Complete! The Brother a Jikoo...

By EmiBShore

50.2K 1.9K 225

Will Jungkook Stay in a Marriage he was handed or fall for the brother of the bride. More

First Impresstions
To far
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chaptwr 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 6

1.5K 73 0
By EmiBShore

Looking up my face must show complete shock. As I sit starring at Jimin.

God he looks hot, standing there in shorts and an open blue and white striped shirt.

"So, enjoying being married to my sister?"
Jimin takes a sit picking up a slice of pizza, half of it disappearing with one bite.
"Urm well it's great, she is so caring and loving."
Jimin nearly chokes trying not to laugh.
"You do realise I have lived with her my hole life right, and I know that she is a bossy up herself cow."
"Oh well...."
"So what have you done so far in this beautiful place. Seen any good sights? been any good places?"

Jimin asked as if he already knows the answer.
"Well not really but we are planning on it today, I'm meeting her soon."
"You know your a bad liar right?"

The smirk on Jimins face has his eyes shining bright, making his face even more handsome than before.

"You are married Jungkook you should not be thinking this." I think to myself.
I sit trying hard to get the fact I find Jimin attractive out of my head. Plus the fact I cant get what happened at the wedding out of my mind what so ever.
And if I'm honest it's the only thing that get me through the sex with Karla.

"So Jungkook, if you have done what I think you have my sister is going to be pissed as hell. But that just amuses me so fancy some sight seeing?"
"Sure, as I'm really can not be bothered to have Karla nagging at me right now."

I smile slightly as Jimin helps me finish the pizza getting up and following him down the morrow street.

"So I take it your family don't know your Gay?"
I nearly choke at his question.
"Oh you don't know either. It's cool we can still have some fun."
"I'm not sure I'm with you at all..."

Giggling Jimin stops turning to face me, he places his hands on my waist and pulls me in.
His lips just brushing against mine.
"You know you can say no and I won't..."
Froze to the spot, part of me saying "say no" the other part saying "go with it" but before I can talk Jimins lips have found mine.
His touch Soft and gentle, it don't take long for me to melt into it kissing him back, my hand finding their way to his waist.

Seems like forever till Jimin pulls away, the smile on his face lighting it up.
"You know your good at that right?"
"Kissing, there is something about your lips that make me want more. But for now I recon we best get walking so you can get back to my sister with out her blowing a fuss."

Jimin takes my hand likes it nothing intertwining his fingers with mine.

We walk for ages down little streets stopping every now and then to look at the shops.

Not buying anything just walking and talking.
Jimin tells me how he can't wait to get out from under his family, and that his business is going well.

"So your father helped you with it?"
"No my mother, she has helped a lot. And it won't be long till I can get my own place and move out. I know my father will hate that I don't want to take over the family business, but if I'm honest it's more my sisters role anyway."
"So having kids will be ok when she takes over"
"Yeah, that's what your for taking care of the children, you or a nanny that is. My sister has never been maternal, so she will higher a nanny for sure."
"What's wrong."

I stop in my tracks realising that's something I have said I never want to do, have a nanny raise my kids.
I never had one my mother raised me and it was great.

"Don't want a Nanny ai?"
"No not really, never had any be so don't want one for my children."
"Well May be when you get back you should talk to the wife"
"Yeah right I get back and it's straight to bed to make the kids."

Jimin laughs as he looses my hand.
"So I recon it's getting a little late and by now my sister will be pulling her hair out.
So I think you should head back."
I look at Jimin shocked at his words, I don't really want to go back, talking to him has been the best part of this honeymoon.
He takes my waist pulling me closer to him,
His cheek eating against mine as he whispers...
"It's ok as if you really get board I'll be on the beach just down the steps from your Villa at 4am"
Jimin places a soft quick kiss on my lips then disappears off down the street.

I just stand there in complete shock.

Think this is the longest chapter I have ever wrote!
Just for you Brat!!

Instagram fanfic_forarmy

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