The Pain Of A Milkovich Onesh...

By DeadBucky

29.5K 413 8

The Pain Of A Milkovich series isn't done quite yet. Zegan has to have his turn on the south side roller coas... More

First Word
Bathroom Stall
First Fight
Family Picture
Can't Take Me Yet
My Little Sister
Date Night
Jail Visit
Fuck? Texting Story # 1
Birthday Texting Story # 2
3 AM Texting Story # 3
It's Gonna Be Okay
He's Gone
Iloveyou Texting Story # 4
Military School
My Best Friend
Her Brother
Our Spot
Party Part 2
Let's Go Out
I Still Care
Homecoming Part 2
Us Next?
Miss You Texting Story # 5
Another Principal Office Visit
Smile Mommy
The Pain Of A Gallagher

Boo Boo

335 8 0
By DeadBucky

When Zegan was three.
'When are going to be there? I'm tried." Zegan asked Hannah as they walked.

"Well, we didn't have to walk all the way to uncle Ian's work. We could have just walked home. That would have been faster." Hannah said matter of factly.

"No!" Zegan quickly yelled out. "I want uncle Ian to fix my knee. That's what he does to other hurt people." Hannah smiled down at him. Zegan always looked up to Ian. He would always ask what he did at work and Ian would always reply with 'I help people who have boo-boos.'

After five more minutes, they finally reached to the EMT station Ian works at. Zegan let go of Hannah's hand and ran into the building. Hannah walked at little faster after him hoping Zegan remembered where the break room was from only being here one time before. She knew he did when she heard Ian call out Zegan's nickname.

Zegan ran into Ian's open arms. Ian picked him up and threw him up in the air then caught him. Hannah walked into the room. Ian put Zegan down and quickly pulled her into a hug. They pulled away from each other. "What are you guys doing here?" Ian asked.

"I got a boo-boo." Zegan looked up at Ian then down at his right knee that had dried blood all over it.

"Oh, you do." Ian bent down to get a better look at the cut.

Zegan moved his leg closer to Ian. "I fell when we went to the park."

"I told him we had band-aids at home but he insisted we came here for you to fix it." Hannah chimed in.

A huge smile spread across Ian's face. He ruffled Zegan's hair. "Of course I'll fix it for you. Let's go to the truck."

Ian led both Hannah and Zegan to the truck that must have been the one he always rides in. Ian picked Zegan up and put him in the truck then he climbed in himself. Hannah stayed outside of the truck but could see what was happening. Sue, Ian's boss, walked out of the front part of the truck and into the back part. Ian looked around the truck looking for a band-aid, hydrogen peroxide and cut ointment. He noticed Sue walked in. "Sue this is my nephew Zegan and my best friend Hannah." He gestured to each person as he said their names. "Hannah Zeg this is my boss, Sue."

"Hi," Zegan said, always happy to meet new people. Hannah just gave her a small smile.

"So you are the little boy Ian always talks about and has pictures of all of his locker of," Sue said smiling at Zegan as he sat on one of the seats in the truck.

"Yep that's me," Zegan said with a smile.

"Alright, Zeg this might sting a little," Ian said as he poured the hydrogen peroxide onto a cotton ball.

"I can take it. I'm brave." Zegan looked down at his knee as Ian put the cotton ball on it. Then he felt the sting Ian was talking about and clenched his teeth together.

"I'm doing this to clean the dirt out of your cut so it doesn't get infected." Ian knew if he told Zegan what he was doing Zegan wouldn't think about the pain in his leg so much. "Okay so now I'm going to put his ointment on its going to fight any bacteria that may get through the band-aid." He put some on the cut then grabbed the band-aid. "Now I'm putting this band-aid on so no dirt will get in it and if it bleeds again it won't go all over your leg." He put the band-aid on Zegan's knee. "All done!"

"Really that was it?" Zegan moved his knee so he could see it. "It's a car band-aid awesome!"

"Here you can have this too." Ian handed him a blue sucker.

"Yes! You're the best uncle Ian." Zegan got up and gave Ian a hug on the legs since he was so much shorter than him.

"Alright, Zeg lets go get some lunch." Hannah said. Zegan let go of Ian and jumped out of the truck.

"Bye uncle Ian!" He yelled as he ran away.

"Bye!" Ian yelled back.

Hannah and Ian went to say goodbye but were interrupted by a scream from Zegan. Then he came running back to them.

"I fell again." He said in between cries. Hannah and Ian looked down at his legs now his left knee had a cut on it.

Ian shook his head. "Alright get back in the truck."

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