Chaos's Commander

By bookfeverish

535K 13K 3.6K

There are 2 books in 1: Book one: Percy Jackson had been betrayed by everyone he knew. And it was all his fa... More

Book one-chapter one:
Book one-chapter two:
Book one-chapter three:
Book one-chapter four:
Book one-chapter five:
Book one-chapter six:
Book one-chapter seven:
Book one-chapter eight:
Book one-chapter nine:
Book one-chapter ten:
Book one-chapter eleven:
Book one-chapter twelve:
Book one-chapter thirteen:
Book one-chapter fourteen
Book one-chapter fifteen
Book one-chapter sixteen
Book one-chapter seventeen
Book one-chapter eighteen
Book Two-chapter one
Book Two- chapter two
Book Two-chapter three
Book two-Chapter four
Book Two-chapter five
Book two-chapter six
Book two-chapter seven
Book Two- chapter eight:
Book Two-chapter nine:
Book Two-chapter ten:
Book Two-chapter eleven
Book Two-chapter twelve
Book Two-chapter thirteen
Book Two-chapter fourteen
Book Two-chapter fifteen
Book Two-chapter sixteen
Book Two-chapter seventeen
Book Two-chapter nineteen
Book Two-Chapter Twenty
Book Two-chapter twenty one

Book Two-chapter eighteen

8.6K 218 44
By bookfeverish

Percy's POV:

I sat back down and turned to see all my brothers and sisters on the stage. They may be very powerful but just like me,they hate public speaking. Aeth cleared his throat before stepping forward.

"When Percy was born, we were all ecstatic. But we knew End would be a threat so dad hid him,here. He struggled being so powerful and attracting so many monsters. What we didn't expect to happen was that he would get betrayed by so many people. Then Perce came home." Gaea cleared her throat and stepped up beside Aeth.

"We knew that he was hurt so we didn't confront him. However,he never got better,only worse. So dad stepped in and introduced us. We thought Percy would be happy to know he wasn't on his own but he acted the opposite. He hated us. It hurt,like really hurt. We didn't understand but we accepted it and distanced ourselves from him." This time Erebus stepped forward.

"Dad was becoming desperate,he didn't know how he could save Perce. He then brought in the squadron. For a while they did not work and dad was losing faith but then Bianca happened. She gave Percy hope and she helped him become himself again. We had not seen our brother so happy but we still continued to sit back and watch him. We had lost hope and began to mourn for our brother when one day,he visited us."

"To say we were shocked is an understatement," Nyx said,standing next to her husband. "He apologized and explained everything to us. At first we were wary around him but we soon warmed up to him. He was our brother after all. We forgave him and we moved on." Hemera walked forward and stood next to Aether.

"Everything was going so well. Percy and Bianca had got married, as well as some of the squadron. But then,they had to return here. We were worried for Percy,we knew this would be a big thing for him. We watched everything closely so we knew when it was time for him to come home. Percy was struggling but he was dealing with being here. Then Ali came along." It was now Tarturas's time to speak.

"Leaving her behind was probably the hardest thing Percy has ever had to do. Everyone immediantly judged him for it and he was beginning to return to his former self. We knew Perce had to come home so we spoke to dad and got him to speed the process up. We knew it was dangerous Percy having dads power but it was the only option we saw."

"Percy won against our uncle and he came home,excited about the arrival of his children. They were the cutest babies we'd ever seen,they were adorable. Dad made it so they aged a lot slower which had its perks but it also meant hard work. For the first few years,things were stressful for Percy and Bianca but they had got better. We knew that Percy was visiting Ali in her dreams but we said nothing as we knew it have him comfort. Some kids had been picking on Ali and Percy had gone down to Earth. We don't know what happened but he returned sad saying that he was a terrible brother. It made us feel as if we didn't count for siblings and so we decided to step back. We never really seen Percy much then unless in the meetings." Pontus said.

"It hurt to sit back and watch him grow up and have more children but we knew it was what we had to do. If he needed us,we would be there. But then Perce had to come back for a second time. We knew immediantly of his condition and it killed us that we couldn't stop it from happening. We were rejoiced when we heard that he wanted to spend time with us. However, we knew we had to do the right thing which was to get him to spend time with his children and squadron. It may sound like we didn't want to spend time with him but we just wanted what we thought was best for him." Uranas said stepping up by Gaea.

"Don't misunderstand us, Percy is our brother and we love him. When Uranus called us down here and we seen Percy's lifeless body,it was like our worst nightmare had come true. We didn't know how to deal and we became like statues only listening to dads instructions. There is nothing worse in this world then watching a loved one die. Life is too precious to just be thrown away. Although sad that he was gone,we were angered that he would just leave everything he had here willingly." Ourea said smiling down at me,which I returned.

"Then he came back. We still don't totally understand but we are very thankful anyway. Over the years, Percy has been such a pain in our ass's but I don't think we'd change a thing." Hydro's said joining his brothers and sisters.

"I am the primordial of time, I know many things. However,I did not know this was going to happen. If I had,I would've prevented it. Percy is a hero, a great leader, a wonderful father and the best brother anyone could ask for."Chronos said finally. I stared up at my brothers and sisters. A lot of what they just said,I didn't know. It made me feel guilty to know that they didn't feel like my family. That wasn't what I wanted. I walked up to the stage and stood in front of them.

"I had no idea that you guys felt that way. It is true that Bianca played a huge part in becoming myself again but so did you,all of you. Aether; your playful attitude always made me laugh and you were always there for me. Hemera; you were probably the most serious one. If I see needed to just talk,I knew I could go to you.

Gaea; if I ever missed home or was feeling upset,I could go to you.

Uranus; you never judged me,even when I was a jerk.

Erebus; you always understood me and you never pushed me into being something I wasn't.

Nyx; people always imagine you as being evil but you were always so kind and gentle with me.

Ourea; I could easily go and talk to you about anything and you wouldn't tell a soul.

Tartarus; you are a hard man to please but whenever you were around me,you were never mean always kind.

Hydro's; if I was ever in trouble you would always come and help me,no questions asked.

Chronos; although I didn't see you as much,you were still there for me and an amazing brother.

You are all different but you are my family." I said as a tear slid down my cheek. Ever since I came back,I have cried more than necessary.

"Group hug!" Aeth cried pulling us into him. We all chuckled but hugged each other anyway. This was my family.

Hey guys,
Sorry for the slow update. I have wrote this chapter about four times now and I'm still not happy with it but I thought you guys deserved something. Thanks for all the votes and comments,y'all are amazing!

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