Cursed Magic

By KPOPmissingpart

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ENJOY๐Ÿ™‚ Started: May 2, 2020 Finished: July 14, 2020 More



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By KPOPmissingpart


"Tsk no wonder she's not coming out."
"Hello.I've been waiting for you all to come here.", Aphrodite.
"Tsk..why didn't Hwanhye killed you back then.Your such a big problem.",Charlie said irritated while they are in their position.
"She's an idiot.Thanks to her I can kill you 4 again.",Aphrodite said and attacked them.They fought until their hideout was severely damaged until they go up.
They are at the Europe fighting.
Alpha,Bravo,Charlie,and Delta giving their all because they know that Aphrodite will not play around.
Bravo got hit hard that made him flew away.He landed at a city.People are shock.Bravo got up and flew fast where Aphrodite is.
People are shock and some reported it at the police.The police came and saw the damage.They watch the seen at the cctv that was captured.They reported it into the highest place.
But before that they make the people calm down.
The President of US got the message that fast.So what he did is flew at the Europe with his soldiers quickly.A few minutes the news spreads.

"That shit.I'll kill her.",Bravo said and fasten his speed.
He's their now and they are fighting her still.
"Formation!",Alpha shout and they quickly make a barrier.A strong barrier for her to stop the damaging.
Aphrodite smirk.
Alpha secret make a clone to send a message from IU.
They make more clone to protect the surroundings and to be sure they will make a big and wide barrier around them.50 kilometers wide and the height is 7 kilometers.They take animals and humans out there so that no one will be killed by the damage.
"What a good strategy.",Aphrodite claps.
"You'll know that I'm inside of her right.That means you can't bit me.I have her half soul.You can't bit me!!",Aphrodite attack the barrier.
The barrier shakes.
"Tsk.She gotten stronger or we become weak.",Charlie mumbles.
Aphrodite hit it harder that made them flew from the force.

"Aphrodite stop this.This is not you!!",Alpha shouted while standing up and black flames surrounding.She's getting irritated right now.Bravo,Charlie,and Delta using their half power this time.
"So your going easy on me all this time huh.And here you'll fighting me with your half power?What a ridiculousness.",Aphorodite attack them using all the powers.Luckily Hwanhye trained them using her all powers so that if ever it will happen again they can stop her and she added something at them.And made a thing to stop her if ever they didn't destroy that thing so that they can kill Aphrodite this time.

In the clones place,their are soldiers their pointing a gun at the clones who are focusing at the barrier.
The Captain shouted to surround them.
And they use an eagle camera but it explode.That made them shock.
They contact the US to use the satellite and locate their place.That's the order of the President.
They search for it but what they can see is nothing.A black barrier but the people at the seen they can't see anything.They only can see a people focusing and surrounding in a circle.
"We want to talk to you!",The captain ask shouting but no respond.
'Captain this is Delta team.We are here at the north way.Their are people here too.'
'Captain this is Beta team.We are here at the west.Their are people here too.'
'Captain this is Charlie team at position here in east way.'

'This is your captain don't make any move without my permission.'

"We want to talk to you!We are the military of USA and Europe!!",The captain shout but no respond.

The other just waiting,using their gadgets to know what's happening to them.

They fought and fought again.It was a bloody war.
Then they felt something,a mix feelings.

"What was that?",the dark Aphrodite ask sarcastically when they felt a mix feeling.The four look at each other.They are getting weak while fighting Aphrodite inside Hwanhye's body.They can't kill her no matter what they will do.She's inside Hwanhye's body so she can't die and she's even more powerful when they last fought with her.
"You'll are so weak.I thought you 4 will be stronger but here you are.Panting like a fat human who just exercise in just a seconds.What a shame.",Aphrodite insult them that made Bravo gritted his teeth.
"Calm down.Don't let your guard down.",Alpha said to him and so he did calm.
"This is over Aphrodite.You lose for a long time.",Charlie said and they stand up like the war finished.Aphrodite getting angry and being insult this time.She's on her range this time.A strong wind and a black aura that you feel at Aphrodite.
"We will not kill you as we promise at her.",Delta said that made Aphrodite think then she feels something is burning.Hwanhye's half soul where Aphrodite is.
"Ugh..",Aphrodite holds her heart and spits a blood.
It's Hwanhye's voice.
Aphrodite just tear down without a reason.
She's kneeling at the ground while spitting a blood while crying.
Inside on their soul the real Aphrodite and the real Hwanhye meet.Hwanhye is smiling while Aphrodite is shining at the darkness.She hugs Hwanhye and cried.
"Sorry sorry..",Aphrodite keeps saying sorry.Hwanhye hugs her comfortably.
"No need to sorry it was my fault at the very start.I'm sorry.I need to move on.I want to end this suffering."
"I..I understand but one thing I want to tell you..",they look at each others eyes.
"I love you.",as Aphrodite said that she began to fade.
"I love you too.",they cried and Aphrodite vanished.
Hwanhye kneel down and that time she cried for a long time.She's suffering a pain in her heart but she didn't cry it for long time but now she did.

Hwanhye's body fell down.The 4 run where she is and support her head.
"Hwanhye?Hwanhye!!",Charlie called but she's not waking up.
"Let's go there now.Our barrier vanished and people are coming here.",Alpha said and they teleported at the south pole.They have a hideout their and besides their hideout was destroyed.So one thing they did is destroy it all and buried with a rocks and soils.
They put Hwanhye at the capsule.
Alpha shut the thing she gave at IU.
"Heal yourself.I'll go to where IU and the friends of Hwanhye.",Alpha said.
"No I'll do it.Besides I can heal myself faster.",Delta said.
"Ok just be careful and you know where you can see them.",Alpha said.Delta nods and the sun has raise up.

Delta look around and he's at the room where they are.
They look at him,especially IU.
"Delta!~~",IU stand up and hug him crying.He pats her back softly.
"Are you ok?Are they ok?What about unnie?",IU ask.
"We are ok.Hwanhye is ok.",Delta said calmly.
"Where is she then?",she ask as she look at his eyes.
"Hwanhye..ehmm..she's sleeping..but we don't know when she will wake up.",Delta said sadly.
"What do you mean by that?",Momo ask.
" can I say this.",he whispered.
"Well as you know..but first..thank you for breaking it.It helps her to..move on and forget it...ok well..",Delta can't say a word.
"Please tell us.",they beg.
"Hwanhye..after the damage she her soul..well..ehem..their is a possibility that she will wake up for a long months or years to recover.",Delta said.
Some gasp and froze at their spot.
"Take me there.I..I want to see her.",IU beg.
"But..Alpha..might scold me..Besides they are still recovering and..ehmm we are not at the same hideout.",Delta sadly said.
"Hideout?",Cheayoung the SON ask.
"IU just explain to them.Go back at your home and don't worry..Guys..she will be ok.If ever you will see Hitomi at your class.She's not that,it will be transformed clone.Bye.",Delta teleported back as the room going back to normal.
IU hides her tears.
'Why is this happening.Unnie..wake up.',IU's mind.
After minutes..
"Guys let's forget this for a while.What matters is that she's ok.",Irene cheers up them.She's the oldest in the group so she will make them ok.
"Your right.Guys tomorrow will be the continuation of the school.So..let's have a rest.",Nayeon said.They agree.
"IU unnie..",Jennie call IU.They talk about something and exchange a cellphone number.

Yeji's BDAY and it will be Dahyun's BDAY!~

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