Miss Scarlett & Her Baby Boy

By SkylarLee1996

44.3K 588 209

Story about a boy an girl being friends could there friendhship become more both going to the caregiver an li... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.

Chapter 20.

560 11 0
By SkylarLee1996

Lauren picked up a happy taylor he was finally calm after seeing his mama lauren placed a happy taylor into his car seat without a fuss this is a first for taylor lauren thought to herself alright monkey you all comfy i think you are tasha sat next to taylor happily watching his little smile back on his face lauren placed a kiss on his forehead an handing him his mamas hoodie taylor held on to the hoodie just like he does with his blanket taylor finally felt at ease he see his mama an got told she would be home soon, after everyone got into the car they made there way home music playing at the right level taylor happily babbling away to anyone that was listening the drive was peaceful everyone could finally relax today was going to be a good day after a short drive back lauren pulled up on to the drive the girls exited the car taylor let tasha get him out taylor was happy an the girls was going to make the most of it as soon as taylor was put on to his feet he ran staright to the front door lauren calling out behind him *taylor slow down becarful we dont want you following over mr clumsy pants* taylor squealed an continued his pace he was happy lauren opened the door letting them all in tasha opened the french doors to let some air in to the house taylor sat on his bum an crawled to his usual spot in the lounge he looked at tasha an pointed to his shoes *off off pwease* tasha smiled down at him alright mr excited give me them feeties tasha took his shoes off taylor then looked at his socks an pulled them off (No little likes socks aha) happy his feeties was finally free taylor made a dash for his toy box lauren an the girls all sat down just talking an listening to music why keeping an eye on taylor lauren placed taylors now full sippy cup down on the table were he could reach it after he pulled out all his toys trying to get to his building blocks he began to play happy an content. 

Looks like we now have a happy taylor ally spoke yeah we do he see scarlet an she reassured him that she would be home to him later he is 100% a mamas boy through an through the bond they have is unbreakable even before the whole thing with you know who the girls all agreed yeah that is true so what should we have for dinner tonight and is scarlet eating when she comes home or is she going to be eating at work? lauren smiled err i think she will be eating when she gets home im not too sure i will give her a call in a little while an find out i dont mind what we have how about chinese does anyone else have any other suggestions? all the girls looked at one an other hmm chinese sounds good to me what about taylor do you think he will want to have that lauren looked at taylor an then back to the girls only one way to find out *taylor baby can you come to aunt lolo for a moment please* taylor heared his name an what lolo said he put his blocks down an crawled over to her he sat on his bum spotting his sippy cup he happily took it *taa taa ineee ineee* yes bug yours so me an the girls was thinking chinese for dinner what you think cutie you want that too taylor looked at lauren with a seriouse thinking face *ohh look at that concentration face ally cooed* taylor looked at ally an smiled then back to lauren he raised his arms up to her siginalling he wanted to be picked up lauren scooped him up an sat him on her lap alright monkey what will it be *inese inese pwease mmm an mama ooo* lauren cooed an smiled i think mama will want that too should we facetime mama an find out hm? taylor smiled an clapped his hands esss ma mama alright kiddo lets do that then taylor was happy he got to see his mama again taylor was getting hot he was tugging at his sweatshirt off off pwease alright arms up baby taylor did just that happy he was now bare chested it was time to call his mama scarlet felt her phone vibrate in her pocket she was sat in her office catching up on the books smiling happily seeing it was lauren she was praying that taylor was behaving himself. 

s- hi laur everythng ok?

L- hey yeah everything is good

s- alright good so why the call not that i mind

l- well we was all thinking about dinner later are you eating at work or home

s- will eat when home what you all thinking 

l- (taylor squealed an come in to view of the camera) ineese ineese mama esss 

s- well hello there my nakey baby so chinese huh that sounds like a good plan to me baby boy

l- alright well looks like its chinese then taylor 

s- so who's idea was it to have chinese 

l- mine of course an taylor well he agreed with me an the girls so you would of been out voted 

s- alright well what ever my baby wants my baby gets i will see you all at home  

l- you will do sis see you when home

s- you will do oh an taylor baby? 

l- (taylor smiled in the camera around his sippy cup) essss 

s- i love you nakey bum be good ok mama see you real soon 

l- (giggles an gurggles) wovee ooo mama 

With all that in place taylor climbed off his aunties lap an crawled back over to his toy box losing intrest in what ever the grown ups was talking about taylor spotted his crayons picking up his blue crayon he toddled over to lauren *taa taaa ineee* lauren smiled what you got there ohh i see you have a crayon were did you find that i thought your mama put them all away taylor smiled an giggled pointing to his toy box ohh i see you burried it in your box huh well thats ok just dont draw on anyting other then your colouring books ok taylor nodded an toddled off again crayon in hand taylor was crouched down sitting by his books happily drawing swirls on the page (what could possibly go wrong little one left with a crayon haha) taylor soon got bored an continued to play but taylor wanted to use both hands but he did not want to put he crayon down so taylor does what he does best he finds somewhere to keep it safe thinking to himself he decided on sticking it up his nose for safe keeping (Every little one has done this at some point) happy his crayon was safe an sound he began to play again babbling away happily little did the girls know that taylor has the crayon up his nose, Hm so who wants to go outside in the garden its such a nice day lets make the most of it ally spoke up the girls all agreed lauren called taylor over she knew he would need sun cream on monkey bum come here please we going to go out into the garden taylor toddled off towards lauren looking up at her lauren couldnt help but laugh an also feel a little concerened err taylor why do you have a crayon up your nose taylor giggled an shrugged comepletly forgetting it was there lauren took a quick photo an sent it to scarlet (err crayon in toy box now in his nose dont worry i got it out) scarlet looked at her phone an laughed shaking her head it sounds like taylor.

(Sandpit in banner at the top of the chapter

lauren picked it out of his nose putting it to one side she lifted him in to her arms alright bubs sun cream time then you can go outside with us ok taylor nodded his head being outside means sandpit time he loves his sandpit luren got to work at putting on sun cream then she let him go outside the girls all got what they wanted an made there way out there gabby went over to the sandpit with taylor lifting the lid of the sandpit she sat him inside it after checking it for anything that should not be there happy an content he would be safe she placed him down enjoy cuite taylor sat happily building sandcastles an forts in the sand happy an content just being the messy little boy that he is Taylor would glance over at the girls every now an then to make sure they was still there after building many sand castle an forts taylor got bored he filled his little bucket up full of sand an decided to carry it to the girls making his way over without being spotted he crawled under the garden table were he found his aunties feet he got an idea in his head he scooped out some sand of the bucket an placed it on each of his aunties feet he would crawl back sneakily to gather more sand an repeat this action till all of his aunties feet was happily buried in sand satisfied with his handy work Taylor crawled around on the grass hopping around after rabbit he had spotted laurne looked over at Taylor keeping an eye on him smiling that her nephew was happy Taylor wondered how his aunties had not noticed the sand on there feet shrugging it off he continued to play till he was called for bath time an dinner time.

Lauren looked at her watch seeing the time after taking a few photos of Taylor for scarlet she noticed it was almost near Taylor's bathtime Lauren put her phone down an called out for Taylor he happily come running to Lauren just as he approached lauren he began to giggle this caused Lauren to raise an eyebrow at him *what's so funny mr giggle pots* taylor just kept giggling soon his aunt would realise why he was giggling they all would lauren picked up Taylor an sat him on her lap so mr man you going to tell lolo what's got you all giggly Taylor shook his head it wasnt until gabby went to get up an realised her feet was buried in sand gabby chuckled an rolled her eyes causing taylor to giggle more this caught the girls attention alright what's so funny you two gabby smirked why dont you all try standing up they all looked at one another with the same questioning look ally stood up noticing her feet so did tasha an Lauren did the same they all started laughing together Lauren smiled down at Taylor you little monkey I wondered why you was so quiet an giggly earlier you are a little monster yes you are good trick little one you are a sneaky bum yes you are and it's now your bathtime need to get you all clean an ready before your mummy comes home yes I do yes I do.

Lauren carried Taylor in to the house putting him in his pack an play so he can't escape Lauren set off to run his bath making sure it was perfect temperature for him after the bath was ready she made her way downstairs to pick up a happy Taylor babbling away to himself Lauren scooped him up an carried him up to the bathroom laying him down on a fluffy towel Lauren got Taylor out of his clothes putting them to one side then his diaper that appears to have more sand in there then anything else *Little one was you building sand castles in your diaper hmm there is so much sand in your diaper then pee* taylor just rolled over an giggled to himself finding it funny Lauren rolled him back on to his back quickly wiping him down discarding the diaper an wipes she picked up a happy Taylor an placed him in the luke warm bath *alright sweet boy have fun playing why I get you squeaky clean before your mummy gets home* Taylor was happily playing with his bath toys babbling away to Lauren about the adventures his toys was getting in to Lauren would reply to him every now an then *alright monkey head back* Lauren run the water over his head an shampooing his hair making sure to get behind his ears Taylor has a habit of getting anything an everything behind his ears *eyes closed little one* Taylor closed his eyes as lauren washed his hair alright all done sweetie you have 10minuets of play time then it's time to get out an get some food in that tummy of yours I will be right back I need to get you a clean diaper an some jammies  ready for after your bath you know the rules monkey no getting out the bath an your bum must stay on the bathtub ok no standing up Taylor smiled an nodded *esss auntie lolo pwomise* lauren kissed his head good job nugget I will be right back Lauren made her way to scarlets room setting a diaper an jammies on the bed just as she was about to return to Taylor ally shouted up dinner will be delivered in 15mins Lauren shouted down alright be down soon, lauren made her way back to Taylor watching him fondly playing around Lauren crouched down by the tub an started to play with Taylor's toys with him Taylor had a better idea it was splash time according to Taylor Lauren didint mind as long as the water stayed in the tub but Taylor had other ideas he declared a water fight Lauren laughed alright I think that's enough but Taylor shook his head nuuu uhhhh he picked up his plastic cup he has for playing in the bath an chucked the water at Lauren *ohhh it's on little man* lauren got him back an Taylor got lauren back this continued until they heard the door bell go signaling food was here Lauren an taylor both looked at one an other an smiled alright out you come lauren picked him up an pulled the plug out the bath setting him on her hip she placed a few towels down on the floor why cleaning the floor up happy with her work she quickly got Taylor in his diaper an jammies they made there way downstairs what they both did not know is scarlet had returned home Taylor was running down the stairs along with Lauren both eager for food they was both half way down when they heard a familiar voice *NO RUNNING ON THE STAIRS CHILDREN* taylor an Lauren both stopped in there tracks both looking at one an other Taylor let out a massive loud squeal *MUMMY MUMMY MUMMY* Taylor come bounding down the stairs binky in mouth he followed scarlets voice into the loung she was sitting on her recliner arm chair Taylor spotted her an crashed in to her *why hello there my sweet boy mama missed you have you been a good boy* taylor smiled an nodded *mummy ooo home yayayay* scarlet couldnt help but cooe yes I am sweet one Lauren come in to view T-shirt covered in wet patches scarlet quirked a brow an so did the other girls at the pair *alright who won the water fight* gabby announced both Taylor an Lauren put there hands up Lauren smiled I think it was a draw we heard the doorbell scarlet nodded *mhm so I said no water fights an you both did my floor better be dry* lauren rolled her eyes what do you expect it's me an Taylor an yes the floor is clean an dry alright well let's eat I'm starving.

They all sat down together an had dinner happily talking about there day Taylor was happily resting against his mamas legs why he ate his watching cartoons taylor was growing tired all he wanted was to cuddle up an have milk he missed his mama he wanted her close Taylor had left some noodles normally he clears his plate but Taylor decided he had enough an wanted attention he needed to feel his mama holding him pushing his plate away he patted scarlets leg scarlet looked down at her bundle of joy gently running her hand down his cheek for comfort *yes sweet boy what can mama do for you* taylor lifted his arms up towards her scarlet picked him up an laid him against her chest knowing her boy just wants comfort an to feel close she continued to eat her dinner why looking at Taylor in between bites *awe mummy has a sleepy boy huh too much fun for one day is that right baby hmm  is that what you telling mama* taylor let out a small yawn an nuzzled down on her chest rubbing his eyes with his tiny fist taking in his mama's vanilla scent scarlet couldnt help but cooe at her little one how she had missed him so much today she knew all to well that Taylor would not last much longer but instead of putting him to bed she wanted him close if he falls asleep why in her arms till she goes to bed then so be it she just wants her baby close how she had been longing to hold her baby all day just having him close to her after a long day back at work was the best welcome home a mama could ask for taking in his baby scent mixed with baby shampoo an baby powder filling her senses she was finally able to relax an unwind this is why she become a mama little moments like this gives her a sense of pride an to feel wanted by someone who let's them see the most vulnerable side of them that's exactly what she has with taylor as promised scarlet finished her dinner an read taylor his goodnight moon hoping he will soon sleep been a busy day for them all running her hands through his hair as she reads the book taylors eyes growing heavy at the sound of her voice reading the book to him taylors body finally gave way he was sound asleep in his mamas arms taylor could not get any closer to scarlet if he tried the girls all sat there an looked at the duo ally's heart melting at the sight *looks like someone missed you today* scarlet smiled yeah i must admit it felt weird without him by my side today thank you though all of you for looking after him it means a lot, the girls smiled *no worries its what we are here for so how comes you are not working tomorrow?* well tony wants to ease me back in to work also so it dosent overwhelm taylor with me being gone every few days once taylor is use to me being back at work the rota will become more normal speaking of taylor should be going back to school soon unless he is going to do home classes but i doubt that you know what he is like lauren nodded yeah i cant see him staying at home with us doing them online but we will have to have that talk with him tomorrow see what he wants to do its not like he will be missing out on physical education as he already play's for a football team outside of school anyway speaking of dont he have a game some point soon scarlet sighed i think so will have to check the schedule  think the knew season is starting soon ally being ally pulled up the schedule an sighed err scar he has training tomorrow then he has a game a few days later scarlet sighed alright so tomorrow is going to be interesting trying to get him out of headspace before taking him what time does it say? training starts at 6:30pm till 8:00pm alright thanks after talking between them all they decided it was time to go to sleep good nights said between them all they set off for bed. 

Hello everyone thank you for sticking with this book it means a lot i hope you are all staying safe an sound Feedback on this book is welcomed i would love to hear your thoughts an feelings on this book. love to you all. 

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