My Nest

Von BTSBunny02

898K 31.6K 11.9K

One accident can make the world a much better place and Jungkook is about to find that out for himself and a... Mehr

Chapter One- The Incident
Chapter Two- Awakening
Chapter Three- Guilty
Chapter Four- Rules
Chapter Five - First Blood
Chapter Six - Ham and Cheese Tostie
Chapter Eight - Surprises
Chapter Nine - The Struggles
Chapter Ten - The Little Trip
Chapter Eleven- Healing
Chapter Twelve- Nesting
Chapter Thirteen- The Talk
Chapter Fourteen - New Life
Chapter Fifteenth - He's Dead
Chapter Sixteen - A Crumbled Kookie
Chapter Seventeen - Becoming One's Self Again
Chapter Eighteen - Powers
Chapter Nineteen - Revenge
Chapter Twenty - Red Handed
Chapter Twenty One - Sleeplessness
Chapter Twenty Two- Velveteen Rabbit
Chapter Twenty Three - Breakfast
Chapter Twenty Four - Stuck In The Mud
Chapter Twenty Five - Hide and Seek Tag
Chapter Twenty Six - Picnic and Cuddles
Chapter Twenty Seven - The Nest Began With Us
Chapter Twenty Eight - Preparations
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Hunt
Chapter Thirty - Warning
Chapter Thirty One - Explanations
Chapter Thirty Two - Apologies
Chapter Thirty Three - Park Nest
Chapter Thirty Four - Possesive
Chaptet Thirty Five - Snap
Chapter Thirty Six - Too Much
Chapter Thirty Seven - The Gayageum Man
Chapter Thirty Eight - Scent
Chapter Thirty Nine - Steps
Q and A
Chapter Fourty - Comfort
Chapter Fourty One - Results
Chapter Fourty Two - Life
Chapter Forty-Three - Agust D
Chapter Forty Four - Training
Chapter Forty Five - A New Bond
Chapter Forty Six - Anger and Abandonment
Chapter Forty Seven - It Happens Sometimes
Chapter Forty Eight - Remedies
Chapter Forty Nine - Sorted
Chapter Fifty - Mate Day
Chapter Fifty One - The Process
Chapter Fifty Two - Animal Instincts
Chapter Fifty Three- The Final Processs
Chapter Fifty Four - Jung Hyun-Ki
Chapter Fifty Five - Talking isn't Easy
Chapter Fifty Six - Goodbye
Chapter Fifty Seven - Pain
Chapter Fifty Eight - Something New
Chapter Fifty Nine - Coming Together
Chapter Sixty - Starting To Plan
Chapter Sixty One- Find Me
Chapter Sixty Two - The Planning, The Losing and The Braking
Chaptet Sixty Three - Found You
Chapter Sixty Four - Held Close
Chapter Sixty Five - Let's Go
Chapter Sixty Six - Home Sw-.... Home.
Chapter Sixty Seven - Trying To Cope
Chapter Sixty Eight - Things Get Worse Before They Get Better
Chapter Sixty Nine - We Need To Sort This Out
Chapter Seventy - Healing Takes Time
Chapter Seventy One - Trying
Chapter Seventy Two - Time To Go
Chapter Seventy Three - Clean Up
Chapter Seventy Four - Building
Chapter Seventy Five - Freedom
Chapter Seventy Six- It Doesn't Hurt

Chapter Seven- The Tour

26.4K 657 213
Von BTSBunny02

Small noises were beginning to be herd around him as his consciousness returned to him. He could hear Tae's voice louder than the rest of them which already didn't surprised him since he seemed to be the most energetic out of them all. "Tae, quiet down a little bit, sweetie, you'll wake Kookie up." Jin said from above him so he guessed that his head was on Seokjin's lap.

"Sorry." Tae said, his voice now almost a whisper but still easily herd.

"It was too late anyway, he's already waking up." Namjoon pointed out to the rest. He found reading the thoughts of everyone around him easy but he tried to ignore them to not get a headache. Now, he found it so much easier again to hear their thoughts but he was also able to ignore them easier. He wasn't ignoring Jungkook's though since their littlest mate seemed shy and like he wouldn't tell them anything even if something was wrong so he made it his job to know all of Jungkook's thoughts.

"Hello sleepyhead." Jin said with a smile as Jungkook started to finally sit up with a small smile on his lips.

"H-hi." He said, yawning a little bit and rubbing at his eyes with the sweater paws he'd just made from the sweater he'd been wearing all day. He looked around and noticed that Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok weren't in the room so he guessed they were off doing something, although it was honestly none of his business so he didn't bother asking, he didn't want to pry into their lives and annoy them.

"Jungkookie, I think me, you and Seokjin may need to have a little bit of a talk later, okay?" Namjoon said, trying to not worry the boy about what he just said but making sure that the boy expected it and didn't panic or anything like that when they actually had it.

The kind delivery didn't really have its desired effect because Jungkook gave a very small nod with panic in his eyes. He almost jumped when Seokjin pulled him back into his lap like at dinner. "Namjoon, that's just made him worry more." Seokjin lightly scolded. "Don't worry, Kookie, its just something small. Hyung will tell Namjoon off later for worrying you if you want me to." Jin said, trying to get a smile or laugh out of the timid boy.

Hyung? He'd not really thought of it before but he guessed they were his Hyungs, weren't they? He liked that a lot more than he'd expected to like it. 'Stop it!' Jungkook told himself. He needed to stop reacting so weirdly to everything and he needed to actually respond to what he was hearing people say instead of having an internal monologue of thoughts about every word he herd coming from them. "N-no thank you." Jungkook as he finally register what Jin had asked him.

"If Yoongi isn't hear can I take Kookie on the tour around the nest. I told him earlier that I would." Tae said with a little bit of a pout. He wanted to do something with Jungkook that wasn't the bad memory of turning him into a vampire.

"No, Yoongi hasn't had a chance to spend much time with Jungkook yet so it's only right that he gets to take him. I'm sure you'll be able to help Jungkook with something later." Seokjin said with a smile.

"Ooh! I want to help with that!" Tae said with a bright smile, looking a little bit like an excited puppy in Jungkook's eyes. Taehyung clearly knew whatever it was that Jin was going on about but Jungkook was completely clueless.

"I herd my name, what's up?" Yoongi asked as he came into the room with messy hair. He looked like he just woke up, which he had. "Oh, hello bunny." Yoongi said with a soft smile as he saw that Jungkook was awake. He took him off of Seokjin as he'd never had a chance to cuddle Jungkook like everyone else had.

At this point, Jungkook had pretty much accepted he'd always be in someone's lap but that didn't stop him from blushing from it all. He felt very secure in Yoongi's arms and he really liked it. However, he did wish is body and brain would either just agree to be happy and enjoy this or agree to think it was weird rather than having a constant internal conflict that was honestly quite exhausting for him.

"It doesn't last forever Kookie, you'll get used to it soon, sweetie." Namjoon said. He knew what Jungkook was struggling through, none of them had since they'd been dating before they were turned but that wasn't Jungkook's situation. Still, he had met other vampires in the past in Jungkook's situation before and Seokjin had read about it in medical books, it was important that Jungkook was kept close to at last one of them at all times to speed up the process that was going on for the new vampire. Jungkook would soon stop being bother by his brain disagreeing with everything going on. Instincts would soon take over and he'd start to feel so much happier.

"O-okay." Jungkook said. He wasn't sure if it would be the best thing but he trusted that nothing bad would happen to him while he was with them, nothing bad had happened yet and a lot of good had happened.

"Now, then, how about I show you around?" Yoongi said with a smile, "The sun has just gone down as well so I can show you around the garden first so that you can get some fresh air as well." Yoongi said with a smile as he held Jungkook that little bit closer. He didn't really want to get up and let Jungkook walk but he had to show the boy around and it would do Jungkook some good to get up and stretch his legs in the night time air. "I'll show you Jin's green house and we'll get some fruits." He said as he ran a hand through Jungkook's hair, smiling as the boy leaned into the action without even realise. "How cute." He mumbled and kissed Jungkook's head.

Jungkook blushed and stood up when Yoongi loosened his hold on him. He stretched slightly as he felt pretty cramped up and he wanted to go in the garden like Yoongi had suggested. Plus fresh fruit was always very appealing to him since he used to have it a lot as a kind but hadn't since he moved out of his parents house.

"Let's go then." Yoongi said as he took Jungkook's hand and interlocked their fingers. "I have a feeling your going to love the garden." Yoongi said as they walked out the room together and towards the kitchen where the back door was. "After that I'll show you everyone's room." He told him.

"Won't they be mad if you go into their rooms?" Jungkook asked, a little worried by it. He knew how much some people liked their privacy, he grew up in a house where he had to knock on the door before entering any room because people were always in his house having private business meeting or family gatherings that he couldn't attend.

"I've already asked them and they all agreed that it was fine. Any other time just knock. We'll never say you can't come in but it just nice to not be shocked by someone opening the door rather randomly." Yoongi said as he opened the back door and let Jungkook out first.

Jungkook smiled as he felt the breeze on his face. He closed his eyes and just enjoyed he feeling of being outside before he opened his eyes and looked around him, gasping at what he saw in front of him. "Wow, this is so beautiful." The whole garden, which was extremely big, was well kept and lit up by white fairy lights wrapped around stems and through the branches. It was like an enchanted garden and he was absolutely mesmerised by it.

"Go explore." Yoongi encouraged as he stepped outside himself and closed the door behind him "I'll follow wherever you want to go." He told Jungkook. He had a feeling Jungkook would like to have the chance to just look around the garden rather than be guided around it.

Jungkook nodded with a bright smile. No need to tell him twice. He was very quick to start walking around the garden, no set order or direction, he just went to where felt right or to whatever caught his eye while he was looking at something else. He had always been a pretty big fan of the outdoors, loving to run around and explore as a child when his grandfather would take him for walks or they'd go down to his allotment together and do gardening together. He paused looking at some roses as thoughts of his grandfather returned. He missed him a whole lot still, even if it was many years ago when he past away, his grandfather was the person he'd always been able to turn to with any problems and talk to him about anything. He was also the first person Jungkook had come out to. His grandfather was so supportive and took him to his first pride parade the next year.

Thinking about the amazing man his grandfather was brought tears to his eyes but he quickly shook his head. He wasn't going to think about that right now. He didn't want to, he just wanted to enjoy being in the garden and looking around.

Yoongi hadn't picked up on Jungkook's change of emotion although he had found it odd that he was just standing still and saying nothing. He guesses that maybe the new born vampire was just a fan of roses so be picked on, got rid of the thorns and put it in Jungkook's hair. "Now you somehow look even cuter than before." Yoongi said as he kissed Jungkook's forehead.

Jungkook's hand went up to his hair and gasped lightly as he felt the flower in his hair. Yoongi felt like he had achieved the greatest prize in the world when he saw Jungkook's bunny smile come to his face. "Th-thank you." Jungkook said with a blush as he lowered his hand back down.

"Any time, Bun." Yoongi said as he took Jungkook's hand, "Now let's show you Jin-hyung's room. Well green house but it's his special room." The vampire shifter said. "Each of us get a bedroom each and a special room each that we decorate ourselves and can change any time we want to so it best suits us. Seokjin-hyung has healing magic so for the past five hundred years he's had his special room as a green house to grow any plants and herbs with healing priorities. He also grows all his fruit and veg in there so he doesn't have to worry about animals coming from the woods and eating them." Yoongi explained to him as he opened the green house door and once again let Jungkook walk in first. "Have a look around, I'll get some fruit for you to try." Yoongi said with a smile before just walking off.

Jungkook was a little bit shocked to just be left. He didn't mind, he just was already used to one of the other vampires always being with him so to suddenly be walking around on his own with Yoongi not following him like last time made him feel oddly alone. He shook his head a little and turned back around to look around and see what was in the green house.  He was very careful to not step on anything or touch it because everything seemed so well kept and if it was medicinal herbs then he really didn't want to mess with any of it by accident.

The moon shone in from the east and covered the whole place in a gentle light that was neither too bright nor too dark. It just set the whole place alight perfectly in every way. He started to walk again to see what else was further into the green house but stopped with a small gasp as he saw the moon light shinning in on Yoongi. He knew the man wasn't human but he was starting to believe that he wasn't a vampire either because the beauty that was stood there was some sort of god. The porcelain skin looked almost like marble in this light and the moon beams played in his black and messy hair in a way that just looked to good. 

Jungkook was no idiot, he knew when a person was attractive or not. He knew that his... mates? He wasn't sure he was quite ready to call them that. Anyway, he knew that they were all incredibly attractive, but he hadn't really thought about that until now when he saw Yoongi stood there, bathed in the moon light. There was no way he was going to manage to walk around the house without red cheeks from now on.

"Here, bun, try this." Yoongi said, braking Jungkook from his thoughts by pressing half a cherry to his lips. He'd taken the pip out which is why it was only half of the cherry was there. Jungkook was shocked took the offered half of the cherry, blushing from being hand fed by the man in front of him. Although he was quickly distracted by the delicious taste that was the cherry. It was perfect, the right amount of tangy and sweet at the same time and he could honestly eat them all day. "Good, right?" Yoongi said, loving the blush he'd caused on Jungkook's skin. "Come on, we can walk about a little bit more and then I'll take you to see the other rooms."  Yoongi said as he wrapped an arm around Jungkook's waist. 

Jungkook leaned into him without even being aware of it once again. He just felt so safe, even if his brain still screamed for him to run. He could ignore it for now. Plus Namjoon said that would stop soon and he wanted to believe him.

They walked around the green house for a little bit longer before Yoongi took him back into the house, "I'll show you the rooms, then there are two little surprises I think you might like." Yoongi said.  With that side, they started to walk around the house, Yoongi pointing out anything that Jungkook needed to know but not going into any real detail since it wasn't really necessary. It was just home to him so anything that used to be impressive to him, like seven or so hundred years ago was just his home now. He loved it but it lost its novelty a little bit. However, considering they often added to the house or changed it, he was sure it wouldn't be long until there was some dramatic difference that happened.

"This one is mine. We all have our bedrooms around where your room is but then we have our hobby room." Yoongi said as he opened the door only to reveal a music studio that had all of the latest recording equipment. "I'm not the biggest fan of modern technology, or even modern society, but their music is really good and the equipment is amazing so that's what I switched to this about four years ago. We can change these as often as we want and to anything we want it to be." He explained, "I used to use this as a place to practice martial arts but I've switched to doing that in the woods and there's not really any need for it at the minute unlike a few centuries ago." He explained.

"What happened a few centuries ago?" Jungkook asked he he couldn't just ignore the fact that Yoongi said what he did. He wasn't too worried about it since it was clearly a long time ago but he felt the need to know. 

"Nothing that you need to know just yet." Yoongi said, "I'll tell you in the future after the change ends and your ready to learn." Yoongi said. There was a long process that went with the change and after that they had a lot to learn so Yoongi thought it would be best for Jungkook to just wait and learn at the right time rather than right now, "Let's go see the next room." He said.

Jungkook nodded and left Yoongi's room, blushing as the older man intertwined their fingers and they walked along the corridor a little bit to another door that Yoongi didn't even hesitate to open. Music was playing inside so Yoongi signalled for Jungkook to be very quiet as they walked in. They were greeted with the sight of Hoseok and Jimin dancing to some modern song he often herd on the radio. He was shocked at how good they were, dancing in perfect unison and just flowing around each other like they were made to dance together. He couldn't take his eyes off the sight before him.

"Kookie!" Jimin said with a bright smile as soon as the song ended and he ran over to them wrapping Jungkook up in his arms. The younger of the two nearly fell but Yoongi managed to react quick enough to save him. "What did you think? Did you like it? Can you dance? I bet your an amazing dancer, you did say you like to dance,  you've got the perfect build to be as well, doesn't, Hoseok-Hyung?" Jimin said as he let his excitement take over a little bit.

"I-it was amazing." Jungkook said with a small smile as he nodded his head, "I loved it." He admitted. He didn't bother to answer the dancing question. He'd stopped doing any and all dancing four years ago when he was fifteen because he just didn't have time for it but he used to win competitions and all that up until then. However his results in a few tests had been worse than usual, which was because of stress, but his mother blamed it on dance and banned him from ever going again and he no longer had the money to participate in any dance classes. In fact he guess he couldn't even if he did now he was a vampire and couldn't even go to college.

"I think Kookie would be a grate dancer." Hoseok said as he came over and kissed Yoongi on the lips before kissing Jungkook on the forehead. "We'll have to drag you in her and make you perform for us at some point." He said with a small smirk.

"Well you'll have to do that when he's not mine." Yoongi said with a little smirk as he brought the smallest of them to him, taking him off of Jimin. "Kookie's mine for the rest of the day." He said and was clearly very happy to have the boy for the rest of the day. He was possibly most excited that it also meant he got to hold Jungkook in his arms all night.  He got the best deal out of all of them.

"Can I come?" Jimin wanted to spend more time with Jungkook as well. In truth, they all did but Jimin and Tae normally always got what they wanted so Jimin thought he might as well and try to push his luck. 

It payed off because Yoongi nodded, "If you must, you pest." He said, although it was obvious that he didn't actually mind at all. Who would ever mind Jimin being around them? He would always be welcomed by them all.

Jimin smiled brightly before he turned to Hoseok, "I love you." He said and kissed him on the lips before he left with the other two. He'd of been leaving now anyway as he knew Hoseok was wanting to work on  solo routine at the minute and if he'd stayed in the room he would of just been in the way.

"Where to next?" Jimin asked Yoongi since he wasn't sure what Jungkook had and hadn't seen yet. 

"Namjoon's art gallery." Yoongi said with a small smile. "You seemed to like the pictures around the house so I'm sure you'll love this." Yoongi told Jungkook as he opened the door to Namjoon's mini art gallery. "He doesn't really have a key hobby at the minute so he's made this into a storage room for all of the old art that we have. Seokjin-Hyung's over one thousand years old so we have a lot of art that's built up over the years due to how often we redecorate. Namjooon's a little bit of a history nerd so he wanted them all in here so he could study the way arts changed over the years." Yoongi said. He found it cute how Namjoon would sometimes get obsessed with little things like this but he'd lived longer than about nine tenth of these paintings and drawing so he had very little to learn from any of this.

"They're amazing." Jungkook said as he looked through some of the paintings to see what was there. All the art work was complete to such a high quality that it seemed to be fake. How they had manged to even afford all of these to be made over the years was beyond him. He had seen a lot of sings that his... that these vampires were rich but this definitely prove him to be right. Clearly they'd had a lot of money for a long time. He wasn't judging about that fact, he was just adding to what he knew about them so he could hopefully get his brain to at least stop thinking of them as strangers. Even if he could just get his brain to have some middle ground and agree he was at least safe and with... friends? Yeah, that sounded like the best thing to think of them as for now, his friends, his hyungs.

"Oh, my room now!" Jimin demanded with a bright smile, "Your going to spend a lot of time in my room over the next few weeks, at minimum." Jimin said and grabbed Jungkook's hand, to excited to keep waiting for Jungkook to look through more of the art work.

"I told you he was a pest." Yoongi said as he followed the oldest and youngest Maknae. "He'll probably drag you around with him everywhere whenever he has a chance to do so." Yoongi helpfully warned Jungkook.

"Well you would do the same if you could. You all would so don't act all high and mighty, Hyung." Jimin retorted as he opened the door to his room and brought Jungkook inside of it. "This is my fashion studio. I make clothes for everyone all the time and I make things for companies across the glob." Jimin said very proud of himself. "I'll be making you a full wardrobe of stuff." Jimin said, having already asked Jin if that was okay and since the oldest said it was okay he was absolutely going to make a whole lot for Jungkook. "You'll probably be busy tomorrow but I'll steal you the day after so I can start my designing." Jimin said, very excited.

Jungkook nodded a little bit, kind of overwhelmed by it all but he didn't want to risk saying something that could possibly upset Jimin, like that he didn't need new clothes because he could just get them from back at his old him, upsetting Jimin this morning had been horrible enough to last him the rest of eternity. "O-okay, s-sounds good." He said, feeling very awkward but trying not to show it to the best of his ability.

He started to look through some of Jimin designs, amazed by them. He had some very old fashioned styles, which he guessed was from the era he was born in, but he also had outfits that seemed to be plan for far into the future when human's made more advanced technology.

The last room they went to was Tae's room, where said vampire just happened to be. "Hi guys," He said with a bright smile and stole Jungkook from them, "Hello, bunny." He said as he kissed Jungkook's cheek, "What do you think?" He asked as he showed off his games room to him. It had some old and some very modern games all around was well as the latest consoles and some of the original ones as well, such as the Nintendo Wii that he used to really enjoy not the long ago, however he didn't get to keep it for very long after he accidentally hit the TV with the Wii remote.

"I love it." He said with a smile as he walked further into the room to see everything better. "You literally have every game." Jungkook said with a smile as he saw what games Taehyung had for the X Box One and Play Station 4. 

"Well, yeah, my job is game testing, it so cool, I get most of these for free plus money for any glitches and errors I spot. Naturally I find a lot since I'm a vampire and I see more of them and that means more games for me." Tae said with a smile, "You could help me test the next game I get if you want. Although it is an 18+  horror." Tae warned him.

"I'd love to help. The scarier the better." Jungkook said with a smile as he stood back up from looking at the games. 

"Then it can be your job now to wake Yoongi up." Tae said. It was always hell waking Yoongi up because he was very grouchy when he was woken up so everyone just left him to sleep but if Jungkook liked scary than that was something terrifying that he could try. 

"What's so bad about waking Yoongi-Hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"I think Tae's already used up his Kookie time for today." Yoongi said as he took Jungkook's hand and started to lead him out of the room. Leaving a conflicted Tae who wasn't sure whether he should laugh at Yoongi's reaction or be sad that he jut lost Jungkook, possibly until the next day.

"You know what time it is now?" Yoongi asked him with a smirk as he took Jungkook down to the last of the two room he wanted to show Jungkook.

Jimin was grinning behind him knowing exactly what time it was and he couldn't wait to see Jungkook's reaction. He thought the second room would get the most adorable reaction but the first should be good as well.

"No." Jungkook said with a small shake of his head as he wondered why Yoongi was suddenly asking him that.

"Its surprise time for Kim Jungkook."


4482 words!

Okay, so I originally didn't think I could make the chapter one thousand words nevermind this many. However, I'm happy about it. I don't know if it's something I'll be able to do again but I'll try if you let me know that you prefer king chapters.

So, when I updated two if three days ago, I was at about 90 views and I was so happy about that. I was expecting to say thank you for 100 views in this chapter but I have to say thank you for 188 views! Like wow. Nearly 100 views in two days? I could cry. You guys have made me so happy.

I hope you are all enjoying this fanfiction, please give me any thoughts and feedback you have about it.

I love you all. 💜💜


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