
By vegetasblondehairdye

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It all started with a push. Then ended with a decision. When Dean Ambrose decides to take in a homeless AJ Le... More

Girl in the Chucks
The Invite
Little White Box
Angels with Switchblades
I can do bad all by myself
Math Class
Irish Prince
My Time With The Prince
Change Her Mind
Shopping and Panicing
Bella Bash
Staying Home
Sami's Plan
Dodging Consequences
Familiar Stilettos
Tag Along
Who's to blame
Lets Play
So Cold
Bitter End
2 Sides of Me
Don't Get Mad
Talking to Seth
In His Cage
A New Begining
Somewhere New Someone Old
Healthy And Sober
Just Ask Her
You Cheater
My Heart Is A Fist
Slither Into My Heart
Dear God
(Pt.1) Never Let Me Go
(Pt.2) Never Let Me Go

Convince Me

1.1K 41 10
By vegetasblondehairdye

"Dean. Answer me. Who told you that I was pregnant?"

"Nobody told me alright. When I went into your bag I saw the pregnancy test box and when I told you to wait downstairs for me I saw the test in the trash can." Dean lied, not wanting to throw his mother under the bus.

AJ has been embarrassed many times but this time she was beyond that. She couldn't help letting her face turn pink. She didn't want Dean to think she was a whore for getting pregnant at 15. AJ didn't know if Dean was the type of person to hold things against people and black mail them. At the same time, who was he to judge. He's done worst things than she has. Hell, he's had more girls than a pimp. Her on the other hand has only slept with one guy who she actually cared about.

AJ stood up and grabbed her bags from the corner, stomping her way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Dean stood up.

"I can tell that you won't be wanting me here anymore. Take this as saving you the trouble of kicking me out. It was nice while it lasted."

"Let's not go jumping to conclusions."

AJ spun back around, "What are you saying?"

"I can't just kick you to the curb in your condition."

"Are you asking me to stay?" Dean nodded. "I don't want to be a burden in yours or your moms life, okay. I can take care of myself."

She turned back around to walk out the door until Dean grabbed a firm hold onto her wrists. "We could figure something out. Just stay for a while longer. Alright?"

AJ rolled her eyes and did a sarcastic chuckle, "Why? Why are you so persistent on getting me to stay? You barely even know me and yet you talk to me as if we've known each other for years. Just a few weeks ago I was just some random girl in your math class that you would copy off of and now what am I? Hm? A responsibility of yours? A way of making you feel good about yourself?" AJ yelled.

Dean threw her hand to the side making AJ drop her bags. "Is it that hard for you to accept that someone can actually give a damn about you?"

"Why you? Why do you care? Out of all the people in this world what makes me so important? You've picked girls up and threw them to the side. What makes me any different from all of those girls? Why can't you just leave me be!"

Dean paused. He looked AJ deep in her glassy brown eyes, "There's something about you that is... I don't know. You have it. Whatever it is. All I know is that I'm really attracted to you. Physically and emotionally. I don't want you living out there by yourself. It's a dangerous place to be and I refuse to let you be in danger."

AJ's facial expression changed from angry to confused. "What are you trying to admit? That you have a crush on me or something?" Dean's face started to burn with embarrassment. why the hell was he admitting all of this to her? He wasn't even sure if what he was feeling was real or not. "Oh this is rich." AJ laughed, throwing Dean off a bit. "Big bad Dean Ambrose actually has a heart. Damn, who are you trying to fool? I mean c'mon. Are your trying to convince me that someone like you would fall for someone like me?"

"What do you mean someone like me?" Dean asked, slightly offended.

"As in someone who doesn't give a damn about what other people think of him. Being an arrogant asshole. A vicious animal." AJ listed. "I on the other hand am insecure, get my feelings hurt easily, and labeled as a weird nerd. This isn't some movie where the schools badass goes for the band geek and they're magically able to coexist and they live happily ever after. This is reality. You and I are like water and oil. We don't mix."

Dean began getting annoyed with how AJ was talking to him, "Well sorry for being the way I am! Sorry that I'm not some twink! Sorry that I'm not Randy Orton! Your clean cut, A plus student, douche bag!"

AJ squinted at him. Many things running through her mind. One of the thoughts being to stay and the other screaming to leave. She looked down at her black chucks as tears began streaming down her face. "Wanna know why I want to leave? Everytime I get attached to somebody they always end up leaving me on my own. I don't want to get attached to you, Dean. I'd rather us be complete strangers than having you leave me for dead some day."

"I would never do that to you."

"Dean, I may be a naive 15 year old but I'm realistic. You're going to have temptations when you see a much prettier, older girl and go do something stupid with her. I'm saving us the extra trouble. And keeping our relationship as not an actual relationship."

Dean scoffed, "Wow. You really think I'm that shallow?"

"With the way you portray yourself, yes I do."

"You don't even know me to be making assumptions like that." he growled.

"And that's what I've been telling you this whole time." AJ argued.

Dean stepped back giving AJ some space. He picked up her bags and walked to the doorway. "You wanna leave? Fine." he slammed the door open and threw her bags in the hall. "Get the hell out then! And don't think about knocking on my door when you realize that staying with me is much better than living in a broken down car. Good luck!"

"Knocking on your door is the farthest thing from my mind!"

"I guess that's a good thing then! I don't even want you back! You ungrateful, selfish slut!"

AJ stepped up to Dean and slapped him as hard as she could. The smack echoed through the room. A dark red hand print developed on the side of Dean's cheek. He held his face as the stinging increased. This bitch just asked for it. Aj was making her way to the door until Dean blocked her way, shutting the door behind them then pushed AJ into the wall. "You think you can treat me like that and get away with it!" he screamed maniacally, punching a hole in the wall. "Think again sweetheart."

Dean's being was getting taken over by pure rage. All he saw was red that was getting darker and darker. He raised his hand and slapped AJ across the face, which sent her crashing into the coffee table they were next to.

The front door opened and in walked Sharon. "What the hell is going on here!" She took one look at Dean then a sobbing AJ in a pile of glass from the broken table. "What the fuck is wrong with you Dean?! What did you do to her?!" she yelled, dropping her purse to check on AJ.

Dean shook his head. The sight of blood red clearing his mind. He glanced at AJ and realized what he done. "Oh my God. AJ I'm sorry!" he apologized trying to check on her.

Aj flinched away into Sharon's comforting arms. "Get the hell away from her you monster!" Sharon screamed at her son.

"I... I didn't mean to."

AJ stood up and ran out the door in tears. Her sobbs broke Dean's heart. How could he be so stupid to let his anger take over?

"Go to your fucking room right now! My God, you're turning out just like your loser father. I'm not raising no woman abuser!"

"You haven't bothered raising me at all! When was the last time you held me like that! When I was 2?"

"What, now you want my love and affection!? The way I see it you don't deserve anything from me!"

"As if you provided me with anything of actual use!"

"I work my ass off all day and night and you dare talk to me like this! It's my money that puts food on the table! It's my money that buys you clothes! It's my goddamn money that keeps a roof over our heads! All I know is that you owe me your life!"

"And what I do doesn't help you at all? I go out almost every night selling dope to crackheads that could probably kill me if they wanted to but you don't seem to care! That's why you allow me to go out every night and do whatever I want cuz you don't give a flying FUCK about me!"

"Oh don't be such a baby, Dean."

"If being a baby means that I actually want my mother to care and give a rats ass about her only son then yeah whatever I'm the biggest FUCKING baby in the whole universe!"

"I do care about you!"

"No you don't! If you did then you'd try to get me off the streets and live my life like a normal teenager and you'd try to find an actual job that doesn't require you selling your ass to every guy in this shitty city! It's as if you like us being labeled as trash!"

Sharon raised her hand and slapped Dean even harder than what AJ did. Dean cocked his head at his mom, giving her a death stare through his golden locks that had fallen over his eyes.

"Get out of my house and don't think about bringing your ass back here you no good worthless piece of crap!"

"I'm better off on my own anyways! At least I won't have to be dealing with your skanky ass!" With that Dean packed his bags then grabbed his keys and left.

"Now, where am I supposed to go?"


A/N: Ffuuuuuck... What the hell? Dean hits AJ. AJ leaves. Dean gets kicked out. WHAT MORE CAN GO WRONG?! Check out what happens next chapter.

BTW please please comment! I would love to read your thoughts about this chapter. I'd really appreciate it


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