Trust Issues || H2O Delirious...

By DaughterDeHell

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Los Santos. City of thieves. City of Gangs. There is a constant battle to be, Number One. Every gang want... More

A/N || Thank you
A/N || Imagines Book Out!


1K 37 29
By DaughterDeHell

Y/n's POV

I woke up to a sizzling sound and the savory smell of waffles and bacon wafting through the air. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was the next day.

'Must've slept through the night.'

I sit up and stretch well, knowing that was the best sleep I had gotten in months. I turn to the side and see Jon, his arm draped over me and his face peaceful. He was at ease.

I smiled and lifted his arm, quietly pulling myself off the bed and out the door, walking downstairs to see what was happening.

I made my way into the kitchen, expecting one of the girls, but instead, I found Josh and another Sideman, plates among plates of food on the kitchen island and table. "Woah, what's cooking?"

Both men turned upon hearing my voice.

"Y/n! Good morning, we just thought we'd make breakfast, as a thanks for saving us!" Josh said, motioning for me to sit down. I did so as he set a plate of food in front of me.

"You guys really don't have to thank us for anything but, wow, this looks amazing, thank you!" I said, immediately grabbing my fork and digging in.

The other Sideman, which was the shorter dark skinned one, came over and set a cup of tea in front of me. "Our pleasure. I'm Tobi by the way."

I pause my eating and swallow the food before grabbing his hand and shaking it. "Very nice to meet you Tobi, I'm Y/n."

"Nice to meet you as well."

I nodded at him with a warm smile before continuing to eat my breakfast.

Little by little, everyone made their way in and out of the kitchen, some grabbing plates and moving to eat their breakfast in the living room, others staying in the kitchen or going back to their rooms.

I grabbed a plate and a cup of orange juice as I made my way back upstairs and into my room, where Delirious still laid, peacefully sleeping. I set the plate down on the nightstand and sat next to him on the bed.

I smiled softly as his chest slowly lowered and raised with every breath. I reached over and gently ran my fingers up and down his back, then through his hair, causing him to stir slightly before turning to me, still sleepy.

"Good morning." I smiled, leaning forward slightly.

"Good morning indeed." He replies, sitting up and kissing me gently.

We pull apart and I motion to the nightstand. "Josh and Tobi made breakfast, I thought you might want some."

He glances over and his eyes brighten up as he grabs the plate. "And as usual, you are correct."

I giggled and stood up. "I'm gonna brush my teeth and shower real quick."

He hummed in response and I made my way to the bathroom to do my own routine.

After I was finished, I walked out to see Delirious, changed and ready for the day, an empty plate now sitting on the nightstand. I heard him come in and brush his teeth while I was in the shower as well, so we both started to make our way downstairs.

"Ayyyeee there she is!" I heard from Tobi and I looked to see the Sidemen all gathered on the couch, in conversation.

Delirious nodded his head and gave me a peck on the cheek before heading off to find his buddies. I smiled and made my way over, resting my arms against the couch as I looked at them. "Hey guys."

They smiled and Josh grabbed my hand, pulling me around the couch and into the circle.

"Now, lets have proper introductions, shall we?" Josh said, looking between me and the other 6 men.

I smiled and nodded, speaking up first. "Well I'm sure you guys already know from the others, but I'm the Y/n, Alpha of the Pack."

The guys all nodded with smiles before going around the circle. First was the guys who originally called me up into the helicopter, he seemed to be the leader of the group and I already knew his alias. "I'm KSI, but you can call me JJ, or Jide."

Next was the nearly Fitz tall-guy who used to have brown hair with the tips dyed blonde, but it was now a silver. "Well, I'm Miniminter, or Simon." He stuck his hand out for me to shake which I took gladly, offering a small smile.

My attention was then turned to Josh, who I already knew but a thought clicked in my head and without hesitation, I spoke my mind. "Oh! You're the dad of the group!"

The guys all burst out laughing.

After they calmed down, Josh nodded, stroking his beard dramatically. "Ah yes, they call me daddy."

It my turn to giggle as I turned to the next guy. It was the honey blonde with deep blue eyes. "I'm Wroetoshaw, er, Harry."

The next guy had very bushy eyebrows and seemed to be the shortest of the group, however, he was still taller than me. "I'm Vikkstar123, but you can just call me Vik."

The next guy was Tobi so we skipped over him and continued with the last guy, the ginger. "I'm Ethan but if you've heard of me, it would be under the name Behzinga."

I nodded and turned to them, repeating their names and matching their faces. After I had got it down, I smiled widely. "Well it's very nice to meet you all."

"Us? It is an honor to be in the home of such a Queen." Ethan said, bowing dramatically. I laughed. "Well, for now, mi casa es tu casa."

They all said their thank you's and we continued to talk for a while. Letting me get to know the guys and letting them get to know me.

After a while I got up, excusing myself from the conversation and making my way into the kitchen, searching for a certain blue eyed male. My eyes landed on him, sitting on a bar stool, his back towards me as he was in conversation with someone I couldn't see.

I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around him and resting my head on his back. He lifts an arm and pulls me around so I'm at his side now.

"Hey there." He says, chuckling. I giggle as well and look up at him with a childish grin.

"Aww come on, no hug for me?" Says a voice in front of us. I turned to see Squirrel and I smile brightly, giving a small squeal as I jumped on him. "Joe!"

He laughs and wraps his arms around me. "Good to see you too Y/n."

I gave him a final squeeze before pulling away and moving back next to Jon. I missed hanging out with the guys.

"Hey, do you guys wanna go hang out in the basement? Like old times?"

The guys glanced at each other before back at me with large grins. "Of course, lets go."

I smiled and grabbed their arms before ushering them off. "Go on, I'll be there in a minute."

They nodded and walked off. I went to a cupboard and grabbed solo cups, then to our alcohol cabinet and grabbed some a bottle of vodka and a pack of beer.

I walked into the living room, looking for certain people. I spotted the red and grey hoodies on the opposite end of the room.

I smiled and called out. "Oi! Ohmmie! Toonzie! Come here!"

They looked up at me and chuckled, standing up and making their way over. "We're gonna catch up yeah?" Go to the basement."

"Woah, that doesn't sound rapey at all."

I scoffed. "Shut up Luke."

Him and Ohm laughed as Ohm ruffled my hair before they walked off to the basement.

Just one more. I asked around for Mr. Gorillaphant, learning that he was staying in one of the guest rooms.

I walked up the stairs, still holding the cups and alcohol. I knocked on the door and the man himself opened the door. "Y/n! Hey!"

I smiled for what seemed to be the millionth time today. "Hey Rilla! The guys and I are gonna go chill in the basement if you'd like to join us."

He nodded and exited the room, closing the door behind me. "Sounds great."

He smiles and starts making his way downstairs. I nodded and grabbed my phone, texting the twins, who were probably in their room, to come down as well.

I finally made my down to the basement and found the guys all chilling either on the floor or on the couch.

I opened a closet and pulled out a folding table. "What do you guys say to a bit of beer pong?"

"Ooh! I bet I'll whoop your ass!" Toonz said, immediately getting up from his spot on the couch and rushing over to help me set the table up.

I laughed. "You wish!"

The twins came down and sat on the couch, watching everything unfold. We played beer pong for a while, and it was pretty even, 3-2, Delirious and I beating Toonz and Ohm.

We finally called a quits after deciding we've all had a bit too much. Del sat on the couch and I sat on the floor by his feet, resting my arms on his legs and laying my head on my arms.

He stroked my hair softly as we all sat around, talking about everything that's happened since we've been apart. I started to think back to when we first teamed up.

Us capturing Ohm and Bryce and taking them back here. Them helping us get on Evans good side.

"Hey, remember when Moo first opened the door when we went to your place."

The guys chuckled. "Of course, you guys walked in and we all went into defense mode."

The girls and I giggled and I looked up, resting my chin on Dels leg. "Yeah, I remember it like it was yesterday. When we captured two of you guys, we were ecstatic. We were thinking number 1 was within our reach. I remember going to the tower and Ohm immediately taking us straight to your front door."

I glanced at him and he gave me a grin. "I could tell you were a good person, I have a pretty good judge of character if I do say so myself."

Everyone chuckled before I continued. "Yeah, I remember Bryce walking into the hall to get Evan, leaving us with the ticking time bomb that is Wildcat."

The girls and I giggled but the guys were frozen.

"How is Bryce?" I asked, realizing I hadn't seen him since everyone got here.

The guys remained still. Delirious had tensed up and the guys expressions all went stone cold.

I sat straight, looking at all of the guys. "What?"

Ohm sighed, turning away as he responded. "Bryce is gone."

I felt a small gasp escape my mouth.

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" Macey said.

I heard Delirious let out a shaky breath, and I looked at him in shock.

"Where is he?" I asked, turning back to the other guys. Toonz's hands were in fists. Squirrel looked down, fiddling with his fingers and Gorilla remained still, staring at the ground with a blank expression.

Then, Ohm spoke up again.

"I killed him."

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