The Truth (ON HOLD)

Oleh Trvp_Qveenx03

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There's some things that you just don't know.... Lebih Banyak

Not An Update
Chapter 13


153 4 8
Oleh Trvp_Qveenx03

Tyrell King

Six hours, 24 minutes and 35 seconds. Ermias Kye King was born 7lbs 4 oz. I never expected it but I couldn't stop the tears that flowed as I sat behind Cat in the pool. She had finished giving birth and I was just staring in amazement at the little human we created.

"He's absolutely handsome look at all that hair" my mom said watching from afar, other than the nurses my mom and both of Cat's mom's were in the room, August had took the kids upstairs to keep them occupied.

"Right... I definitely have no problem with all the heart burn I had" she said giggling. "Hi Ermias, mommy is gonna stop hogging you now and let daddy hold you, yes" I shifted over a bit and took him from her, he was so tiny it didn't make sense but holding him just made everything so much more real and as I held him to my chest I couldn't help but cry.

"Awww, don't go crying now I thought you said you wouldn't" Cat said wiping her eyes.

"I lied, I definitely lied, thank you so much, come here man" I hugged her and kissed her forehead. "You were amazing" 

"No need to thank me, seeing you cry is enough thanks" she said giggling. "Now let me get out of this water mommy pass me a towel and lay one on the floor please" 

"Your never gonna let me live that down are you?"

"Nope and the pictures won't either" I looked down at my son who was sleeping peacefully and this warm feeling took over me, I never thought I could love one person the way I loved this little human and he was just born.

"Okay daddy, we're gonna get baby cleaned up, measured and weighed and then we're going to try and get baby to latch, in the meantime you can go and clean up as well" I nodded and handed him over to the nurse reluctantly and got out of the pool, I knew Cat was probably in the downstairs bathroom so I went upstairs and hopped in the shower. After washing up properly I went in my room and got dressed only slipping on a tank top so that it would make skin to skin contact easier.

"Aye congratulations man" I dapped up August as I got downstairs.

"Thanks man, it somehow feels unreal man" I said watching the nurses take care of Ermias.

"That's how I felt when the twins and Elijah were born" he said smiling watching the kids crowd their mother. 

"Like everything is finally how it's supposed to be?" he nodded as he pulled his phone from his pocket, I decided to go over and watch my lil man eat so he could answer his call.

I couldn't tell right now but he looked like he would probably look like me more but who knows he might look just like his momma. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice the nurse handing me the paper work to fill out and name him until cat nudged me and everyone started laughing. 

"You have to fill out your half of the paperwork and sign" she said smiling. 

"Oh my bad"

"It's fine, it's normal for first time fathers, you probably won't come out of it til he's one" I took the paper and filled out the necessary parts and then took Ermias and patted his back gently, when he burped, he cried a little but I just cradled him into my chest and rocked a bit til he calmed.

"It's okay buddy, your okay" I said softly placing a kiss on his head, he made this little sound and yawned. I could definitely get used to this.

Cathandra 'Cat' Johnson

I didn't think giving birth would have me feeling more energized than tired, maybe it was the fact that I didn't have nurses and doctors constantly prodding and poking me, it was stress free and beautiful, as was meeting my newest little baby. My heart felt like it had grown three sizes the moment I saw his little body being lifted from the water, he was absolutely handsome and I just knew he was gonna be just like his big brothers, judging from how Ty was handling him, he was still slightly in shock but you could already see the love in his eyes.

"Soo he's here now how do you feel?" My mom asked making me smile slightly.

"Great... relieved, content, light... the list goes on honestly" I said bracing my back more against the cushion behind me. "I'm just glad there were no complications and I'm not as tired as I was when I had the twins and Elijah" I said tickling his chin to wake him up, he had fell asleep on my nipple but he had barely ate anything and I needed to make sure my milk was coming in.

"I'm just happy I got to witness this, I wish your sister wasn't so hard headed" I looked at Ty as he rolled his eyes and looked back down at Ermias.

"I don't care what she is she's not coming near my son until she gives Cat an apology, a proper one" I decided to keep my mouth closed on the topic because I wasn't completely family and it was none of my business although I had just given birth to their newest addition I felt as though it wasn't my place but clearly his mother thought different.

"Cat what do you think?"

"I'm sorry but Ermias is Tyrell' baby just as much as he is mine and if Ty doesn't want her meeting him without a proper closure of problems that preexisted then I have to stand by his decision it's really not my choice to begin with" I said shrugging slightly. 

"Exactly if she can't apologize she won't be meeting him show her all the pictures you want" he said with finality, the look on her face proved she was mad but honestly he was right her daughter was disrespectful and I wasn't about to deal with it not now and probably not ever, it's not like her brother and I wanted to pursue anything I just happened to have his baby that was all it was. 

"Hey, uh I gotta step out for a little bit you want me to take the kids or?"

"No that's not necessary they can stay here just bring by some stuff for them" I said fanning him away. 

"Are you sure? I can make this run and come back you know how they are and you just had a baby-" I gave him a look I'd given him multiple times whenever he would start rambling. "Right shutting up now I'm gonna be back with their stuff okay?" I nodded and took Ermias off my nipple putting him on my shoulder and gently pat his back so he could burp before I tried to get him to latch onto the other breast.

"Ty I had bought a breast pump it's in my closet can you go get it for me please? I need to start pumping milk to store away and so that you can do bonding time while you're feed him as well" 

Once he left the room my both my mother's looked at me and smiled I knew those smiles very well they had something to say but I was praying like hell they didn't say it right now because it wasn't exactly the best time to have any sort of conversation I think they were gearing for in front of Ty's mother.

"Well sweetie I'm going to go ahead and head out give you and the new daddy some privacy with the little one I'll call in the morning to check on you guys, great job and I love you" I accepted the forehead kiss from my biological mother and smiled.

"Okay I love you too ma, tell glam-ma bye baby" although he was very much asleep.

"I'll talk to you in the morning as well baby congratulations, get some good rest tonight you hear me Cathandra? I love you"

"I love you too call get the kids so they can say bye you know how they are about grandma" she chuckled and made her way to the kitchen where they were eating before taking their baths for the night.

The silence between Tyrell's mom and I was almost suffocating to me but I was determined to withstand it because this was the woman I would have to practically consider family for the rest of my life, she had to have a real connection with my son and I was going to make sure of it who knows if her daughter apologized then maybe she could have a close connection to Ermias. After a few minutes I heard Ty coming down the stairs carrying the bag with the pump and a rag in his hand.

"Here you go I rinsed the stuff off before bringing it this is just to dry it a bit more before you use it" he said setting everything down in front of me.

"Thank you, pass me the breast feeding cape please" I set up everything before slipping on the cape over my head and attaching the suction pieces to my breasts and turning on the machine. 

It wasn't the most comfortable thing I had to experience but it was well needed I was planning to breastfeed for as long as he would latch and then transition fully to bottles and if need be ween him off of breast feeding if I felt like he was going too far in.

I didn't notice it but in that moment I was falling asleep and I was super greatful Ty was holding the baby because I was definitely about to pass out completely, I checked the bottles that were only at one ounce and glanced over at Ty.

"Hey do me a favor in about five minutes or so check and see if the bottles are full and turn off the machine will you?"

"Yeah I got you, mom you plan on staying the night or are you going home?"

"Oh don't worry I'm going home" she said chuckling while standing up I looked over at Ty because her tone seemed strange but I wasn't about to say anything because it wasn't my place for sure.

"Alright, tell grandma bye lil man" I smiled slightly watching the two of them and when she made her way over them she smiled and looked down at him.

"Bye baby grandma is going to come by tomorrow with some of your gifts you came a little early but that's just fine" she blew him a kiss and then left the living room.

"I'm going to make sure she gets to her car safe and then you ma'am are going to go upstairs and get in that bed up there and get some rest because you know this couch isn't good for your back at all" I chuckled tired and nodded laying back completely.

"Okay since there wasn't much tearing during birth we won't be putting in any stitches but we are leaving you with the perry bottle and the sitz bath you know what do with them, if you have any additional questions you can call or come down to the clinic and someone will see you congratulations Ms. Johnson" 

"Thank you so much, drive safe and I'll see you in a week"

"Yes ma'am and thank you" she left as well and then it hit me my kitchen was way to quiet for there to be four kids in it.

"Why does your face look like that?"

"Did my mom take the kids upstairs?"

"Yes she did it before she left calm down, and let's get you up the stairs"

"I'd feel way more comfortable if you put E in that bouncer before we did that because you're carrying the breast pump"

"Relax I know" I smirked as he put him down and buckled up the bouncer, he was so tiny it was unbearable. I just knew the next few month's were going to be hectic I had gone almost completely incognito so popping back up in about three months was gonna prove to be wild.

August Alsina

"Now that you got what you wanted do you feel better?" I asked pulling my tank top over my head.

"So much better, but where are you going?" I just know you lying right now.

"I gotta take some stuff back to the kids, I told you when I came I wasn't gonna be able to stay I gotta get in the studio tonight" as soon as she started pouting I fought so hard not to roll my eyes. 

"Where are they?"

"At their mother's house their going to be spending the night"

"Oh I'm guessing she had the baby" I glanced over my shoulder at her and nodded.

"Yeah, a little bit before you called we were already there so yeah" 

"Mmm hm" I looked over my shoulder at her and frowned. 

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing at all..." I got up and picked up my jeans off the floor and slipped them on. "I just think it's funny that you never mentioned going over there and then she goes into labor has the baby and-"

"Let me just stop you right there, if you are going to catch an attitude about everything that has to do with her then I don't think you should be meeting her or our children and I don't think I can continue this either, she's my ex- wife we have four kids together we're always gonna be in communication and I don't know how many more times I can tell you the same thing over and over before you get it shawty so I'm gonna go" I pulled my shirt over my head and put on my jacket.

"Wait wait, Aug I'm sorry"

"It's all good sis" I slipped on my shades made sure I had my phone, keys and my wallet and made my way out of there. 

I won't be dealing with an interrogation on everything that has to do with my past Cat and I were and will probably never be on that level again so I don't get why she just can't stop stressing the situation she knew everything, how long we had been together, the shit that we went through well some of what we went through there were some things I won't share with just anyone, and she still insisted on being with me even after I gave her multiple opportunities not to and she didn't walk away but the one thing she was not about to do was stress me the hell out, I was not having that shit at all and I was not about to start now. 

Once I got home I grabbed a bag for each of the kids and packed some of the every day stuff they used while they were with me and made sure I had Elijah's favorite teddy bear before leaving the house. I got back in the car and headed straight over I didn't actually have to go to the studio tonight I mean yes I had some work to do but that didn't mean I had to be in someone's studio when I had built my own, but not everyone knew about it except for of course Cat because she helped design it hell it was her idea after I had went through everything that I went through being sick and everything else that we had going on plus she used it as well to finish her album. 

"Aye, wassup" I dapped up Ty as he took the kids stuff from me.

"Nothing about to head up see if I can knock some work out of the way, they sleeping?"

"No their up in the movie room right now but E and Cat are knocked out upstairs, you can go in, you know where it is right?"

"Yeah, thanks man" 

"No problem, aye question, I wanna introduce Cat to this girl I been seeing recently but I don't know I feel like once I do things might go downhill from there especially now that Ermias is here, it's going to be hectic keeping up with the three of them but I guess what I wanna ask is when do you think it would be a good time to introduce them to one another"

"First thing is she absolutely sure she's cool with the relationship you and Cat have? Does she know how it started, what happened between you two? The big L word" he chuckled and twisted his head in a so so manner.

"I told her how it all started, never told her that I was in love with her didn't know how she would take that, but she said she's cool with the relationship we have, she understands that Cat is the mother of my child and in any case of point they come first at all times" 

"Then find a good day in the schedule do you plan on letting her meet Ermias?"

"Not yet, I was going to wait till he was at least four to six months old before I introduced her to him because I don't want at any point and time he get's confused about who his mother is so to avoid that I'm just going to wait a bit"

"Then don't bring it up to Cat just yet because then she's gonna push to meet her and if you're not ready for her to meet Ermias then it wouldn't be wise, the thing is though is she gonna be good with the wait time?"

"Yeah we talked over that period already"

"Then you should be straight man don't worry about it, if you really like this girl just maintain the bond ya'll have in the meantime, best you can do" he nodded slightly.

"What about you though when are you gonna let her meet the girlfriend"

"Never , she's an ex now, she's too jealous like I explained everything gave her a choice and she still catches an attitude if I spend time with Cat and not tell her, I'm a grown man that's the mother of my children and if us seeing one another for the sole purpose of our kids is an issue then a relationship isn't gonna work out" 

"You sound like Cat, that's the exact same thing she would say" 

"Nah she sounds like me you hear that little accent she got on her" I said making him laugh.

"You right, she does have the little slang in her especially when she gets mad" 

"Why are y'all down here talking about me?" I looked up at the steps and watched her come down.

"Whaaat wasn't nobody talking about you" I chuckled and backed up a little. 

"Yeah whatever you say Ty, sleep seems to think that I don't need it anymore so I'm going to go hang out with my kiddos and leave you two to your little gossip time" she said giggling as she disappeared into the kitchen.

"Why must she always play?"

"That's how she always been, super goofy but she knows when to turn it off" I shrugged. "But as much as she thinks we're gonna stay here and gossip I can't I gotta get my ass in that home studio and finish some work I got to do" I said dapping him up. 

"Alright man, be safe out here" 

"Of course man, see ya later midget!" I called out as I left. As I got to my car I heard the front door open again.

"Hey, wait I wanted to ask you something" I watched her waddle down the steps and couldn't help but chuckle. 


"One, stop calling me that stupid shit we all know I'm short, secondly if your girlfriend has the time in two weeks maybe I can meet her" I sighed and looked off to the side before easing off my car.

"That won't be necessary I broke up with her" I said shrugging.

"What? Why? I was actually looking forward to meeting her" 

"Truth is she was a little bit to jealous for me"

"I mean who wouldn't be your freshly divorced and every girl has had their eye on you practically our whole relationship" she said looking at me confused. "Which reminds me when did you even meet her?" 

"Umm all of that is irrelevant now honestly, plus what she was jealous of made no type of sense it wasn't needed at all and I was growing really tired of the accusations" 

"Oh... okay, well I guess I'll see you Friday?"

"Yeah, I'll call the kids tomorrow at some point, be good and congrats again I'm proud of you shawty" I said giving her a hug. "Now get back inside I'a see you later" I got in my car and waited for her to get inside before leaving and heading home.

-25 minutes later-

"I know, I just know you gotta be playing with me" I mumbled as I pulled in my driveway and saw Jayda standing on my porch, I was in no mood for her or her shenanigans right now.

"Why are you here?" I asked as soon as I stepped out my car.

"I wanted to apologize, I just have some insecurity problems, but you knew that and I guess since you and your ex have so much deep history it was taking a toll on me" 

"And did I not tell you that you had nothing to worry about because me and my ex had already talked about how we were going to move forward and what we wanted? That you had nothing to worry about because we wouldn't be going back down that road again?"

"Yes but come on August you won't even let me call you that one name because that's what she used to call you and then on top of that there's still a boat load of things you won't even tell me"

"Because that part of my life is closed finished, I'm not putting my ex's business out there like that because she wouldn't do that to me, there's just some lines you can't cross, now if you'll please leave I got shit to do" I said walking around her.

"August come on please, can we just give this another chance?" I started racking my mind trying to figure out why she kept pushing and couldn't come up with any logical reasons other than the ones I knew that she thought I didn't.

"No I gave it enough chances and I'm not doing this anymore, sorry Jay I just feel like you don't trust me enough to believe what I gotta tell you so I think it would be best if we didn't continue with the idea of being together" I watched as she wiped the tears falling down her cheek and I almost gave in but I had to remember that I couldn't just jump back on my word I couldn't keep changing my mind.

I had to stick to this, I did the same thing during the divorce I held back an extra three months because I was worried about whether or not it was the right choice almost ended up in the hospital because of how much I was stressing myself out, and because no one knew what was up with me Cat and the entire family ended up staging an intervention to find out what was going on with me I had a whole breakdown trying to explain what I was feeling and why I was feeling that way. That was the day we decided to finalize the divorce, Cat made me realize that even though I had a big heart I had to put myself first even if it meant hurting someone else, the only people I could put before myself were my kids and my niece's of course and she was right, I had to start putting my foot down so I wasn't gonna back track.. just move forward in life.

"You're really ending this?"

"Do you want me to say it in another language because I think you understood the first time, just please... save yourself the drama and leave"

"If you don't say yes, I will expose you and your ex-wife and this fake little front you put up for the public"

"Go ahead but just a warning my ex- wife will destroy you when she finds out you basically ran her business to the media and then you baby girl are gonna be black balled. PLEASE do it and remember your career is still on the ground, a woman who is well respected for her work and heart is always going to have the upper hand remember that one Jayda, besides she's telling the media her damn self but still you don't have the time for a lawsuit and trust me ex-wife or not I'll always stand behind her so you can go right ahead with that plan if you want to but it's not gonna make me give us another try" 

I stepped inside and slammed the door shut on her, I was honestly regretting even getting in with that girl but shit happens and that's just what it is, but if she knows what's good for her she wouldn't even think twice about choosing her career I mean that's the whole reason she wanted us to date she just thought I didn't know it but Aug was far from sleep.  

Took me some time to get this done but I was stuck for a little while and then my back up laptop went bad on me so yeah, I had take my uncles laptop to do this one and I made it as long as I could without feeling like I was dragging it I hope you guys are enjoying this book, until the next update, stay safe, sanitized and prayed up y'all. 

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