Star Fairy Chronicles: Acts I...

By GumballFan13

590 27 50

Long ago, two gods created three species: Star Fairies, humans, and monsters. Blue, the princess of her home... More

Act I Prologue
Chapter 0: An Ordinary Day with Blue
Act I: Chapter 1
Act I: Chapter 2
Act I: Chapter 4
Act I: Chapter 5
Act I: Chapter 6
Act I: Chapter 7
Act I: Chapter 8
Act I: Chapter 9
Act I: Chapter 10
Act I: Chapter 11
Act I: Chapter 12
Act I: Chapter 13
Act I: Chapter 14
Act I: Chapter 15
Act I: Chapter 16
Act I: Chapter 17
Act I: Chapter 18
Act I: Chapter 19
Act I: Chapter 20
Act I: Chapter 21
Act I: Chapter 22
Act I: Chapter 23
Act II: Prologue
Act II: Chapter 24
Act II: Chapter 25
Act II: Chapter 26
Act II: Chapter 27
Act II: Chapter 28
Act II: Chapter 29
Act II: Chapter 30
Act II: Chapter 31
Act II: Chapter 32
Act II: Chapter 33
Act II: Chapter 34
Act II: Chapter 35
Act II: Chapter 36
Act II: Chapter 37
Act II: Chapter 38
Act II: Final Chapter (39)

Act I: Chapter 3

26 1 1
By GumballFan13

The sight of three of the Seven Deadly SOULs right in front of them was a surprise to be sure, but not a welcome one. Fear, looking no older than 11, gave off a wicked smile of bloodlust. Envy however, gave the impression that she sought out to kill others and enjoyed it. Sloth, on the other hand, seemed rather tired. While Henry and Rosie were ready to strike, Blue was willing to give them a chance to explain their sudden appearance.

"We're not leaving yet," Blue told Willow, "Let's hear them out real quick."

"Thank you for being so polite," Fear said sarcastically, "All we want is to return Willow to her father, if you don't mind."

"What are you talking about?" Henry asked, a bit confused.

"Darkmoon created her and is therefore her father," Envy remarked, "She belongs with us. She's evil, just like us. Right Sloth?" She turned to the right to see that Sloth had fallen asleep on the ground, much to Envy's dismay. She face palmed and turned back to Blue.

"Is that true?" Henry asked Willow.

"As much as I hate to admit it, yes, he is," Willow answered, feeling great shame.

"Well whatever she is, we won't let you use her for your evil plans!" Rosie said boldly, summoning her sword and posing heroically. 

"We're evenly matched," Blue added, "Three on three." Fear initiated a wicked smile.

"Come on," she commanded, "Let's show these losers the power of the Seven Deadly SOULs!" She cracked her knuckles, trying to act tough towards the princess. Sloth, in the middle of a power nap, woke up abruptly.

"What?" he spoke as he yawned and stood up. He looked at them and summoned his weapon clumsily: a pair of Knuckle Claws. Envy then summoned her staff, a dark purple weapon with a giant star upon it. and Fear summoned her twin swords, matching each other with pink hilts.

Before anyone could attack, Blue caught a glimpse of the near future. She foresaw Fear dashing forward and attempting to slice her, making a fatal blow to Blue, dusting and retreating to her SOUL. 

The moment the vision ended, she cast a freezing spell on Fear. While her enemy was briefly frozen, Blue held her blade in a defensive manner, ready for Fear's next attack. The moment she broke out, Fear quickly dashed forward, swinging her swords like a maniac. Blue held her stance, twisting her feet into the ground, waiting for the right moment while Henry and Rosie fought off the other Star Fairies. She took a deep breath in As Fear gave the final swing. At the last possible second, Blue blocked her blade with the Chaos Saber.

"You're in a bad position now," Fear said, her eyes glowing more pink than usual, "Your foresight won't help you now." Blue shook her head, accusing the pink girl of being foolish.

"I think you've forgotten something," Blue smirked, "Your legs aren't as long as mine, shorty." Blue swooped her leg underneath the blades and tripped Fear over, causing her to land on her back, and drop her swords. Fear scurried back, keeping her fingers crossed that the princess would spare her life. Blue pointed the Chaos Saber at her, glaring at her in victory.

"It's over!" she declared, "I've got you pinned. Now, your life as a SOUL eater will end now!" Blue raised up her sword and readied it to pierce through Fear's chest. 

Yet, she couldn't bring herself to harm the girl. Blue's eyes dilated as Starlight appeared in front of her, trying to hold back her tears and unstable emotions. The sadness in her face caught Blue off guard, shaking her head with disapproval. It felt real, seeing Starlight pinned in front of her rather than the opponent she was facing. 

"You've failed me," she mourned, "Why did you fail me?"

"I'm... sorry," Blue apologized, "I didn't mean for any of this to happen." She became frozen with fear and sorrow, unable to move or act any further from psychological pain. Even if she wanted to, something else was holding her back, catching Willow's attention.

"Blue!" Willow shouted, "Snap out of it! It's just an illusion!" 

Blue didn't respond. She was not connected with reality. Using her own fear against her, Fear stood up and held her sword to the princess's neck. She creepily smiled in bloodlust, feeling victory as her knife slowly got closer and closer. 

Finding her new alliance to Blue and the others, Willow conjured up a lightning bolt. Blue's kindness prompted her to do the same, initiating the lightning bolt to fire at Fear. The pink demon was knocked back to the side, the electricity messing up her hair in the process. Willow ran over and shook Blue's body.

"Blue," she spoke quietly, "We need to leave. These SOUL eaters won't give up." Blue snapped back and shook her head in a rapid fashion as her eyes returned to normal.

"What did she do to me?" Blue asked.

"It was one of her dirty tricks," Willow answered, "A psychological torture known as an illusion. Now, we need to head to the Forest of Bravery."

"But why there?"

"Don't ask questions," Willow snapped, "You nearly died from being careless. I'll teleport you there. Hold still." Without any hesitation, Willow used her magic to create a lavender energy around her newfound friends. With a snap of her fingers, she and the others vanished, leaving Envy and her allies behind.

"Blast!" Envy grunted angrily, "They got away. Sloth, I need you go and hunt them down." She turned around and saw Sloth had already fallen asleep again, infuriating the dark purple woman even more. She clenched her fist, ready to punch him in insufferable rage. 

"Hold your horses," Fear interrupted, "There's no need to get angry over this. We'll get them next time, but punching your soldiers is not a good way to convince them to do things for you." Envy took a deep breath in, collecting her emotions together and setting them aside.

"You're right," she admitted, "We'll just ask our friends for help. Some of them might be thrilled to be our assassins." She smirked evilly as she menacingly walked away.


Willow and company reappeared not in the forest but rather in a cave that connected the forest to Castle Town. Rosie held out her hand to create a small fire to shed some light in the dark area. The cave remained mostly dry, a single of drop of water occasionally dropping in the background. 

"This isn't the forest," Rosie stated.

"My calibration must have been off," Willow replied, "I'm usually pretty good about where I end up with teleportation. We appear to be in the cave that leads to the forest though. Look ahead." Blue gazed forward and saw a warm light at the end of the cave.

"I see it," she pointed, "We just have to follow that light." She began to walk forward, trying not to slip on the bumpy ground. The others followed behind her. Henry stood close to Willow, curious to know more about her.

"So, why did you choose the forest to teleport to?" he asked. 

"The forest of bravery is a location that Fear has a hard time entering," Willow explained, "Because of that, it's likely that we can hide here for a bit and come up with a plan to defeat Darkmoon. I would be careful about the locals though. I heard they aren't the most civilized of Star Fairies." 

"What do you mean by that?" Henry asked, feeling a bit concerned, "You don't think they'll try to eat us, do you?"

"I doubt it," Willow assured, "They're still Star Fairies after all." 

"Let's hope you're right," Henry stated, still not comfortable with the answer he got.

As soon as they reached the end of the cave, a blurring autumn light warped into place, revealing a forest of red and orange leaves. The place was unfamiliar to Blue, yet she felt at ease. The forest's warm colors ensured a sense of bliss and security.

"Here we are guys," Willow stated, "This is the Forest of Bravery."

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