WARNING || s. stan

By lilyroselilac24

366K 7.4K 1.6K

| Sebastian Stan Social Media | DISCONTINUED UPDATE 8/15/2023: Thank you to all who have read this book, I tr... More

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sixty eight

3.2K 79 5
By lilyroselilac24

The entire living room was full of laughter. The room was decorated with colorful streamers and balloons celebrating the new year. Music was playing softly from the speakers by the television but it was overrun by the sound of the family.

Mason say between her cousins on the plush couch. Wrapped in an oversized sweatshirt and casual leggings, she was the most dressed down of her family. Johnny took that award easily.

"I can't believe what you've done to the house." Teresa Blue said. An older sister to Margo, and probably Mason's favorite aunt. "I mean the paint looks amazing."

"I told her it would." Johnny said. "It's much better than the red."

"I liked the red! You painted it without me knowing!" Margo yelled with a smile.

Mason chuckled at the banter her family found herself in, just as the vibration of her phone was felt in her lap.

"Oh no, it's the boyfriend." Teresa teased as soon as she noticed Mason pull out her phone.

"Shut up." Mason said. Her cheeks tinted red as she stood up. "He's here. And I expect you all to be nice to him."

"I wouldn't dream of not being nice." Eddy, Teresa's husband, said from across the room. His balding head reflected the light from above.

"I hate you guys. I never should have invited him." Mason said. Her bare feet were cold against the marble floor. "I'll be back."

She walked towards the main entrance of the house and stumbled as her mother's dogs tried to follow her out the house. Chuckling at the Great Danes and their immediate need to get outside, she opened the door and let them run into the snow covered yard.

After grabbing a pair of old flip flops from the closet she walked outside. The sun was beginning to set and most of it was hidden behind the pine trees covering the property.

With each step down the long driveway she grew even more excited to see Sebastian. It had been almost a month since she had seen him.

The gate at the end of the driveway was locked but she could the black BMW outside of it. An eruption of butterflies filled her stomach as she pressed the familiar code into the gate. Slowly they started to open as the door to the car opened.

"Hey sexy, can I get your number?" Sebastian asked.

"I don't know. My boyfriends kinda protective, I don't think I can give it out to just anybody." Mason said with a smirk.

Sebastian smiled and walked over to where she stood. "I don't think he'd like you wearing flip flops when it's twenty degrees out."

"Good thing I don't always do what he says." Mason smiled wider.

Sebastian shook his head. "God, I've missed you." His arms wrapped around Mason's slim figure and pressed her against him.

"You smell so good." Mason grunted against his chest. Her eyes were closed right as she inhaled the familiar cologne she missed.

He laughed quietly and leaned away for a second. Using his finger, he titled her head up and kissed her deeply.

"I missed you too." Mason mumbled against his lips. "How was the drive?"

"Long. The flight was worse."

"I bet. I'm just glad you're finally here." Mason said and buried her head in his chest. "It's cold."

"Maybe because you're in flip flops." Sebastian laughed.

"Maybe. Come on, bring your car in so I can close the gate."

Mason waited while he brought the car up and then after closing the gate, she hopped into the passenger seat and directed him towards where the other cars were parked.

Sebastian was too distracted by the house. "Wow, this place is huge."

"Oh, I know." Mason glanced at the house. "I bought it for my mom after I turned eighteen."

"It's beautiful."

"Wait till you see the inside. I've got a whole tour for you lined up. After you meet the family, of course."

"Yeah, about that... how big is your family again?"

"Well my mom is the middle child of eight and nearly all of them are married except my youngest aunt who's only a couple years older than you."

"And they are all here."

"And sixteen cousins. If it makes you feel any better, this is just my mom's side of the family." Mason laughed at his expression. "Don't worry, we don't really talk to my dad's side. Not since he passed away."

"Why not?"

"Um... long story short his first wife tried to take his money after he died and then when I really hit it off in Hollywood my grandmother on that side was suddenly interested and it got messy."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Mason smiled at Sebastian as he shut the car off. "Don't be. I'm so glad you're here!" She leaned across the console and kissed him. "And you grew out your beard I've missed it."

"Oh I know."

"I want a kiss." Mason said.

"If your family wasn't all in there you'd get hell of a lot more than just a kiss."

Mason gasped. "Sebastian!" Then she smiled. "Later." With a wink, she got out of the car and stepped back into the cold air.

One of the dogs started barking and ran over, jumping on Mason. "Jesus." She grunted, trying her best to push the big dog down. "Get down, Melon."

"Melon?" Sebastian asked. The car was off and he was walking around the front of it.

"Natalie went through a watermelon phase when my mom adopted them. The rest of them are around here somewhere."

"How many do you have?" Sebastian asked. The dog was half his height.

"Three. Melon, Kya, and Nigel."


"Ask Johnny. Come on, I can't feel my toes."

"Wait," Sebastian said. He grabbed her arm and kissed her one more time. "Okay, let's go."

Mason blushed and grabbed his hand. "Stop making me blush. Ow, hey, knock it off." She laughed and swatted his hand away from her pinching her ass.

Just as the pushed the door open, Sebastian wrapped his arm around her middle. "You won't be saying that tonight." He whispered.

"Sebastian!" Natalie was suddenly there with the biggest smile on her face. "Happy New Year!"

"Natalie, how are you?" Sebastian said and went to hug the other twin.

"My tights are itchy and I've had to spend all day entertaining my baby cousins." Natalie said. "And I'm hungry."

"Sounds like a typical family holiday."

"Yeah. You have a beard now. I like it better when you don't."

"Hey, Nat." Mason tried not to laugh.

"Right. I apologize."

Sebastian laughed and shook his head. "It's okay."

Finally Mason said, "Come on, let's get this over with."

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