17th: Always

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Mark's POV

"Have you double checked everything that you need?" Vee asked, looking at me.

Today's our flight to New York and we're just waiting for Joss to pick us up. He volunteered to accompany us and see us off to the airport so I agreed. My parents won't be able to see me off too since they're still in Paris right now.

I nodded. "Yeah. How about you?" I asked back after zipping up my luggage.

"I got everything. Where's your friend?" he asked, pertaining to Joss who already was on the way to fetch us.

"He called about 30 minutes ago and said he's already on the way so I think he's already near." I answered.

He nodded and went back to what he's doing with his phone.

*ring ring

Speaking of, I think that's Joss. I grabbed my phone on the night stand and saw a text from him saying that he's already downstairs.

I looked at Vee who was busy playing on his phone. "He's here baby. Let's go." I said.

Vee stood up and took all the big luggages, and I carried the small ones. We went out of my room and got into the elevator and as soon as we went down, Joss helped us load our bags into his car.

I opened the door on the front seat and was supposed to enter, when Vee suddenly grabbed my hand to stop me. "Go at the back. I'll ride here." he said and quickly got into the front seat.

I looked at him confused. What's his problem? I just shrugged it off and got into the back seat. "Are you guys all set?" Joss asked as soon as I entered the car.

I nodded. "Yep. Thanks again Joss." I said and smiled.

He looked into the rearview mirror and smiled back. "Of course. Anything for you." he said.

"Psh, done being mushy mushy? Let's go. We might be late." Vee demanded in a monotonous voice.

I saw Joss smirk and start the car, and we're off to the airport. I got my phone and wore my bluetooth earphones to listen to music while waiting. I closed my eyes and didn't realize that I already fell asleep.

I woke up with someone gently tapping my cheeks. "Baby, wake up." a very familiar voice said. I opened my eyes and saw Vee smiling at me.

I opened my eyes and got greeted by Vee's handsome face which instantly made me smile. Waking up seeing him is really the best feeling. "Baby, are we here?" I asked, while gently rubbing my eyes.

He nodded. "Yes baby. Come on." he sand and held my hand and helped me get out the car. We got our luggages with the help of Joss and went inside the airport.

After checking our luggages, we decided to eat first since I'm already hungry. We chose a Chinese restaurant and quickly got in. We sat down and ordered our food from the menu the waitress gave us.

"So, where do you plan to go once you land on NYC?" Joss asked as the waitress excused herself.

"Hmm, to be honest, we still don't have a definite itinerary. I'm gonna meet my dad's friend first about the investment on his clothing company and check on our US branch, then we'll just think of where to go after." I answered. I've been to the States a lot but I haven't been specifically to New York yet.

Joss nodded. "I've been to New York a lot because of my mom. Of course you should go to the Empire State building and the Statue of Liberty." he suggested.

"Yep, that's part of my plan!" I said excitedly. "I've been dying to go there!" I added.

He smiled and messed up my hair. "Yeah, you really should." he said.

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