I Was Once A Normal Girl

By nogoodinthis

12.6K 278 22

Cheyenne Price was living her normal teenage girl life. That is until she goes to a One Direction concert and... More

I Was Once A Normal Girl
Modeling with the boys, with a kiss?
Trouble in paradise.
The start to a long journey
First full day.
Bailey and shocking news.
Bad news and a slip up?
Coming home!
A breakup, Crying Zayn, kissing harry and Butt slapping Louis?
A walk in the park <3
Girls day<3
Louis and Eleanor's date<3
Liam and Danielle's date (:
Beth and Harry's date.
Zayn meets Perrie.
The morning after is always interesting
A holiday, A surprise, Jealousy and don't forget a new couple!
A Heart broken Zayn and a cold Cheyenne
A romantic night, and a teasing Niall.
Nice bruises and how to tease a wanting Niall.
Clubbing !
The morning after
Niall and Cheyenne's date night in Hawaii
Zayn and Perries date night in Hawaii.
Danielle and Liam in Hawaii
Beth and Harry is Hawaii
Eleanor says yes!
Last Chapter

A Day full of flashbacks

469 14 0
By nogoodinthis

                Nialls POV

       The doctor had told us what had happened and everyone lost it. Zayn had cried harder than he had all night, or the entire time I have known him. Louis had to hold Eleanor up from collapsing but failed because he fell down too. Danielle fell into Beth who was still in Harry’s arms. Harry had walked off leaving Beth behind because he couldn't be around the environment anymore. Liam tried his hardest to keep Danielle calm but she pushed him away every time. I just walked away; I walked into Cheyenne’s room and sat next her lifeless bod

      She couldn't breathe on her own so she was hooked up on machines; her I-Vs had more fluid rushing through them trying to keep her alive. The rise and fall of her perfect chest was barley there. She couldn't hear, see, or speak to us. We were all lost.

    "I am sorry for you loss. There is nothing else we can really do. We will keep her on the breathing machine for a couple more hours, but at 10 we have to shut it off. You can go and say bye now if you want."

    The memory flashed back into my head sending hot tears down my face. I grabbed her cold hand and kissed it. As I kissed her hand it was like lighting flashed through me all our memories of the past two weeks went by like nothing.

      "Niall stop!" She yelped as she jumped off my bed taking a pillow with her. She tried to hit me with the pillow but missed sending her falling back to the bed I tickled her some more and her laugher filled my bedroom.

                "Please stop!" She shrieked at me and I tickled her harder. She jumped free of my arms again and ran around my room I chased her as she made her way out of my bedroom and into the hallway. Her socks made her slide down to the floor but I caught her before her impact.

                End of Flash back

                Start of another.

                "I think that maybe you should make me cookies." I lifted my head from her lap on the couch and she laughed at me.

                "Oh you do now?"

                "Yes actually I do!" I jumped up but she pulled me back down.

                "I think you are wrong." She gave me a wink and I laughed this time facing back to the TV.

                "Hey Niall." She whispered.

                "Yes Love?" I turned my head facing her again.

                "Will you go get me water?" She batted her eyelashes and I melted. I got up and went to the kitchen getting her water.

                When I came back she was gone.

                "Cheyenne? “I set the water down on a table.


                "Cheyenne?" I turned the corner going down the hall to see her jump out in front of me. I jumped back in shock and she jumped up into my arms wrapping her arms around my neck and legs around my waist.

                End Of Flashback

                Start of another.

                I put the last piece of the baby puzzle we were putting together in and cheered with Cheyenne.

                "We did it!" She screamed hoping into my lap.

                I laughed and squeezed her tighter to my body.

                "Niall don't do it." She laughed while I started to tickle her. She tried her hardest to escape from my grip but I wouldn't let her go. Tickling her sides and her stomach. Her body bolted up straight and she got away from me.

                She ran down her hallways and into her room slamming the door. When I got the door open her closet door was being closed behind her. I caught the door knob from closing and welcomed myself into her closet. She fell to the ground and I went on top of her. I trapped her where she was bringing my face inches from hers, I went to kiss her but she rolled over teasing me.

                End of flashback.

                "Niall." Zayn’s hand grasped my shoulder and I jolted up from where I was sitting on Cheyenne’s bed.

                "I think we shouldn't have told the doctor to take her off." He had a point.

                "I just don't want to see her in pain anymore." I rubbed her cheek that I could barely get to because of the breathe mask.

                "Maybe you should just give her time." He said and he was right.

                I told the doctor to leave her on Life support and he agreed that it was a good idea if I wanted the chance to be with her again. I thought about it for a really long time about what happens if she lives. I decided that if she lives I will make her go to the rehab and I will visit her every chance I get with the others, then when she gets out and gets back on her feet and goes back to modeling (If she can) I will ask her to be mine. Because that's all I can't think of right now.

                "Niall She's waking up!" Danielle and Eleanor ran out of Cheyenne’s room with a frantic Beth behind them.

                "Cheyenne?" I whispered taking her hand in mine her fingers grabbed my in response showing she could hear. Her head moved slightly sending a shock through my body. Then all at once Doctors and nurses ran in shoving me out of the way.

                I and Eleanor made our way to Louis who was half asleep now because it's almost tomorrow. Danielle ran to Liam jumping on his scaring him awake but quickly wrapping his arms around her. Beth kissed Harry repeatedly, Harry was still awake, he's a night person. Zayn stood up from the chair he was in frantic because no one told him what was going on.

                "She woke up." I gave them a simple remark but it caused them all to cheer in relief hugging each other and this time happy tears came down my face.

                "Niall Horan?" The doctor came behind me and we all turned to look at him.

                "That's me." I raised my hand slightly.

                "Cheyenne is asking for you. Follow me." I followed the doctor back to the room and there she was laying there. The I-V still stuck in her but the mask was gone now. She lay flat and still on the bed looking at me. I ran to her gripped her hand in mine.

                "Are you okay?"

                "Niall-" She paused her voice was groggy and you could tell she was thirsty. So I gave her water and she sipped on it, once she was done swallowing it her crystal blue eyes fluttered back to mine.

                "Kiss me." She was simple and I did as I was told. I leaned down to her and gave her a simple, sweet, split second kiss. Even though I wanted to hold my lips there for moments longer.

                "You have to go rehab love.” I gave her the painful news fast heartless, although my heart was filled with nothing but love.

                "I know, I need to get better." She gave me a tired smile and I kissed her fingers gently.

                "Get some rest okay? I will be here when you wake up." She gave me a halfhearted smile and let her eyes close tight again. I watched as her the rise and fall of her chest become normal by every breath that made its way from her body.

                "How is she?" Liam and Louis poked their head in the door way making me jump from my seat.

                "She is fine she says she will go to rehab." I sigh.

                "That's great lad." Liam gripped my shoulder and Louis made his way to Cheyenne's side grabbing her hand.

                "So what are you going to do?" Harry popped in the room.

                "Well I am going to visit her as often as I can and then when she comes home I am going to help her get better, her summer will be starting by then because she will get her school work done in there, then once she is back to her everyday life I will take out somewhere wonderful and ask her to be mine." I smiled at the ground.

                "That sounds wonderful." Zayn now joined us in the room followed by Eleanor, Danielle, and Beth.

                "She will love that." Eleanor said and the girls coed.

                "I hope so." I took one last look at her and smiled at her perfect face sleeping. Then I went to sleep. 

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