35th: Love

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Mark's POV

The first thing I noticed as I opened my eyes were the white ceiling and the bright light shining down on me. After I adjusted my eyes, I looked at my side and saw a person sleeping with his head down on my bed. He wasn't the person I was expecting to see but I'm still happy to see him.

I scanned my eyes on the whole room and I quickly figured out that I'm at a hospital, which also explains why I'm covered in different cords and bandages. I felt like I wasn't used to being awake. I felt as if I was stuck in a dream for a very long time.

I still remember what happened before I woke up here. I pushed off Vee from the car that was supposed to hit him. But I wasn't able to quickly move away and I was the one who was hit instead. As I remembered what happened, I can't help but be happy of what happened. At least, Vee is safe.

I looked into my hand and saw a familiar bracelet dangling into my wrist. It was a gear. I know what this is since I've also been given a gear back when I was in freshman in college but I know that this isn't mine, mine has a different color. I instantly smiled when I realized who owns this. He was the only other person I know who would also have this.

I looked over at Joss who was still sleeping beside me and I figured that it was time to wake him up. I placed my hand on his hair and gently brushed it how he usually does when he messes up my hair. "Joss..." I said, my voice a bit softer than usual, as if I didn't talk for a long while.

"Mmm..." he grunted.

"Joss, wake up." I said as I continued brushing his hair using my hand that has a dextrose connected to it.

His head slowly looked up. It was obvious that he was still sleepy since his eyes is still partially closed while he was yawning. He even stretched his arms and rubbed his eyes. "What do you need?" he mindlessly asked.

"Nothing. I'm just bored. I need somebody to talk to." I answered while smiling.

"Okay I can talk to —-" he suddenly stopped what he was saying and looked at me wide eyed. "Mark, y-you're a-awake." he stuttered as if he can't believe that I was talking to him right now.

My eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah, I'm awake Joss." I said confusedly. Why does it seem like a big deal that I'm awake? I was just probably sleeping for a few hours after the accident.

"Oh shit. Thank God, Mark. You're awake." he said and quickly came close to me to hug me. I was shocked when he suddenly did but I hugged him back right away. I can hear him sobbing as he was tightly hugging me and not daring to let me go.

"Joss... why are you crying?" I asked him as I was gently brushing his back to calm him down. I was really confused on why he was crying. "Shh.. Joss. Its fine. Don't cry." I said as I comforted him.

He pulled away and quickly wiped his tears. "I'm sorry. I was overreacting. I was just so happy that you're awake." he said while smiling.

"Why? Why is it a big deal that I woke up?" I asked him. It was evident in my face that I was very much bufuddled with what was happening. "What happened while I was sleeping Joss?" I asked him again.

He looked away. "I'm not sure how to say this but you weren't sleeping Mark. You were in a coma. You've been lying on your bed still for more than a week now." he truthfully said. He looked reluctant on saying the truth to me but I think he thought that I should know.

I was left stupefied. I just looked at him, horrified with what I just heard. "Coma? But how?" I said. I thought that I just passed out after my hit but it was actually more than that.

"I think its better if the doctor will be the one to tell you." he said and stood up. He went to the wall and pressed something that looked like a buzzer of some sort.

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