7th: Dreams

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Vee's POV

"Vee... VEE!" I almost had a heart attack when a loud voice suddenly shouted into my ear getting me out of my deep thoughts. I looked up to see my co-worker Mild with his eyebrows raised staring at me.

"Dude, I have been calling your name a hundred times now. Are you fine?" he asked me, confusion written all over his face. "Did your wife keep you up all night or something?" he added with a smirk on his face.

I scratched my head in embarrassment for what happened. "Its not about Ploy. I just have a lot on my mind about work." I lied. Of course its not about Ploy.

"About work? Don't hesitate to ask me for help man." he said and I just nodded my head.

"Thank you." I answered and smiled meekly. I went to the pantry to get myself a cup of coffee to relieve my stress.

Its been two days since my three day vacation with Mark. Our trip was very fun, besides the steamy sex, we enjoyed different sea activities like riding the jet ski and the banana boat, snorkeling, island hopping, and a lot more.

I can also see that Mark was very happy throughout the whole trip which made me also happy. Mark has this effect on me that when he's smiling from ear to ear, it makes me forget about my problems and just be genuinely happy.

But whats bugging me right now is Mark. Its been two days since he last contacted me. No text or even calls. I have called and messaged him a hundred times now but all of that to no avail.

I keep on wondering if something bad had happened to him. Or did I do something wrong to make him mad at me. There were hundred of questions running to my mind right now and its all because of Mark. I don't know what's happening and its slowly making me crazy.

My mind was too preoccupied the whole day and I wasn't able to work properly. After work hours, I decided to go to Mark's condo to go check on him. I'm so worried that something might have happened to him.

I didn't realize that I was already clutching on the necklace he gave me. I instantly smiled when I saw the words 'keep me in your heart' engraved. I badly miss him. And my head is going to explode if I don't see him right now.

I quickly parked my car and went inside the tall building that is his condo. Mark's condo is the most expensive condominium we have here in our country. Each unit costs lots of thousands and to think that Mark owns it is just superb.

He told me once about the pressure on his shoulders of managing his company well. But seeing on how he runs his company, I can't help but be proud of him and I know that Zion Corp. will reach greater heights because of him.

I locked eyes with the woman who helped me last time and I just nodded to her in greeting. She knew who I am so I was able to get into the elevator right away. I went out as soon as the elevator door opened to the top floor.

But as I was about to go to Mark's room, I saw a tall figure hugging him. I stopped in shock to what I saw. It was hard to tell what I was feeling; rage, anger, or jealousy.

My legs moved quickly and I grabbed Mark's wrist, pulling him harshly from the man who was hugging him. He gasped in shock and even slightly tumbled as I pulled him. His mouth slightly opened in surprise when he saw that I was the one who pulled him.

"Vee? What are you doing here?" he asked, shock evident all over his face.

But I didn't answer his question and instead turned to the man he's with. "Who are you?" I asked and quickly grabbed him by the collar. "How dare you lay your hands on him." I harshly said, looking at him in rage. I wanna kill somebody.

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