The Life of Hayes Grier's Twi...

By justinershepherd

48.1K 842 354

Justine's life sucked for years, because two of her older brothers picked on her everyday since she was in 5t... More

The Life of Being the Younger Sister of the Grier boys
Chapter 1
Not an update
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
I'm so proud of Hayes!
Taylor Caniff
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 6

1.4K 34 5
By justinershepherd

I woke up to Harris, yes Harris staring at me like a creep. "Harris what the hell?" "You're pretty." "And you're a hobo." (I had to, lol thanks Vickii for the help ily) "Harris?" Hayes' morning voice filled the room. I didn't realize that Shawn had his arms wrapped around me, until i tried to get up, and he pulled me back down and hugged me tighter. "PDA!!!" Harris yelled when Shawn kissed the back of my head. "Mah!" Hayes screamed making Taylor jump.

"Everyone shut up, or i will tear your faces off, and wear them like masks!" Taylor threatened making us all start laughing. "Then you would go to jail for murder." "I don't care." "I told you guys he hates us!" I shouted acting hurt. "I don't hate you baby girl, i hate Harris." "Why does everyone call you baby girl?" Harris asked stupidly "Because i'm their baby, and i'm a freaking girl, just like you. And also because i'm like their baby sister." I said smirking at the end. "Did you just call him a girl?" Shawn asked chuckling, as did Taylor and Hayes.

"Harris, nobody likes you anymore, you should go home." Hayes said laughing like crazy. He's such a goof, well so am i. Harris scoffed then ran out of the room. "Let's call random people." Hayes said starting to dial someone's number. "Hello?" An old lady answered "Yes, this is my butt itches, do you have any chairs?" "No, no i don't sorry." "Yes you do, i see you sitting in one right now." Hayes said in a stalker voice. "Excuse me?" "Yas, What do you need? A new weave? My son? please take my son." Taylor said into the phone using a lady voice.

"Why are you hulagains(Idk how to spell it) calling me?" "Vas Happenin'" Shawn asked doing his best Zayn Malik impression. "Is that Zayn?" the lady asked "Yes, it is me Ma'am." "Will you give me a bath?" Shawn looked terrified "Sorry, but my husband is busy." I said doing an accent "Oh, it doesn't have to be your husband." oh my gawd now i'm scared. "Ma'am, you need help, very much so." I hung up, and we all just busted out laughing.

Harris' Pov...

I walked into the elevator and could hear Justine and them laughing like crazy. But all of that went away when an old man said "hey pretty girl." I looked around and saw no one but me and the old man he wasn't on his phone or anything so I said "I'm not a girl i'm a boy not even a boy you know what ,i'm a man!" "Yeah and i'm Mariah Carrey." He then started singing High pitch and way out of tune. It sounded like a dying monkey. Thank god the doors finally opened, i thought that i was going to die.

Justine's Pov...

"Did you guys hear that?" Taylor asked referring to the sound of old man Rivers singing in the elevator again. "Yeah, that was that old hobo that won't leave the elevator." Hayes said laughing  a little. "Wait, there's a Hobo that lives in the Elevator?" Shawn asked sitting up. "Yas! he's Carter's best friend!" We all just burst out laughing. "Hey! Rude!" Carter said walking into the room. "You guys do know that we can take Hayes home now right?" He asked "Oh yeah."

A nurse soon came in, and checked to see if Hayes was good enough to leave. He was, so he changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Then we left. The whole way down to the lobby, Hayes had to be in a wheel chair, so while we were in the elevator, we were being very weird and taking weird selfies.


We are finally back at the hotel, and everyone is pretty much taking showers, because we are going to the beach today. Well everyone but Shawn, Hayes and I. We are probably just going to be watching movies all day. "Are guys sure you want to stay home?" Jack G asked while Matt was getting his stuff to go. "Yeah." I said getting up to hug him.

"Bye baby girl." He said swinging me around. "Bye Jackie pooh." He just laughed and put me down. "I want a hug too!" Matt shouted making me giggle. I ran over to him and hugged him. "Happy?" "Yas!" I walked back to the bed and laid down. "Be good, we will be back with Nolan later." Jack said as they were walking out the door. "Bye Justine! Bye Hayes. Bye Shawn." Taylor said walking past the door.(<- this originally said Nash, then i was like wait a minute he's in the hospital oops.)

 "I'm gonna go get some movies from the McDonalds down the street, do you guys want me to get you any food?" I asked putting sweatpants over my shorts, and a long sleeve crop top. "I'll come with you, because there are crazy fans who might try to kidnap you." Shawn said getting up and putting on a long sleeve t-shirt. "Bye Benjamin, we will be back soon." I said kissing his cheek, then we walked out the door.

We walked to the Elevator, well you know, i walked while Shawn had his crutches. (Im almost 14, dang time flies.) While we waited to get to the lobby, Shawn had his arms around my waist. There was another guy in the elevator, who was staring at us, but we just ignored him, and just talked about random crap. "Ugh." The guy groaned. "Do you think Hamilton and Cameron are going to be okay?" I asked looking up at Shawn. "Yes, baby, they are going to be fine." He moved his arms, so that he was now hugging me.

He started singing softly until the doors opened. You would've expected the guy to leave, but he just stood there watching us creepily while we got out. We walked out of the Hotel, and slowly made our way to the McDonalds. We walked inside and ordered some food, and also some sweets. "The look on their faces. Oh my god, people are seriously in love with you." I said laughing while we walked out of the building.

"Yeah. What movies are we gonna get?" I just shrugged, while looking through all of the movie selections. We ended up getting 3 random movies. One scary movie, A family movie, and one romance. To be totally honest, i hate scary movies, i'm just way too paranoid to watch them by myself, or at all now because i have my own room.


We just finished eating, and we are half way through with the Family movie that we picked out. *Knock* *Knock* We all lazily tilted our heads towards the door. "Who's gonna get the door?" I asked knowing that we are all way too comfortable to get out of bed. "Maybe they'll leave." Hayes said. *Knock* *Knock* "I'll get it." I mumbled getting up and walked to the door. "Will!" I screamed jumping on him. "I missed you too butterbean." "What are you doing here?" "Well the hospital called the house phone at home notifying us that Nash is in the Hospital, and luckily Mom wasn't home."

"Does she know?" "Nope, i just got the first flight here, i had to make sure you guys were okay." "Well i'm fine, Hayes broke his arm, and Shawn broke his ankle." "Well i heard that you guys didn't want to go to the beach, so instead of staying here watching movie, do you guys want to visit Nash? They called me and said that he was fine." "Is that even a question?" He just laughed.

We all got ready, then got into Will's rental car and drove off to the hospital. We walked up to the front desk, and asked the lady where Nash's room was. She gave us his room number, then we got there as fast as you we could. which wasn't that fast since Shawn had to use his crutches to walk, but we got there pretty quickly. Nash was awake, and he was sitting up looking through his phone.

He looked perfectly fine. "Nash?" He looked up at us, he had a confused look on his face though. "Who are you?" My heart broke a little when he said that. "I'm your older brother Will, these are our twin sibblings Justine and Hayes, and this is Shawn, he's from Magcon, you know the convention you go to almost every month." "I'm sorry but i don't remember you. Only Hayes and Justine." He only remembers Hayes and I? Oh boy.

"He doesn't know me either." Cameron said walking in with a boot on him foot. I ran to him, and hugged him tightly, tears streaming down my face. "Shh...We're okay,Everything is gonna go back to normal when we get out of here." Cam said rubbing my back, then kissing the top of my head. (Does anyone else watch Every witch way? If you do, do you also hate Daniel right now? Well Mia for marking him? I do.) "Is he going to get his memory back?" Will asked worried. "Yeah, in the next week he should regain it all."

"Nash please remember." Hayes said with tears sliding down his cheeks and hitting the floor. He had his head resting on my shoulder, which made my shirt wet, but i didn't care. "When do you guys get to leave?" Shawn asked Cam. "I think Monday." Aw, but it's only Tuesday.


We've spent about 2 hours trying to help Nash remember the little things, like who each of the guys are, and who each of our family memebers are. He has started to remember a little bit, but he still had no idea who Will was. "Well,we'll see you tomorrow, bye Nash." I said kissing his cheek, then we all left. It's about 7 now, so everyone should be coming back soon.

(Hahahaha Nash was one chubby newborn hahahaha ignore me lol i was freaking half his weight) We are now back at the hotel, and i am curently faced down on the bed for no apparent reason. Shawn keeps tickling me, and Everyone else is just watching us. Well everyone except for Melanie and Clay. Hmm...wonder what they are doing lol, just kidding they are just talking hahahahaha i made you think lol.

"" I tried to say while laughing. "Nah, it's too funny watching you try to resist laughing." I tried to move away, but i ended up falling onto the floor. It's funny, because i always fall and you would think that my head or back would hurt, or something else, but it's always just my legs that hurt, it's really weird. "Are you okay?" Shawn said laughing while helping me up. "Yeah."


It is now 8, and since we are very bored, we are playing freeze tag throughout the whole hotel. Luckily we are the only people in this hotel, besides the one family that is staying here, but they are on the top floor, so we're good. Taylor is it right now, and of course he's chassing me, because i'm probably the hardest person to tag. Shoot, dead end. "Ha, i got you!" he yelled trying to tag me, but i ducked and crawled passed his legs. "Not anymore!" I yelled getting up and sprinting away.

"How do you do that?" "I don't know ask jesus." I quickly gotinto the elevator, and went to the bottom floor. "hey babe." Shawn said from across the lobby. "Hey bae." I ran over to him. Everyone was here, except everyone my age and Aaron. I guess they are hiding from Taylor. Instead of joining everyone else, i hid on the other side of the room. "You guys suck." Taylor said walking out of the elevator.

When he was facing everyone else, i jumped onto his back. "Hey baby girl." "Hey Tay." I am obviously tried, because i'm super hyper. "It's getting late, we should probably start getting ready for bed." Jack G said getting up and walking towards the elevator. Everyone else starting getting up too. It's like 10:45, and i'm really tired for some reason.


Taylor dropped me off in my room, then tucked me in, which was weird, because usually it would be Cam tucking me in. Everyone went to their rooms, and we all pretty much just fell asleep.

A/N: this might be a sucky chapter, but i will try to make better chapters. My mind has just been everywhere else. I'm going to be 14 in 9 days woohoo. I feel old lol I love you guys. I'm also writing another fanfict about Hayes, 'Bullied by Benjamin Hayes Grier' if you want to read it, i will probably have faster updates for that book if i'm not writing this one. And seriously? 2.2k reads? thanks babes, i love you guys so much. <3<3<3

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