27th: Vulnerable

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Mark's POV

I didn't know what to feel with what Fuse said. It felt like a huge bomb suddenly dropped on the ground and I was shocked with what he said. But at the same time, there were a lot of questions running down my mind and its making my head hurt.

He clearly told me he loves Ploy which is why he left me so why did he divorce her? He chose Ploy over me so why did he leave her? I was so confused with what's happening and I don't why I'm feeling this way.

I stayed for a few more hours just talking to North, Fuse, and some of my code members. But my mind was already wandering off because I was still thinking of Vee's divorce. I looked at my watch and saw that it was already 2 in the midnight, so I decided to go.

There are only a few of us left because the juniors already left. I stood up and looked over at North who was already sleeping on the couch. I tapped his shoulders. "North, I'm gonna go now." I told him.

He opened his eyes and yawned. "How are you going to go home?" he asked. "Let's just use my car. I'll bring you home." he said.

"No need, its already late. Your house is a bit far from your condo. I'll just take a cab." I disagreed since it might be a bit hassle for him. And I know that he's also tired so I'm a bit shy to let him take me back to my condo. 

"Are you sure? Its fine with me to bring you home." he asked once again. I can see that he's a bit worried for my safety since its already too late to get a cab and its unsafe to commute in this time. 

"Don't worry about me." I said. I looked at him and noticed that he was still a bit tipsy even after sleeping for a bit.  "Can you still drive?" I asked him.

He nodded. He was still reluctant at first but I assured him that I'll be fine so he just agreed with the condition that I'll text him once I'm home. I went out of the bar and was waiting for a cab at the front of the bar when someone suddenly grabbed my hand.

I was shocked at first but calmed down once I saw who it was. "What are still doing here?" I asked him. He didn't come back after our argument earlier so I figured that he might've left already. Not that I cared. 

But he just ignored what I said. "What are you doing here? Don't you have a car?" he asked. He was swaying a bit and he was holding a bottle of vodka that is only a half full now. In short, he was drunk as hell.

I looked away. "You don't need to know." I answered shortly and ignored him. But he grabbed my hand once again and pulled me. "What the hell is your problem? Why do you keep on dragging me?!" I shouted while trying to get out of his grip. I was seriously getting pissed with how he always drags me like I'm a sack of rice or something. 

"You don't have a car right? Then let me take you home." he answered still holding my hand tightly.

I used all of my strength to get out of his grip and luckily I did. "I don't want to. The last thing I'll do is to get in your car." I declined his offer.

I started to walk off but he just grabbed my shoulder and made me face him. "Are you seriously getting a cab at 2am?" he asked but I just looked away. "Tsk, can you not let your pride get in the way first. Its unsafe Mark and you know it." he frustratedly said.

"I'd rather get in a cab than get in your car. Can't you see that its unsafe too when I ride your car? You're damn drunk Vee." I retaliated and crossed my arms.

He sighed as if he was thinking of something. "Then you drive." he said and got something on his pocket. He took out his keys and threw it on me in which I luckily caught.

After so, he turned around and started walking to his car. I sighed. "Just this once Mark." I said to myself. I have no choice but to get in his car since they weren't lots of cabs here and its really too unsafe to get in one at this time. Ugh, I should've brought my own car or I should've agreed to North. "You're so stupid Mark." I cursed myself before I followed him.

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