Jeremiah (Slowly Editing)

By theepariah

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RATED R || WARNING: Abundance of mistakes made. Promise to fully edit every chapter when I'm completely done... More

Chapter 01- Asshole
Chapter 02- Sex On legs
Chapter 03- Don't Tempt Me
Chapter 04- Bad Boy
Chapter 05- Boyfriend
Chapter 06- Give In
Chapter 07- The One And Only
Chapter 08- Effected
Chapter 09- Vise Versa
Chapter 11- I Love You
Chapter 12- Gamer
Chapter 13- Double Dates
Chapter 14- Tell Me What You Want
Chapter 15- Double Trouble
Chapter 16- Unanswered Questions
Chapter 17- Expect The Unexpected
Chapter 18- Ignorance Is Bliss
Chapter 19- Nothing Big
Chapter 20- Sexual Fustration
Chapter 21- Replaceable
Chapter 22- Sweet Compliments
Chapter 23- Seduce
Chapter 24- Mistakes
Chapter 25- Daughter In Law
Chapter 26- Guilty As Charged
Chapter 27- Paranoid And Void
Chapter 28- Faults
Chapter 29- Reality Spilts All
Chapter 30- No Hesitation
Chapter 31- What About Sex
Chapter 32- Tease
Chapter 33- Olive Juice
Chapter 34- Tomorrow
Chapter 35- Day After Yesterday
Chapter 36- Today
Chapter 37- Unfinished Business
Chapter 38- Us
Chapter 39- Happiness
Chapter 40- The Beginning

Chapter 10- Au Contraire

1.1K 12 0
By theepariah

(A/N) Hellooooo ladies and gents. How are ya ? :) This chapter is Not edited. By the way Au Contraire is..

au con·traire [ō kòn trér]


on contrary: used to suggest that the opposite is really the case (literary or humorous)

[< French , "to the contrary"]

Any way enjoy..

Clouds gathered in the sky, thunder sounded and suddenly it started to rain. I watched the droplets race each other down the window till it wasn't visible. Drip, drop, plop, drip, drop, plop was the onomatopoeia sound of the rain hitting the windscreen. Staring at the gray clouds I begin to drift into a deep sleep.


I jerk my head from my arms and look around the room. I see a two girls talking taking their books from the desk talking about studying for Mrs. Garson test.

"I'm glad you find your comfort zone in my class room." A voice says.

I turn to the voice and sigh. " Sorry Mrs. Garson. I haven't slept in days."

"Your one of the good students so I'm not as upset. You did miss a review sheet that was being done in class for your quiz your, quiz next week by the way, but I would greatly appreciate it if you do the sheet for homework and hand it to me tomorrow."

I nod my head walking to her. Taking the sheet of paper from Mrs. Garson, I smile and walk toward the door.

"And Destiny." I turn around to her and wait for her to finish.

"Study." She says. I smile at her and walk out the door. The second bell rings and I start to rush to gym.


"Um after this I have AP History." She says smiling.

"A?, I guess that's why they call you guys brains." I say looking around the table.

"Honestly I just focus on my work, Instead of paying attention to all stuff regular teenagers target on." She explains.

"And what do regular teenagers target on." I question.

"Like you know.."

"Nooooo." I say dragging my response.

"Okay well like they worry about other things and by that meaning sexual intercourse, relationships, potheads, getting drunk and stuff like that." Ana says in loathe.

"Ana you know not all teenagers do that stuff. I mean I don't." I tell her defended myself.

"I know, I know but most of them." She says shaking her head. I turn my head to the right and I see Bonnie picking at her food.

I wish we never had that ridiculous argument cause of that egotistical creature, huffing I then turn to Jeremiah. He's laughing with the guys, throwing crumbled paper balls at the table behind them. Immature.

"You like him don't you?" Ana asks.

"What? No. Ew." I quickly respond looking at her.

Ana's deep brown eyes stare at me cautiously. "Liar." Shes speaks aburtly.

"I'm not l-."

"I noticed it too." This girls interrupts me.

"Who ar-."

"See I told you."

I sigh in fustration.

"Okay, okay alittle bit." I admit , shutting one eye and showing how much I meant with my index finger and thumb.

"Baby I'm back!!" A male voice yells.

I twist my head to the sound of the voice. I see a guy heading towards the table where the well known sit at. Looking at the table I see Jeremiah have a huge smirk on his face. He gets up from his seat and walk towards the guy. They slap hands before embacing each in a brotherly hug. I found myself smiling at the way he looked so sentimental.

They let go and saunter back to the table. Jeremiah sits down in his seat but the other guy doesn't. Instead he starts to slap hands with the other boys that are seated. He then stops in front of a girl that is sitting down, chewing her gum briskly. He bends down and pulls her face to his and sticks his toungue down her throat. She instantly responds, slowly getting up placing her hand on his wrist. He pulls back and leaves her hanging. The girl touches her lips and carefully sits down with her eyes wide. Looking back I see him continuing to laugh slapping hands with the guys again, chewing her gum.

"Unbelivable right?" Ana's voice sounds.

"Who is he?" I ask ignoring her question.

"Cameron." she responds.

Oh him. Cameron. I turn back around to the table and analyze him.

Hes quite hot, but not as hot as Jeremiah. His light brown hair is completely all over the place but it suits him. His white shirt fits nicely on his upper body.

I smiled at myself and looked at Jeremiah. Right when I look at him our eyes meet. Slowly a smirk was forming on his face. I winked at him and turned away. Maybe I should stop leading him on.

Na maybe I can play around for awhile.


I constantly looked at the clock waiting desprately for the bell to ring. I taapped my pen looking at the French quiz. I'm going to fail this classs just like I predict in the beggining.

"You all 5 mins." Ms. Bertolette says to the class from her desk.

Shit! I quickly scribble on the blank lines. I take my paper looking at it bemused.

Yep I'm failing.

I give you a 40. My subconscious shrugs.

The bell rings and I scramble to Ms. Bertolette's desk and put the test in her hand and walk quickly grap my stuff from my desk then I head to study hall.

Mmmh I wonder why Jeremiah wasn't in class today.

I walk into the room and and take my seat. Pulling out the review sheet Ms. Garson gave me laying it on the table. I suddenly hear loud laughter coming from the entrance.

"Shes going to have a fucking fit man." Jeremiah sounds. He's laughing by himself? And I thought I needed help.

The laugher gets closer. "Tell me about it." Another voice responds laughing. I guess I'm still the only who needs help.

I shift in my seat to see Jeremiah whiping a fake tear and Cameron holding his stomach.

Jeremiah fixes his eyes on me, walking towards his seat. "Hey babe." He says sitting down. I give him a fake smile and take my gaze back to my homework.

"And Who.Is.This?" Cameron says flirtously sitting down next to Jeremiah.

"This is D-."

"None of your business." I interrrupt Jeremiah, responding to Cameron.

Cameron gives me flirtaous grin. "Feisty isn't she?" Jeremiah smirks looking at me. I give him a small smile and shake my head.

"Don't mean to interrupt- Well acutally I do. Whats your name?" Cameron questions me. I take my gaze off Jeremiah and look at him.

"Or is it beautiful?" Cameron say smiling innocently. I cant help but crack a smile.

"You also have a beautiful smile." He compliments. My smile just grows more on my lips.

"But it would look better wrapped around my penis." He says smirking. My smile instantly disappears, I kick him under the desk and Jeremiah slaps his chest.

Cameron yelps in pain and Jeremiah both look at each other and grin.

"What time is it?" Cameron asks grinning. Well he recovers quick.

"Its 3:14" Jeremiah answers checking his phone. "And when does the bell ring?" Cameron asks again.

"3:32." I respond.

"Thank you."

I gave him a fake small smile and turn my gaze to Jeremiah. He's staring at me amused. I feel him move his feet under the table to mine. Pulling my right foot between his I start fighting back attempting to take it away, but I couldn't because he kept it locked. Jeremiah scoots his chair back bending down to take my foot. He puts my foot on his lap and unlaces my sneakers.

"Stop." I say playfully.

He then takes my sneaker and hands it to Cameron.

"G-give it back." I stutter as Jeremiah moves his hand up and down my leg.

I yank my leg away from Jeremiah's grip and he laughs. I turn towards Cameron to find him chessing.

"Give it back." I say holding out my hand.


I grunt, slapping my palm on my forehead and start stretch over table. Cameron gets ups and says, "I don't have it."

I look towards Jeremiah but hes already across the room holding my shoe.

"Please give it to me." I whine.

"Now?" He says with his eyes lighting up.

"Yes now."

He smirks and throws my sneaker over his shoulder, stalking towards me. He grabs my hips and lifts me up setting me on the table. Going in between my legs smelling my neck. He pulls away and bores his gray eyes to mine.

"Wha- what are you doing?" I asking trailing my eyes down to his hands watching his hands zip down his zipper.

"Giving it to you." He replies innocently.

I turn red knowing exactly what he was thinking. "No, no you know what I meant."

"Of course I did. I just took the opportunity to take it the RIGHT way." He says smirking.

He moves away from me and I pout cause of the chills I got when his warmth left my body. I get off the table heading towards the place where my sneaker was thrown but its not there.

"CAMERON." I groan "May I please have my shoe."

"What's it in for me?" He asks.

"I don't know. What do you want? No don't answer that." I tell him.

"ITS TIME ITS TIME." Jermiah yells from behind.


Cameron walks to Jeremiah avoding me looking at his watch.

"5, 4-" The bell rings interrupting them.

"You guys are la-" I say but interrupted by Cameron's finger stopping me.

"3, 2.."

"Jeremiah Johnson and Cameron Wallce please report to the principles office." A female voice sound on the loud speaker. It sounds like she's was pinching her nose.

They both smirk at each other and start laughing.

"What you guys do ?"

"Stink." Cameron says laughing.

"Bomb." Jeremiah finshes laughing as well.

I shake my head smirking. I walk towards Cameron and try to grab my shoe but he holds it up it the air.

"Stop." I yell.

"I bet you a blowjob that if I ask you out on a date you'll turn me down."

"Shut up and besides I can't do that to my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?!" Cameron and Jeremiah shout.

"Yaaa." I say smirking.

You don't have a boyfriend. My subconscious says rolling her eyes.

Oh but au contraire I do.

Jeremiah walks towards me and lifts my chin up. "You're lying." He says.

"Nooo babe, I do." I tell him smiling. I turn to take my stuff off the table. When I turn back around he squeezing me slightly between the table and him.

I peck him on the lips not waiting a second for him to respond and sway my hips and walk out the door.

"Bye boys." I say winking.

Leaving I hear Camreon say, "Aww man."

I smile to myself and shut the door.

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