The "Accident" [Bokuaka]

By matsukii_

90.6K 1.9K 3.3K

Taking a gigantic break from writing It's a usual day for Akaashi.. But one thing changes everything.. Somet... More

Chapter 1 (lemon) Named that becuz it like pouring lemon into ur eyes
Chapter 2
This ain anything lol
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Smut)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Annoncement!!!! READ THIS
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Q & A
Chapter 24 (Special w/Smut)
Chapter 25
Requests Chapter
Chapter 26

Chapter 22

1K 30 50
By matsukii_

Yo this is late to Bokuaka day. I hope I can get some feedback or anything on this. I sorry this shit is really late.

Their hands slipped into one another, forming a tenacious grip as they intertwined. Warmth emitted to their hands combined together as they walked side by side together.

Akaashi's blank stare stumbled upon the sky, it's dull navy blue taking over as stars were scattered, trickling light throughout the whole sky, a sight that Akaashi truly enjoyed. While Akaashi's eyes had stumbled to the sky, Bokuto's traced over Akaashi's physique, intrigued at how the things in the sky were way older than they could ever depict. It truly fascinated the mind of Akaashi. His eyes lay back, just in time to stumble into a pole.

Oh boi.

Akaashi's nose scrunched up as he clutched his nose ever so gently, Bokuto letting out an audible chuckle. Bokuto patted him on the back comfortingly as, he too, had ran into many poles. Akaashi's eyes lay at the ever so intriguing ground at night, his face now scrunched up in embarrassment.

Akaashi remembered that his mum was still out working for another day or two. He figured Bokuto could come over, so the question flew out of Akaashi's mouth. Bokuto paused but soon after his head followed with a profuse nod, grinning giddily. He practically bounced up down for the whole 15 minute journey. Soon enough, Akaashi had made it to his place.

The modern house consisting of  a black roof while the walls were lathered in a creamy pale yellow. It was a two story that held two balconies, one that glanced over the whole street and the other at the back yard. The front garden was neat and tidy, filled with an abundance of lavender and some sort of vine. The driveway stood empty as the luscious olive green lawn needed to be tended to soon. The tedious white fence loomed over the two, vines slithering along it. The before blooming flowers were tight shut as night had peaked.

Bokuto had overheard that his house had practically had a makeover and so coming inside was going to elude Bokuto in.

Akaashi fumbled with the key to his home as Bokuto directed his attention to the pale white door, stained glass of birds and flowers stood on both sides next to the door, symmetrical. Akaashi shoved open the door as the two entered. The house didn't have anything grand about it but the mere appearance of his house had an effect on Bokuto. He gaped at the pale lavender walls, filled with drawings and photos of the family of what used to be four. At the back-centre of the room were the navy plush carpeted stairs, along with the detailed bars that held up the railing. Two small oak tables sat beside the stairs, holding photos and gifts that started to gather dust.

The left side of the house consisted of the lounge room conjoined with the dining room. The right side contained the  guest bedroom and several other rooms. Upstairs there were two bathrooms, an ensuite, walk in wardrobe, another lounge room and two other bedrooms (I'm not a fucking architect or anything, make up your own layout so it's easier for me. I know I'm an awful author making you go through treacherous things).

It was a bit late and so the two decided upon getting a food delivery of pizza.

"We should get this pizza because it doesn't have any of that on it," Akaashi stated sternly. Bokuto gasped and gawked, "how dare you not want mushroom on your pizza, it'll help you with your muscular and sweet sweet ass," the two froze.
"How dare you associate my ass and mushrooms in the same topic," Akaashi declared.
Bokuto gawked, grasping his shirt as he clutched his heart in pain. The two stood in the middle of the lounge room in silence.

"What about we do half and half, sound fair?" He reasoned, his calm demeanour flowing through him as Bokuto grinned joyously. "You're a genius Akaashi!" He lifted him up, bouncing on the spot with a tenacious grip on the boy. (holy shit I had a mental blank and a stroke trying to figure out how to write the word reasoned).

The two plopped themselves onto the plush cream couch with its abundance of pillows and blankets for the two. Akaashi ordered the pizza as Bokuto selected a movie for the two to watch. (I literally cannot think of any movies so think of one yourself).

Bokuto groaned, leaning towards Akaashi as his head rested on his shoulder as Akaashi's soul left his body, his blank stare fixated on the TV at its awful attempts of creating humour. All it did was create the cheesiest and dry humour the two had ever seen. "Man this is boringggggggg," Akaashi twisted his head to Bokuto.
The two turned in unison towards each other. "You know what is interesting though.." He begun. Akaashi's brow raised questioningly before he responded ," um.. The bite of 87?".

"HOLY SHIT IS THAT THE BITE OF 87," Bokuto literally screeched at the tops of his lungs as his figure stood up abruptly, causing a few pillows to tumble onto the floor. The screen flickered to someone getting bitten by something. Akaashi's face scrunched up at the sudden reaction, not knowing he would actually get the reference. Akaashi waited for him to be seated so they could suffer together.

"You know what is more interesting though.." He paused, "You."

Akaashi's gaze fixated upon Bokuto's masculine figure, approaching him. He crept up over his physique, tugging Akaashi's source of warmth to be replaced. Bokuto hovered over him, smirking with those alluring eyes. Akaashi's gaze traced his physique before falling onto his plump lips in that smirk of his. Bokuto leaned in, approaching the slender physique held in front of him. Heat emitted from him, providing him the warm he ever so yearned for at that desiring moment. Bokuto's breath tickled his lips, his patience becoming short. His tender lips delicately placed onto Akaashi's being put together like a jigsaw puzzle. Their hands intertwined as Bokuto's other hand caressed his cheek. Lips moving in sync in their own rhythm, taking over their lustful minds, all attention focused on their movements.

A warm and wet sensation spread its way across Akaashi's bottom lip, hinting at the obvious for the two. The two pairs of eyes met one another, Akaashi leaving his mouth slightly agape as a tingling sensation of warm and moisture added to the mix in his mouth. Tracing every surface ever so delicately, elegance was not the word to describe such heat nor passion. Pleasurable moans escaped Akaashi's mouth fulfilled with lust along with added groans. Akaashi wrapped himself around his new source of heat, the feeling filling in their desire to be together. The two were left dazed, shallow breaths grasping onto oxygen. Bokuto was left mesmerised and captivated by his exotic beauty. His messy hair, his olive skin perfectly kissed his body, those goddamn dark crystal blue eyes always making a breath escape his mouth every time he saw them. His masculine and slender physique along with his thighs that he was already in between, his sweet sweet ass, oh and his luscious tender lips having lost their innocence a while ago.
Passion filled their movements and desires as they went back to being a hot mess, Akaashi tugging onto Bokuto's hair, grasping, moans and grunts the only sound the two heard.

"Hey I have your order!" The ray of sunshine himself popped up in his red uniform.

Both their heads perked up immediately as they jolted awkwardly, fixing the mess of their appearance. Akaashi coughed in an awkward manner, stiffness evident in his cautious movements as Bokuto sat up, extremely chill until he realised who it was.

"Hey hey hey," Bokuto called out cheerfully, lifting his arms doing so.
Hinata approached the two, a bounce evident in his steps. "Oh hiiiiiiiii Bokuto-San and Akaashi senpai!" He beamed, his cheerful tone reached their ears as he approached with the delivery in hand. Akaashi got up from the couch and awkwardly made his way to Hinata, the required cash in hand. "So what were you guys doing?" He questioned innocently. The response that slipped out of Bokuto's mouth left Akaashi speechless.

"We were having fun," his glance tilted towards the ball of sunshine.

The audacity of some people is frightening... Akaashi frowned at the response. Leaning his arm on the couch, giving him a response, "I mean it was fun right?.. Wasn't it?.." He teased as Akaashi's calm demeanour was now flooded down the drain. A ring of silence lingered in the air, the scent of sweat coated the air lightly around them.

"Oh.. Well can I join in too!" Hinata bounced, nearly causing Akaashi to drop the pizza box before placing it on the modern birch coffee table. Bokuto released a dry chuckle, stifling his laughter. "I mean if you're-" his voice became muffled, cut out by the pillow slowly suffocating him. Akaashi smiled politely as he gestured and led Hinata out the door. The two shared their goodbyes as he watched him enter his delivery car, driving off to who knows where.

Akaashi let out a sigh he hadn't realised he was holding onto as he trudged over to the couch. Bokuto snickered which turned into full on howling as he laughed, lightly bashing the pillows beside him. "Oh you should of seen you're reaction!" He managed to say through his fits of laughter. Akaashi scolded him lightly in a fluster as he started reaching out for the pizza box, both their hands brushed against each other, warmth emitting from both as it sent tingles down their hands. "No homo, wait shit-" Bokuto blurted as he came to his realisation. Akaashi's brow raised along with his grin teasingly,"All the homo Bokuto-San, all the homo.."

Akaashi lifted the lid as he already fawned over the sight of the thing. The scent of tomatoes, sausage, onion, garlic and a variety of other things like herbs filled their noses. (Pizza has sausage in the crust). Akaashi lifted it into his mouth, sinking his teeth in as warmth and flavour erupted through his senses, indulging the meal. He moaned as he kept on eating as his eyes were tight shut, focusing on the flavour he savoured. Bokuto sat there with his eyebrows furrowed, perplexed yet turned on, frowning at himself as he gulped down the pizza. (Meme of lady and all the math equations around her).

The two were on the last slices as Bokuto erupted with speech.

"Hey, you know what we should do," he exclaimed while finishing off his pizza," we should build pillow forts," he finished off. "Bokuto-San, please don't ever eat with your mouth opened and chewing on your food ever again. I nearly lost my appetite from that.." He stated as he gestured, eyes flickering to Bokuto's mouth and then back at Bokuto. "Oh sorry," he apologised, rubbing the back of his neck. "Wanna join me build a pillow fort though?.." His head slowly twisted to Akaashi's, eyes flickering to his as he waited tentatively for his response . Akaashi smiled, a sigh escaping his lips, "yes of course Bokuto.. I will gladly join you build a pillow fort," his eyes lifted off the ground, meeting up with Bokuto's glistening eyes as he grinned giddily.

"Oh OH, where should we build it!" He gushed, his energetic state never leaving him.
"What about in my bedroom?" Akaashi questioned, turning his gaze to Bokuto who looked like he was going to explode with excitement. He nodded profusely as he became excited about seeing his room. Akaashi led the way up the stairs. He went down the hallway a slight bit to the first door on his left. Akaashi twisted the knob slowly, Bokuto staring at it. "Um.. Uh.. How long are you gonna twist that knob for?" Bokuto questioned, looking like he was about to piss himself. "Patience Bokuto-San, this will take a minute," he stifled a wide grin, only displaying his teasing polite smile. Bokuto stared intently until he couldn't deal with it anymore. "AkAaAAAAAGgShiiiiiIIiIi," he whined like the impatient child he was on the inside. Akaashi let out a small chuckle as he pushed open the door, transpiring his room.

Bokuto stared in awe as he took glimpses around the whole room. Akaashi's room had a corner desk at the front wall, along with what was assumed to be a walk in wardrobe beside it. A trash can sat next to the desk aka while some Trashykawa sat in it *cough cough* (no hate on Oikawa though, he just has a suitable nickname for the pun.)

Akaashi's bed sat at the back of the room against the wall along with its dark grey backboard. Two bedside tables sat on either side of the bed. One side having a shelf which was filled with things. Meanwhile next to the walk in wardrobe was a set of drawers. The furthest corner of the room was pretty much empty besides from a few bean bags and pillows hated littered the area. Speaking of soft things, quite unexpectedly there were a bunch of cute plushies on Akaashi's bed, the theme mainly consisting of birds and other animals or creatures. Shelf stood above Akaashi's birch desk with all his medals and trophies that stood proud upon his collection. His room overall had a modern but cutesy and comfortable look to it. His room had that familiar lavender vanilla scent which Bokuto absolutely loved.

"Wait here, I'll grab us a few things to make our fort, ok?" He turned to him before rushing out the door. Bokuto admired the room as he listened to the low sounds of rustling and shuffling before Akaashi popped his head in. He came back in, a bunch of sheets, blankets and pillows in hand that stacked up taller than the make himself.
"Uhhh.. A little help here?.." His barely audible as Bokuto lifted up some of the items consisting in the stack as Akaashi have off an awkward smile. Akaashi's smile was practically contagious, making Bokuto grin as he helped carry the pile into the corner.

"Ok, how are we going to build this!" Bokuto chest puffed out as he looked down at the abundance of items. "I actually have no clue,".

A look of excitement and realisation flowed over to him as he rushed over to Akaashi's desk, snatching the blank piece of paper as he made a diagram. Akaashi waited patiently yet curiously to what he was drawing. Bokuto stuck his tongue in thought until he turned around, holding the paper up proudly with a "Ta-daa!". Akaashi furrowed his brows then turned his gaze to Bokuto. "I apologise Bokuto but that.. That's a god awful representation of a fort, I can barely figure out anything.." He left off as Bokuto's hair slightly flattened.

Akaashi examined the poorly drawn "fort" as he stared at the abundance of pillows?.. Dead bodies?.. War crimes committed in the process of the creation. Yeah he could barely figure out anything. "AgKaAAaAAaAAShiiiiiii," Bokuto whined as he slumped over, his best efforts in drawing gone to waste. "I apologise Bokuto but what about we just make a simple fort, not that, ok?" He bent down to Bokuto's level as he sniffled, nodding.

The two got to work, having to sacrifice a few dining chairs in the making of their creation. (When you manage to lift up three chairs at church to impress the girls- I mean boy in this case *cough cough*). The two struggled to keep the sheets in place covering over the fort and so a bunch of pegs were sacrificed too. The last thing they had to do now was throw in the bean bags and pillows in there and add in the layers of blankets so they lay on a comfortable surface. The two finished off the creation, borrowing some of Akaashi's plushies for it.

A few dining chairs formed a triangle with sheets over the top of them, secluding off the space as pegs were used to hold the sheets in place. Akaashi lifted up the sheet at the front of it that acted as the "entrance door" Bokuto quoted despite it not being a door. Akaashi crawled inside, bean bags sat side by side to each other as an abundance of pillows and plushies were in the far back. Some blankets were used to make the floor surface more comfortable to be on. Blankets were folded in the back corners for later use. Bokuto knocked over Akaashi brutally as he entered, the whole thing nearly making the creation collapse. Bokuto's carelessness had come in once again as Akaashi looked like he was contemplating his existence and having an existential crisis (not the only thing that came in *wink wonk*).

Bokuto laid back against the wall while Akaashi shuffles out of the fort. "Wa-wa- AkAaAaAAaaAaashiiiiiiIii, please don't leave me," Bokuto slumped against the wall, whining like a child. Akaashi sighed ," Bokuto I'm only grabbing my laptop and some other things, I'll be back ok," he smiled directly to Bokuto as he left. He came back a few minutes later, laptop and some snacks on hand. Bokuto grinned from ear to ear once he saw the arrival of Akaashi. The two shared a blanket as Akaashi leaned his head against Bokuto as they watched a movie on his laptop.

Akaashi crawled up onto Bokuto, sitting on his lap. Bokuto welcomed him warmly in his strong embrace. He wrapped his arms around his figure as he did a shut eyed grin. The comfort and warmth of Bokuto was calming and familiar to him but Akaashi let it off as nothing.

Later on Akaashi turned around, wrapping his legs around Bokuto's muscular physique as he lay his head on Bokuto's chest, clutching the cloth of his shirt in his hands. He looked up into Bokuto's eyes, a gentle look of warmth evident as Bokuto leaned in, placing his lips tenderly on Akaashi's affectionately. The two smiled during the kiss, once they pulled away, Bokuto started to smother Akaashi's face in kisses delicately as Akaashi couldn't contain his pure joy at that moment. Akaashi's eyes were squeezed shut as bokuto trailed and traced his whole face in kisses. The boy practically melted into a pool of giddiness on the inside.

The movie ended, a yawn escaping from Akaashi's lips. Bokuto took responsibility, closing the laptop screen and soon after laying him down. He entered the blanket they shared, deciding to sleep too. It was getting late so Bokuto lay beside Akaashi, his arms clutched around his slim figure as the two fell a sleep together, providing each other with the warmth they ever so needed.

I demand u guys to go check out ambr_rse_l or I'll commit several war crimes

Author: Heyyyyyyy, I'm sorry this is extremely late! I go back to school tomorrow but I'm afraid I'm going to miss my alarm because I fucked up my sleep schedule enough to do so. I hope this makes up for that in a way. I was going to insert actual smut but before I knew it, I was at 3000 words. Also I wanna know if I did ok on the couch scene, to me it looks like a jumble of words repeated and stuff but I'm quite happy with it so that's something. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!

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