34th: Proof

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Vee's POV

I was left speechless and stunned. I don't know if I was just imagining things but I was sure that I really saw his pinky move earlier. I quickly wiped my tears away and looked back on his hand but it wasn't moving anymore which confused me even more. Just to be sure, I quickly pressed the button on the wall to call for the nurse or doctor.

A few minutes passed until the doctor in charge of Mark came in rushing. "Is there any problem?" he asked.

"There isn't any problem doc. But I just saw his pinky move earlier. It like flinched a little." I reported. I didn't actually know what to feel. It felt unbelievable but at the same time, I was very happy since I just confirmed that Mark was really conscious all this time.

The doctor checked his body and some of his vital signs. "How is he doc?" I asked while he was still looking at Mark.

"He's still stable as he was the last few hours I checked on him. But as you said, you saw his pinky move so that's already a great sign for all of us. Maybe you could do what you did earlier just to see if the patient reacts to it." he said with a big smile on his face.

"Does that mean he'll wake up soon?" I asked, full of hope.

"We don't know for sure." he answered and raised his arm to pat on my shoulder. "But don't worry. What you saw is already a great sign. Just believe on Mark because I'm sure he'll wake up soon." he said as he tried to cheer me up.

I nodded and gave him a meek smile. "Yes doc. Thank you." I said.

The doctor excused himself first while I sat down beside Mark again. I got my gear and wore it on his wrist. "Did you hear that baby? The doctor said that you'll probably wake up soon." I said as I talked to Mark.

I came closer to him and kissed his cheek. "Wake up soon my baby. I'll be waiting." I said sweetly and kissed his nose.

A few hours passed while I was just looking over Mark and Joss came. I looked at my watch and saw that he was early today but I din't bother asking him. "I'll go buy food. I haven't had breakfast yet." I said. He just nodded and smiled while I excused myself.

As I opened the door, I saw Mark's father with someone I'm not familiar with. "Hey uncle, you're early today." I greeted him. He mostly comes here at late in the afternoon after his work so I wondered why he was early.

"Vee, we need to talk to you." he said seriously.

"About what uncle?" I asked curiously.

"Hi, I'm a detective. Since what happened was a hit and run case, the victim's father, Mr. Masa, wanted to investigate everything that happened that night. You're the one who was with the victim so I need your full cooperation." the person who was beside uncle said which made me turn to him. 

"I was feeling a bit skeptic about what really happened that night. Something just doesn't feel right so I called him." Mark's father who was beside the detective said.

I nodded. Personally, I didn't feel anything fishy at the night of the incident. It seemed like a normal hit and run case to me, but since the Masa family has a lot of rivals in the business world, its not impossible for something like that to happen. But there's still something wrong with it, if their target is the Masa family, why would they try to hit me? I was the one who was supposed to be hit, and Mark just saved me.

"I'll cooperate. What do I need to do?" I asked.

We sat down on the bench outside of Mark's room with me on the center while the detective and Mark's father are both sitting beside me. "I'm just going to ask some questions and you answer me truth fully." he said. I just nodded as a sign that I agree. "Can you tell me everything that happened that night?" he asked.

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