New Girl (The Vampire Diaries)

By EllieeElliee

361K 7K 1.8K

She's different. Brave and fierce. She's stronger than many other vampires, werewolves and witches. Her name... More

New Girl (The Vampire Diaries)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Note !!!!
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Seven

2.1K 66 15
By EllieeElliee

'No damsel in distress, don't need to save me
Once I start breathing fire, you can't tame me
And you might think I'm weak without a sword
But if I had one, it'd be bigger than yours'

Chapter 27

Ziggy's POV:

Though vampires, or a 'Fallen' as I was, couldn't actually experience hang overs because our body naturally rids the pain via healing, it didn't stop the sharp dull ache that struck my head the moment I started veering into consciousness after the amount I drank last night. Keeping my eyes closed for a few more precious moments, I finally opened them with an annoyed groan. The sight in front of me made them widen to twice the size they were, Stefan's peaceful sleeping face situated beside me.

Peering down under the covers to check I wasn't naked, I freaked out worse when the only article of clothing clinging to my body was Stefan's shirt he wore last night. Screaming, I flashed out the bed like the drama queen I was, banging into a wall in the corner of the room. The sudden loud noise made the Salvatore stir, a yawn forming on his mouth before he pried open his eyes too.

The situation we were in calculated in his head until he got the same answer as me; adding two plus two to get five. He sat up straight, unreadable expression.

I pointed at him, then at me. "Oh my God, did we?..." My voice trailed off, holding a hand over my face, hoping that may hide my extreme embarrassment.

"Good. You're awake," The door flew open to reveal Klaus in all his glory, leaning on the framework, giving me and Stefan a quick once over. "You were both a little drunk last night."

His sentence implied annoyance but the smirk on his face and the tone he held showed he found the events of last night amusing.

"What- The- Fuck," I whispered, embarrassment fully taking over my whole being. "Did you hear anything?" I asked the hybrid, hoping the floor is lava game was real so it could swallow me into a pit of bubbling hot liquid, out of this room.

He pulled a puzzled face at me, before realization dawned on him. He laughed loudly, shaking his head. "You didn't have sex, if that's what you're thinking," he continued with his chuckling, entertained. "You were both drunk as hell. I had to escort you from the event and walk you up the stairs the best I could."

"So why are we both in my room?" Stefan questions.

Klaus shrugged. "I couldn't be bothered carrying you both any further. You're quite heavy."

For some reason, something was telling me this was complete bullshit, and he set this all up to get a laugh out of us because he knew this would be the reaction as a result. Huffing, I pushed past the still chuckling Mikaelson, daring to peak a glance at Stefan who had his head in his hands with faint blush crawling up his neck. A foreign feeling swirled in my stomach, and I found myself unsure if I would've actually been upset if what we thought had happened, had actually happened.

A couple hours later, showered and ready to face whatever shit was in store today, we were all sat in the living room, bags packed for when we were ready to leave later. First, we had a problem to address- meeting Colette.

The location she gave me was just short of 14 hours away, somewhere in the midst of Tennessee, while we were in New York. After looking the place up, it was a block of nice apartment buildings in the city area of the countryside state. I gathered she wanted to be out of reach. The only problem, was the date scribbled at the bottom of the piece of paper that was 3 weeks from now.

"So, what?" Klaus questioned, somewhat sarcastic. "Not only does she expect me to believe she wants to help after oppressing you of your freedom for so long," His tone seemed bitter, as if something similar had happened before, maybe in relation to my past. "But she wants us to wait to meet her?"

I shrugged. "I guess?" It came out unsure.

"Why this address, in this state?" Stefan scratched his head, joining in with the puzzlement of the situation.

"She's a Goddess of Fate," I explained briefly. "Whatever her reasoning, it's justified. She knows the future, after all, or parts of it, is what she told me."

"We're coming with you," the hybrid finalized.

"No," I shook my head, getting up to stand my ground and put my point across. "This is my crazy past. I need to do this alone."

Stefan stood up beside me, grabbing a hold of my hand. "Zig," he saw the pleading on my face and immediately sighed, an emotional turmoil shown on his features. "At least come with us and then let us accompany you if and when. It's still weeks from now but I want to know you're safe."

Pursing my lips, I let out a huff at his puppy dog eyes. "Fine," Squeezing his hand once and letting go. "If she's who she says she is, no doubt we'll be led there by 'fate' anyway."

. . .

3 weeks later

As if it was written in the stars for our road trip to take us to Tennessee, here we were, in Memphis. We'd been following leads for Klaus, going pillar to post to find werewolves. It had led us right into the state I was supposed to meet Colette in two days time.

The absurdity of it made me completely flabbergasted. When Klaus told us we'd be heading to Memphis I nearly choked on my spit. The two boys were just as confused as me, but none of us were complaining; it meant we didn't have to go out of our way to travel even further.

"The house Ray lives at is just up this road," Klaus muttered into the silence, concentrating on the number plaques in the still countryside town we were in.

It was dark out, and if I was human, the eeriness of the dimly lit gravel streets would be enough for me to run to the safety of my home. It's like the atmosphere molded to what was about to happen, knew what was coming, which was bound to be far from pleasant.

I shared a look with Stefan in the front seat, trying to insert any comfort I could with a reassuring smile. We both hated being Klaus' second hand's, on more than a thousand occasions I'd voiced my opinion on it, but it didn't stop the hybrid from coercing us to do it, nor stop me from taking Stefan's place where I could. This was the usual. The Salvatore had a moral compass that I could sometimes lack, making it easier for me to get on with whatever bidding was in place.

However, if it did get too much for me- he was there with me, as I was for him. Every stop of the way, we said. We were yet to break that promise. If anyone were to ask me who the closest person was to me right now, I'd say Stefan. He truly was my best friend.

"Here," Klaus slowed to a stop at the side of the road, putting the break on and taking off his seat belt. "It's just up the road. I'm gonna get invited in. I need you waiting outside in case it goes wrong."

I nodded at his words, getting ready to move alongside the ripper. "Shal we both come? Do we wait a few minutes so they don't suspect anything?"

"Ah, ah," Klaus wiggled a finger at me dismissively, cross features. "Not you. You think I don't know what you've been doing this whole time, taking his place where you can?" He extended a finger to to Stefan to address him. "Stay in the car, Ziggy. That's not happening this time. Be out at the door in 2 minutes, no earlier, no later."

He left without another word, slamming the door shut and leaving me with a heavy heart. The pain Stefan bore now was enough to make me feel sick, never mind what he'd feel like after. The vampire would always let a kill consume him with guilt, even going further to write their names in a diary.

I leaned forward, grasping his shoulder. "Hey, it'll be okay," He turned to me, offering a little upward tug of his lips. I knew there was a weight crushing him from the inside out, though, after all the blood shed over the summer.

After sitting in a comfortable silence despite the scenario, 2 minutes passed by too fast, and Stefan made a move to leave. My gaze trailed after him as he walked away, staying rooted in the same position until he came back around the corner, with a bloody mouth and a solemn look.

. . .

Southern Comfort.

It seemed like any old country bar, just off the main roads and pretty much in the middle of no where. It was a plain building, with bikes parked up outside, nothing special screaming out to make me want to visit. Yet, here we were- now inside the establishment, the very next day after the confrontation with the two woman.

Apparently, this was where Ray Sutton was. The werewolf we'd been chasing.

Upon entering the bar, the distinct smell of alcohol hit my senses, making me crinkle my nose. The tables were lined with, and I say this in the least judgmental way possible, grubby, old perverts who couldn't keep their eyes off my bare leg long enough for them to wipe their drool.

Lucky me, I now had the pleasure of compelling them all.

Wandering around the average sized group (consisting of about 15 people thereabouts), me and Stefan got down to business in making sure they oversaw anything they would see today. This being, most likely, the torture of Ray. We'd covered all but one person, who was licking his lips as I advanced over to him.

"Hey, pretty lady," the greaseball partly slurred, taking a swig from his drink and giving me a suggestive wink. Stefan appeared behind me, the slight tickle of his hand on my back stopping me from knocking the drunk in front of me out.

"Ew," I grimaced at him, snatching the bottle from his hand and slamming it on the table. "We're not doing this," I took his chin harshly, ready to compel him. "You will ignore everything you see in this bar today and not speak of it to others."

He repeated my sentence back to me monotone and I harshly tossed his head back without a care, my skin crawling at the way he gawped over me. Turning around to get down to the nitty gritty with Klaus who was at the bar with Ray, I didn't anticipate the harsh slap smacked on my ass.

I spun to the man in an instant, baring my fangs and ready to gut him, but Stefan had already snapped the mans wrist with a growl. Shocked at the venomous snarl the Salvatore emitted, my fangs retracted back in my gums as I stared at the scene unfold, dumbfounded. I couldn't recall the last time I saw him so angry.

"You do not get to treat any lady like that, especially Ziggy. Apologize," Stefan demanded with a killing-calm tone, twisting the mans wrist further when he didn't comply. "Now," the perv spluttered out an apology, scared and the vampire finally let his arm go, ambling off without another word.

I ignored my internal organs screaming at how attractive seeing him like that was.

Not one to allow another to speak for me, I sent a right hook swinging to the mans jaw, compelling him another time. "Next time you want to sexually assault a woman, if you even have the mere thought, you're going to smash your head on the nearest wall."

I quickly joined in on blocking Ray from leaving the premises, making his chest crash into mine. He moved to go a different way, but Stefan blocked him off with, shoving him back somewhat.

"Yeah, I wouldn't do that," he leant against the bar counter casually with one arm, the other in his jeans pocket, and I found myself halting any inappropriate thoughts that may ensue for the second time because I'm weirded out that his pissed off attitude is somehow sexy.

"Vampires," the werewolf breathed.

"You're swifty swift, Ray," Klaus smirked.

I lifted a hand. "But also wrong. I'm no vampire," Tilting my head and smiling sarcastically.

"Yes, my friend here is a vampire, and this one is a...powerful being, let's say," the Mikaelson grabbed the beer bottle from the counter. "They've compelled everyone in the bar, so don't look to them for any help," Sutton became worried. "I, however, I'm also something else. A different kind of monster. I've got some vampire, I've got some wolf."

"A what?" the wolf exclaimed.

"A hybrid, Ray. I'm both," Klaus said like it was obvious. "You see, I want to create more of me. Now, you being the first werewolf I've come across in many a moon, pun intended, Ray, heh," he chuckled and I suppressed a snort. "I need you to direct me to your pack. So, where can I find them, Ray?"

I leant up to whisper in Stefan's ear. "Does he really have to say the dudes name that much all in one sentence?"

"You can't compel me, it won't work," Ray stated.

I cringed at his certainty; the other option on the cards was much bloodier, something I'm sure he would rather not endure, so the cock sure attitude was bound to fly out the window soon.

Stefan waved the bartender. "I need a scotch on the rocks, please," he cleared his throat. "I'll tell you what, Ray. We're going to play a little drinking game. Something I like to call truth or wolfsbane." He crumpled some of the harmful plant, a worried expression adorning the pack  members face.

"Oh, this is going to be fun, Ray," Klaus smirked sadistically.

I sat taking sips from my bourbon half an hour later, watching the two boys torture Ray. It wasn't a pretty sight, and no way in hell was I involving myself. It was actually quite disturbing.

"This is so messed up," I drank some more of my drink. The next shot Stefan threw landed smack in the middle of the wolves forehead. He groaned loudly as I touched the perpetrators hand in a high five. "Bullseye!"

Stefan swirled another dart in the wolfsbane drink, aiming it to land in the victims chest. He thrashed where he was pinned to the dart board, tugging on the chains that bound him, obviously hoping for an escape. Klaus' mouth was tugged up in a sinister smile, finding the ordeal funny.

"We can end this right now, Ray," Stefan came closer to the mans pinned body exasperatedly. "Just tell me where your pack gathers for the full moon."

He removed the darts from the wolf's skin harshly, heavy pants coming from Ray's bloodied lips.

"I can't."

"I know, I know, you live by a code and all that," the vampire leant on the wall next to Ray, being the most menacing he could be as to get the information we wanted. "But see, he's not going to let me stop until you tell me. And I do whatever he says. That's the way it goes around here."

"Klaus," a brunette girl had come over to us, grabbing my attention for a second. "I have some information for you. My friends and I saw that guy's brother, Damon, at the farmhouse," I locked eyes with Stefan abruptly, panic filling my chest. The mere thought of the older brother made me nauseas, it had been so long since last seeing him.

Klaus gave me a displeased frown before speaking himself. "Well, thank you, Claudine. You just tell your friends to keep up the good work with the neighborhood watch, huh?"

Stefan appeared in place of Claudine. "My brother's still on our trail?"

"He's getting closer," The hybrid's tone was warning. "I'm gonna have to deal with that."

"Well, I could've told you this would happen eventually," I rolled my eyes at the two. "You're both boys. Careless. Leaving a trail like that fucking story, Hansel and Gretel."

I was ignored as Klaus went to leave, Stefan grabbing his upper arm to stop him. "No, no, no. Let me handle it."

"Why should I let you leave?"

I scoffed. "Reign it in, Klaus, he's not some dog you're letting out for a walk."

"'Cause you know I'll come back," The youngest Salvatore answered him despite my sarcasm.

"Do I?"

"You saved my brother's life," Stefan stated. "I'm in your service."

"Oh, that almost sounds so tedious and indentured," Klaus alleged, glancing at me for a short time.

"That's because it is," I cut in with a sickly sweet smile.

The Mikaelson exhaled, ignoring me again, evidently done with my shit. "Aren't you even having the least bit of fun?" He motioned over to a beaten Ray at the wall.

"Refer to previous statement for your answer," I boredly took a drink from my glass.

"I'll make sure that my brother doesn't bother us anymore," Stefan firmly declared, leaving me and Klaus with the groaning wolf who was yet to give us any indication of what we needed.

. . .

Sutton was now tied to the pool table. From his shallow breathes, I was certain he may be on the brink of death, if his werewolf side didn't continue to heal him. Klaus circled the table like a lion hunting his prey; at this point, he was livid, having been in this grubby bar for hours on end.

Even I was sick of it now, ready to tear Ray a new one if he didn't speak.

The hybrid dragged a wolfsbane coated knife along the werewolf's cheek. He screamed out as his skin sizzled. I tried not to feel any guilt at the sheer pain behind his eyes.

"When I knew you, trust me, you would've been laughing at this," Klaus mocked my squished up face that was molded in disgust. "Joining in, even. Mystic Falls has turned you soft. Or rather, the people in Mystic Falls."

"There was probably reason for me to act whatever way you say I did," I answered simply, not interested in talking about my past that I couldn't remember.

"Oh, there was," A far away look crossed Klaus' features, as if recalling a memory. He then lifted the glass that was full of the harmful substance over Ray's face, trickling a bit of it out and stopping. "Come on, you must be bored of the torture now."

"I know I am," I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

"The smoky mountains," Ray panted out after another shower of wolfsbane drops landed on his face. "The smoky mountains! That's where we go."

Klaus smiled in victory. "Okay, it's a three step process, right? This is step one," the Hybrid juggled the pool cue from one hand to the other. "I want you to drink from my wrist."

"I already told you where to find the pack. What more do you want from me?" Ray gasped in agony.

"Have you been listening to a word I've been saying, Ray? I have great plans for you." Klaus cut his wrist with the sharp blade in his hand, forcefully feeding the defenseless man. "He'll thank me for it later," the blood started travelling down Ray's throat as he gulped for a breathe. "There we go, that a boy."

I saw Stefan walk in on the scene from my peripheral vision, an undistinguishable look painted on his features, masking his real feelings. It was the first time seeing his brother in a while, it was bound to strike a cord within him.

"What are you going to do now?" Ray coughed.

"It's time for step two," Klaus reached forward in a flash to break the mans neck, a prominent snap echoing around the bar. "You're back," the Mikaelson acknowledged Stefan's presence.

"Did you doubt me?" Stefan inquired in a challenging tone, sauntering over in some sort of lazy manner. I knew it was just an act to conceal how he was really feeling. He'd always have his guard up around the hybrid, creating a faux persona of a vampire with no humanity.

"Not for a second," Klaus countered. "I knew you'd pass the test. You still care for your brother; for your old life."

Stefan glanced at me quickly before letting out an ironic laugh. "I don't care about anything anymore."

"You put on a good show, Stefan," Klaus strolled over to where the Salvatore was at the bar. I stayed put, but still alert in case anything was to happen. "I almost believe you. Let's hope for your brother's sake, he does," he leant down to the height Stefan was in his sitting position. "You never stop caring about family, do you?"

The words went in one ear and crawled under my skin, planting themselves. He was right; I still cared about Hesper and Anika despite what I knew about them. I don't think that kind of love ever dies or fades away.

"But every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go."

Pursing my lips, I checked the time with the watch on my wrist, taking note of the dead body on the table, Klaus hollering for another drink and the pervert smacking his head on a wall in the far corner of the room. I rose my eyebrows at this, but said nothing, though the scene was laughable.
Tomorrow was going to be another day, one where I was bound to get the story I craved from Colette, and this scared me; it was the only thing consuming my thoughts.

Deciding I needed some air, I left to go outside. Stefan followed out after me not even 5 minutes later.

As soon as his foot hit the gravel of the car park, he started to breathe heavily, holding a hand to his chest. By his body language, I would've thought he was having a panic attack.

"Stef? Are you okay?" I took a step towards him.

"Zig," He let his guard down, voice cracking. He gasped on air, pained expression, closing his eyes. I flashed over to him immediately.

"Hey, look at me," I grabbed his face in my hands, forcing his eyes to meet mine. His breathing was still labored, but he started to calm down under my gaze. "You're okay," I told him. He clung on to my hands, as if they were the only thing binding him to sanity, and I ignored how intimate the position was the best I could. My priority was making sure Stefan didn't crumble. "I'm here, you're here, and you're going to be okay."

He nodded at me, his panting stopped and no sign of a panic attack anymore. I saw the tear that fell from his eyes, though, pulling him to me in a hug, praying that it would at least make him feel better. Whatever had happened with his brother, on top of the emotional turmoil he must feel not being home and the guilt weighing on his shoulders, he couldn't hold himself together.

That was okay. We all reached breaking point sometimes. So I held him in my embrace, not uttering a single word because all he needed right now was someone there. It was what we both needed, and I would always be that someone for him. Every step of the way. 

. . .

goals: 6 votes

this chapter was kinda trash, more like a filler because not much happens in the first episode of season 3. i hate doing time skips does anyone else hate that??? however, chapter 28 has got some juicy shit i tell you. and the one after that is very literally gonna be NEXT LEVEL TEA

lmao Damon do be in the next chapter too doe that dynamic is gonna be--- hehe jokes you can find out. i'm start writing it now because i'm THAT excited

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