid, so maybe don't move?

Asta: It's not that bad, really. I'd be dead if it weren't for you. Thanks a lot.

(Y/N's thoughts): Alright, here goes.

(Y/N): Hey, Mimosa.

Mimosa: Yes, (Y/N)?

(Y/N moves his arm and is about to caress Mimosa's cheek with his hand.)

(Y/N's thoughts): Crap! I can't do it! Forgive me Finral.

(Instead of Y/N caressing Mimosa's cheek he instead places his hand on Mimosa's head & rubs it.)

Like this:

(Imagine Y/N doing this to Mimosa.)

(Y/N): You did great out there. Thank you for taking care of Noelle when I couldn't. (smiles)

(Imagine Y/N is next to Mimosa.)

Mimosa: Oh, no, it's...(hides behind Noelle) Sure.

Luck: Ya know. I was sure you were gonna kick it before we got to fight.

Asta: Not a chance! No dyin' for me. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Not until I become the Wizard King.

Yuno: Poor Asta. You wish. I am going to become the Wizard King.

Asta: [groans] (leans on Yuno)

Yuno: Did I give you permission to use me as a crutch?

Asta: C'mon, I'm just leanin' here for a sec.

Klaus: You two.

Yuno: Klaus, sir?

Klaus: I have something to say.

(Imagine Y/N is standing next to Mimosa.)

Klaus: I'm so very sorry!

Everybody except for Asta, Klaus, & Yuno: [gasp]

Klaus: I rejected you both because you're commoners, and for that, I am ashamed. You two are exemplary Magic Knights. The order is lucky to have you! The same goes for (Y/N).

(Y/N): Huh?

Klaus: I rejected you because you're not from here but I extend my words toward you as well.

(Y/N): Thanks, Klaus.

Yuno: Sir?

Klaus: [gasps]

Yuno: A bit too tight.

Asta: That kinda hurts, Sir Spectacles.

Klaus: That again? After everything I just said? Even (Y/N) has started calling me by my name.

Asta: You're right, I should start callin' you Mr. Softy Specs.

Klaus: You truly don't know when to quit, do you? Brat.

Mimosa: "Too serious" is Klaus's natural state.

Luck: Hey, Yuno! Let's fight! Ha! You want to? Spar with me, please!

Yuno: I'll pass.

Asta: [laughs] Noelle! Looks like I'm not the only one with torn clothes.

Noelle: Uh...(notices he exposed cleavage) [screams]

Klaus: *nose bleeds*

(Noelle stomps on Asta)

Asta: (yelps)

(Asta passes out.)

Luck: Whoops! He's dead.

Mimosa: Are you okay?

Noelle: Oh, no! What did I do? I'm sorry! Hang in there.

Mimosa: Please wake up!

Asta: (wakes up) [laughs]

Mimosa & Noelle: [gasp]

Noelle: What are you looking at? Creep! (hits Asta)

Asta: [yelps]

Noelle: Hmph. Oh? (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yes, Noe-

(Noelle slaps Y/N)

Everyone: [gasps]

(Y/N): What was tha-

Noelle: Shut up! How could you just get hurt like that for my sake?

(Y/N): Noe-

Noelle: (teary eyed) I already told you that I didn't want to see you harmed! But what do you do? You go get injured and almost die protecting Mimosa & Asta!

(Y/N): (speechless)

Noelle: You idiot! (turns away)

(Y/N): I'm sorry.

Noelle: I know you are...just try not to get hurt again, okay? For me?

(Y/N): *kneels* Yes, Noelle!

Noelle: *embarrassed* (Y/N), please get up.

(Y/N): Oh, [chuckle] sorry Noelle.

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