No Regrets, Just LOVE||Cross...

By GuminaLumina

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From sweet and savory to misery and melancholy, a little compendium of short stories about being in love with... More

Cross Fight B-daman x Reader One Shots
Samuru||Shut Up||
Novu||Gentleman JUST Don't Kiss and Tell||
Simon||Boys Be Ambitious||
Kamon||A Day At a Restaurant||
Byakuga||Straight-Faced Boy||
Author's Note
||New year's Changes||
Basara|| Darkness Can Be Your Light||
Mitsuru||MAJI LOVE 1000%||
Riki & Samuru||Mysterious Miracle||
Yuki||Summer Festival||
Author's Note #2
||(Special) Various|| Fiesta
Kamon||Here's your Order, Sir!
Ken||Reminiscing in The Merry-Go-Round||
Yuki||Moon Viewing Recital||AU
Riki||Yesterday Evening||AU
Reggie||R.P.G ~Rocking Playing Games||
||Hiatus Note||
||Guys, I'm still alive||
Kamon||Lost Time Memory||AU
Request||Samuru|| Confession Rehearsal|| AU
Request||Roma||Heart a la Mode
Riki||The Rock City Girl||
Byakuga||Female Structural||
Older!Riki||A Simple Case of 'JEALOUSY'||
Older!Byakuya||On the Wings of Love||
Request||Novu||Ghost Story||
Extra #1: When Author is Jealous!
Request||Simon||Get Over that Darn Fear, Already!!!||
Request||Roma||One Man's Wish||
Riki(Season Special)|| 'Tis The Season To Fall in Love||
Samuru(Season Special)||Remembering You||
This New Year...I Want Him To...
Novu||Duet? More Like Do-Not!||
The Big Comeback
||Can I Have This Dance?||AU
||Can I Have This Dance||AU||2
Asuka||One Day Boyfriend|||
Request||Samuru||Living The Bitter Life||
Request||Basara|| Irresistible||
Like I'm Gonna Lose You||AU||1
Samuru||Butterfly (pt.1)
Go Go Go|| Goodbye Everyone|||

Kaito||Under the Moonlight||

1K 18 1
By GuminaLumina


Edited on 3/16/16

The moon's light was shining through your window. Illuminating your plain bedroom. You looked at a picture of you and Kaito. Tears were falling on your face like a river.

There was a knock on your door. "Hey (y/n). Since it's still early, why don't you go outside and look around or relax?" your mom suggested. You nodded in approval. 

This is your last day at East Block, before your family would move to France. 

You walked around the block you're in and quickly caught a glimpse of a pond. You liked calm landscapes such as this. The leaves of the cherry blossoms swayed in the wind like people dancing without a floor. The moon's light shines through this dark night. You thought this is like a sign hope when you'd move to another country

You sat on the bench near the tree. One tear came out of your eye then followed by a waterfall of tears. You pulled your knees close to your chest to calm down. But didn't stop the tears.

Everybody was saddened by your news. Remembering the memory made you sob even more.

The sound of sobbing echoed through the ears of a nearby boy. This boy is your best friend, ever since you got here. Kaito Samejima. He tilted his head to the side. 'Who's crying right now?' he thought.

After hearing those sobs. Kaito grew curious who is the person. The temptation ceased when he ran toward the sound. There was a figure on the bench. When he looked closer. It was his best friend, (y/n).

He quickly ran up to you and tapped your shoulder. "(y/n), are you alright" his voice laced with concern. You turned your (e/c) eyes to the boy sitting next to you. "Y-y-yes j-just going to m-miss you all" you sobbed. "Hey, hey it's okay" he shushed while you hugged him like it's the end of the world. "W-why is this happening to me, w-w-what did I do to deserve this" you cried harder, burying your face on his shoulder.It doesn't matter if his shirt got wet. The only thing he cares about, is that you'll be alright.

You kept on hugging him while he strokes your (h/l) (h/c) lovingly whispering sweet nothings to you. "(y/n), everybody needs to leave sometimes. Leave everything behind" he said while cupping your face to wipe your tears.

"Leave?!" you shouted in confusion. "Everything has been apart of my life here". He sighed "Everybody understands your condition (y/n). We're happy for you" he reassured. He's right. Everybody was sad, but happy. Happy that you'll have a good life in France. Now with that said, you can't win now.

You just accepted defeat and nodded. "I'm glad you understand (n/n)" he thanked. "Merci, monsieur Kaito" you said, wiping away stray tear tracks.

He looked at you in awe "Wow, since when did you speak French (y/n)". You shot a glare at him "Did you forget I'm going to France, stupid". 

"He, he, he" he scratch his cheek. You just sighed. To get you off the topic that you were leaving, Kaito just talked about the good things in France like the Eiffel Tower, food (especially the macaroons and the baguette. Sorry hetalia reference), and love in the city. You said you wanted to go to the Arc de Triomphe and take a picture to let him see.

While you were talking you remembered a song that you two loved to sing.

"Hey Kaito, remember that song we used to like when we were young" you said. "Yeah, Moonlight by Miyano Mamoru. "Let's sing it before I go home" you suggested enthusiastically. "The last part is our favorite" he reminded you. "Right you first (y/)" he added.

[Hold my hand, let the feelings grow] you sang with so many emotions filling each word.

[Just for now, I'll say goodnight] he followed after, the memories you created with him playing in his mind.

[The moonlight breaks through the darkness] you continued, tears pricking your eyes.

[The light that embraces everything] he hugged you so didn't cry because he was almost  on the verge of crying.

"Will continue to shine on you"  you both sang together.

You flash a warm yet sad smile. He gave you a smile which was different from yours, a genuine smile. The winds blew,releasing loose cherry blossom leaves. The light from the moon reflected on your red bloodshot eyes. To Kaito your red (e/c) orbs resembled like a (favorite jewel).

"Hey, (y/n) before you go. Remember that I'm still here waiting for you" he told you. "Of course, I'll never forget you after what you did" you replied, a bit tired. "Oh and (y/n), bring me souvenirs when you get back" he shot you a playful grin. "Psssh, like I'll forget" you bragged.

"So Kaito, this is good bye" you sighed. "No (y/n), like they said 'until we meet again'" he replied.

You both walked out of the park. It was almost 7 o' clock. "Just enough time to get home" you thought. "Bye Kaito" you said, being bold you kissed him on the cheek and then walked away.

"Bye (y/n)" he whispered, flustered.

When your a mile away from Kaito you whispered to your self

"Je t' aime, Kaito"

After years you haven't forgotten about him. You bought him souvenirs and stuff. And when your mother said your family will go back to Japan you were beyond happy. Now you and your family were almost landing in Japan. You were sleeping when your father woke you up. "Honey, look were in Japan" you looked out the planes window. You smiled 'Almost there Kaito'.

Who knows maybe you'll meet each other again


This is the longest one shot I've ever made(Edited 3/16/16, not anymore ahaha!). hope you like this one. The song is by Ichinose Tokiya's voice actor Miyano Mamoru *claps*. It's a freaking nice NO a mind blowing song. His voice is like an angel. Anyway here's a Kaito one and I was watching Tokyo ghoul while writing. I think I'm having a hangover now okay bye!

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Plot belongs to Me

B-Daman Characters are not mine

You belong to Kaito  :3

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