Modern AU One Piece Various...

By Kuno0014

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Y/N was nice, kind, and heart warm person. She move out from her country home then came to Japan. When she c... More

Chapter 1 First Day
Chapter 2 Friend save life
Chapter 3 Singing note
Chapter 4 Meet Thatch and Ace
Chapter 5 Concert Tonight
Chapter 6 Contest part 1
Chapter 7 Contest part 2
Chapter 8 Hanging with Mihawk
Chapter 9 Sanji date
Chapter 10 The Joker part 1
Chapter 11 The Joker part 2
Chapter 12 Kids gang hang out
Chapter 13 Hanging with Law part 1
Chapter 14 Hanging with Law part 2
Chapter 15 Kendo tournament
Chapter 16 Save Y/N part 1
Chapter 17 save Y/N part 2
Chapter 18 Meet Marco
Chapter 19 Teachers hang out
Chapter 20 The Save
Chapter 21 Casino Fight
Chapter 23 Beach Time
Chapter 24 Father Day (Special 6/21/20)
Chapter 25 The Supernova gang
Chapter 26 The Torture
Chapter 27 Feather Heart
Chapter 28 Officer Smoker date
Chapter 29 Franky date
Chapter 30 The true identity of Silver Lady
Chapter 31 The sweet Cafe
Chapter 32 Daycare Job
Chapter 33 Kidnap by pink part 1
Chapter 34 Kidnap by pink part 2
Chapter 35 The tourament boxing
Chapter 36 Spooky Day (2020)
Chapter 37 Party time
Chapter 38 Thanksgiving (2020)
Chapter 39 The Magician
Chapter 40 Carnival with Usopp and Chopper
Chapter 41 Merry Christmas part 1 (2020)
Chapter 42 Merry Christmas part 2 (2020)
Chapter 43 Spending time with Puppies
Chapter 44 Sleepover
Chapter 45 New Year
Chapter 46 Camping Trip part 1
Chapter 47 Camping Trip part 2
Chapter 48 BBQ with the Whitebeard family
Chapter 49 Hanging out with ASL brothers
Chapter 50 Valentine's Day (2021)
Chapter 51 Cherry Blossom Festival
Chapter 52 Girl fight
Chapter 53 Sports Festival
Funny XD
Chapter 54 Food Festival
Chapter 55 The Vinsmoke Brothers
Chapter 56 Gala Party
Chapter 57 Katakuri date
Chapter 58 Hot Spring
Chapter 59 Kagura Town Battle
Chapter 60 Fashion Show
Chapter 61 Romantic Dinner with Hawkins
Funny 2
Chapter 62 Battle of the Band
Chapter 63 It's time to go
Chapter 64 I'm Back (End)

Chapter 22 Culture Festival

1.6K 46 47
By Kuno0014

Third POV:
"Listen up everybody, tomorrow is special day and it's something you guys be impressed." Shank announced. The students think for moment what is special day.

  "Tomorrow..... is Culture Festival!" Shank answer cause the students cheer out loud about it. "Listen up, I'll let Robin write on broad and decide the name you guys pick. Good luck." Shank walk out the class leaving Robin in charge.

  "Ok everybody, we need to think a great idea to come up with it. So let's do our best." Robin announce.

  Everybody call out the name they came up and some are great and some of them are not. "Ok everybody, since you all came up with a name but one person didn't answer." Robin look up to Y/n who was looking at the window. "Y/n we need you" Nami call out.

  Y/n turn her head and look up to the board see the names on there, "Sorry sorry, I guess I been spacing out." She apologize. "It's ok, do you come up with a name for the our class here?" Hear this cause Y/n shock.

  'Crap I got nothing to come up with something!!! Ok Y/n stay calm and think a name quick!' She thought

  She took a deep breath and answer "Well.... maybe a..... cosplay cafe..." she rub her back neck nervously and her face turn beet red. "Wow now that's fascinating, I love it." She look up in surprise see Robin wrote it on the board. "Now that already on it, let's take the vote, place your paper you write and put it into the box." Robin smile. Everybody started voting for the names and see who is the most. Once everybody take the vote Robin start to speak "Ok, since everybody took a vote let's begin." She place her hand into the box and pull it out. She unfold the paper read it and this surprise her, she hold the paper up. "The vote for our class is.... cosplay cafe." Everybody cheer about the name that had decided.




  The bell ring that it's time to leave, everybody pack their things heading out to exit. Y/n was about to head out but see a poster hang on the wall. She look up to it see a poster, she grab the poster looking at it and it said.....

'Singing contest'

She thought for moment and decided to sign in, she fold the poster place it into her pocket exiting the school.

'Can't believe the cosplay cafe have been decided and it's totally be fun.' She thought with smile on her face. She unlock the door that she got home heading to her room. She open her closet see fabric and old clothes are there. She grab them all armful drop them on the floor and went to her cabinet desk grab something out and got sewing kit.

  She sit by her pile of fabric and clothes and think of something like something special.

'I should probably make something great for my friends, maybe like fairy tale. No. Maybe a fancy clothes. No. I got of think something maybe.....wait....'

  She went through her phone go on safari image see the cosplay, "That's it! I think I had an idea to impressed my friends." She started sewing the fabric and clothes to make something amazed.

  'Hope they like these' she thought

  -Next Morning-

  Y/n POV:
  Today is culture festival. I carry so many bags that I made a costume for my friends, it took me an hour to finish these to come up with ideas. I'm gonna look for my friends and give these to them.


I stop my tracks turn around see Kid and Law, "Hi guys." I smile at them. "Why you had so many bags?" Law ask, I gave the yellow bag to Law and gave the the red and blue bags to Kid . "I made a costume for you, it took me an hour to make these. And Kid can you give the blue bag for Killer I made one for him. Have fun guys." I started walk away finding my other friends.

  I enter to gym class see Zoro, Sanji, Robin, Chopper, Usopp, Luffy, Brook, Franky, and Nami. Seems like they're working on the stage, I go up to them "Hey guys" they turn around see me. "I have a gift for you all." They rush towards me as determined. I tell them to stay calm and gave the bags to them. "You open it when its time." I smile at them.

  They look at me with smile and tears on them and hug me in group. "THANK YOU SO MUCH Y/N!! YOUR THE BEST!" They started crying of joy and see Zoro was not in our group too. I see he was trying to me manly that I see tears were about to break. My friends let me go and I went up to Zoro open my arms wide letting him. He quickly hug me and whisper to my ear "Thanks Y/n" I pat his back to calm him down since I heard little whimper from him.

  We broke each other hug then walk out the gym class heading to homeroom class.

  I went in the homeroom class walk up to my desk placing down my backpack and unzip it. I pull something out see my own costume I made this. I grab my phone out see the time and it's almost time to begin. I look out the window see everybody was front of the gate waiting.

'Let's do this'

  I walk out the class heading to the restroom to get change into my costume.

  I open the restroom door letting myself and lock it, I  place my backpack down unzip it grab my costume. I look at myself to the mirror see I look great in this costume. I took a deep breath place my costume on the sink and started undressing.

  Third POV:
Nami and Robin open the gate letting everybody in. They greeted them and pass a poster file to them.

  "You know Robin I really like this costume that Y/n gave these to us." Nami say.

(This one is what Nami wear)

(And this is what Robin wear)

"I agree, these costume seems amazed me and it's comfy to wear these." Robin giggle.

  -At the hallway-

  Kid POV:
  "You look alike a pirate." Law say about this costume, since Y/n gave this costume to us which these looks.... well kinda.... amazed me in this style.

"You look ridiculous" I huff "Hey it's look great and you don't wanna hurt Y/n feeling that she made these for us."

'... Guess he's right.... don't wanna hurt Y/n feelings.'

"Plus this costume kinda flattered me."

   (Law costume but without the mask from its head)

    We walk through the hallway see everybody are dress up in costume and some of them staring at us. It totally gave me the nerves.

"Hey Kid!"

I turn around see my friend Killer, he wear the costume that I gave it to him since Y/n gave the bags to me and told me give the blue bag to him. The outfit that Killer wear definitely suit him.

(Killer costume)

  He stop front of us after running here, "Thanks for the gift that Y/n gave these to us." He say.

  We continue walking through the hallway and feel kinda hungry, "Wanna go grab something in cosplay cafe?" Law ask. I nod my head and we went to our homeroom class that the cosplay cafe there.

   We stop front of the door, I slide the door open see everybody around and it seems like they're enjoying.

  "Hi! table for 3?" The girl ask right front of us.

  "Yes please." Law answer.

The girl take us the the table with 3 chairs,  we sit down and started order. Once we told the girl our order she walk away. I place my hand to my cheek grab my phone from my pocket scrolling through.

"Taroa! Kid! Killer!" I shock from that familiar voice that I know. I look up from my phone see that brat Luffy and he is with his gang.

  Third POV:
Luffy and his friends walk up to them and they were both surprised seeing each other costume.

(Brook costume)

(Usopp costume)

(Chopper costume)

(Sanji Costume)

(Zoro costume)

(Luffy costume)

(Franky costume)

  "Wow! Y/n gave you guys a gift?! That's awesome!!" Luffy cheer.

  "Luffy you look great" they turn around see Luffy's brothers who were dress up.

(Ace costume but without the mask)

(Sabo costume)

  "Ace! Sabo! You both look so cool!!" Luffy cheer has stars on his eyes.

"You both look great" Zoro say

"I'm surprised see you both dress up" Sanji say

"Yohohoho! You both look great today" Brook say

"You both look so cool!" Chopper exclaimed

  "Thanks guys, it was from Y/n that she gave these to us yesterday."

"You both look super" Franky say

  Sabo And Ace thank them all from the comments but the door slam open cause everybody look up see Nami and Robin were in a rush. The girls went up to the gangs "Guys you won't believe!" Nami shout, "It's Y/n and she sign up to singing contest at the gym class." Robin finish for Nami since she pant hard from all the run.

  The others were shock hearing this "Lets go and hear Y/n~Chan sing!" Sanji swooned out the room with love tornado. They all rush out following Sanji behind heading to the gym class.

  -At Gym class-

  The gangs made through the gym class see everybody are seated, "Guess we .....still had ....time" Law panted. They all took the seat they found and wait til the contest begin.

  The lights went out and one light was left on the stage

  "Hello everybody! Welcome to singing contest! We have 6 lady's with us and see who is the best. The one who sang best wins but when someone else try they lose. Listen everybody, there's a glowing stick under your seat and when you pick a color that would be one of the contestants. There are 6 different colors and there's a heart shape tag that were attached to contestants arms that show the color what they have. Once who pick one of them the most it will take a vote. Now let's the contest begin!" The announcer finish.

The first contestant  went up to the stage hold the microphone front of her and started singing.

  Y/n POV:
I was waiting on the line that I'm last to go up, I look at my wrist see the color of purple that was attached to it. I sigh and look up see the first contestants was finished then the second go up. I was dress up in my costume in all white that I made this one for myself.

  'Ok Y/n you got this, I'm almost there and going to sing.' I thought.

  -7 minuets later-

  The fifth contestants finish singing heading back here and now I'm the last one. I walk up to the stage slowly stand on the spotlight. I look up see everybody staring at me and saw my friends are in the back row waving at me. I took a deep breath closing my eyes and begin to sing.

  I open my eyes after singing see everybody were shocked but in second they started cheering. I smile feel they cheer and call of me.

   Third POV:
"Ok everybody! Light your vote!" Everybody started glowing the glow stick and the color light went up to the contestants were standing on the stage. The screen shows the vote see who has the most wins.

   Once the vote finished, the screen show everybody who had the most votes and this cause them shock who had the most.

    Y/n L/n

"Y/n is the winner! Congrats on her!" Announcer spoke. Everybody cheer that she won the singing contest. The judge gave the trophy to her and it made her happy.

Y/n friends went up to her in a rush go up to the stage and lift her up cheering.

"Y/n~Chan you were great!" Sanji say with love heart eye.

  "Way to go Y/n! We're impressed of you!" Robin , Nami, and Chopper say.

"That was so beautiful !" The ASL brothers cheer.

  "Nice job! I love it!" Killer and Kid say.

" I really love your voice." Law smirk.

"Way to go!" Usopp exclaim

"SUPER AWESOME!!!" Franky cry of happiness.

Y/n thank them of their comments and they put her down. "Excuse me" they look up see Shank there holding a camera "Can I take a picture of you guys?" He smile.

They all nod in agree getting to their position "Alright say cheese!" They all say 'cheese!' then the camera snap got the picture of them.

  They all hang out together having fun, they all have a great time hanging with their kindly friend Y/n. She had so much fun with them and it was a great time. They all love her that she was amazing of her skills and hanging out with them.

  It was sunset and everybody pack the stuff from school and clean. It was fun that everybody have a great time together.

  Y/n head upstairs to the roof to see around.

Once she got up there she look up see the sunset, she smile at it "Well... this sure was amazing living here having so much fun with my friends." She say. She took the necklace out from under her shirt see the necklace glow and the butterflies appeared then carried her bridal style flying away with her towards the city.

  She look around the view see it was beautiful flying around. She turn her head see the school is getting small, 'Thanks guys for being with me.' She thought with a smile and flew away.

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