
By Junie_Bee_Jones

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🚨DISCONTINUED🚨 i re-read this book and... well, comparing it to my latest works, it kinda sucks. the story... More

France, Yippee!
First Day of School. Don't Screw Up!
Stoneheart - Part One
The Bubbler
Lady Wifi
Dark Cupid
What A Day
Guitar Villain
I'm sorry, Adrien
The Guardian
The Collector
Riposte - Bonus
The Sapotis
Captain Hardrock
The Queen's Battle Pt 1
The Queen's Battle Pt 2
A/N - Sorry
Anansi... kinda
Party Crasher

Stoneheart - Part Two

557 9 32
By Junie_Bee_Jones

"We will not stop until we find a way to get these people back to their normal selves," Mayor Bourgeois announced, "but for now, we're not making much headway." Good to know, thank you for stating the obvious. 

"Y/N, you shouldn't roll your eyes at this. Supervillains are serious." My mom tells me.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I say back. I look down at my watch, "Ah crap, I gotta go. See ya later mom, tell dad I said hi!" I wave to her and rush out the door grabbing my (morning drink) on the way out.

When I get to school I see Alya and Mari talking. I run up to them about to scare them when Mari starts saying some really sad things.

"Why do you trust Ladybug Alya? All these stone beings..."

"Because Ladybug is a true superhero, I've seen her with my own eyes girl," Alya sees me over Mari's shoulder, "Y/N did too! Ladybug was incredible right?" 

"Huh? Oh yeah, Ladybug was amazing, she was super smart. Her wetsuit water balloon plan was genius. These stone beings could just be a glitch or something, I doubt it was her fault. I believe in her to fix whatever's happening." I say like I'm giving a speech. Mari looks at me awestruck and Alya has those stars in her eyes again. God, they're both so cute. Alya starts walking off and I follow her. Mari looks down at her bag before catching up to us. 

"So you really don't remember anything?" I see a group of people surrounding Ivan.

"You were totally going ballistic, it was so cool." Juleka comments.

"You were seriously out to crush me, dude!" Kim exclaims. Yeah, way to go and make Ivan feel worse about it you idiot. I see Ivan look up to Mylene who is standing a few meters away.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't myself." Ivan apologizes to Kim.

Chloe pipes up, "Once a monster, always a monster." Okay, I'm about to ruin this girl's whole career. Ivan growls and stomps off. "Don't let the door hit cha on the way out!" Chloe calls out. What the hell?

"How could you say that to Ivan? You're the real Stoneheart!" Alya confronts Chloe.

Chloe scoffs, "So I'm the one who broke Sabrina's dad's arm, am I? Just because your footage of those lame superheroes was shown on TV, doesn't mean you have to get so high and mighty." Chloe blows a bubble with her gum in Alya's face. 

"You. Little-" Alya starts. I decide to jump in before things get ugly.

"BITCH!" I finish for her. The jaws of the crowd collectively drop. I ain't afraid to put people in their place. "What satisfaction are you gaining from hurting others like this? Is your ego that fragile that you have to knock others down just to feel higher?"

"Like you're one to talk!" Chloe shouts back. "You think you're soooo special. You're nothing! Nothing compared to me!" She takes a deep breath before continuing. "My daddy is so powerful, I could have you kicked out of France with a simple phone call!"

"PFFFFFT," I can't help but laugh. "Holy fuck!" I continue laughing. God, this girl is ridiculous. "One: I know I'm not special. I have more insecurities than you and your lapdog combined! Two: the way you said 'daddy' is just too good. I can't believe you don't realize how that sounds. And three: your 'daddy' is the mayor of Paris not the Prime Minister of France. He can't do shit to me!" My hands clasp in the 'I had to do it to 'em' position.

Everyone's staring at me like I'm crazy. I mean I am, so... nothing new there. 

Chloe opens her mouth to yell at me but a blond kid addresses her before she can get a word out. "Hey, Chloe!" He greets her cheerfully. We lock eyes and he greets me in an even cheerier tone. I'm about to greet him back when Chloe pushes me out of the way screaming "ADRIKINS!" God, I thought my nickname for Chat Noir was bad. Everyone starts whispering around us.

"Hey, I know him!"

"He's so handsome!"

"You're going to school here?!"

Oh, I didn't know he was famous, I guessed he was rich from when we met. No wonder Chloe holds him on a pedestal, he's rich and famous.

God, everyone is surrounding them. I don't know Adrien that well, but I can see he is uncomfortable. 

"Adrien!" I yell gaining his and Chloe's attention. "Mr. Damocles asked me to take you to him when you arrived."

"I can take him!" Chloe interjects. "He doesn't want a peasant like you to show him around." Really, she's considering herself royalty now?

"Actually Chloe," Adrien addresses her. "I'll meet you in the classroom. I have something to do real quick." Chloe happily obliges his wishes and saunters off with Sabrina. Adrien looks to me, relief flooding from his eyes. "Thanks."

"My pleasure. Now come on, I help you stall as long as possible."

I link my arm with his as we walk to class. Alya joins us and starts talking and talking about Ladybug and Chat Noir. It was honestly very entertaining to hear her opinions. Adrien's cheeks are a bit pink. He must be nervous in a new environment. Mari comes running up to us.

"Hey, guys!"

"Hey, Gurl! Where'd you go? You missed Y/N knocking some sense into Chloe and Adrien showing up." Alya says.

"Oh, I went to find Ivan to cheer him up. I think it worked. I convinced him to tell Mylene how he feels with a love song. I hope she likes it." She says smiling wide. Alya and I return her smile and continue walking. Adrien looks a little confused.

"Hey Y/N," Mari gets my attention. Alya keeps walking, talking Adrien's ears off about the new heroes but Mari and I slow down a smidge. "Wouldn't you want to be a superhero and go out to fight monsters and villains?" She asks.

"I mean, yeah. It would be awesome to help people like that. Why do you ask?" 

"Oh, um, no reason." She says rubbing her head. Oh shit, she has a reason. I don't say anything to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. I hear a clasp open then close quietly. Great, she's hiding something. Now I have to find out what that is. 

Alya is waiting for us outside the door. We walk into class and I see Adrien crouched down at Mari's seat.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Mari asks angrily.

Adrien turns around startled. "Oh, I- Uh-" He was cut short by Chloe and Sabrina laughing. Oh no, what did she do this time?

"Okay, I get it. Good job you three. Very funny." Mari says, clearly annoyed. There's gum on Mari's seat.

"No no! I was just trying to take this off." Adrien tries to defend himself. Oh, dear.

"Oh really? Hmph." Mari turns her back on him and goes to her seat. She places a napkin on the gum. "You're friends with Chloe, right?"

"Why do people keep saying that?" Adrien says. I don't like his vibe, it's not sitting well with me. 

Mari and Alya don't look impressed with him at all. I must say, I am disappointed in him. I thought he was a nice guy. We make eye contact and I shake my head at him sorrowfully. I thought he was better than that. 

He drops his head dejectedly. Nino starts whispering to him, but I pay no attention. Instead, I focus on what Mari and Alya are talking about in front of me. 

"I know I've seen him somewhere before..." Mari wonders aloud. Alya gasps and shows Mari something on her phone. It's a collection of fashion magazines with a famous designer and Adrien modelling on the covers of them.

"Of course! He's the son of my fav fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste!" Mari exclaims.

"Daddy's boy, teen supermodel and Chloe's buddy? Ha! Forget it." Alya says. Jeez, they really are going hard on him.

"Guys, give him a chance. I met him yesterday, he actually seems nice." I try to defend him. I think Adrien noticed because he's looking at me fondly.

"Y/N, why are you defending him? We caught him red-handed putting gum on Mari's seat!" Alya almost yells at me. Yikes, I need to save this.

"Yes, I know I was there, and I'm just as angry as you guys are. All I'm saying is that he's new. Maybe we could give him a chance. If he screws up again, I'll squash him as I do with Chloe." I try saving my ass while defending Adrien.

"You do make a point... But I'm still mad at him." Mari states.

"Completely understandable," I assure her. 

Ms. Bustier walks in and starts doing attendance. 

"Agreste, Adrien?" She calls.

"Present!" Adrien almost yells standing up. Everyone laughs at his harmless mistake. Oh, what a cutie. Even Ms. Bustier gave a slight giggle. 

"Bourgeois, Chloe?"


"Bruel, Ivan?"

"PRESENT!" Ivan, well actually, Stoneheart, bursts through the door. "Mylennneee!" He calls out. He sees Mylene and grabs her. She begs him to let go, but something catches my eye. Instead of running away terrified, Adrien runs out the door determined. Mari and the rest of us rush to the back of the class.

"Why are you doing this?" Mylene squeaks out.


Chloe's scared voice comes out from under her desk, "DAdDy, the MOnstEr is bAck!" 

"YOU!" Stoneheart screams. Chloe shrieks as he grabs her in his other hand. Stoneheart walks to the wall and KICKS IT DOWN! Holy shit this dude's a tank. I can hear Mylene and Chloe's cries for help on the street. Oh no. I look to Mari, hoping she will do something. Alya runs to the giant Stoneheart shaped hole in the wall. 

"Come on! Let's follow him!" Alya calls to us.

"Uh, oh no. You two go, I'm finding myself a safe place to hide." I can't tell if she is serious or if she trying to cover for herself so she can transform. 

"Alya, you go ahead and get some footage for your blog, I'll catch up later," I tell her. Alya nods and runs out the door. 

"Y/N, you should go I don't wanna hold you back," Mari says to me.

Okay, now I'm really confused. "Mari, what are you talking about?" I feel a buzzing in my bag. I open my bag to answer the phone, no doubt my dad, but I find a black box with red designs on it. I glance at Mari, she looks like a deer in headlights. I grab her hand and run to a janitor's closet. I close the door and open the box. A bright red light pops out of it. Mari still looks terrified. A small red flying bug thing appears. So this must be a Kwami. The little thing opens her eyes, her face matches Mari's right now. Cute.

"Hi! I'm Y/N, Mari is right behind you. You must be the Kwami that grants her powers. Yes, Marinette, I know you are Ladybug, I figured it out yesterday. Don't worry I didn't tell Alya or anyone else. Now, why did you sneak your Kwami into my bag?" So plans have changed, I guess I am telling Mari that I know.

"H- how did- did you find out?" Mari stutters. I explain to her the similarities I noticed when she was carrying me yesterday, also because I've known her long enough to recognize her voice and other such dots I connected. "Okay, okay, you caught me. I put Tikki and the earrings in your bag because you would make a much better Ladybug than me. I failed to capture the Akuma yesterday. I can't do this Y/N."

Both me and the Kwami, her name is Tikki I guess, look at Mari in disbelief.

"Remember what I said about Ladybug before class?" I ask her. Mari nods her head. "I meant every word. You are Ladybug and I wouldn't have it any other way. You can do this, I believe in you, Alya believes in you, Tikki believes in you, you just need to believe in yourself." Shit, if I don't get top marks in English this year I will throw hands.

Mari looks at me with stars in her eyes. Mari's eyes shift from sadness to determination. That's what I'm talking about. I do the honours of putting her earrings in for her. I was about to leave her and Tikki so I can make sure Alya is safe when my phone buzzes again. It was a notification from Alya's blog. A live stream pops up of her recording Chat Noir dodging a dozen of Stoneheart's minions. I show the screen to Mari.

"Looks like you've got work do," I smirk. She smirks back. "Make sure you capture the Hakuna Matata this time." I joke.

"It's called an Akuma." Both Mari and Tikki say. Cute.

"Ready Tikki?" Mari asks. Tikki nods. "Tikki spots on! Yeah!" Mari shouts. She does a dance sequence thing and transforms into Ladybug. Now that was cool. "Let's go." She says grabbing me by the waist and slinging us out the window.

A few moments later we're on the street where Chat is fending off the Stonehearts and Alya is recording from behind a tree.

"If you can hear me Ladybug, I could really use some help!" Chat Noir yells. One of the minions throws a car at Alya. Chat Noir sees this and throws his stick to prevent her from being crushed. Unfortunately, this gets him captured. "Let go you rock heads!"

I look at Ladybug, "You get Catdude, I'll help Alya." She nods and runs after her partner. I reach Alya and scooch myself between the wall and car and push with my legs. The car moves just enough to let Alya free.

"Dang, Y/N. You're strong as heck!" She says. I used to play all the school sports back in (hometown), and I went to the gym a lot. Still do.

"Yes, I know, thank you. Now let's follow them, we want your blog to go viral, right?" I smirk at her. She smirks back, grabs my arm and starts dragging me in the direction of Ladybug and Chat Noir. My legs are killing me, the adrenaline from saving Alya wearing off. I can barely run.

We turn the corner to see Chat Noir dangling from a street light and Ladybug holding him up. 

"M'lady, have I ever told you that you turn my world upside-down?" Chat Noir asks her cheekily. Oh boy, this should be good.

"Oh, you're quite the jokester, aren't you?" Ladybug quips back. The Stonehearts roar at the pair, advancing on them quickly. "But your comedic timing needs work! We gotta get outta here!" She jumps up to the roofs of Paris pulling Chat Noir with her. Ladybug effectively jumps over a chimney while Chat Noir does a flip. Could he be any more extra?

I check my phone to see where Ivan is. If I know Mari, she's going to go straight for the Akuma, she's smart enough to know that the minions' power most likely comes from the source. I see Ivan roaring at helicopters on the Eiffel Tower. I show Alya and we sprint all the way there.

When we get there, the police have metal barricades up, as if those will do anything against these giants. Ivan is still yelling at the helicopters like King Kong, he is still holding Chloe and Mylene.

"I demand my daughter's safe return!" Mayor Bourgeois shouts through a megaphone. Bad idea man, you're just going to make Ivan angry.

"YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU'RE WELCOME TO 'ER" Ivan bellows. He then chucks Chloe from the tower to the ground. Oh god. I sprint to go catch her, shit I'm not going to make it in time. Luckily Ladybug does. Phew. Chloe runs to her dad and hugs him tightly.

"We're clear to attack!" Sabrina's dad calls from atop a police car.

"Wait! No, don't attack them. You know it'll only make it worse!" Ladybug warns them.

"I have a new plan, unlike you. Move aside and let the pros do their thing. You already failed once!" He says to Ladybug. Okay, no one talks to her like that.

"HEY!" I shout at the officer, "Do you have any idea how to defeat that thing?"

"Yes, we are going to attack it." He replies.

"Oh, so you're plan is to make it bigger and stronger, therefore, putting more people in danger?" I respond.

"Um, well- Okay listen here kid-" He begins.

"NO! You listen here, Officer. You may be a 'Pro' but you have no idea what you are doing. These two behind me actually know how to defeat Stoneheart. Yesterday was their first time as superheroes and they have learned from their mistakes, unlike YOU! You're going to do the very thing that didn't work yesterday. So stop being a prick and let the SUPERHEROES take care of the SUPERVILLAIN!" I scowl at the officer. I may be a high school student, but let me tell you, this police officer looks positively TERRIFIED of me. Fuck, am I proud of me right now.

Chat Noir, Ladybug and Alya all have stars in their eyes. Shit, I really have an effect on people. Before I can snap them back to reality, Ivan starts coughing violently. Uh oh, that can't be good. With a loud hack, Ivan coughs out a cloud of purple-black butterflies. Those must be Akumas. Ivan falls backwards on the tower while the cloud of butterflies morphs into a face. Eugh, creepy.

"People of Paris, listen carefully," the face speaks, "I am Hawkmoth."

"Hawkmoth?" Ladybug and Chat Noir say in a questioning tone.

"Really? That's the best you could come up with?" I say to myself. I see Chat Noir glance at me trying to hold back a laugh. 

Hawkmoth continues his monologue, "Ladybug, Chat Noir. Give me the ladybug earrings and the cat ring now! You've done enough damage to these innocent people." He finishes.

Ladybug and I look at each other. Right when we make eye contact we burst out laughing.

"HAHAHAAAA!! Oh my God! Good one Moth Man!" I say wheezing. Ladybug regains her composure and starts clapping.

"Nice try Hawkmoth, but we know who the bad guy is. Let's not reverse the roles here. Without you, none of the innocent victims would be transformed into villains. Hawkmoth, no matter how long it takes, we will find you and you will hand us your miraculous!" She finishes, jumping up to the face. I'm still trying to suppress my laughter at how stupid this villain is. Sure he's scary, but he reminds me of Megamind but, like, actually evil. I lean an arm on Chat Noir's shoulder but he pays no mind to me, he's too busy watching Ladybug purify all the Akumas. Chat Noir and everyone else looks starstruck, their mouths catching flies. I'm just standing there with an arm on Chat Noir's shoulder smiling proudly at Ladybug. I knew she could do it.

"Let me make this promise to you," Ladybug proclaims to the audience, "No matter who wants to harm you, Ladybug and Chat Noir will do everything in our power to keep you safe!" She reaches for her yoyo, taps it and punches the air with it. White butterflies explode out of her yoyo. It's a beautiful sight really. 

Everyone starts celebrating but Chat Noir stays still. I don't think he knows I'm using him as an armrest. "Wow," he starts, "Whoever she is beneath that mask, I love that girl."

"Holy shit dude, take her on a date first," I say. Chat Noir jumps at my voice.

"Ah, I uh, I mean um-" 

"Save it Catdude, but seriously though, as incredible as she is, you really should get to know her first before you declare your love for her," I advise. He gives me these hopeful, bright green eyes that I can't help but find familiar. Hmm, probably someone I know, like how Ladybug is Marinette. Chat Noir could be a blond kid I know. Wait...

Shit, this is Adrien. That explains how excited he was yesterday. Dude's been cooped up in his house all his life. I really should be a detective, I'm hella good at this.

I nod behind him and he turns around to see Ladybug trying to get Mylene back. "Go on Casanova, go help her!" I say pushing him in her direction. He gives a laugh and jumps off to save the day. 

I watch from afar next to Alya who is live streaming the whole thing. Chat Noir and Ladybug climb up to the top of the tower ahead of Stoneheart. Ladybug uses her Lucky Charm, I can't see what she gets but I'm assuming it's something useful. Ladybug tosses her yoyo somewhere at Stoneheart. It looks like she pulling. Ah, I see what she's doing. She's going to make Mylene and Ivan kiss so he drops her in surprise. Goodness, those two are so cute together - when Ivan isn't a giant stone monster that is. As predicted, Ivan lets go of Mylene as well as dropping the Akuma I assume. Chat Noir jumps down and hits something up to Ladybug. I see her doing the purifying dance she did a few minutes ago. Yay! They did it! 

Oh, shit, wait. Ladybug lets the Akuma go because Stoneheart turned back into Ivan and now he and Mylene are falling off the tower. Chat Noir uses cataclysm, causing a large rusty spike to shoot out from the tower and catches Ivan. If that didn't look as cool as it did, then I would really be worried about the two boys getting tetanus right now.

Ladybug jumps off the tower and grabs Mylene. She then fires her yoyo back up to catch the Akuma. A parachute shoots from the two girls. Ah, that must've been her Lucky Charm. Now I know that it is safe, I sprint to Ladybug to congratulate her. Ladybug tosses her parachute in the air and shouts "Miraculous Ladybug!" the parachute turns back into a swarm of ladybugs and sweeps the whole city. Miraculously (ha, get it?), everything turns back to normal. All the people who were transformed turned back into themselves, all the damage the Stonehearts did was reversed, even Sabrina's dad's broken arm was healed. This is incredible. Ladybug is incredible. Marinette is incredible.

Wait, why do my legs still hurt. Sabrina's dad looks perfectly fine. He's looking at his arm is awe like there's no pain at all. Why am I still in pain? Eh, I'll worry about that later.

The police start cleaning up all the gear they had sprawled about and everyone starts going home. Ladybug is talking with Mylene and Ivan. She leaves and approaches me and Chat Noir. Ivan is talking, I can't hear him but it must have been really sweet because Mylene hugs him and he blushes. CUUUUUTE!

"Awe they're so made for each other." Ladybug coos.

"Like us-" Chat Noir starts before his ring starts beeping. Ladybug grabs his wrist and points to his ring.

"Uh oh, you see that? Time to split. See you soon Chat Noir." Ladybug waves and swings off on the Effiel Tower. 

"Can't wait, M'lady." He says to himself. Seriously, what is it with this dude and forgetting that I'm right next to him?

"You really need to tone down the lovey-dovey stuff dude. You're gonna creep her out. It's creeping me out just watching." I laugh. He turns surprised at my presence. "Seriously, you need to check your surroundings before saying shit like that. You're lucky it's just me." He looks at me shocked. I can't tell if it's from my whole shpiel or that I swore. Eh, it doesn't matter. 

"I'd better get going, don't want the cat to get outta the bag." He says going back to his silly cat persona. Ha HA, already is! I do finger guns in my head. Why did that happen? No idea. 

"Yeah, see ya 'round Catdude!" I say before leaving to find Alya.

"It's Chat Noir!" He calls out before jumping away with his stick. What a weirdo. I like him.

Skip to school the next day

Alya, Mari and I were walking to school. Alya was complaining about the poor quality video she filmed. Apparently the battle was too far away for her phone to get a clear shot. 

"Don't worry, you'll get another chance to get your scoop," Mari assures her.

"You're right, next target: An exclusive interview with Ladybug!" She announces proudly.

"Ooh, sounds exciting!" Mari cheers.

"Oh wait, even better!" Alya continues, "Finding out who's really under that mask."

"Yeah, good luck with that one." I laugh. Mari glares at me and I stick my tongue out at her. She joins in my laughter. 

We walk in and take our seats. Chloe follows soon after, she and Mari have a glaring contest. I don't know if I should be amused or worried about this. I choose amused and giggle a bit. The pair then turn their glares to me, my giggles morph into laughter at this. God, they're both adorable. Wait, why do I find everyone adorable? Jeez. Wait why do I find Chloe adorable? What the hell is wrong with me?

Adrien walks in and waves to Nino then me. We both wave back smiling. Adrien tries to greet Mari and Alya, but they both give him the cold shoulder. Rude. Adrien looks dejected, poor guy. I walk up to him and ask him if he is alright. 

"Hey dude, you okay?"

"I wanna apologize to Marinette but I don't know what to say to her." He responds.

"Just tell her what really happened, dude," Nino adds.

"What really happened?"

"Chloe actually put the gum on Marinette's chair and Adrien was trying to get it off. That's when you guys walked in," Nino explained. Ah, that makes sense.

"I could tell her for you Adrien, if you want me to," I suggest.

"Would you really? Thanks, Y/N!" He stands up and gives me a hug. Holy shit he's cute. He's like a puppy. Oh, wait sorry, a kitten. I smile at him and walk back to my seat. Alix and I chat about school sports until Ms. Bustier walks in and starts the lesson.

Time skip to the end of the day

I see Mari waiting outside the door. It was raining and she didn't bring an umbrella. I walk up behind her and tap her shoulder.

"Oh, hey Y/N," she greets me.

"Hey. I brought an umbrella, I can walk you to your house if you'd like." I offer.

"Really? Oh thank you Y/N, you're the best!"

"I know," I reply. She giggles and joins me under my umbrella. When we reach the bottom of the stairs I decide I should tell her about Adrien.

"Hey, about Adrien," I start. She immediately looks annoyed. "He didn't put the gum on your chair. Chloe did, he was trying to take it off. Nino was a witness, and I trust him." She looks at me wide-eyed. 

"Oh. I guess I should apologize to him then. I was a jerk towards him today." She looks disappointed in herself at this.

"Yeah. Yeah, you were." I confirm. "But he's a sweet guy. He's also got limited social skills, I have no doubt he'll forgive you." I chuckle when she scowls at me. I can be brutally honest sometimes, at least I give good advice. Mari links her arm with mine for the rest of the walk to her house. I like it, I feel this strong need to protect her. Cute.

We arrive at her house still connected by the arm. She smiles at me, I think I see her blush but I can't be sure. I give her a quick hug before bidding her goodbye. She waves to me as I turn to walk home. Today was a good day. I got Mari and Adrien on good terms, I got all my homework done, I also became the gym teacher's new favourite student (hell yeah, in your face Kim!). I can't wait for tomorrow.

*Quick switch to Mari's POV*

I climb the stairs to my room and flop on my chaise.

"You okay Marinette?" Tikki asks me.

"Yeah, but I think I'm in love with Y/N."


dun dUn DUUUNN!

Sorry, I wanted to switch it up and make so Adrien/Chat like Ladybug, Mari/Ladybug likes Y/N and Y/N is a helpless flirt. All other relationships stay the same. I might make it so Y/N convinces Chat to rethink his rash declaration of love and then Chat/Adrien fall for Y/N. So Mari and Adrien are fighting for Y/N. Tell me what you think!

Hope you enjoyed!!

(Also this thing was 4584 words, so I hope it was worth it)

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