Finally Yours: The Sequel | T...

By ratedJG

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Read the first book before reading this. More

• prologue •
• one •
• two •
• three •
• four •
• five •
• six •
• seven •
• eight •
• nine: part one •
• nine: part two •
• ten •
• eleven •
• twelve •
• thirteen •
• fourteen •
• fifteen •
• sixteen •
• seventeen: part one •
• seventeen: part two •
• seventeen: part three •
• eighteen •
• nineteen •
• twenty: part one •
• twenty: part two •
• twenty one •
• twenty two •
• twenty three: part one •
• twenty three: part two •
• twenty four •
• twenty five •
• twenty six •
• twenty seven •
• twenty eight •
• twenty nine •
• thirty •
• thirty one: part one •
• thirty one: part two •
• thirty two: part one •
• thirty two: part two •
• thirty three •
• thirty four •
• thirty five •
• thirty six •
• thirty seven •
• thirty eight •
• thirty nine •
• forty •
• forty one: part one •
• forty one: part two •
• forty two •
• forty three •
• forty four •
• forty five •
• forty six •
• forty seven •
• forty eight •
• forty nine •
• fifty •
• fifty one •
• fifty two •
• fifty three •
• fifty four •
• fifty five: part one •
• fifty five: part two •
• fifty six •
• fifty seven •
• fifty eight •
• fifty nine •
• sixty •
• sixty one •
• sixty two •
• sixty three •
• sixty four •
• sixty five •
• sixty seven: part one •
• sixty seven: part two •
• sixty seven: part three •
• sixty eight •
• sixty nine •
• seventy: part one •
• seventy: part two •
• seventy: part three •
• epilogue •
on to the next... book #3!

• sixty six •

439 18 37
By ratedJG

Thursday, July 3
Miami, Florida

It was currently the night before my last full day of my new video shoot and I'm bored as hell in this hotel room. I was on the phone with Trey but the nigga fell asleep on me. You would think with me being three hours ahead that I would be the tired one.

While I was still up I decided to try calling La. We haven't talked much since the incident last week at the bridal boutique. I had called her that same night to try and hash things out but she rushed me off the phone so fast that we ain't really discuss anything. Ever since then things have been so awkward. I gave her a little space but time's up cause it really doesn't need to be like this and I miss my girl.

Surprisingly she picked up pretty quickly, "Kelly, hi."

"Hey... How are you?"

"I'm okay, just up with Kiyan watching TV."

"Oops, am I interrupting? I can call back tom-"

"No no it's fine. What about you though? I know you're in Miami shooting the video for Coffee, how's that going?"

"Oh it's going. A storm came in yesterday and it delayed everything so we have twice as much work to do tomorrow. At least we know for sure it's gonna be a nice day, and it's supposed to be our last day filming so I'm excited regardless."

"You'll get it done. I know sometimes it can be hard for you to get started on the music stuff but once you're into it you push all the way through. I know the video will be great too with your perfectionist self. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks girl, that really means a lot." I smiled.

The line kinda went silent after that so I just went right in, "La I just wanna apologize again for how I acted last week. I texted you about it but I want you to hear me say it too. I'll even say it again in person."

"I already told you there's no need to apologize."

"Then why have things been so weird between us?"

"Because I knew the next time we would speak there would be a huge elephant in the room we would have to address, and I've been trying to avoid it."


"Kelly I really don't want to be interrogated right now. If we sit here and talk about it, it's gonna create a problem."

"There's already a problem and it's because we haven't talked about it. If you're feeling a type of way about something then you should tell me."

"Well. I didn't appreciate the way you handled things during your altercation with Kim."

"The altercation that she started? Did you tell her that?"

"I know she started it and I'll talk to her at some point. But since we're already here I'm telling you first."

"La I know what role I played. I've been apologizing for it but you won't even take it!"

"Because an apology won't change the fact that it happened and I honestly don't think you regret reacting the way you did."

"Okay, I'm confused because now it sounds like you're blaming me for everything. I tried my best to ignore that girl the whole time. You don't even know how she was acting while you were in the back looking for dresses. If someone was constantly pushing your buttons then gon blow up on you just for opening your mouth I know good and well you would've reacted the same way so you're right, I don't regret it. I only care about how it affected you... and the fact that we could've took it outside."

"Are you serious Kelly?"

"Hell yeah I'm serious. She been wanting to fight me for years so I should've gave her the chance. Just not in the store."

"The point is it shouldn't have happened at all."

"Tuh. I can only control my temper for so long and that was long enough. I had to stick up for myself cause if not me then who? Certainly not you." I mumbled that last sentence under my breath.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You let her sit there and lie on me like that. Then when she was trying to come towards me you ain't say a thing meanwhile was telling me to control myself. What, did you agree with the things she was saying?"

"No of course not! Like I said I'm going to talk to her about it. I should've spoke up when it happened and I was going to... but I didn't like what you said about the whole friendship thing."

"Hey I didn't like it either, but it's the truth. I'm not telling you not to be friends with her, I just want you to be careful and hold her accountable whenever she does something sketchy."

"I didn't ask you though. What happened to no longer giving your unsolicited opinions about my life?"

I paused and literally bit my tongue because if I really spoke, we'd be going down a very bad road.

"You right sis. Clearly this isn't going anywhere, I shouldn't have even called you. Lemme just take my ass to bed-"

"Wait wait wait. Can we just start this all over?"

"I dunno, can we?"

"Kelz come on... I love you." she said softly, and just then all my irritation went away.

I sighed, "I love you too."

"I don't want to argue."

"Me neither. That's the last thing I want."

"I know you do the things you do because you care, and I appreciate you for it. None of the things Kim said about you were true. I'm just sensitive to confrontation now, you know that."

"Listen, I'm willing to forget about everything that happened with ole g- I mean Kim and put my differences aside. But I'll do it for you and you only."

"That's all I ask. And I'll tell her to do the same. I'll be damned if some disaster would happen on my wedding day."

I laughed, "We not that crazy. While we're on the subject, I've been meaning to ask you about something. Kiara wants to be a flower girl."

"My gosh, how could I forget about my baby?! I didn't know she was interested!"

"Well she's been shy about it. She asked me to run it by you and you know I can't say no to her. But I also don't wanna intrude on what you wanna do."

"Kelz don't even trip. Only thing better than one flower girl is two. Plus her and Royalty are like besties, it would be so cute! I'll tell Chris."

"You sure it's not too last minute?"

"Watchu mean last minute? It's my wedding, I can do whatever I want whenever I want. Shiddd."

"Girl, you a real one."

"Not as real as you!"

The next day

"Alright everyone, one more run through and we'll be all set!"

Coffee and sex in the morning
Breakfast in bed got me moaning
Before you go to work
I need you to go to work

Pardon my sincerity
You know I'm a rarity
My love be your therapy
All around remedy

Baby who instead of me?
These bitches will never be
Put it down like it's heavy baby
Honeymoon that, wedding day that

I need that wake up
Soon as we wake up
Wish we could lay up
Still stack our pay up

You running late but
Need you to stay up
It's almost eight
No time to waste
No time to waste

You know you got the best of me
I know you need that stress relief babe
Before we both get dressed to leave
Want you to try this recipe babe

I know we just woke up
I know you gotta go but
Breakfast isn't over
I seen the way you rose up

Ha, they say morning wood do a body good babe
Clearly you agree
Don't be tryna leave

Stay here with me
I'll put you right back to sleep
I'll get you right for the week
We can vacay in the sheets
Let you parlay in the pink, pink

I need that wake up
Soon as we wake up
Wish we could lay up
Still stack our pay up

You running late but
Need you to stay up
It's almost eight
No time to waste
No time to waste...

"And that's a wrap, ladies!" Steven, the director yelled as the song ended and we all cheered. I came out of the water wet and all but happy as hell.

With the amount of times we've had to play this song so we could shoot all these different scenes, I probably won't listen to it again until I actually put it out. I'm in love with it though, don't get me wrong.

"Speech! Speech! Speech!"

"Ahhh I'm so unprepared, but I suppose." I laughed and took the megaphone from Steven while someone from the crew wrapped me in a towel. "I really don't know what to say except thank you. I couldn't have done this without any of y'all. You guys are amazing and there's a gift in each and every one of you. Steven, all my beautiful models, my wardrobe people, and of course my wonderful hairstylist Nikki who hooked us all up... her ass done wandered off I guess but I'll thank her later. Anyway-"

"I'm right here! And look who I found!" I heard her shout from a distance.

"Girl where was you at- BABY!!!" I screamed as I saw Trey walking behind her with a bouquet of roses in his hand. I ran into his arms while everyone else was aww-ing and shit.

"Hey sexy."

"I'm so confused, you're supposed to be at home! When the hell did you get here?!"

"You know I had to pull up on you and see wassup. Wouldn't be me if I didn't surprise you somehow. Also I ain't want you to fly back to LA alone."

"Ugh, I just love love! How sweet and romantic!" Nikki squealed.

"He has his moments." I joked, smiling and looking up at him.

"So does this make up for me falling asleep on you last night?"

"Duh!" I kissed his lips and excitedly took the roses from him.

"Y'all finished shooting?" Nikki asked.

"Yup, just did."


"Word, I wanna see." Trey said.

"Oh no no no, it's not finalized yet." I quickly replied. Y'all already know how I am.

"Actually I was just about to have everyone watch the first cut before I start making the edits." Steven interjected.



"Ignore her." Nikki said. "Let's get into it!"

Nikki dragged me towards the camera and Trey followed behind us. Everyone gathered around as Steven ran it back to the beginning. The fact that they were all paying so close attention to it had me nervous as all fuck.

"Woah woah woah woah woah. Hold up, go back real quick." Trey said all of the sudden. I already knew exactly what he was referring to.

"Is there a problem?" I smirked.

"I knew he was gon say sumn. Trey if you mad then stay mad cause she's not taking it out the video, period." Nikki said.

"Nah I just had to see them shits again. What I gotta be mad for? I'm the one sucking on em almost every n-"

"Trey!" I groaned in embarrassment while everyone laughed.

"What? Am I lying?"

"Can't take this nigga nowhere man, damn." I mumbled to myself.


Kelly and I spent the rest of the day in the streets of Miami then I took her out to eat. I thought she would be over me and my foolery by now but she's been clinging onto me for dear life ever since we got back to her hotel room.

"Damn girl." I had to come up for air from her tonguing me down. "You been all up on me all day. Not that I'm complaining or anything."

"Because I missed you like crazy! I know I've only been here a few days but for some reason I found myself thinking about you a lot."

"I'm not surprised. I mean, I'm me."

"Aaaaand just like that, I take it back." She tried to get up from my lap but I pulled her back down.

"Too late. I missed you too though, that's basically the whole reason why I came down here."

"You're so cute." she said poking her lip out. "I can't wait to see my babies tomorrow too."

"I was about to bring em but I kinda didn't see the point in flying them all the way here for just a day."

"That's fair, it's only one day. Any more than that and I would've been pissed."

"I'm already knowing." I just stared at her gorgeous self and my hands slowly moved down her lower back while she wiped her excess lip gloss off my lips.

"I'm finna go change outta this lil outfit. You coming?"

"So I can watch? Obviously."

"Boy..." she laughed and I followed her into the bedroom. She put our leftovers in the fridge then we both changed into something more comfortable.

"Damn I just realized I gotta share this bed tonight. I was kinda getting used to sleeping alone." she said out of nowhere.

"...You not deadass."

She tried to keep a straight face and failed. "Yeah that was a pretty bad joke."

I laid next to her and she cuddled close to me while looking for something to watch.

"So when you dropping the song?"

She chuckled to herself, "Wouldn't you like to know."

"Yes, that's why I asked." I replied smartly.

"You're asking because you're scared."


She just laughed and shook her head. "I'm thinking of putting it out next Friday. Does that work for you?"

"Anything that works for you works for me."

"You sure about that? Wouldn't wanna interfere with your timeline and outshine you." she teased.

"Oh you got jokes. It's funny cause I was gonna drop something the week after. I guess it works out cause you can have a week to yourself before I start getting all the attention."

"Unlike you, I'm not threatened."

"Threatened? Never that. At the end of the day when it all comes down to it, we can both succeed at the same time."

"Ex-act-ly. I'm glad you finally got it through your thick skull."

I sucked my teeth, "You know I just be playing. All jokes aside, I know I've told you this a million times but I'm proud of you. I fuck with the song heavy."

"Thank you baby." She smiled up at me and carressed my cheek. "This the last sex song I'm making for a while though."

"Damn, how come?"

"I gotta switch up the content you know? Remind these folks I can be versatile."

"If they need a reminder then they was never really down in the first place. But I get what you saying though. All I know is there better be more music videos coming."

"Jeez. I ain't even put this one out yet dude, get off my back." she said jokingly.

"You gon hear the same exact thing from everyone else so you might as well hear it from me first. From what I've already seen, this video is hands down one of your best. Wanna know my favorite part?"

"I think I know your favorite part Trey."

"Other than that." I chuckled. "I loved when y'all were all standing in the water in a horizontal line. That representation of black women was beautiful."

She gasped, "Yo that's my favorite part too, for that exact same reason!"

"See? People need more of that from you."

"And they'll definitely get it, I just need to make sure I have everything figured out first. Once I get my next two singles lined up I'll get things started."

"Look at you, working and shit." I said, playfully nudging her.

"Don't do me like that. I'm always working." she replied, lightly flipping her hair over her shoulder. "I'll tell you one thing though, I can't be doing these videos back to back. I honestly forgot how tired these filming days be making me."

I smirked, "Need some coffee?"

"Nah it's too late in the day for that. Plus the coffee here tastes disgus- ...ohhhhhhhh."

"Wow Kelz... it's literally your song."

"Shut up! Technically you used it wrong, it's supposed to be in the morning."

"Guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow then." I pretended I was getting out of bed to go to the bathroom.

"Now now, let's not be silly." She grabbed onto me then pulled me on top of her and held my face, looking into my eyes. "I can make an exception."

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