Book 2 PDS: Whatever It Takes...

By LadyNoir303

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(Book 2 of the Phantom Dimensional Series) PDS= Phantom Dimensional Series Things went badly for Danny after... More

Author's Note


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By LadyNoir303

Percy's POV
Danny and I were asleep. We slept together though not in a Lovey Dovey way but to just ensure each other that the two of us are still together, but it didn't last long since a guard grabbed us both and dragged us to the throne room where Tartarus was.

We groaned as we got on our knees. Danny was breathing heavily. Tartarus grabbed me by my throat first."You're going to suffer here and I will break you no matter what." Tartarus said."No... you won't." I said trying to get air. He clutched his fingers a little tighter and I grunted not being able to scream. Danny shot an ecto blast at Tartarus and he let me go making me fall to the ground.

There's gotta be a way to escape him... Tartarus took Danny to some chains that hung from the roof in the middle of the room. He hooked Danny up.

"If you insist that I have to start with you." Danny's eyes widen. I tried to get up but I was too weak. When I stood up I would just fall again."Stop!" I shouted. Tartarus looked at me."Don't worry... you'll get your turn." Tartarus said and he started to whip Danny with a weird spikey whip. Danny screams filled the castle.

"Danny!" I tried again to get up but this time Tartarus made the whip wrap around my feet. It burned my flesh."What's on the damn thing!" I shouted."That's my secret." Tartarus said and he pulled the whip back making me fall on my back, hitting my head on the tiles."You will listen to me or else, even if I have to force out the deepest darkest memory straight out of you." Tartarus said. That would probably be the time I had in Tartarus the first time.

Danny looked terrified."What do you want with us!" Danny shouted "I want you to suffer, which you will eventually." Tartarus turned to me. He dragged me by my foot. He threw me to Danny's feet."Percy..." Danny said. He really looked terrified. "Get up!" Tartarus shouted. I tried to but I got dizzy and disoriented.

The moment I was on my feet, he grabbed my wrists and also tied me up like Danny was. I was sending glares at Tartarus as he went back to Danny. Danny eventually started to cough up his blood."Danny!"

"Percy..." Danny said through a grunt. Tartarus was about to do the same with me but then Koios stormed through the door."What!" Tartarus shouted angrily his hair flaming.

"We've done what you asked, sir!" Koios said. Tartarus smirked. He left and went with Koios."I'm going to kill those two." Tartarus said."Please! No! Let them go! You already have us!" I shouted."You're forgetting something. I'm doing this for fun." Tartarus said and he went into a different room.

"NICO!" I shouted. Just when he told me...this shouldn't be happening! Why is this happening! I didn't even get the chance to tell him how I feel...I like you too.

Tartarus came back but his hands was full of blood and his face had blood splatters."Geuss who's blood is on my face and who's blood is on my hands." Hd said."No." Both of us gasped."Noo." Percy said.

Danny's eyes started to glow red from anger."Ohh, scary...not." Tartarus looked at Danny and then whipped him at least twenty five times before Danny's eyes stopped glowing.

"And you? What will you do?" He asked and he raised his whip and brought it down.

Nico's POV
"We've done what you asked, sir!" Koios said and stood in the doorway.  Tartarus then came in with Koios."I'm going to kill those two." I Tartarus say."Please! No! Let them go! You already have us!" I heard Percy shout."You're forgetting something. I'm doing this for fun." Tartarus said and he came in.

"NICO!" Percy shouted. I wanted to scream back Tartarus had my mouth shut clamming it down as hard as he could."Here's what's going to happen. You are not getting out of this, not even if you die. I'm going to hurt you now so badly that you two's blood will be everywhere even on me. You'll stay shut while I'm doing so." He said.

My eyes widen. I glared at him."What is it with kids these days that they have to glare all the time." Tartarus said. He then threw us both at Koios and Hyperion. "Hold their mouths shut." He said and Hyperion's hand covered my mouth. I could barely move my lips.

Tartarus started to whip us with the whip he had. We struggled to get free as Tartarus's whip ripped up our clothes, especially our shirts. It was about to fall off so badly it got ripped. As Tartarus raised his whip, the blood would splatter on his face making him look even scarier than he is, I'll never openly admit it.

Both Jason and I were breathing heavily when he stopped. Tartarus looked impressed. A pool of blood was underneath both of us. He then "washed" his hands with our blood."Throw them in a dungeon but don't let them close to the other two. They must remain forever apart." Tartarus said.

And from there... everything just gotten worse. Tartarus didn't just torture us physically but mentally he did a fine job. He would creep inside our minds and use our deepest and darkest fears against us. Again, I say I would rather deal with Scarecrow but that's not the only memories he used. He also used the happy ones since we won't have those happy thoughts ever again. For me it would be seeing my mother and Bianca again and when I finally kissed Percy.


But at some point both Jason and I just stopped. We didn't know who we are...we were hallow.

At Camp Half-Blood
"Titans!" A demigod shouted when he saw two Titans attacking camp with their own army of monsters."What's happening!" Frank shouted."Those two Titans are attacking the camp! We need to finish them off!" Clarisse shouted getting her battle axe ready.

"Don't mess this up, Hyperion!"

"Shut up and attack the whimps!"

Everyone started to fight the monsters off and it went well at first, but demigods lost their lives getting struck down by monsters.

Sam and Tucker showed no mercy towards any monster in their way. They cut them down really fast.

At some point all the monsters were defeated and it was only he two Titans left."Which two Titans are they?" Leo asked."That's Koios and Hyperion." An Athena kid answered but before the kid could continue to explain more Sam, Tucker, Clarisse, Frank and a few others started to attack the Titans catching them off gaurd.

After the fight
"This is bad." Chiron said as he paced around in the Big House. He summoned Apollo, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Artemis and Hades. When the five gods arrived he and Pholos brought them up to speed onto what happened.

"Titans!" They shouted shocked."Yes, many demigods lost their lives. We're going to need more training." Chiron said."I guess we can make time to train them." Poseidon said."We have too. Without Jason, Percy and Nico the camp put in more danger."

"Hey, our children are also strong!" Aphrodite and Apollo said."You know what I mean! They were the strongest fighters. Children of the Big Three." Hades said."What can we do if the camp gets attacked again?"

"We fight with them!" Apollo said."What?" Artemis asked."Yes. Father's rules is what's killing our children. No keeping in contact with them, Big Three aren't aloud to have kids blah blah. We're Gods! And I say we should fight alongside our children. If this continues then we won't have kids left!" Apollo said.

"I'm in!" Poseidon and Hades said."I'm in too." Aphrodite said."I'll bring my Hunters along if it gets out of hand." Artemis said."I'm in!"

"Then it's settled." Apollo said."Hades?" Poseidon said."What?" Hades asked."Do you think that maybe Tartarus know?" Poseidon started but he didn't want to say it. He didn't even want to think about it.

"If Tartarus even thinks about it... he'll certainly regret it." Hades answered. Hades wasn't the one to ever be the emotional involved one so he didn't know what to do."I hope you're right." Poseidon said.

One Year Later
The five gods started to get nicknamed as the Big Five by the demigods and they didn't mind. It actually sounded cool to them but one day changed all that.

While they were in a meeting discussing their progress with the training, two gods made an appearance at the camp. Honestly the five of them nor the camp didn't expect these two to be making an appearance.

It was Hermes and Hephaestus."What do you two want?" Aphrodite asked."We realized our mistake when we voted off your sons and Zeus's boy. We see that the camp is struggling without them. We came to help you with the training." Hermes said.

"Why should we believe you? How do we know that you're not Dubble Timing us here?" Hades asked."What can we do to prove ourselves?" Hephaestus asked."First off, apologize to the rest of the camp especially our sons's friends. Secondly, you have to come here regularly like we do." Poseidon said crossing his arms.

"What else?" Hermes asked."Not to return to Olympus until Zeus realise what he did was unacceptable." Artemis said."There's more!" Apollo said."And we need you two too actually show that you are against Zeus. Do something against him." Apollo said.

Hephaestus and Hermes stood there for a moment thinking about it."Okay. Fair enough. We accept your terms." Hephaestus said. They went out and the gods watched from the Big House. Hermes and Hephaestus stood in the middle of camp announcing their presence.

The campers glared at them."I, Hermes, Messenger of the Gods, am sorry for my wrong decision of voting for the banishment of Olympus's Heroes. To prove my words, I'm not going to deliver any more messages to Olympus and I will join in on training you youngsters to become stronger!" Hermes said.

They turned their attention to Hephaestus."I, Hephaestus, God of Fire and Forgery, am apologising for my action of voting against Poseidon, Hades, Artemis, Apollo and Aphrodite. To prove my worth, I shall build you beter weapons for defences against the monster attacks and shall not go to Olympus under any circumstances!"

Back to Hermes. The faces of the campers said, 'bitch, can you top that off?' Hermes was quick."I also shall not go to Olympus until Zeus sees his mistake...I swear it." Hermes said.

Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Artemis and Aphrodite went to the crowd. Everyone looked at them, waiting for an answer."Fine. Do one little thing that suggests that you are two timers then we will feed you to Cerberus." Hades said. Hermes and Hephaestus went pale."Yes sir."

Everyone started to go back to their training. Tucker and Leo went to Hephaestus."My sons." He said."Hey, pops." Leo said with a smile."This is Tucker Foley." Leo added."I see, you are friends with that Phantom kid?" He asked." he doing okay? He's been through a lot. My friend, Sam and I are worried." Tucker said.

"Unfortunately I do not know. Since I'm in no possible way connected to Tartarus or his realm, I have no idea." Hephaestus said."Hey, I'm sure he is staying strong for you two." Leo said.

"He thinks we're dead. Before he got captured he saw us and his family getting shot. He doesn't know we are alive."

"How are you alive?" Leo asked getting a little bit defensive."An friend of his saved us." Tucker sighed."That's horrible."

"We still have hope! I know he's still alive."

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