25th: Paradox

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Vee's POV 

I sighed as soon as I entered my room here in my dad's house. I've never considered this place as my home because this is where I've experienced the darkest days of my life. Who would've known that I'll consider my own house as a painful part of my past?

Its been years since I last went back here. As soon as I got a job and I've earned enough money for my own living, I've never came back to this shit hole again. This is literally the first time since. Good thing I have a very decent job that offers a high amount of income.

I walked through my room and saw the family picture we have, which was placed on my bedside table. I sat down and unconsciously touched the frame. This is the time where we're still happy as a family. These were the moments where I still consider this house as my home.

Everything changed though once my dad built the company, Phoenix. I actually idolized my dad when I was four since he built everything from scratch. He made Phoenix all on his own. But he became pressured and greedy to make Phoenix be the best.

Because of this, he drastically changed. He was always furious and hotheaded. He also became a perfectionist. This is when he started to beat me up and my mom. He would pour to us his anger and frustrations in the company that already became a habit of his as I grew up. And now I know why, because I am not his real son and he was furious of my mom for having an affair behind his back.

When I went out of this house, I though I'd be able to run away from him but I was wrong. Three years ago, Phoenix struggled financially and it was on the verge of bankruptcy. The only solution my dad had was through a merger, which explains why I was married to Ploy in the first place. I was married to someone I don't love at all.

And now, Mark bought all the shares of the company's remaining shareholders, making him have the highest percentage of shares. I actually don't know how to react to this. I was very shocked with what he did but I actually understood where he was coming from.

It was my family who attacked him first, threatening him with various publicity reveals, and I know Mark too well to know he won't back down on a fight. I don't want to be assuming but I also felt that Mark did what he did because of me. I've told him once that I was abused when I was a child and he was very furious with my dad for doing that.

I didn't feel any anger on what he did, I was actually more relieved with what happened. Phoenix is bound to fall down in the first place. Its not even in the top countries in the company and yet my father thinks so highly of himself. I wanted my dad to know and feel what its like to lose something you love. Just like how I lost Mark because of him.

*knock knock

I opened the door to see my mom, but was shocked when she had wounds all over her. She was beaten up once again. "Mom!" I reacted as my eyes went wide.

But she just smiled as if she wasn't hurting and she was fine. We went in my room and she sat down my bed while smiling. "Vee, my son..." she said as she tapped the bed, asking me to sit down by her side.

"Mom, wait. I need to get the first aid kit." I said, panic all over me. This is all my fault.

"I'm fine my son. Just sit down first." she said and gave me a reassuring smile. I just obliged and sat down beside her. "How's my only son doing?" she asked while gently ruffling my hair.

"I'm fine mom, don't worry about me. How about you? Has dad been abusing you still?" I asked worriedly, even though I already feel what answer she will tell me.

"No. This is the first time in a long while." she answered but I wasn't convinced. What she's saying was impossible with dad's temper.

"Mom! Tell me the truth please!" I pleaded, tears were already building up in my eyes, threatening to fall down in an instant.

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