Lustful Encounter | VeeMark

By abithopelessromantic

265K 7.8K 1.2K

A VeeMark/YinWar Fanfic. Can love that started wrong, be considered right? It all started with a one night s... More

1st: Tonight
2nd: Aftermath
3rd: Royals
4th: Jealous
5th: Euphoria
6th: Serendipity
7th: Dreams
8th: Priorities
9th: War
10th: Reminisce
11th: Fear
12th: Smile
13th: Listen
14th: Clash
15th: Warning
16th: Dinner
17th: Always
18th: Stars
19th: Plans
20th: Photos
21st: Birthday
22nd: Solitude
23rd: Reasons
25th: Paradox
26th: Games
27th: Vulnerable
28th: Blessing
29th: Axiom
30th: Truth
31st: Surreptitious
32nd: Protect
33rd: Gear
34th: Proof
35th: Love
36th: Justice
Author's Note

24th: Revenge

4.9K 207 72
By abithopelessromantic

Mark's POV

"Good morning young master." the maids and bodyguards greeted me as they bowed. They were all lined up on the front door of our house.

I removed my shades and gave them a smile. "Good morning." I answered back and I continued to walk inside. I directly went to the dining room as I'm going to have breakfast with my parents.

"Good morning mom, dad. I missed you." I greeted them and kissed their cheeks as soon as I saw them.

My mom gave me a tight hug. "I missed you too baby." she answered back.

We pulled away and sat down in our usual places as the food started to be served. My mom placed a lot of food in my plate as usual. "So, how's Japan?" my dad asked as we were eating.

"Its great dad. Everything's amazing: the weather, the tourist attractions and of course, the food. I think I gained a lot of weight in my vacation there." I answered with a big smile on my face as I remembered my trip to Japan.

Its been two months since I last saw Vee, and with those two months, I've also considered myself dead. I didn't have the motivation to do things, my mind always wanders to deep thoughts, so in short, I was a mess. I didn't take care of myself properly. I wouldn't even eat properly and didn't even care about how I look. I would go to bars and clubs every night just to try to forget everything by being drunk.

It seems like my parents noticed it and since they're very worried, they asked me to have a one week off and I decided to just go to Japan. I'm really thankful that they understood me and didn't ask the real reason why I was acting like that. It was my first time to travel alone but I didn't had a hard time since I've already been there a lot of times.

Traveling alone actually helped me a lot. It helped me not to think of him that much since I was really having fun. It gave me a time to pamper myself, that I wasn't able to do after I was broken. I literally forgot about myself, I was lost after what happened, and by my vacation, I was able to find myself and now I'm back.

"Then that's great baby!" my mom exclaimed. "Here, eat more." she said and placed more food on my plate that I gladly ate.

I looked at my dad. "I almost forgot, I would have to thank you, dad. For taking over the company while I was away. And I'm sorry too if I've been kind of a mess lately." I said sincerely.

My dad tapped my shoulder. "Its fine son. You're still young so of course you'll experience several things that can distract you from work. And besides, I actually enjoyed my one week of being CEO again since I missed going to work." he answered.

"I promise I'll do better from now on." I swore, even bowing my head a little.

"You don't have to promise me son 'cause you're already doing very well despite your young age." he said happily which made me smile.

After we ate, I excused myself and went straight up to my room to rest since I'm still experiencing a bit of a jet lag. I was a bit tired from my whole vacation but overall, I'm happy that I got to have a time to relax and not think about anything but myself.

I lied down my bed and grabbed my phone to scroll through my social media accounts that I haven't opened since I went to Japan. I purposely didn't open it just to deactivate myself from the world. People also didn't know that I went there for a week since I didn't see any reason for me to tell others. The only ones who know are my parents and Joss.

I instantly smiled when I thought of Joss. He has been a very good friend to me. He literally encompasses the 'knight in shining armor' aura that I was telling him. He was always beside me every time I needed him, literally being just a call away. And I can't stress enough how thankful I am to have him in my life.

He was always there for me every time I get drunk in bars and clubs. Even though I know that he is also busy, he really finds the time to take care of me. His patience for me is really outstanding 'cause even though I'm too much too handle; vomiting in his car and making a scene in bars, he still stayed.

Speaking of, we planned to meet up later at a restaurant he reserved. Even though I wanted to rest today, I agreed since starting tomorrow, I would have to work doubly hard to catch up for my lackluster in my work. Speaking of Joss, I went to my luggage and took out my gift for him that I purposely bought to thank him for everything he has done for me.

After scrolling through my feed, I eventually slept for the whole day. I didn't even bother eating lunch because I was sleeping soundly for the whole day. My parents also didn't wake me up because they understand that I was exhausted.

I woke up at about 4 in the afternoon. Just the right time for me to prepare for my dinner with Joss later. I stripped off my garments and took the time in taking a bath, just letting the warm water relax my whole body. Ugh, I need a massage before my work tomorrow. Maybe I can invite Joss later.

After taking a bath, I went inside my walk in closet to choose what I'll wear today. I still have a lot of clothes left here in my house since I didn't bother taking everything to my condo. I decided to wear an all black outfit with a plain black shirt and black ripped jeans. I complimented it with a gray ripped denim jacket and white shoes.

I opened my drawer and took out my watch, and my perfume that I sprayed all over my body. I was about to put back my perfume when something caught my eyes. Unconsciously, I took it out from the drawer. It was two complimentary necklaces that was very familiar to me. Images of what happened at the beach gushed through me.


I outstretched my arm to give him the gift that I prepared. "Here, open it. Its for you." I said with a big smile on my face.

He opened up the box saw that it was a silver pendant that has a black crown surrounded by a ring that has the words 'keep me in your heart' engraved on it. I was surprised when he smiled and hugged me. "Thank you. I'll always wear this. I promise." he said.

We pulled away and I smiled. "I'm glad you liked it." I said and took out the necklace I was also wearing. "Look, I got matching ones." I said, showing him the necklace that was complimentary to his.

I purposely got us matching ones in order for our relationship to have a symbol, a meaning. It may be useless for some since I was only an affair, but it really means a lot to me since our relationship has a memory engraved on it.

*end of flashback

I smiled bitterly. It was all lies. He promised me we'll stay together until the last days of out lives. He promised me he'll wear this necklace always but he just threw it as if it doesn't mean anything to him. By just merely throwing the symbol of our relationship, he just indirectly told me that our relationship is trash.

Something that can be tossed away when you don't need it anymore. Something that can be thrown away once you're fed up and done with it. For him, I was merely a person who walked in his life. I was unimportant. I was nothing. Everything he said and shown were all lies.

I quickly wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall down from my eyes and composed myself. You're stronger than this Mark. Don't let useless people hurt you anymore. They don't deserve all my tears. They don't deserve my love.

I placed the necklaces back to its original place in my drawer and closed it. I breathed deeply and looked at the mirror. I fixed my hair for awhile and I was ready to go. I picked the key of the car I'll use today and I got my shades and I'm ready to go.

I told my parents about my dinner with Joss and I went off and drove to the place where I'll have dinner with Joss. As soon as I got in the restaurant, I told the waiter about my reservation and he led me to my table where Joss was already waiting.

Joss stood up and smiled as soon as he saw me. I came close to him and hugged him. In the span of two months, I became closer to Joss since we were always together. We will go to bars to drink or to the abandoned building his family owns to release everything I'm feeling inside.

He hugged back. "Its great to see you again. I missed you." he said.

I smiled. "I missed you too." I said and pulled away to sit down. "This is the first week in two months that we didn't see each other." I said which was true since we always see each other everyday before I went to Japan.

"I know. It was a bit weird not to see you." he confessed. "So, how was Japan? It seems like it helped you a lot." he said knowingly.

I nodded. "Well, Japan is Japan. The country is great as always and it really did help me a lot. And now, I'm back. And I've never been better." I answered.

He messed up my hair like he always does. "I'm glad you're back. I've been dying to see the happy Mark once again. This calls for a celebration." he said and raised his eyebrows up and down.

"I know right!" I beamed. "But, let's get our food first. I am so hungry right now." I said and even brushed my tummy with my hand.

He nodded and laughed. "I guess your appetite is also back." he said. We stood up and went to the buffet area to pick the fold that we want. I got all sorts of food that I like and filled it in the two plates that I was holding.

We got back to our table and started to eat and cook the food that we got. We were happily eating and catching up when I suddenly remembered the gift that I got for him. I quickly got the small paper bag from my side and I reached out my hand to show it to him.

He looked at me confusedly. "What's that?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

I smiled. "Its my gift for you." I beamed. "Come on, take it." I added.

He was still hesitant at first but he eventually got it. "You really didn't have to Mark." he said as he opened the paper bag.

I moved my head left and right to show that I disagree. "Nah, its fine Joss. Just take it for me okay?" I asked, even pouting just for him to agree.

He just nodded and smiled. He opened the box and was shocked to see a luxurious watch inside. "Woah, Mark. This was the watch I was telling you about." he said, his eyes wide in shock.

I remember one night when we're at the bar, he was telling me about thsi watch that he liked. And he was planning to buy it but he can't see any stock here in Thailand. "I saw it as I was strolling in Japan and I figured I should buy it for you." I said and shrugged.

"Oh shit, thank you so much Mark!" he exclaimed happily like a child which made me laugh.

"No problem Joss. That's not even enough for everything you've done for me." I said sincerely, wanting to thank him.

He looked at me. "I do all those things not to get anything in return Mark. I do that because you're important to me." he said sincerely.

I held his hand that was placed in the table. "Thank you, my knight in shining armor." I thanked him for the nth time.

I stood up and excused myself to get food from the food area. Joss just nodded and I excused myself. I got a plate and placed some food that I like on my plate. "Oh, what do we have here? A slut." a familiar voice said.

I looked at the side where the voice was coming from and I was surprised to see who it was. What the hell is she doing here? I composed myself right away and raised my eyebrow. "Are you describing yourself?" I said and smirked.

She crossed her arms and scoffed. "Were both the same Mark." she answered.

"Nah, I don't fuck all the guys I see like you, I just fucked your husband." I said, trying hard not to laugh at my antics.

I was about to turn around but she grabbed my shoulder and made me face her. She got the soup that was at her side and was about to throw it at me but I was able to read what she was about to do and I quickly swatted her hand away, making the bowl of soup fall down to the ground.

I faked laugh. "You're so hot Ploy." I said and got the iced tea that was at my side and quickly dumped it down on my head. "There, some ice. Too help you cool down honey." I added and smirked. I'm not gonna let this witch win.

She was shocked on what I did and shouted. "How dare you!" she said and was about to lunge at me to slap me but I was faster again and I grabbed her hand.

"Don't you dare lay your filthy hand on me." I said and harshly pushed her hand away.

"What the hell is happening here?" a very familiar voice said. I looked over and I was right. It was Vee.

He stopped when he looked at me. It seems like he was surprised to see me here. And all I'm feeling right now is pain. I guess what he's saying was right. He still loved Ploy. They wouldn't go here and have a date if it weren't.

"Vee, I wasn't doing anything. I was just quietly getting my food here but when he saw me, he quickly threw the iced tea at me." she said while crying, acting as if she was the victim here. What a bitch.

Vee came closer to me and grabbed my hand tightly. It seems like he believed what that bitch said. "What are you doing Mark? I didn't know you would stoop this low and hurt women." he said, disappointment clearly evident in his face and tone.

I laughed sarcastically. "Do you even hear what you're saying? Before you blame me, you better ask your goody two shoes wife what really happened and who started it." I retaliated.

It seems like he got what I said and believed me so his eyes that was glaring at me faltered. "I'm --"

"You know me too well for a fact that I don't start petty fights. And we both know well that I also won't back down when it comes to war." I said, sarcasm lacing though each of my word.

"Mark, I'm sorry. I didn't --"

"Save your saliva. I don't want to hear your voice anyway." I cut him off from the second time.

I was fuming. How dare he try to protect his filthy wife? How dare he try to question my humility? I wanted to throw everything I see on both of their faces but I was just stopping myself from doing so. Good thing there wasn't many people here right now.

I was supposed to walk away when another voice stopped me. "Mr. Masa. CEO of Zion Corporation. Its a pleasure to meet you." he said.

I looked at him and recognized who it was. Mr. Vivis, CEO of Phoenix. I know him because I know everyone from the business world. But he wasn't that important for me to be associated with him since his business isn't that big and successful anyways which explains why he wasn't invited back at my birthday celebration.

"Mr. Vivis. Its also a pleasure to meet you." I answered back coldly, uninterested in him. I know what he does with Vee and although I hate Vee right now, I hate him even more. How can a father abuse his own son?

"I know what you have with my son Mr. Masa." he said knowingly while smirking.

I was shocked that he knew but I didn't let his words sway me. "Oh, you knew? What's your reaction when you realized your son swings that way?" I teasingly asked him and looked at Vee while smirking.

"I hated it. But my son said he already called it off because he was already tired of you." he said which pierced something to my heart. I was hurt. "With what I see now Mr. Masa, you have a very bad attitude. Having an affair with a married man and even oppressing women. Should the public know what your real attitude is? It will be big news for them I tell you." he said evilly.

I literally laughed in front of them. I think I've heard this threat from someone already. I looked at Ploy and smirked. "Are you threatening me right now?" I asked back confidently.

Just then, Joss came as saw what was happening. "What's happening here Mark?" he asked worriedly. I looked at Vee and saw that he was taken aback when he saw Joss.

I just looked at him and smiled. "Nothing Joss. Pathetic people are just ganging up on me." I said sarcastically and laughed again.

I think my words hit a nerve to Vee's dad so he glared at me. "May I remind you that I have the power to destroy you in the eyes of the public right now. It will actually be beneficial for me to destroy your corporation." he said.

I looked back at him, confidence raging over me. "Then go on Mr. Vivis. I dare you." I answered back.

He was supposed to get his phone and call someone but again, I was faster and I quickly got my phone to call my secretary. Good thing she picked up right away. "Hello, can you research how much is the total shares of Mr. Vivis on Phoenix?" I asked her, making sure that they all hear everything that I said.

"A minute sir." she answered back and I can hear her typing something on her computer. I think she's reaching out to our research department.

I made our call to loud speaker so they can all hear it. A few minutes after, my secretary answered. "48% sir. That makes him the highest percentage shareholder of Phoenix." she said.

I literally smiled with what I heard. "Then that means the remaining 52% is scattered all over the other shareholders right?" I asked again.

"Yes, that's right sir." she replied.

I looked at Vee's father as I talked once again. I can see that he was already terrified because he knows what I was about to do. "Good. Ask our legal department to buy all of the shares from their shareholders and offer them double so they will agree. I'm thinking of buying a company tonight." I said as I smirked.

"Noted sir." she said and I ended the call.

"N-no! No, you can't do that!" he shouted, fear evident in him.

"Oh yes I can Mr. Vivis. Now, before you threaten someone, you should make sure first who you're threatening. You know well how powerful a Masa is, and yet you dare intimidate me?!" I said, my voice echoing the whole restaurant.

I didn't even care if people were looking at us. I was already sick of all these shit. I was tired of all of them.

I came closer to all three of them. "How dare you gang up on me? I don't usually like fights but you always push me too. Especially you bitch!" I said and looked at Ploy. "I've been living quietly these past few months and you always find the way to destroy my peace." I said fill of loathe to Ploy who was facing down.

Then I turned back to Vee's father. "Power? You're lecturing me about power? Now I've shown you what real power is. And besides, stop comparing your cheap ass company to my family's empire." I said.

I went close to Vee's father and whispered. "Your son may have broke my heart to pieces but I still love him. And I hate people abusing my loved ones. This is what you get for abusing him since childhood."

Vee's father broke down on the floor but I didn't care. I looked at Vee and gave him a smile. "Let's go Joss." I said and turned around to walk out.

The best revenge is to show him you're happy, and your best weapon is your smile.


The war is on! Let's see how this story will unfold shall we?

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I love you fam 💛

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