26th: Games

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Mark's POV

*ring ring

I answered the call on my phone while I was in the car. I was seated on the back while I asked my driver to drive me to the bar where I'll meet my code members tonight. Its already been a long time since our last meet up so we decided to meet and have a celebration today because of North's successful project in the province.

"Hello." I greeted as I answered North's call.

"Hey dude. Where are you?" he asked loudly. There was a loud noise in the background so I figured that he must be there already.

"I'm already on my way." I answered. I looked at the road and saw that I was already near the bar where we'll meet tonight.

"Okay. Everybody's here already." he updated.

"I'm sorry, my meeting earlier ended late." I apologized.

We're supposed to meet at 9pm but the meeting ended at around 8:30, and the bar was a bit far from the office so I was already late. I even changed here on the car just so that it could be faster but the traffic was really bad, so obviously, I'm late.

"Its fine dude, we understand. I'll bring this call down now okay? I'll see you." he said. I just said yes and ended our call.

As I was waiting to get to the bar, I remembered about what happened at the buffet restaurant two weeks ago. After I called my secretary, she asked the legal department to follow my commands and we were really able to buy 52% of the shares of Phoenix.

They might've thought that I was saying baseless threats but I was damn serious. I was really fuming mad about what happened back at the restaurant. They can't just threaten me and drag my family name into our mess. I'm a Masa and I won't back down in any fight. 

I still wasn't doing anything after I bought all the remaining shares since I'm still consulting with different people and of course, my dad, about what should I do since the company is already close to bankruptcy. My dad was shocked with what I did but I told him about their threats but of course, I didn't tell him about the affair with Vee. I just told him someone bullied me and I fought back and her father in law threatened to publicize it. 

A few minutes later, I have arrived at the bar and I asked the driver to go home since its late already. I'll just ask North to bring me home later or if not, I'll just call an Uber or a cab. I looked at the place from the outside and it looks really good. This is my first time here.

I entered the bar after checking my ID and was greeted by the usual smell of different alcohols and the loud blast of music from the speakers. There's already a lot of people since its already a bit late. I scanned the whole place to find where my code members were sitting and good thing I was able to find them despite the big crowd.

"Woah! Mr. CEO has arrived guys!" North shouted as he saw me coming close to their table.

I smiled as they all turned to me. "Hey bro! Congratulations on the project." I greeted North and gave him a big hug.

"Thanks bro! Drink up!" he said and gave me his glass. I obliged and drank willingly. "Come, sit down! Drinks are on me guys!" he added. I can feel that he is a bit tipsy already since they were here for a few hours already.

I greeted and gave everyone a hug first before I sat down beside North who kept on giving me alcohol to drink. There were a total of three tables since there are a lot of us. North and I were seated on the first table with some seniors who we talk too often and our juniors are seated on the second and third table.

"You must be happy since you're done with your project." I told North while drinking from my glass.

He nodded. "Yeah dude. I missed the city life!" he beamed. "I missed partying and drinking. Ugh, I can't even remember when is the last time I drank since I had no one to ask to drink with me there." he said.

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