The Weak RWBY X Malereader

By Wolfinator12

477K 7K 8.7K

The story of a boy, which people only know as the brother of one of the strongest Huntsman, finally making hi... More

Bio / Prologue
Chapter 1: New Friends, new Enemies, old Problems
Chapter 2: Initiation
Chapter 3: Determination
Chapter 4: The bully
Chapter 5: First steps
Chapter 6: Helping a friend
Chapter 7: Back in Beacon / Author problems
Chapter 8: An eventful day
Chapter 9: The Phantom strikes again
Chapter 10: Dance Dance Phantom
Chapter 11: First mission.
Chapter 12: Opposites
Chapter 13: Juniper vs Sobek
Chapter 14: the Breach
Chapter 15: Let the Games begin
Chapter 16: JNPR vs BRNZ
Chapter 17: Strange day
Chapter 18: The Phantoms new Arsenal
Chapter 19: Choices
Chapter 20: Plans
Chapter 21: First steps once again
Chapter 22: Training and new stuff
Chapter 23: An (un)familiar face
Chapter 24: Quoteth the Raven
Chapter 25: Back together.
Chapter 26: New secrets revealed.
Chapter 27: Cinder Falls
Chapter 28: Peace in war
Chapter 29: Date plans
Chapter 30: Date the second.
Chapter 31: Date with the Cat
Chapter 32: Cheering up the Phantom and dating the Dragon
Chapter 33: Achive Men and Hunters
Chapter 34: Y/n doesnt like trains
Chapter 35: Dead?
Chapter 36: Fighting the lack of interest
Chapter 38: What?
Chapter 39: Slaying the Leviathan
Chapter 40: The flying city
Chapter 41: Official
Chapter 42: First big changes
Chapter 43: 'Icecream' they scream
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: The End

Chapter 37: Argus

4.2K 97 123
By Wolfinator12

Phyrra: "Y/N!!" was all Y/n could hear before a red blur tackled him to the ground and his face was covered in thousands of kisses. "I am so so glad you are ok." Phyrra said as she swiped away a few stray tears.

Y/n: "We will have to talk. In privat." The tone was enough for Phyrra to know how serious it was and with her help Y/n got up. "Where are Ren and No-"


Oscar: "EEP!" was all Oscar was able to say as he saw the orange haired girl come running towards him at full speed. Lucky for him tho Y/n reacted and with a strength that suprised even him he caught the projectile that was Nora.

Y/n: "Dont wanna hurt Oscar now do we?" Y/n said trying to play it off as if nothing really happened, but the looks his friends gave him showed that it didnt work.

Nora: "Wow Cap." Nora said with stars in her eyes. "You got really strong..." her smile suddenly turned to a look of horror as she saw the human left hand Y/n now had. "ZOMBIE HAND! ZOMBIE HAND!" she shouted as she tried to wiggle her way out of Y/ns clutches. Phyrra and Ren, who now reached the group too, saw what Nora meant and took a step back.

Y/n: "Like I said, there is something we need to talk about." Y/n said seriously. A while later the group found themselves standing infront of a rather luxurious looking manor. With a deadpan look Y/n turned towards the nervous Phyrra. "A day without someone or something wanting to kill me, just a single day."

Phyrra: "You will be fine, I am there and so are Nora and Yang, we will be able to defend you, so dont worry."

Y/n: "Not really helping..." Phyrra giggled and opened the door. After a few deep breaths Y/n followed her and so did the rest of the group. Right the moment they entered Y/n felt all breath leave his lungs, the inside was beautiful, golden and red decorations, white marble floors, dark wooden doors with the history of Mistral carved into them. "Wow..." Was all Y/n could say and looking at his friends they too thought the same, all except Weiss who probably was used to such decor.

Woman: "Ah welcome back my little spartan." a woman cooed from the top of the stairs.

Phyrra: "MOM!" the girl cried out at her mothers antics.

Nora: "Hi Miss Nikos." Nora shouted while waving.

Woman: "Sweety how often did I tell you to call me Hera? Oh are those the friends you were talking about?" Hera asked as she walked down the stairs. Coming to a halt in front of them she did a small bow. "I welcome you to my home. My name is Hera Nikos."

Y/n: "We are greatful for having us. I am Y/n Jade, your daughters team leader and currently the leader of this merry band of..." Looking at his group he tried to find the right words. "people."

Yang: "HEY!"

Y/n: "I am also your daughters boyfr-" He couldnt finish his sentence as the shorter woman picked him up in a bone crushing hug.

Hera: "It is so nice to finally meet you. Phyrra wrote so much about you. Thank you for taking care of her." the mother happily said.

Ruby: "Ehm... Miss Nikos-"

Hera: "Hera, please call me that."

Ruby: "Ok Hera, I think you should put Y/n down, he had rough couple of days." Y/n let out an oof as he was dropped.

Hera: "I am sorry!" the tone of her voice was almost identical to how Pyrrha sounded when she said the same thing.

Y/n: "No its ok. Glad to meet you. Lets continue with the introductions shall we?"

Hera: "Oh no need, Pyrrha already told me about all of you." She points at Ruby. "Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladona, Weiss Schnee, Oscar Pine and Raven and Qrow Branwen. Although I have to admit I do not know you miss." She said as she pointed at Maria.

Maria: "Maria Calavera, I was in the train cart that these younglings derailed."

Soon the group sat together at a big dinning table with Y/n at its head.

Y/n: "Ok, let me start with the information I owe Hera." Qrow jumped up from his seat.

Qrow: "You cant be serious Hawk, you cant just go around and tell everybody."

Y/n: "Sit down." Qrow hesitated but did as he was ordered. "She has every right to know this, just as we had every right to. Her daughter is in danger, more so than we are."

Hera: "Phyrra?" she looked at her daughter confused at the mention of danger.

Y/n: "Are you familiar with the tale of the four maidens?" Y/n asked.

Hera: "Of course, I read it to Pyrrha when she was young."

Y/n: "Good. It is real. The maidens exist, the wizard exists. Your daughter is the current Fall Maiden and due to that she gained a giant target on her back, a group of people working from the shadows aiming to destroy the kingdoms seeks the maidens to steal their powers. I..." Y/n hesitated. "I am also at fault for having brought your daughter into this dangerous situation. Back at Beacon I joined Ozpin and his circle of defenders, their goal was to fight this shadow group and keeping the kingdoms safe. It wasnt long until I learned about what happened to the last Fall Maiden, she was attacked and fataly injured, with half her powers stolen, the other half needed to be transfered to keep it save and Phyrra was the best choice. With my help Ozpin managed to convince her." Y/n shocked the room as he got up and fell to his knees his head planted on the ground. "I apologize for having done all that, I swear on my life that I will everything to keep your daughter alive."

Hera: "Listen Y/n. I know my little girl better when she knows herself. If what you told me is true, then there is no doubt in my mind that Pyrrha would have agreed even without you convincing her. So raise your head and be proud about what you did. Because I am proud of you." These words echoed in Y/ns mind, he cant remember the last time someone other than his aunt having said these words. 

Ruby: "Yeah Y/n, comeon dont be so hung up about that. Do you see Pyrrha cry about that?"

Y/n: "Yeah yeah I got it, I got it. Just wanted to make sure Hera knows all of this." With a smile Y/n sat back down and continued the briefing. "Now back to what I needed to tell my team. I died." A crash was heard as everyone that was around the table comically fell off of their seats. "I met the Brother Gods, they revived me gave me back my arm, healed my wounds and gave me a mission. I shall end the war between Ozpin, or better Ozma how he is actually called, and Salem, the two of them were once lovers, but after Ozma died and the gods denied Salems request of reviving him, she went mad, led an army against the gods, resulting in the extinction of the first civilisation. The rest of Ozzies story he already told us and is still correct. Back to my mission, the gods gave me the power to control the relics, currently I already absorbed the Relic of Knowledge and she was kind enough to tell me what the other relics can do and how to use them. Problem now is that we need to collect them, learn the names of the beings locked inside of them and find a way to kill and immortal witch. Oh and Ozzies has thrown a tantrum and locked himself in Oscars head not wanting to come out. Questions?"

Nora: "Are there pancakes on the other side?"

Y/n: "I wasnt really on the other side, more like in an empty void , probably a place in between." Y/n answered with a shrugg.

Ren: "What is the plan now?"

Qrow: "Get to Atlas, collect the relic, let Y/n absorb it, find the other relics."

Weiss: "Wont we need the maiden to get the relic?"

Qrow: "The maiden is in Atlas in the HQ."

Y/n: "Wait... Are you stupid?" Raven snorted out a laughter. "You cant be serious." Y/n said while looking at Oscar and Qrow. "You seriously managed to gather 3 out of the 4 maidens right where their relic is? I could understand keeping Amber at Beacon because it was the safest place at the time, I was fine with Raven being in Mistral cause she couldnt know about her relic being there, but you seriously took the maiden to Atlas where her relic is? Did you ever stop to think how idiotic that is?" Y/n ranted.

Weiss: "He has got a point."

Yang: "Wow who knew, Ozpin made a mistake again." she said angrily while crossing her arms.

Oscar looked very uncomfortable at the situation.

Y/n: "That is all for now. Tomorrow we will head to the Atlas Base and take the first Bullhead to Atlas." with that everyone got up and they began to go their own ways. "Oscar if you could stay please." The boy froze before sitting back down.

Oscar: "What can I help you with?" he asked nervously.

Y/n: "You should not feel bad about what Ozpin did, his actions and yours are different. But I would like to talk to him."

Oscar: "I... cant, he locked himself away, I barely feel his presence anymore."

Y/n: "That doesnt matter, I know he is still listening so I am just going to say what I wanted to tell him. Oz, remember how I told you that you should reveal your secrets before we find out on our own? Well you didnt and now see what that did. Half of our group is rather... angry, about the revelations righteously so, you promised to tell us, we swore no more secrets yet you still kept yours. I can imagine what you were thinking, that we would only betray you, like Lionheart." Y/n sighed and rubbed his forehead. "You make my job rather hard. Now I will have to deal with a very depressed Qrow, an angry Yang, a nervous Oscar who feels like he doesnt belong and a rift in my team. Half of them want to keep going the other half feels like they dont want to fight anymore." A moment of awkward silence passes.

Oscar: "And what side are you on?"

Y/n: "The side of not having the luxury of being able to choose." Y/n answered. "I, now then ever before, cant choose to fight or not to fight, I HAVE to fight, for my friends, my loved ones and now for Remnant. The gods gave me this task because they know I can complete it. You are a good lad Oscar and I promise you I will find a way of saving you from becoming Ozma. Go and have fun with the others." Oscar smiled and got up, walking towards the door he turned to look at Y/n.

Oscar: "You will make a great king Y/n and I will gladly follow you." Y/n smiled as he sat back. He thought back about all the things that he has already been through. He remembered the first day at Beacon, the initiation, the fight at the docks. Scene by scene his adventure replayed in his mind.

The sound of something ceramic being placed infront of him shook Y/n our of his stupor. He looked and saw a steaming cup of tea standing there with a smiling Hera now sitting right next to him.

Hera: "I always found a nice warm cup of tea to be rather calming." Y/n smiled and took his cup.

Y/n: "How right you are." He took a sip and savored the taste.

Hera: "Do you believe in destiny?" Hera asked out of the blue. Closing his eyes Y/n took another sip and sighed.

Y/n: "I believe my friends and I arent so sure in what to believe in anymore. If you had asked me a year ago I would have said no, that I dont believe in destiny."

Hera: "And now?"

Y/n: "I worked for an immortal wizard, gained the ability to turn myself into a bird, unlocked parts of my semblance I never believed to be possible. I met people straight out of fairy tales, watched Beacon be destroyed and finally I came face to face with the gods of this planet. And you want to know what all of these things have in common?" Hera looked intrigued. "Every. Single. Person. I have met didnt notice me. The GODS didnt notice me. FATE, does not notice me. I am a phantom in the eyes of destiny." Hera smiled.

Hera: "My husband, may he rest in peace, once told Pyrrha that she will one day meet someone that can break the chains of fate. His semblance allowed him to see things noone else could, it wasnt really futuresight, more like... prophecies. I believe you are that person Pyrrha was fated to meet."

Y/n: "Maybe, who knows." the two had a nice chat until Hera looked at the time and got up.

Hera: "I will tell the staff to prepare dinner for us. Why dont you go have some fun with your friends, I think they are in the entertainment room." Y/n nodded and left to find the mentioned room. Soon he found it and as he entered he saw Blake, Ren, Weiss and Phyrra reading while having small talk, Ruby, Yang, Qrow and Nora were playing a video game and, much to his surprise, Oscar and Raven were chatting while smiling.

Y/n: "Dinner will soon be ready." Y/n said to get everyones attention. Nora smiled and held her scroll out towards Y/n who grabbed it from her and sat down in her seat as she joined Ren. They played, they chatted, they joked and laughed, ignoring what might be waiting for them in the future. A butler soon entered the room.

Butler: "Lady Nikos sent me to inform you about dinner being ready."

Pyrrha: "Thank you Rouge." Pyrrha said with a smile.

The group entered the dinning room and stood in awe at the feast that was prepared for them.

Hera: "Dont hold back please." the mother said and everyone dived in. Once they all were finished they continued chatting.

Hera: "Wait. Y/n did what?"

Nora: "He took a giant Sobeks tail attack to save Renny." Nora said excitedly.

Hera: "And you continued to lead?" Y/n nodded. "Wasnt the pain horrible?"

Y/n: "At the time it was easily the worst pain I have ever felt. But the sound..." Y/n shuddered as he remembered the horrible cracking sounds as his arm was pulverized. "Imagine a Goliath stepping on a ice sculpture." he saw how some of his friends tried to imagine the sound only to shudder themselfs.

Raven: "Has anyone ever told you that you are one tough guy?" Raven asked with a smirk.

Weiss: "Took a high power short range dust bullet point blank, got his arm crushed by a Sobek, impaled by a Nevermore feather, ruptured stomach, which happend twice, and lastly being impaled again but by an Ice Dragon. Am I missing something?" she asked the group.

Raven: "Taking on a group of Apathy on his own?"

Ren: "Flying headfirst into a brick wall?" everyone looked at him and than at the blushing Y/n.

Y/n: "That happened once and only after I just recently got the ability to turn into a bird." he objected as everyone else laughed or giggled. "Yeah yeah laugh it up. We all have done embarrassing things before."

Weiss: "I bet you cant name one embarrassing thing for each of us." Weiss said proudly.

Y/n: "50 Lien say otherwise." Y/n smirked as he used his knowledge of street magic to make it seem like a 50 Lien card appeard in his hand. Weiss hesitated before pulling out a card on her own.

Yang: "Sorry Hawky but I am on Weiss' side." Another 50 Lien card joined Weiss'.

Ruby: "You cant be serious Sis, Y/n could literally have stood next to us when those things happened without us noticing." Blake nodded and the two added their money to the pool.

Pyrrha: "He is good but not that good."

Ren: "I will have to agree with her." More money joined Weiss' side.

Raven: "This is childish." She said with her arms crossed.

Qrow: "Oh you are just scared about loosing. 50 on Hawk."

Raven: "Grrr fine. 50 on the Ice Queen."

Nora: "I am with Cap on this one." 

Oscar: "He just recently met me so it is unlikely that he know something about me." he said shyly while putting the money on Weiss' pile.

Maria: "I must say it feels nice to have this much fun. 50 on the leader."

Hera: "I will stay out of this, but if you want I can keep the money for now." everyone nodded and the two piles were handed to Hera who began to count the money. "300 Lien on each of them." Hera said.

Weiss: "Now lets hear what Y/n has to say." She said with a smug grin.

Y/n: "Ok first Weiss. Back at Beacon you once snuck into your dorm room just to play the fighting game Ruby and Yang bought, which you said you found a waste of money."

Weiss: "And? I was interested in why they were so hellbend on buying it."

Y/n: "You played through the campaigne before buying all prequels and sequels for your scroll." The heiress blushed and shrunk under her teammates stares. "And you even bought a body pillow of your favorite character."

Weiss: "FINE. That is enough."

Y/n: "Now... Ruby." The reaper tensed up before looking at Y/n with puppy eyes, begging him not to say anything. "You once dressed yourself in Yangs clothes, stood in front of a mirror and acted like her, puns and all." Ruby was about to make a mad dash but was grabbed by her older sister.

Yang: "AWWW that is soo cuute." the older sister exclaimed.

Y/n: "Ruby, done, now Yang."

Yang: "You have nothing that hasnt been revealed to the others yet." The brawler said proudly.

Y/n: "How about that time you tried to heat a can of soup back when we were recovering after the Fall?" a blush made its way onto her face. "It took less than five minutes for you to set the kitchen on fire." The laughter of her friends didnt help her embarrassment.

Yang: "Fine, you win."

Y/n: "Nora and Ren are easy too. Ren used to constantly read a book about how to ask a girl out while Nora read the same book but on how to ask boys out. They even used the same book as a decoy." The pair blushed and gave Y/n the win. "If Blake was alone in the dorm she would always play with Zwei, even cuddle with him. Also she loves to play with empty cardboard boxes and with balls of yarn." Another one checked off of the list. "Pyrrha stole a pair of my underpants." And another one. "Qrow may or may not have accidentally shared a night of passion with an actual crow."

Raven: "HAAHAHA seriously?"

Y/n: "In his defense he was very, very drunk." Y/n smiled deviously. "Raven has a bunch of princess dresses she likes to wear if she has enough alone time." Now it was Qrows time to laugh.

Oscar: "Only me and Maria left you cant possibly have something for us."

Y/n: "Maria is banned from all Atlas Airline flights because she brought a small pack of peanuts with her onboard. On the request of giving them up she ate them all before shouting 'You will never take my nuts you damn snow man!' Then she jumped out of the bullhead." All eyes were now on the elderly lady.

Maria: "Not my proudest moment." She said a noticable blush on her face.

Y/n: "And lastly Oscar... you borrowed Ruby weapon and swung it around reciting Spruce Willis only to end up destroying a weapons rack."

Weiss: "Ok how the hell do you know all of that?!" The white haired girl asked angrily.

Y/n: "The relic of knowledge." Y/n gave her a toothy smile. "You never said anything about it having to be my own knowledge. I win."

Nora: "BOOM in your face Ice Queen!"

Hera: "Y/n won the bet. Here are your winnings." she handed Y/n, Ruby, Blake, Nora, Qrow and Maria 100 Lien each.

Weiss: "I will never make a bet with you again." she sighed.

Y/n: "You said that before already."

And that it is for this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it, next chapter the group will go the the Atlas Base in Argus to get a bullhead and head towards Atlas.

Sorry that this chapter is once again a rather boring one. I will try to make the next one a bit more interesting.

I also want to apologize for the time it took me to publish this, I was busy with work and also just recently celebrated my birthday (12th of April) with my family. I had planned to publish this on the day of my birthday AND as a special way of celebrating having survived another year without getting isekai-ed I wanted to publish the first chapter of a fanfic were I (Y/n) got isekai-ed. But that will have to wait.

Feel free to leave a comment below and I hope to see you on the next chapter. Stay healthy.

Wolfy out.

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